Words of Wolf Stoner

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:30 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:19 am
Some time ago I did a little research on Mike Peinovich, Warren Balogh and the rest of the National Justice Party gang and posted some very interesting facts about them here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5030&p=20551&hilit= ... ich#p20551

I highly recommend you become familiar with these people too, they're anything but the kind of people we would consider Alliance material.
Thank you for this information. Any Jewish connection disqualifies a man from being a leader among White people. The quotes from NJP program testify not so much about their malicious intents as of their desire to play politics in the framework of the existing system. Despite of posing as being extremely radical, they dream about being accepted by mainstream society as an alternative to the Republican Party. Surely, it is never going to happen. There were many other nationalist organizations that tried to follow this path; it always ended in failure. The British National Party is the best example. They forget the main principle of successful struggle: never compromise on the core issues. But they try to gain some foothold in legal politics by trading the most essential aspects. Maybe, such organizations are fostered by the system in order to have a grip on the situation in case a big social unrest starts among White people. In any case, even if NJP leaders themselves are not stooges, this party is thoroughly infiltrated by FBI. It is very easy to do with an organization that tries to be a popular mass movement. NJP is sure to be a failure at some point; either by design or due to the wrong path its leaders chose.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:20 pm

There's Less Than Nothing There
American Dissident Voices; 17th December of 2022.
The video version of this broadcast: https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/Less-t ... 0-volume:1

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:52 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:20 pm
There's Less Than Nothing There
American Dissident Voices; 17th December of 2022.
The video version of this broadcast: https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/Less-t ... 0-volume:1
Very nice slideshow, Wolf. Amazing choice of images merged with the soundtrack. I notice links to both nationalvanguard.org and Natall.com addresses are featured in the first minute or so, but the mailing address for the Alliance isn't out current one -- BOX 4 Mountain City, TN 37683 -- but the old one -- POB 172 Laurel Bloomery, TN 27680 -- that one was lost to us when the PO closed the Laurel Bloomery postal station several years ago.

The opening image with the Alliance's flag and the slogan "symbol of the White resistance" has our Web address cropped off at the bottom. Did Odysee do that, or did you? That is a powerful slogan that just may grab the sort of person we want and prompt him to write down Natall.com to find out what the National Alliance is.


Maybe I'm wrong since I'm not a fan of either social media or videos, but to me the point of making them is for the viewer, who is obviously online, if he likes what he sees to go to the source of the content via the links provided, then either support our Alliance or become a member. I believe most viewers of Internet videos are there to be entertained, not looking to join a serious White Resistance organization.

I'm impressed that you've also prepared a Russian version:

https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/%D0%9A ... BE%D0%BC:b

Hopefully we'll receive inquiries from some fans of your Russian language Odysee video channel.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:59 pm

I have inserted the current post address in the final slide in the video and uploaded to odysee.com
Here is the link: https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/Less-t ... hing_KAS:5

I didn’t delete the previously uploaded one because I have posted links to it in commentaries on other channels (on American Renaissance, Guide to Kulchur, Nordic Resistance Movement and some others).

The Russian translation I have posted on vkontakte social network. Odysee site isn’t popular among Russians. This broadcast is of especial value because in 20 minutes Kevin compressed so much information on so many topics. It is why I decided it is necessary to translate.

I was glad to see such a progress on the construction site. It is much more important than any “conferences” or “rallies”. The real life productive activities must be a priority number one. Only those who can work in real life will fight in real life.

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:33 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:59 pm
I have inserted the current post address in the final slide in the video and uploaded to odysee.com
Here is the link: https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/Less-t ... hing_KAS:5

I didn’t delete the previously uploaded one because I have posted links to it in commentaries on other channels (on American Renaissance, Guide to Kulchur, Nordic Resistance Movement and some others).

The Russian translation I have posted on vkontakte social network. Odysee site isn’t popular among Russians. This broadcast is of especial value because in 20 minutes Kevin compressed so much information on so many topics. It is why I decided it is necessary to translate.

I was glad to see such a progress on the construction site. It is much more important than any “conferences” or “rallies”. The real life productive activities must be a priority number one. Only those who can work in real life will fight in real life.
Thanks, Wolf. That you could sneak links to our sites on AR is a first. In the past they have always been removed.

