Femen, Israel and its Jewish Backers

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R. Bryant

Femen, Israel and its Jewish Backers

Post by R. Bryant » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:20 pm


Karl Radl

The famous third-wave feminist group known as Femen has hit the news once again with its best known member; Inna Shevchenko, has been chosen as one of the models (not 'the' model as some were proclaiming) for Marianne (the symbol of France) by its socialist president: François Hollande. (1) Aside from Shevchenko's rather embarrassing reaction to it (and the resulting public relations disaster for Femen): this assignation of status to a group only founded in 2008 is incredible and has been built largely off the back of Femen's shock tactics (which ironically make men think of them in the same light as prostitutes although it has been discovered that some of them are actual prostitutes) (2) as well as their links to the lefty-liberal feminist cause célèbre: 'Pussy Riot'. (3)

The interesting thing about Femen for us is two fold. In the first the source of the funding for the organization, which has been reported to be paying double to triple the average wage in the Ukraine. (4) The second is the battles that it has been picking or more precisely which group and country it has notably left out of its burlesque-style protests: jews and Israel.

When we look at Femen's source of funding; which must be considerable given that they pay each activist double/triple the average Ukrainian wage and also pay $2500 a month for their headquarters building plus have offices and 'training academies' in several countries; most notably France and Germany, and factoring in that this funding must be external to the founders who were from poor families in provincial Ukraine. (5)

From what is known about their funding: the key player appears to be an individual named Jed Sunden. (6) Sunden is a Brooklyn-born American jew who founded a major Ukrainian newspaper/media company; KP Media (which owned the Kyiv Post till 2008/2009 for example) , (7) and also is an active part of the Ukrainian jewish community. (8) Sunden was the man who 'discovered' Femen and it was he who began to give them the oxygen of publicity (and notoriety) for their topless protesting in the Kyiv Post. (9)

Sunden was the one who introduced Femen to Bavarian multi-millionaire business woman Beate Schober; who it is reported provides part of the funding, (10) while the other known backer is Helmut Geier (a successful DJ and record label owner from Bavaria). Geier knew the erstwhile founder of Feman; Anna Hutsol, due to her having worked with him and was not introduced to the group through Sunden.

I would suggest that the two principle backers of Femen are Sunden and Geier with Schober taking an ancillary role. (11) My reason for arguing this is because Sunden and Geier are unafraid to be publicly associated with Femen and both have already taken public credit for its financing since 2008. Schober on the hand has kept out of the limelight and her introduction to Femen seems to have been relatively late and mentions of her funding are the exception not the rule.

This suggests that the two principle players financing Femen are Sunden and Geier as well as that of the two Sunden is the more important. Now we know Sunden is jewish, but what hasn't been remarked on is that Geier is quite possibly also a member of the tribe as while his is a common German surname: it is also a fairly common Ashekanzi jewish one as well. (12) Now unless other evidence surfaces to suggest as such: I would not argue that Geier is a jew, but it is important to note the possibility that this is the case.

This jewish money and influence behind Femen seems to also be reflected in the organization's public activities in so far as it protest against a vast number of things in different countries, including outraging Islamic opinion by performing topless stunts in North Africa and outside mosques in Europe. (13) This is in addition to Femen's attacks on anything even remotely conservative as being 'patriarchal' as well as their fairly crude hatred of religion writ large (and without qualification), but primarily of Christianity and Islam which they consider (as good third wave feminists) to be 'evil patriarchal religions' responsible for 'innumerable atrocities against women' as being intrinsically deeply oppressive towards the fairer sex.

Now the remarkable exception to this is that Femen have not moved against Judaism (which lets remember like Islam has its own unofficial squads of 'modesty police' such as that uncovered [again] in New York earlier this year [i.e. 2013]) and nor has it criticised Israel in the slightest to my knowledge. This is in spite of Femen being radically left-wing in its ideological leanings and supporting traditional left-wing causes. It is decidedly odd that Femen should have never criticised Israel (a search of Femen's web pages/links and twitter/facebook feeds revealed no criticism of Judaism or Israel) precisely because Judaism is well-known for being highly patriarchal and there is a massive controversy in Judaism going on involving feminist activism at the Kotel (the Western Wall). Yet Femen are absolutely silent on this swirling feminist maelstrom and also on Judaism's anti-female practices!

Indeed Femen have even skirted around Israel totally and protested against Iran! (14)

It is difficult to conclude much from Femen's organizational behaviour thus far, but their singular lack of criticism of Judaism and/or Israel and their funding being primarily provided by at least one jew seem to be linked. It would certainly make sense of this oddity and is indicative that Al-Manar's suggestion that they be considered a 'Zionist front group' is quite reasonable. (15)


(1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23320741
(2) http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/L ... 15096.html
(3) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news ... ir-1818833
(4) http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/L ... 14985.html
(5) http://www.destroyzionism.com/2013/05/2 ... -by-a-jew/
(6) http://www.kyivpost.com/content/politic ... 65379.html
(7) http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine ... 46203.html
(8) http://www.krjew.com/index.php?option=c ... ng=english
(9) http://www.kyivpost.com/content/politic ... 65379.html
(10) http://www.almanar.com.lb/french/adetai ... &fromval=1
(11) http://newsper.net/en/article/region/3/ ... 2013-03-19; http://www.lagazettedeberlin.de/feminis ... -8236.html
(12) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geier_(surname)
(13) http://www.timesofisrael.com/tunisia-po ... disrobing/
(14) http://femen.org/en/gallery/id/148?attempt=1
(15) http://www.almanar.com.lb/french/adetai ... &fromval=1

http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot.co ... ckers.html

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