Ayn Rand and Government Assistance

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Ayn Rand and Government Assistance

Post by Reinhard » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:12 am

Ayn Rand's real name was Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, which she changed honoring her Rand typewriter.

Miss Rand, famously a believer in rugged individualism and personal responsibility, was a strong defender of self-interest. She was a staunch opponent of government programs from the New Deal and Social Security to the Great Society and Medicare.

A Library of Congress survey of the most influential books on American readers, "Atlas Shrugged" ranked second only to the Bible. Rand's influence is encyclopedic ranging from Alan Greenspan to Paul "I grew up on Ayn Rand" Ryan (R-Wis), a "Young Gun" who aims to cut or privatize Medicare and Social Security.

The Right should be commended politically for their ability to develop and stick to a unified message. But close inspection of this unified message reveals a disappointing secret identified by a student of the Godfather of Neo-conservatism, --- the University of Chicago's Leo Strauss. The student, Anne Norton ("Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire") identified what she called VIP-DIP meaning Venerated in Public, Disdained in Private. "Do as I say, not as I do." The list of vip-dipers on the Right runs from Harold Bloom to Newt Gingrich, but certainly not Ayn Rand. Right?

Say it ain't so Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum.

A heavy smoker who refused to believe that smoking causes cancer brings to mind those today who are equally certain there is no such thing as global warming. Unfortunately, Miss Rand was a fatal victim of lung cancer.

However, it was revealed in the recent "Oral History of Ayn Rand" by Scott McConnell (founder of the media department at the Ayn Rand Institute) that in the end Ayn was a vip-dipper as well. An interview with Evva Pryror, a social worker and consultant to Miss Rand's law firm of Ernst, Cane, Gitlin and Winick verified that on Miss Rand's behalf she secured Rand's Social Security and Medicare payments which Ayn received under the name of Ann O'Connor (husband Frank O'Connor).

As Pryor said, "Doctors cost a lot more money than books earn and she could be totally wiped out" without the aid of these two government programs. Ayn took the bail out even though Ayn "despised government interference and felt that people should and could live independently... She didn't feel that an individual should take help."

But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so. Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-f ... 92184.html

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Re: Ayn Rand and Government Assistance

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:04 pm

It Is Always About The Money!

...or if you prefer....

The Sociology Of The Ayn Rand Cult

The goals of the cult leadership are money
and power. Power is achieved over the minds
of the disciples through inducing them to
accept without question the guru and his
creed. This devotion is enforced through
psychological sanctions. For once the acolyte
is imbued with the view that approval of, and
communication with, the guru are essential to
his life, then the implicit and explicit threat of
excommunication – of removal from the direct or
indirect presence of the guru – creates a powerful
psychological sanction for the "enforcement" of
loyalty and obedience. Money flows upward from
the members through the hierarchy, either in the
form of volunteer labor service contributed by
the members, or through cash payments.


Objectivism, in theory, is a mortal threat to White
racial identity — another rabbit hole for White
Americans to fall down in their never ending quest
to pursue every ideology, party, or platform except
the ones that might allow them to take their own side.
In fact, Objectivism denies that they have a side
at all, or even that there is a “they.”

As a young person at the time and a
devoted follower of the "Great Leader,"
I recall having read the book several
times and don't remember walking away
from it all, with your impression.

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searc ... ayn$20rand

Also, you may have noticed that in the real
world, there is an actual decline taking
place. However, it is because that "better
men" are homeless and unemployed due to the
constrained actions of Rothschild-style robber
bankster barons whose only loyalties are to their
looted wealth and the State of Israel.
As to the nature of the Great Leader
himself, see the link by Phil Osborne,
who was actually involved with NBI
for several years before being "ousted"


Interesting to note that Rothbard, Greenspan,
and Kennison were all in the same Randian boat
at one time or another. To the best of my
knowledge, with the exception of the deceased
Rothbard, they still are:


http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... 103+(1983)


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Re: The Face Behind The Cult

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:54 pm

Kennison Seen As Of Iron Wi11

[Printed in 'The State,' Sunday March 8th, 1987]

Perhaps the only observers who fully under-
stand the unusual dynamics behind the child
custody dispute over Sasha Owens Marsh are those
who once were heavily involved with the New
Banner Institute and its leader, David Foster

Scattered in South Carolina and several other
states, former associates say the force of Kennison's
personality is so strong that they don't want
him to know who and where they are. But they're
not surprised at all that Sasha's
parents - could find themselves unable to wrest
the teenager's physical custody from Kennison,
or that they could have lost her loyalty to him.
Nor are they surprised that Kennison would
go to jail on kidnapping charges rather than
return Sasha to her family.