Your last paragraph will be put in the January BULLETIN to emphasize to our members again what sets our Alliance apart from other groups like AR that have a significant online presence and have occasional "eat, meet and retreat" gatherings but no real world community building.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:19 pm

Here is my video and text that deal with the history of relations between Russia and Europe. I need to note that my seemingly harsh position on Russia doesn't mean any bias against Russia or Russians. I could say not less harsh words about Britain and Englishmen, for example. Their role in the downfall of our race is too high. But I would leave it to native Englishmen to deal with this matter. For me it is much more appropriate is to shake up the Russian heap of historical dung. It needs to be done; it poisons Russian collective mind and prevents Russians to accept their true racial identity and to reject false Eurasianist dreams. It is why those harsh words are needed. And it is why even harsher actions will be needed in the future. But all just actions must be preceded by the words of truth; the light of truth must illuminate the path for just actions.


The historical template of the Russian foreign policy towards Europe

In view of the ongoing events in Europe the question of how it all came about this way becomes ever more relevant. Many people ask themselves: what led to this situation? What was the cause of starting this seemingly useless wholesale destruction?

Yet one question that Americans ask frequently is why people in Eastern Europe are so hostile to Russia and distrustful of any of its moves?

To answer these questions and to understand the underlying dynamic of the ongoing events we need to look into history of the relations between Europe and Russia.

In many cases the established historical patterns are repeated again and again in later times. The force of tradition is too strong in all aspects of life even when people think that they act on their own volition.

The formation of those historical patterns take centuries but once established, they are too strong shackles to brake them. These mental shackles live their own life and compel new generations to repeat the same mistakes that past generations encapsulated into these patterns. It is why the seemingly sane and clever people sometimes say stupid things and act like if they were mad.

The best example of the established historical pattern is European Christianity. The Christian ideology for centuries imposed its dogmas on the collective European mind and compelled many generations of European rulers to conduct policies that were contrary to their own ethnic interests. Even now, when Christianity is no more the official ideology of Europe, the influence of Christian ideas on decision-making is overwhelming. The modern European rulers frequently refer to the Christian teachings when justifying their actions and inactions. For example, the open-borders policies are fully compatible with the original Christian teachings and I would say the inevitable long-term result of the centuries-long dominance of Christianity in Europe. Everything that is now going on in Europe and the West is the culmination of the original Christian worldview. Therefore, we can see how the dominant ideology, the established historical pattern, can determine the lives of many future generations.

But now I will speak about other issue. The example of the Christian pattern was made in order to show how it works. Here I will look into less known historical pattern. The pattern of the Russian foreign policy toward Europe. It is frequently underestimated and even entirely disregarded. But however anyone views it, it works and exerts its harmful influence on all actions and perceptions of Russian leaders and Russian populace.

It must be noted that Bolshevik revolution had substantially changed the overall Russian mentality. But the overall historical template of foreign policy didn’t change. The Marxist ideology only aggravated it; made it yet more toxic. The Christian Orthodox messianic delusion was substituted by yet more aggressive and uncompromising communist messianism.

It must be noted that the original rift between Russian principalities and other European nations was mainly defined by the rift between Eastern and Western versions of Christianity. Byzantium played its harmful role in setting Russians against other Europe and cultivating the burgeoning Russian messianic spirit; the well-known idea of the “Third Rome”.

Very emblematic in this regard is the canonization of the Russian prince Alexander of Novgorod as a saint by Russian Orthodox Church. This ruler was the one whom we can justly designate as the originator of this template of Russian foreign policy. And it is precisely for this, for his enmity toward Europe, why Orthodox Church put him so high in its esteem. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the centuries-long pattern of the Russian foreign policy is the Orthodox messianic pattern. There is no wonder why the current Russian leadership so often refers to the Biblical allusions in explaining their motives. They are right in their own coordinate system; in their own closed world-view; in the same way as Angela Merkel was right when letting in millions of Asian and African immigrants; in her own eyes she acted like a true Christian must act.

Therefore, to better understand the current events, we must first understand the prevalent historical patterns, the established templates of foreign policy of each of the actors involved.

To understand the fact that the whole Russian history of the last centuries was determined by the same pattern, we need only to look into the historical record; how many times Russia fought against Europe and for what reason.

It must be noted from the outset that, despite of the widespread Russian popular idea that Russia was always the victim of invasions from Europe, in reality it almost always was the other way around. Even when Russia itself was invaded by Europeans, it was in reaction to previous Russian invasions or as a preventive measure against an imminent Russian invasion.

It must be noted that the official Russian historiography invariably tries to portray all historical events, any wars that happened in Russian history, as something started by others; Russia is always a victim of aggression, never the source of it. Because of this warped narrative the bulk of Russians continue to believe that Russia didn’t invade anyone but always was a victim of invasions. The vile Europeans always were the schemers whose only occupation in life was to invent yet another way to harm Russia and take its lands. This perception is deeply engraved in the Russian collective psyche and it is hardly possible to change by any logical reasonings.

