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'Employment At Will' Doctrine In SC

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:45 pm
by Wade Hampton III
Wade says, "...and probably where you live as well."

Scott McNulty inquires.....

When fired, should you sign the paperwork?


And when you refuse, they’ll ask you to initial on it in some way that
you have declined it or refused to sign it. Don’t do that either.
They’ll end up treating that as a signature. If it ever has to be
produced in court (unlikely, but you never know) then they can’t
prove you ever saw it. And if you are shown it and not given a
chance to run it by a lawyer, as far as I’m concerned you haven’t
seen it. Because you haven’t been given a chance to comprehend it
and agree or disagree to the implications. They can’t make you sign
it. They can’t make you initial it. They’re firing you either way.
They will probably have one of them sign it and the other witness
it indicating that they showed it to you but that doesn’t mean much.

Nobody in that room is your friend at that moment and nobody there
is interested in doing anyone a favor that doesn’t help the Company.
You are no longer a member of the tribe. They have severed the
relationship they had with you that obligates you to assisting
them with anything. You will get your stuff and go. Everyone
around you is now a member of a hostile tribe and you need to

Wade comments, "The Employer says you can quit under the Doctrine
as well. is what he have...a 'Mexican Standoff,' although
I am not quite sure of the origins of such... Wage earners are
one step above slavery....unlike slaves, you can always quit, but
how are you going to pay the grocery and essentials? Inquiring
minds want to know!"
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