They know him as a man of iron will and
unswerving determination to mold others in his
image. Most former associates became involved
with Kennison and New Banner Institute not
because they were dumb, but because they were
smart. Several say in retrospect that Kennison
was one of the few people with whom they could
intelligently discuss deep intellectual matters.
They were drawn to him because of that, and
many would renew the association for that aspect
alone, if they believed it possible.

But in almost every case, they said, the philosophy
study group they initially found stimulating and
rewarding eventually bled them dry emotionally
because Kennison expected a permanent return on
his "investment" in people. They said Kennison began
intervening in their lives, attempting to influence
their friendships and their romances, their jobs, their
family relations and their daily decisions.

And what frightened many of them most was the
realization that they had begun to seek Kennison's
approval or to judge their actions through his

They said they began to doubt their own minds,
to feel inferior, guilty, and compelled to
continue seeking "the answer" through dialogue
and study of philosophy with Kennison, The New
Banner adherents accepted and believed his
criticisms, and some apparently felt that only
Kennison knew what was wrong with them and
how to fix it.

Not only did he always have an answer, but he
was also capable of "spinning out incredibly
complex and impressive theories to justify his
behavior." Those who denounce him most to-
day still respect Kennison's intelligence and
ability — not just to hold his own in any debate,
but to persuade others to his point of view,
often making them believe they'd arrived at his
conclusion on their own.
Kennison.jpg (302.02 KiB) Viewed 18509 times
Admirers in that regard include
Betty and Randy Holcombe, Sasha's
mother and stepfather, who fear it's
impossible for anyone - including
the courts - to understand how they
stayed involved with New Banner as
long as they did, or how they could
have allowed Kennison to intervene
in their relationship with Sasha.

Holcombe, a long-distance truck driver,
left New Banner about five years ago.
But his wife remained because of her
teaching job at the institute's school,
the College of Early Learning, where
Sasha was a student. Holcombe said he
simply tired of Kennison's conviction
that he was always right, and anyone
who disagreed with him was wrong,
coupled with the tendency to "correct"
people right away - even if it meant
talking all night or holding a "roasting
session" to criticize one's faults in
front of the whole New Banner community.

"These endless and tedious hours of
counseling and argumentation left one
worn out mentally and emotionally, still
trying to get to the absolute bottom
(the fundamental metaphysical flaw) of
the whole mess," Holcombe said.

"I became fed up with the whole over-
stressed environment. I walked out
years ago with the solemn pledge to
myself that I would never interact with
people in that way again as long as I
live. I do not think it is healthy or
necessary or fair to others."

"More importantly, I do not think it is
possible to succeed in rushing or forcing
adults, even young adults, anymore than
you would rush or force a child, to learn,
to grow, to think, to change, to improve,
to be happy. If it happens at all, it will
happen by one's on timetable, by self-
paced and self-motivated study or work."

Those who have had an opportunity to analyze
their relationship with Kennison and his
group - through distance, time, or therapy
in some cases - say there was more involved
than a simple wish to control others, or
an intangible charismatic force.

They say Kennison has committed himself to
an ethical theory, and is fully convinced
that he is 100 percent morally correct. They
believe his efforts to become Sasha's "primary"
parent probably stemmed from a sincere belief
that her mother did not meet his standards of
"philosophical integration" and was not committed
to striving toward them.

"Consequently, she is neither morally perfect
nor committed to becoming morally perfect in his
view," one associate said. "Therefore she should
not be entitled to fulfill her role as the natural
and primary parent. In fact, he really thinks that
he should be the primary parent of the child."

They say he would consider it is his moral duty
to "save" a child from the "corruptive influence"
of an imperfect parent. If it could not be done
by persuading the parent to give the child up,
it would be done by alienating the child and gradually
increasing pressure until the parent gave up.

Former New Banner associates also see Kennison's
claims on Sasha as an example of his refusal
to surrender relationships that he considers
meaningful and significant. "The essence of it
is this," said one former worker in the New
Banner construction businesses: "Once you have
interacted with him in any prolonged intellectual
or emotional relationship, you are morally bound
to continue doing so for the rest of your life.
You can never quit, leave or say good-bye."

People get "locked in" through a New Banner
Institute "contract," and "you do not have to
know that the contract exists to be bound by it,
or know how you got hooked into it, or even
want to be a party to it, for it to exist. It is
metaphysical, he says, because it is what it is,
whether you know it or not. It just is.