By the way, this narration will be accompanied by historical maps; many of them are Russian. And those maps are made too with the original intention of showing any war as an invasion from Europe and Russia as a purely defensive actor. But, despite of this bias, these maps are valuable for depicting the area in question and overall troop movements. It is why I present them throughout the narration.

The event that could be described as foundational to this pattern is the invasion of Swedish lands by prince Alexander of Novgorod in 1240. It must be remembered that it was done despite of the fact that at this time the main enemy for Russians were Mongols who since 1237 plundered Russian lands. But instead of going south and attacking Mongols, Alexander decided to turn against his ethnic brothers. He repeated it in 1242 by attacking Baltic lands. In the same time he accepted Mongol dominance and paid tribute to them.

The invasion of Baltics had become some kind of pastime of all Russian rulers. Almost everyone since then tried to take it.

• Ivan the Third invades Sweden and Baltics in 1495-1503;

• Ivan the Terrible invades Sweden in 1554-57 and Baltics in 1558-85;

• Boris Godunov invades Baltics and Sweden in 1590-95;

• 1609-1618 the Russo-Polish war. One of the few events started not by Russia but by its neighbors. Poland, using social chaos in Russian lands, invaded its western borderlands. But this invasion could be judged more as an insurance policy against the eastern troublemaker. Using the opportunity, Sweden invades from the north and regains its lost territories (Ingrian war of 1610-1617).

• 1632-34 Russia invades Poland, trying to recapture Smolensk.

• 1654-67 using internal troubles in Poland, Russia again invades Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. In the result of this war Russia was able to capture Smolensk and Ukrainian lands to the east of Dnieper river. This war substantially increased the might of the Moscow state. The main geopolitical counterweight to Russia, the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was weakened.

• 1700-21. The Northern War. Peter the Great starts it for the sole purpose of territorial acquisitions. His aim is to challenge Swedish supremacy in the Baltics and to gain access to the sea. Baltics once again had become a theatre of war between Russia and its western neighbors. This war was a complicated affair; there were multiple participants that tried to gain their own ends. But for Russia it was purely the war for territorial expansion to the west. Despite of huge human and material losses, Russia gained new territories; Latvian and Estonian lands were annexed by Russia.

• 1733-35 Russia meddles in the Polish civil war.

• 1741-43 Sweden tries to regain its lost territories but fails; Russia annexes yet more Swedish lands.

• 1756-1763. The Seven Years War. The global conflict in which Russia took part, once again invading Europe; its main objective was to defeat Prussia and to annex as much Polish lands as possible. The war ended indecisively to Russia.

• 1788-90 yet again Sweden tries unsuccessfully to regain its territories.

• 1768-1772 the war of Bar Confederation. It was a mixture of a civil war and the war against Russian influence in Poland. This war ended in the First Partition of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria. Yet one significant fact is the first use of mass deportation of undesirable population into Siberia. Many Polish noble families were forcefully resettled there in order to prevent further uprisings against Russian rule. It set a precedent for similar actions in the future.

• Russian-Polish war of 1792. The main theaters of war were in Ukraine and Lithuania where Poles and Lithuanians successfully resisted the numerically superior Russian armies. But at some point, the Polish leadership decided to seek a diplomatic solution, thinking it would give more advantageous peace terms with Russia. But when truce was declared, Russia forced through the most disadvantageous terms on Poland, strictly reducing its independence and annexing much of its territory. The Second Partition of Poland took place.

• The dissatisfaction with the peace terms with Russia led to Kościuszko Uprising in 1794. It was defeated by superior Russian forces. After it, Russia finally destroyed Poland as an independent state, absorbing bulk of its territory. It was the Third Partition of Poland.

• 1798-1800 Russia invades Italy, Holland and Switzerland as part of anti-French alliance (War of the Second Coalition). Despite of some successes, the Russian advance was checked and the war ended indecisively for all sides.

• In 1805 Russia as part of The Third Coalition enters central Europe; it is thoroughly routed in the battle of Austerlitz and withdraws.

• In 1806-07 Russia participates in the War of the Fourth Coalition against France and its army once again enters Central Europe. In the battle of Friedland Russian army was defeated and Russia compelled to sign a treaty of Tilsit. According to this treaty Russia was forced out of Polish heartland and had to stop cooperation with England and any further attempts to invade Europe. But, despite of its obligations, Russia at once started to prepare for a new war against France and preserved its clandestine trade relations with England.

