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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:40 pm
by Wade Hampton III
I think this site is being tampered with by the Usual Suspects. Anyone here having any problems
posting videos, sending and receiving messages within the site...I have already received a warning
from Google about "inappropriate behavior" on a post I made on a discussion group. One of the
Usual Suspects posted a derogatorily comment about KA Strom. All I did in response was post Kevin's
own site, and apparently this was enough to bring me to attention to the Yids at Google:


Google has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that
some of your Groups posts allegedly infringe upon the copyrights of others. The removed Groups posts
may be found at the end of this email.!msg/s ... NFcHVRAwAJ


So on and so forth...etc...etc...etc.... I remember well what WLP said about when the time comes
not to co-operate with the social system whatever. Only problem with that is being in advanced age,
dependent on SS, health issues, and with the knowledge that the first casualties of (any) war are the
old and the young.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:59 pm
by Zack S
That Google Groups post is dated May 4, 2016. If its any consolation I don't think more than one or two people even read soc.culture.israel. All the posts there seem to show either zero or one view.

Video test

Hmm, Youtube embedding looks broken.

Image test

Images work though :)

Re: Suspects

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:03 am
by Wade Hampton III
Zack S wrote: Hmm, Youtube embedding looks broken.
Indeed. But after all these years, why now? Also, private messages sent within the site do not
seem to register. Once again, I am high suspect of the Usual Suspects. Even Lady Ingrid's PayPal
has been disabled. Several too coincidental for me. Mysteries like this give me a big pain in the ass,
and I have a big one right now.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:30 am
by White Man 1
Hmm, Youtube embedding looks broken.
When imbedding a video here, remove the "s" from "https" and use the full web address. It'll turn this


into this

If you can't see the video imbedded, try changing your browser to "see unsafe scripts". Since the web address isn't encrypted, your browser may prevent it from loading.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:41 am
by Will Williams
White Man 1 wrote:
Hmm, Youtube embedding looks broken.
When imbedding a video here, remove the "s" from "https" and use the full web address. It'll turn this


into this

If you can't see the video imbedded, try changing your browser to "see unsafe scripts". Since the web address isn't encrypted, your browser may prevent it from loading.
Thanks. I tried doing that here with a Youtube video last night and got the same result you just did: zip. So I just put the link to it. It used to be easier at WB to post Youtube videos. It will be easier again, or maybe there will be a more Aryan-friendly alternative to Youtube.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:20 pm
by Will Williams
Wade Hampton III wrote:I think this site is being tampered with by the Usual Suspects. Anyone here having any problems
posting videos, sending and receiving messages within the site...I have already received a warning
from Google about "inappropriate behavior" on a post I made on a discussion group. One of the
Usual Suspects posted a derogatorily comment about KA Strom. All I did in response was post Kevin's
own site, and apparently this was enough to bring me to attention to the Yids at Google:


Google has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that
some of your Groups posts allegedly infringe upon the copyrights of others. The removed Groups posts
may be found at the end of this email.!msg/s ... NFcHVRAwAJ


So on and so forth...etc...etc...etc.... I remember well what WLP said about when the time comes
not to co-operate with the social system whatever. Only problem with that is being in advanced age,
dependent on SS, health issues, and with the knowledge that the first casualties of (any)
war are the old and the young.
I've always been told the first casualty of war is truth. :|

I've been watching the PBS 10-part series about Vietnam for the past week. The lies the American people and others were told during the Vietnam era are astonishing, in retrospect, but no worse than with other wars.

The National Alliance's message is for Aryan people, not for the enemy of Aryan people.

Wade, you should stay away from Israeli discussion boards, provoking those Jews. We seek like-minded Whites and that is who we attract for the most part. I saw the other day where some of the young alt-right activists had been leaving inflammatory, anti-Jew leaflets around synagogues, and getting the expected response from Jew-controlled media and quasi-official "hate group" watchdog organizations like the SPLC and ADL. Bad idea, if fliering is only meant to provoke.

I's encouraging to see these young Whites getting active when their parents did not. They'll learn from their experiences.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:37 pm
by Zack S
White Man 1 wrote: When imbedding a video here, remove the "s" from "https" and use the full web address. It'll turn this


into this

If you can't see the video imbedded, try changing your browser to "see unsafe scripts". Since the web address isn't encrypted, your browser may prevent it from loading.
My browser (Firefox) shows nothing but whitespace (no indication of any content, link or otherwise) in the second example (using http instead of https).

Looking at the page source, I see the video is supposed to be embedded as a Shockwave Flash object:

Code: Select all

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Since Shockwave was disabled by Mozilla a couple of years ago due to severe security concerns, my browser shows nothing. Maybe the forum should have youtube embedding in an iframe instead of a Shockwave object. This would also eliminate the need to alter the youtube URL.

Re: Suspects

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:15 am
by Will Williams
Wade Hampton III wrote:I think this site is being tampered with by the Usual Suspects. Anyone here having any problems posting videos, sending and receiving messages within the site...I have already received a warning from Google about "inappropriate behavior" on a post I made on a discussion group...

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