"Your only choice is to go along with it. Perhaps
over time you will be able to understand it a
little more about what the contract means. On
the other hand, you'll never under-
stand it completely. Also, it never
changes, unless by mutual agree-
ment, and probably never ends.
"The contract applies to actions
that he approves of, or has conceived
of, as important. Once he has at-
tached you to that goal, at least in his
mind, brother, you have really got
yourself into a permanent job with no
way out. Unless you are pretty well
off, and then, maybe you could buy
your way out," the former worker
"If you do leave Kennison's envi-
ronment, you might as well be dead.
You no longer exist, as far as he's
concerned, except in the permanent
annals of the world's greatest evil
villains. You will have ruined your
own life by not being around him to
exchange ideas and pursue man's
greatest value, cognition. You no
longer represent any value to him
because he can't get any value, even
negative value, from you."
Those who have resisted Kenni-
son's will have found themselves de-
nounced, accused of crimes they
didn't commit, harassed by New Ban-
ner members, and threatened with
violence — although such threats ap-
parently have not been carried out.
They say that getting under his
influence was not necessarily an act
of weakness, but getting out from un-
der it required monumental strength.

Those aspects of New Banner af-
filiation are what have caused some
people to view the group as a cult
and Kennison as its "guru."
Years after leaving the group,
one woman said, "It still bothers me
that I would have done anything to
please David. For years I believed
everything he said and did every-
thing he told me to do. I am ashamed
to look back and realize the influence
I allowed him to have over my life.
I'm still in therapy, trying to cope
with what he and the group did to my

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Re: Ayn Rand, Jews & Silver Manipulation

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:33 am

http://www.amazon.com/Age-Turbulence-Ad ... 1594201315

No truer words have been spoken when examining this book or the
rhyme and reason behind the life and career of Alan Greenspan.
He is a "mystery wrapped in an enigma"…or is he? A life long
admirer, student and follower of Ayn Rand, Greenspan spent his
early years as an economist trumpeting the virtues of sound
money and value of a gold standard.


Midway through his career, though, Greenspan abruptly pulls
a 180 degree philosophical change of conviction to embrace the
fiat money, welfare system that he so vehemently despised in
earlier writings. Not only did he embrace fiat money, but he
used and abused it to a degree which steered us down the path
of irreversible self destruction. What came over him? How does
such an intelligent and seemingly honest human, even a Jew,
being become so corrupt as to use and abuse the monetary
system of the entire world further enriching the wealthy
and abusing the poor? Or should I ask a deeper question…
Could he have done it all on purpose?


$7,000/oz Silver and ONE BANK...or maybe TWO!


The silver markets are rigged. Every day. Every trade. Every
option. Every derivative. The silver markets have been rigged
since the early 1970's when Alan Greenspan introduced computer
market trading systems to the world beginning the long term
commodity market rigging operation.

Greenspan's Golden Secret


Since that time there has not been a day when the silver markets
have been "freely traded". Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, knows
the true "Fair Market Value" of silver! But like all price
suppression schemes, the silver manipulation must come to an
end and we are on the brink of that moment. The only remaining
question should be "What is the true value of silver in terms
of money?"

First a little background to set the stage.

Computer Commodity Trading

Beginning in the early 1970's, computers were introduced to
control the order flow in financial markets. Order processing
was drastically changed with the New York Stock Exchange's
"designated order turnaround" system (DOT, and later SuperDOT)
which routed orders electronically to the proper trading post
to be executed manually, and the "opening automated reporting
system" (OARS) which aided the specialist in determining the
market clearing opening price (SOR; Smart Order Routing).

Today we have algorithmic trading, auto trading, algo trading,
black-box trading, robo trading…and the list goes on. Algorithmic
Trading is widely used by pension funds, mutual funds, and other
buy side institutional traders, to divide large trades into several
smaller trades in order to manage market impact, and risk. Sell
side traders, such as market makers and hedge funds, claim to provide
"liquidity to the market", generating and executing orders automatically.
In "high frequency trading" (HFT) computers make the decision to
initiate orders based on information that is received electronically,
before human traders are even aware of the information.

Over the years computers have played an increasingly important role
in everything related to our "free and open market system" such that
today's financial markets CANNOT function without computers. The
Federal Reserve, US Treasury, Wall Street insiders and the Exchanges
were all instrumental in the integration of computers but they also
gained access to secret trading information before the order hit the
open market. This information coupled with the fastest computers on
earth made market manipulation easy.

This power, the power to control markets, was too much for anyone
to resist. Over time those who were given the official key to the
back office operations have used and abused their position to its
manipulative fullest. Although some of the time they used this power
in an official capacity (for the good of the country), more often than
not it was used in an unofficial capacity… for the good of themselves.