• The ever-growing threat from Russia and its concentration of military forces on its western borders compelled Napoleon to start his campaign of 1812. According to his own words the only aim of this campaign was once and for all to secure Europe from the constant threat from the East. Despite of initial military successes, Napoleon was not able to annihilate Russian army and the whole affair ended in disaster for his army. The Polish factor played a great part in this war. Poles constituted the most trustworthy part of Napoleon’s army; they saw this war as an opportunity to regain their independence.

• Using their winter success, Russia, despite of its huge losses in manpower and materiel invades Europe once again (in winter campaign of 1812 Russian losses were even greater than the French ones but Russia had abundant human resources to rapidly compensate those losses). It was the War of the Sixth Coalition. This time, in alliance with England, it is able to defeat France and enters its territory in 1814. It was the pinnacle of Russian power. The new world order established after 1815 solidified Russian supremacy in European affairs. The core Polish lands were once again annexed into Russian empire, thereby depriving Poles of their political independence, although preserving their limited autonomy.

• As a sideshow to the main events in central Europe, in 1808-09 Russia invades Sweden once again and captures whole of Finland (which was part of Sweden at the time).

• Polish Uprising of 1830-31 was a logical continuation of the centuries-long struggle. Started in Warsaw, this uprising rapidly spread into Lithuania, Belorussia and western Ukraine. Initially, insurgents had a success against local Russian garrisons but tsar Nicolas the First sent a numerically superior army that crashed insurgency. Poland was deprived of its autonomy status and was transformed into ordinary region of Russian empire.

• Russian invasion of Hungary in 1848-49. This event can’t be judged definitely. On the one hand it was yet another invasion of Central Europe by Russian forces, on the other hand this invasion was asked for by Austrian emperor in order to quell Hungarian rebellion. On the side of Hungarian rebels fought many Poles, including those who fled Poland after 1830-31 uprising. For them it was a continuation of their struggle against Russian imperialist monster.

• Crimean War of 1853-56. The war between Russia on the one side and Turkey, Britain, France and Piedmont on the other side. The war had started after Russia invaded Romania with intention of further expansion into the Balkans. In order to check this spread of Russian influence, Britain reacted forcefully by starting all-out war against Russia. In the result of this war Russian army and navy were defeated and Russia compelled to sign peace, abandoning all its claims in the Balkans.

• The polish uprising of 1863-64 was yet another attempt by Poles to restore their independence. Using the opportunity of weakened Russia (as the result of defeat in Crimean war), Poles rebelled. Alexander the Second successfully suppressed this rebellion and severely punished its participants. Many of them were sent to Siberia.

• The uprisings of 1905 in Poland were the part of the overall revolution in Russia. It wasn’t especially significant event in military terms but it further polarized the Polish population and Russian majority of the empire.

• Russian invasion of Germany and Austria in August 1914. Somehow the official historians prefer to forget this hard fact that it was Russia who started the war in the east, attacking its western neighbors without any logical justification. At first Russian forces were very successful in Galicia; they crossed Carpathian Mountains and entered into Hungarian plane. But in East Prussia they were thoroughly and promptly defeated by numerically inferior but highly disciplined and aptly led German forces. It was a defeat after which Russia never recovered. The best of its trained officers and non-commissioned officers were lost there. Afterward, Russia was compelled to form new units consisting entirely of mobilized men, who lacked both training and motivation for war. It inevitably resulted in a series of military defeats. In 1915 Russian army was thrown back into its own territory, losing hundreds of thousands in manpower and most of its hardware. The English supplies and arms acquisitions in America had helped partly to restore its military and continue to fight yet for another 2 years but the main strength of the empire was broken precisely in this crucial battle of Tannenberg that was fought in August 1914.

• Soviet-Polish war of 1918-1920. After the collapse of Russian empire, Poles started to form their own military units. When Germany capitulated and its army started to withdraw back into Germany, the new Polish state reemerged. It had an opportunity to solidify its grip in the Polish core lands while Bolsheviks were preoccupied with fighting against internal opposition in 1918-1919. After defeating Kolchak and Denikin, the Soviet state turned on Poland in 1920. But this time it wasn’t simply yet another Russian imperialist invasion but an attempt to ignite global revolution, to conquer the whole of Europe and to destroy its traditional social structure. Though time Polish army was strong and provided with weapons from France and Britain. The Bolshevik hordes were stopped at Vistula river and routed. Europe was saved for some time.

Having dealt with internal problems and having finally subjugated its population, the Soviet system unleashed its aggressive foreign policy. The main target, predictably, was Europe, especially Eastern Europe.

