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The Homicide Hunter

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:11 pm
by PhuBai68
I've become addicted to The Homicide Hunter for a couple years now.
I have the DVR set to record the episodes as they come up.
Anyone watching the show, unless they are completely brain dead, would have to notice the totally disproportionate amount of blacks committing the crimes.
Another thing are the amount of mud sharks - absolutely UNREAL!
We're NOT talking about today, a lot of these murders Kenda has solved go back into the 1980's and 1990's.
This is Colorado Springs with three military bases in or near this city so IDK "if" the high rate of "coal burners" are because of the high rate of Negroes in the military (Army 21.5% black - Fort Carson is in Colorado Springs) so the local pick-up nightclubs are most likely teeming with black military males on the prowl.
I highly recommend this series, if for nothing else but to refresh your realization of how quickly blacks resort to violence.
DirecTV 285. ... joe-kenda/

Re: The Homicide Hunter

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:12 am
by Will Williams
PhuBai68 wrote:I've become addicted to The Homicide Hunter for a couple years now.
I have the DVR set to record the episodes as they come up.
Anyone watching the show, unless they are completely brain dead, would have to notice the totally disproportionate amount of blacks committing the crimes.
Another thing are the amount of mud sharks - absolutely UNREAL!
We're NOT talking about today, a lot of these murders Kenda has solved go back into the 1980's and 1990's.
This is Colorado Springs with three military bases in or near this city so IDK "if" the high rate of "coal burners" are because of the high rate of Negroes in the military (Army 21.5% black - Fort Carson is in Colorado Springs) so the local pick-up nightclubs are most likely teeming with black military males on the prowl.
I highly recommend this series, if for nothing else but to refresh your realization of how quickly blacks resort to violence.
DirecTV 285. ... joe-kenda/
No thanks, PB. I'll take a pass on that one. My realization of gorillas in our midst doesn't need much refreshing.

I don't watch those Jew-owned network series shows -- never have, never will -- and have never heard of the one you say you're addicted to. :lol: Do not trust The Homicide Hunters to portray the reality that 90% of violent interracial crime is Black and other non-Whites on White.

American Dissident Voices discussed the inverted reality of the TV propaganda show Cops here nearly four years ago: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=755

"... I’m not even mentioning the largely Jewish advertising agencies, whose portrayals of burglars in security system ads — or other criminals — almost always show White perpetrators, ostensibly to avoid hurting the sensitive feelings of non-Whites.

"This is also true of so-called “reality” programs, like the long-running Cops series, which purports to show real-life stories of police officers on the dangerous streets of our cities. John Langley, the creator of the series, is a Gentile working in a very Jewish, very pro-multiracialist field. He’s a man who, to keep his high-paying job, always has to keep a moistened finger raised to sense which way the winds of political correctness are blowing. Recently a Black “civil rights” group tried to get his series canceled because, they claimed, it showed too many Black criminals. But Langley shot back, in an interview with Jewish journalist Ben Shapiro, saying that he purposely minimizes the number of non-White offenders shown on his show, and maximizes the number of White criminals shown, inverting reality so as not to, in his words, “contribute to negative stereotypes.” Langley said “I show more White people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons, it’s 60-something per cent. people of color and 30-something per cent. of White people. If you look at Cops, it’s 60 per cent. White and 40 per cent. [people of color] — it’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I don’t want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”

"So when you turn on your television or open your morning newspaper or read your “mainstream” news site, you’re getting a very sanitized vision of reality — a false image in which the real perpetrators of brutal violence against our people, the Blacks and Mestizos who are robbing and raping and murdering our children, our wives, our grandparents, our sons, and our daughters have been carefully edited out of the picture. They have been airbrushed out of the picture because showing us the truth might make us wake up to the dangers posed by living in a multiracial society — might make us question the idea of having open borders — might make us doubt the wisdom of sending our children into “integrated” schools — and just might make White people realize we have common interests and ought to stand together to protect them. And that the masters of the media cannot allow. It might just put an end to their agenda of White genocide — it might just put an end to their agenda of getting Black sperm to unite with White eggs — and, if we get angry enough, they fear, it might just put an end to them..."

Re: The Homicide Hunter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:15 pm
by PhuBai68
the show Homicide Hunter reviews actual cases that Kenda has mostly solved, close to 300 so the chips fall where they fall - if it's a dirty, evil black that did the crime they are obviously showing that otherwise I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have noticed/posted that information.
If they are covering a murder Kenda solved and a black did the deed they are not switching the race.
I remember years back reading about some television "cop" show (Law & Order? NYPD Blue? Cops? whatever!) where the Carr brothers doing that Wichita "horror" murder spree was covered (I believe in the American Renaissance monthly magazine - when Taylor actually had the printed publication) but races were totally scrambled - naturally the killer brothers were white and the victims were well "diversified".
The black murderers on Homicide Hunter are not what really surprised me BUT the amount of "coal burners" in Colorado Springs, you "might" expect that in say NYC or Seattle where there is an overabundance of brain dead "one race human race" liberals but Colorado Springs?
That has to be because of all the military personal.

Re: The Homicide Hunter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:36 pm
by Waffen
Back when I had tv it was one of the few shows that I did watch. I rarely had any channel but ID on which is pretty much why I don't have tv now.

Re: The Homicide Hunter

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:21 am
by Jim Mathias
Waffen wrote:Back when I had tv it was one of the few shows that I did watch. I rarely had any channel but ID on which is pretty much why I don't have tv now.
It's good to know I'm not alone in not having a tv set for receiving the degenerate programming offered by the Jews. Many who still have sets and say "I don't really pay any attention to it" or "I use it for background noise" or what have you are fooling themselves. Attention is paid when the Jews push something salacious, heinous, or something to sink their hooks into the minds of our people.

One example that comes to mind are the news stations who report "Neo-Nazis Have Been Reported Spreading Hate Speech In Our Community This Past Week, Tune In At 10!"--- The rhetoric reaches hysterical levels at times to get attention, and the actual news and often the truth is buried under the emotional message sent out. By design, of course. On social media sites, the mal-educated Whites parrot these messages pumped into their brains 24/7, so the Jews have been effective at getting the easily brainwashed to go along with their hate-Whitey programs.

In the Aryan world we want to build for our people, tv could be employed to get our message out but more writers, producers, technicians, and supporting actions in all areas are needed to make this a reality.