Bernie Madoff, the ex-head of the NASAQ, was a great example of this
public to private transition as his private trading firm was all
computer algorithm based market rigging operations. There are many
other ex-Exchange/Wall Street officers that went on to open computer
trading operations. Many continue to thrive such as EWT, LLC which
became a dominant trading/market making firm using "state-of-the-art
technology and algorithmic models". EWT was founded by Vincent Viola
(ex NYMEX Chairman) and David Salomon (reported to Robert Ruben at
Goldman Sachs) and are also an "Authorized Participant" in the iShares
Silver ETF (SLV). EWT, LLC has since changed their name to Virtu
Financial but don't let the name fool you into believing that there
is anything "virtuous" about this computer market rigging facilitator!

Are you beginning to see the problem? He who has the biggest, fastest
and smartest computers (or programmers) can set the price and will
ALWAYS WIN! No longer is there any kind of true supply/demand factors
related to commodity exchanges or prices. Computer trading should be
outlawed…the convenience and efficiency it provides does not offset
the detrimental effects and potential for total and complete market



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Re: Oh But It Is!

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:23 am

Reinhard wrote: Say it ain't so Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum.
As the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar decreases by the
year, investors are turning to precious metals. The public
has not yet figured out that the dollar’s devaluation is
ongoing and that holding physical precious metals rather
than cash is an effective way of protecting their purchasing
power over time. Grasping the concept of dollar devaluation
is difficult for many. One of the most effective methods
used to illuminate this concept is through illustrations.
We at Money Metals Exchange decided to use a $100 gold/silver
investment from 1971 and convert the value into its worth today.

https://www.moneymetals.com/infographic ... -worth.jpg

Those familiar with this site: Please keep in mind that in 1972,
a year after 1971, the New Banner Institute took me for $200
nineteen-seventy-one dollars. Imagine what that figure would
buy today:

http://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.p ... tute#p2983

...and no, I am not crying over split milk. Jew deception can
take many forms, including that of a Shabboz Goy (Caucasian)
face. Learn from my experience, and chart your own course.


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Re: Oh But It Is!

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:52 am

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Reinhard wrote: Say it ain't so Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum.
As the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar decreases by the
year, investors are turning to precious metals. The public
has not yet figured out that the dollar’s devaluation is
ongoing and that holding physical precious metals rather
than cash is an effective way of protecting their purchasing
power over time...
Ayn Rand aside, the precious metals market is manipulated by who knows who. Silver was worth $49 per oz. a little over two years ago and I noticed this morning it's valued at just $17, having lost nearly 2/3rds of its value. :o Silver may be bottoming out now and for those who have the means it would be time to buy some silver, except those who are holding it don't want to sell it at such a low price.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: The New Banner Institute

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:58 am

Wade Hampton III wrote: Perhaps the only observers who fully under-
stand the unusual dynamics behind the child
custody dispute over Sasha Owens Marsh are those
who once were heavily involved with the New
Banner Institute and its leader, David Foster

J. Michael Oliver (one of the two original founders
of the New Banner Institute) tells us that this
remarkable book began as an academic thesis
written in 1972 and submitted the next year for
a graduate degree at the University of South
Carolina. The book is much more than an academic
thesis, though; it is a distinguished addition to libertarian

http://mises.org/daily/6754/AnarchoCapi ... t-Ayn-Rand

It is state-created law, not anarcho-capitalism, that
conflicts with legal objectivity. “One deleterious effect
of governmental law is the suppression or obfuscation
of concern for objective law. After generations of living
under an omnipresent legal system, men could easily
come to view government as the source of law, thus
losing sight of natural, objective law.”

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Re: The Jewish Collective

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:57 pm

Jews are all for 'individual freedom' because an individual is
no rival to the Jewish collective.

http://www.therealistreport.com/2014/12 ... on-in.html

It is no coincidence that Jews are behind libertarianism,
objectivism and the myth of individual freedom, while those
movements' primary Jewish authors were supportive or tolerant
of Zionism and other Jewish supremacism, and subversive of
antisemitism and White nationalism, and even equal rights
for Whites.
The Outfit
The Outfit
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Re: The Face Behind The Cult

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:56 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote: Years after leaving the group,
one woman said, "It still bothers me
that I would have done anything to
please David. For years I believed
everything he said and did every-
thing he told me to do. I am ashamed
to look back and realize the influence
I allowed him to have over my life.
I'm still in therapy, trying to cope
with what he and the group did to my
From inside the Dark Heart:
The Dark Heart
The Dark Heart
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Security Guard
Security Guard
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Re: The Face Behind The Cult

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:38 pm

To paraphrase Revilo Oliver's "Postscripts," the US Supreme
Court among others, declared cult leader David Kennison
as an "unsavory person." Wisdom can be found, if one knows
where to look.
1kennison.JPG (48.6 KiB) Viewed 16514 times
2kennison.JPG (98.83 KiB) Viewed 16514 times

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