• Invasion of Poland in September 1939. Waiting after the main Polish forces were defeated by Germans in the west, USSR attacked on 17th of September. Although the Red army was met with strong resistance by some Polish garrisons, the balance of forces was too much in Soviet favor and reds quickly occupied the whole territory assigned to them by Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. The military formations were followed by NKVD units that thoroughly combed territory, seeking “undesirable elements” and sending them deep into Russia for further processing. Most of them never came back.

• The Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-40, was an attempt to reconquer the former imperial territory. But here the numerically superior Soviet army met fierce resistance. USSR was compelled to exert all its might in order to break through Finnish defenses and to reach Vyborg. In the process Soviet army lost about 130 thousand dead. Five to one ratio with Finns. Formally, it was a victory to USSR; it captured some territories, but in reality, it was worse than a defeat. This war had shown total lack of motivation on the part of the Soviet army of slaves.

• Occupation of Baltic states in 1940. Continuing his conquest drive, Stalin set an ultimatum to Baltic governments. They were asked to allow Soviet military to enter their territories and to establish garrisons there. At first USSR promised not to interfere into internal political life of these states. But, the very moment Soviet army entered Baltic states, the full force of Bolshevik terror was unleashed. Thousands of people were either shot or exiled into Siberia. The overwhelming military superiority excluded any military resistance.

• Occupation of Bessarabia in 1940. This occupation tool place in parallel with occupation of Baltic states. The method was the same: the Romanian government was presented with ultimatum to consent to the Soviet demands and to withdraw its military units from Bessarabia. Romania had no other option except as to agree with surrender of the part of its territory.
There are little doubts that USSR prepared its all-out invasion of Europe in the coming years. Its whole military posture and hardware acquisition programs testify to these intentions. These plans were preempted by German strike.

• Invasion of Europe in 1944-45. Although traditionally portrayed by official historians (either western or Soviet) as a liberation drive, it was nothing else as yet another major invasion of Europe from the east. The only difference was now that it was greatly aggravated by the toxic Marxist ideology that multiplied traditional Russian insensitivity to human sufferings. This event can’t be described as “liberation” because, even if it could be justified by pursuit of retreating Germans, the fact that Soviet Union continued to occupy all those lands up to its collapse, nullifies any claims of “liberation”. The Soviet rulers never intended to withdraw their forces after they entered Europe. Therefore, it was a full-fledged invasion masked under cover of liberation. Yet one special trait of this invasion is that it resembled more Mongol invasion than even traditional Russian one. Bolshevik depredations on the occupied lands were unparalleled to anything that Europe has ever seen before.

• Hungarian Uprising of 1956. After annihilation of local elites, the Soviet authorities established new governments consisting of collaborators and national minorities. These governments ruled using mass terror as a tool to hold people in obedience. But they were very inefficient in organization of economy. The standards of living constantly decreased and the only answer that the system could give was yet more terror. But this tactic is bound to reach a breaking point. Precisely this had happened in Hungary in October-November 1956 when workers revolted against the system and successfully overthrew Soviet puppet government. Seeing that local communists can’t deal with the situation, Moscow decided to invade with all its military might. The battle for Budapest was akin to the battles of WW2. In a few days assault the city was taken; many people died. The overwhelming might of Soviet military had successfully crashed the rebellion and yet again installed its puppets in Hungary.

I would not put the mass demonstrations in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and in Poland in 1980 on this list because those events were not wars; although they expressed prevalent anti-Russian feelings in Eastern Europe.

• Transnistria war of 1992. It was one of the first “hybrid wars” that Russia waged against its neighbors. It was successfully masked as a spontaneous local affair, some kind of rebellion of Russians against Moldovan authorities. But it was not. This event was instigated and controlled by Moscow. The main task was to prevent Moldova from reuniting with Romania. The quasi-independent state and frozen conflict was something that fully satisfied KGB operatives.

• Invasion of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine in 2014. This time it was even more crudely made sham than before. The whole “independence movement” was a conspicuous fake but it gave Kremlin “plausible deniability” in discussion with the West. The western ruling dupes (concerned only about electoral cycles) were willing to accept any explanations that would free them from necessity to act. Therefore, these mysterious “green men” were “rebels”, not Russian troops, who fought against Ukrainian army.

• The big invasion of 2022 and ultimatum to NATO. This time all masks were thrown aside and the true face of Kremlin’s monster appeared for all to see. I don’t need to expand too long on it because it is too well known. The only thing that must be noted is the fact that this invasion isn’t something “awful”, “unexpected” and “incomprehensible” but the logical continuation of the long-established foreign policy paradigm of the Moscow’s Empire.
Yes, there are some additional factors at work, especially the ever-growing Chinese influence, but the immediate driving force behind these events is the neo-Bolshevik expansionist policy that itself is built on the previous Russian imperialist foundation.

All talks about “Russia needs security guarantees”, “Russia was provoked by NATO expansion” are the sure sign of total misunderstanding of Kremlin’s mentality and lack of historical knowledge. Being the main aggressor state in Europe in the last few hundred years, Russia always played this game of being a victim of supposed injustice. Russian rulers always concocted stories about how they were threatened by someone and how they needed to “defend Motherland”. Even when Russian troops scrambled to Alps in 1799 it was too explained in terms of “defending Motherland”. Nothing has changed in this regard. The only difference is that now the population quality in Russia is much worse than it was back then. On the one hand this factor greatly reduces the abilities of the Kremlin to make mischief; but, on the other hand, it reduces their ability to logically assess the overall situation and could lead to some very stupid decisions.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:41 am

Why I am “anti-Russian”?

link to the video: https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/anti-Russian:b

From different angles of view and under different lights the same things could seem as being something other than they are. This phenomenon of visual and mental misperception is used by many political scoundrels in order to deceive gullible masses.

The most professional of them are so skilled in this business that they can present the ugliest snake as an innocent kitten and vice versa. The actual content doesn’t matter; what really matters is perception.

The whole power structure of the post-World War Two global system is built on this skill. The artificially created reality allows this system to preserve its grip on the public mind and to derail any attempts to dispel this poisonous vapor.

The whole global system depends on the propagation of this misperception of reality. Therefore, it needs constantly to occupy popular mind with false images.

Despite of the current quarrels between Kremlin rulers and their western partners, they are the heads of the same Allied Dragon that holds the world under its control. Yes, the dragon’s heads sometimes bite each other, compete for resources, in the same way as gangsters compete for territory and drug markets, but it doesn’t make one head better than the other. If a gangster kills another gangster, it doesn’t make him a hero and defender of law.

We live under the global totalitarian system that was formed in the result of allied victory in the Second World War. The dictates of this system are obligatory for everyone in the world. Its dogmas must be repeated by all those who want to occupy any significant social positions. Everyone must hate “Nazis”, vilify nationalism, blame White race for all bad things in the world; praise “democracy” as the holiest of things and believe that evil Hitler burnt 6 million innocent people alive in ovens. If any of these obligatory tenets is violated, the person that violated the holy writ, however powerful and influential, is immediately thrown on the ground and trampled down, never to rise again. It is done for all to see as an example. Everyone must know who is in charge and in whose favor the global system functions.

This system can tolerate those few who dare to speak, as long as they are obscure and have no power. But it tries to suppress them too. This system never relinquishes its dream of repeating the Bolshevik style mass-terror against all those who even slightly disapproves its ideology and actions. Yes, we must always remember that all those fluffy sweet-mouthed liberals that proselytize from TV screen, all of them, dream about the moment when they will be able to throw away their masks and to show their true face. And this face is the one of Leiba Bronstein, Henrich Yegoda, Meyer Lansky and other of their tribal heroes. It is all too obvious.

The whole fairy-tale of liberalism serves only as long as it is needed to soften the enemy resistance, to prepare the ground for the final break-through. When the D day comes, all sweet-talks about “human rights”, “freedom of speech”, “representative government”, vanish instantly and replaced with “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Or to be more precise, the dictatorship of the tribe in the name of abstract proletariat. It is very obvious and simple scheme. It doesn’t require a doctorate degree to understand and to see how it works. But despite of it, the great majority don’t see it or pretend not to see in order to avoid troubles.

However it is, the present day reality is very bad. Predictably bad. It couldn’t be otherwise because Europe was defeated and subjugated by its most vile enemy. The whole post-WW2 history is the drawn-out execution of Europe. It couldn’t be done at once; therefore, they decided to do it in stages, step by step. At each step the victim is accustomed to yet more deteriorated situation and yet more humiliating social position. In this way, transition to the lower stage goes with less resistance and less ability to preserve itself. In this way the annihilation is achieved gradually. And even if, faced with an imminent death, the victim would start to kick, it will be too weak to change anything.

The 6th of January turmoil around Capitol building is an example of such reflexive kicks. It is nothing more than convulsive movements of the dying society. And the expert killer knows it, aptly adjusting the noose.

Does it mean that this system is invincible and will be able to achieve total control on the whole Planet? Not at all.

Their glorious days are in the past. If they were not able to establish the all-encompassing totalitarian global government back in 1945, as they initially dreamed about, now, the time is lost; the situation has changed too much.

The Paraite’s golden century is in the past. But it doesn’t mean that it will not be able to wield its power anymore. No; for decades to come it will continue to be the most potent factor in global politics and its narratives and dogmas will continue to dominate mainstream minds, but its power is in sharp decline.

The reason for this decline is very obvious. Any parasite can live only on the body of its host. If this host is weakened and dies, the parasite can’t continue to thrive. It’s power will decline too, together with its host. There will be no Parasitic global kingdom after Europe dies, after White race is militarily defeated by Asians. And this moment is ever more close. It is inevitable. Once started, the chain of events can’t be stopped, even if all political leaders of the world tried to do it.

Europe as it is, the whole White world, that created the modern civilization, is dying. Nothing can save it. It must die. It has no right to live in its present form. It lost the global competition and the Nature itself sentenced it to death. This death is bound to be exceptionally painful; much more so than anything people ever have seen. The fall of Rome and both world wars are nothing in comparison with what is to come. The White civilization was a very imposing structure, the greatest of all that ever existed; therefore, its fall too will surpass all previous social catastrophes in the scale of destruction. It can’t be otherwise.

We can’t prevent what is inevitable but we can learn many useful lessons and apply them for our purposes. The only way to learn from history is to be able to separate facts from interpretations. We don’t need alien interpretations. We can ourselves interpret all facts according to our vision and our needs.

We must interpret all facts, people and events from the race-centric view. What is good for White race. All other aspects are secondary. Everything that advances the well-being and vitality of the race is good; everything that harms it and defiles it is bad. It is as simple as this. All the most important scientific laws are simple. But their actual application sometimes is quite difficult. The Newton’s laws are simple, but the celestial mechanics based on them is much more difficult to study and understand. The same is with racial laws. What is good and what is bad for the race isn’t as simple a question as could seem. For example, is the high economic growth is good or bad for the race? Or the high living standards; or high share of educated people? Is it all good? It could be both ways; there are many other unknown values that determine whether it is good or bad. It is the social differential equation that can’t have a simple definite answer for a single input. The high economic growth, in the same way as personal wealth, could be beneficial but could be a cause of self-destruction. The American economic success turned out to be the worst curse imaginable; because it attracted the worst elements of the world into America.

One of the two key events of the last century that define everything that happened afterward is the “Russian Revolution”, which was not Russian.

I will not repeat all those well-known facts about who did it, who financed it and who had most of all invested interests in it. Everyone knows it. I mean those who are able to analyze history and to see its inner mechanisms. All others are of no concern.

The Russian Civil War wasn’t an internal Russian affair. It was a war against European civilization, against White identity. The leaders of the Revolution didn’t conceal it. On the contrary, they spoke about it on every corner; they proclaimed it as loud as possible for all to hear. But, in coded language. Dupes couldn’t understand the true meaning of those words. Only the fellow-tribesmen could see the true meaning of those slogans. The “international brotherhood of workers” was meant to be the universal slave state; the “dictatorship of proletariat” is the tyranny of the chosen tribe above dehumanized slaves; the “emancipation of women” is the destruction of family and free access of the chosen ones to any female slave on Earth; “universal education for children” is the compulsory indoctrination of young slaves, and so on. It is almost exactly like in the movie “They live”; each communist slogan had its back side that was understood only by tribesmen and by some clever goyms. All other dupes took this trash at face value.

So, the tribe successfully captured the whole country on the edge of Europe. And they intended to use this country as a bridgehead against the whole White civilization; to destroy it completely and to trample down all remaining whites; to kill the best and to beat remaining ones into submission. They initiated this program at once. They made a good start. Having gained power in the most populous country of Europe and controlling 1/6 of Earth’s dryland, the tribe had good chances for success. But this success to great extent depended on how they would be able to persuade the conquered slaves to work and fight for the interest of the tribe. It couldn’t be done by pure violence. The slave mass was too great. They had to be brainwashed into believing that this system serves their interests; that it is the best of all possible systems. Not a trivial task; to killing a person but persuading him that it is for his own best interests.

To make the long story short; it is enough to say that they succeeded. The bulk of Russians were successfully brainwashed and transformed into ardent believers of the communist fake ideology. Millions of Russians had actually died defending it. The method of this social transformation was crude but effective: to kill the best ones and to promote the worst ones from among conquered population. Once created, this reverse social structure continues functioning by itself; even without external help. The worst elements of Russian society, having gained undue position in the result of Bolshevik revolution, were very keen to preserve it and to secure for their posterity. The only way of doing it was by sustaining a system where the best elements in society would be forever denied access to the higher social levels. Only the people with the worst traits of character were promoted. The ones devoid of personal honor, ethnic pride, racial loyalty, logic, critical thinking and other key traits that define the best people in any nation. On the contrary, the people who possessed those traits were instantly identified as “enemies”.

Certainly, it was not done in a straightforward way but more subtly; in a way of actual practice; in a way of unwritten laws. And those laws are put into service much more diligently than any written ones. It is the same as with hating Hitler in the West. There is no such law in any country but everyone knows that he must hate Hitler, otherwise, he can’t have any prospects of social advance. It works this way. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms of events, we must understand the source of those unwritten laws.

Those unwritten laws forever changed the Soviet society. It wasn’t a Russian society anymore. However bad and disruptive Russians were in previous European history, they continued to be Europeans. But it all fundamentally changed after Bolshevik revolution. Since then, after years of Bolshevik negative social selection, there is no Russian nation left anymore.

The key characteristic of the society that was created in its place was its anti-European character. All aspects of Soviet society were tailored in such a way as to program the anti-Europeanism; to engrave it on deep mental level. The Russian slaves were inculcated with the idea that anything European is bad; all Europeans are bad, except of tribesmen, like Karl Marx. The whole European history was presented in Soviet history books in a way the Roman empire and Egypt are presented in the Bible. Europe is the source of all evil in the world; it was the essence of all Soviet historical studies.

For the tribesmen the Soviet Union was the new incarnation of the Khazarian kingdom. They were at the top and the ethnically alien subjects were their obedient tools. This interpretation of the Soviet Union is the most correct one. It helps to understand everything that happened in Soviet history. If we remove this key factor, the whole Soviet history at once becomes a heap of incoherent facts. The problem is that absolute majority of historians try to deal with the Soviet history in this way; without taking into account the key factor of this whole phenomenon. It is why all historical books about USSR are a jumble of facts without underlying logical pattern. Certainly, these historians try to invent some artificial explanations that would look plausible but it is nothing more than concocting of epicycles for the Ptolemeian system of the world.

On the contrary, those who see the ethnic mechanisms behind Soviet System, can correctly interpret the seemingly illogical actions of the Bolshevik rulers. For example such programs like collectivization or mass extermination camps masked as penal labor colonies. If we add the all too familiar ethnic factor, we can clearly see the ages-old mechanism of extermination of an alien ethnic group. The best ones are to be killed, others to enslave; to dishonor women in order to prevent them to bear free men.

Nothing new; the time-proven method of domination above subjugated nations. Actually, nothing new is possible among humans. Progress is the notion applicable exclusively to science and technology, not to social mechanisms. The social laws are the same for ages. They fully depend on biology; and they can change only with the pace of biological change. It means tens of thousands of years, not even thousands. The social laws as they were in Rome or among ancient Gauls must be the same for us and for the future generations for at least a few thousand years. Only the emergence of the new type of men, with new biological characteristics, would lead to creation of the new social norms, more elevated ones, more centered on spiritual than on physical aspects of life.

Any talk about social progress in the framework of centuries or even decades is either stupidity or malicious attempt to destroy society. The tribesmen intentionally used this false concept of “social progress” in order to destroy enemy societies; first in Russia, then in the West.

All those bad things that now happen in America, all those insane social programs of promoting national minorities, rewriting of history, vilification of national heroes; all of it was tested in Soviet Russia. Ethnic Russians were subjected to the most humiliating and dehumanizing process of mental reprogramming. The main task of this reprogramming was to trample down the ethnic honor, to downgrade Russian status below all non-White tribes living in USSR. For decades Russians were conditioned to abandon all notions of ethnic identity. Any open assertion of it was punishable by criminal law. In USSR ethnic Russians were denied the right to be Russians; instead they were obliged to accept their new identity of being Soviet. And absolute majority of people accepted it; in order to survive.

But it wasn’t simply an acquiescence with the dominant power. The system had gone much farther. The whole social structure was made in such a way as to divide generations and to take away children from their parents. Adults were compelled to work for 10-14 hours a day, six days a week; their children since the age of 2 months were nurtured in nurseries, kindergartens and schools. The time when children were with their parents was reduced to bare minimum. It created perfect conditions for social programming. Children are much more pliable and receptive, therefore, the perfect material for any social experiment. It is why from its conception, the Soviet power made its main stake on educational system. The Bolshevik leaders understood that after they had programmed the new generation, their power will be secure. In 20 years of their rule they were able to accomplish this task. It allowed them to create a social basis of their power; they had a multi-million crowd that believed any nonsense the Bolshevik leaders said.

After victory in the Second World War, this system even more strengthened its positions. Now it had yet one seemingly undeniable argument in its favor: “we fought against fascism and won; we saved the world from the worst evil that ever existed”. The Kremlin continues to use this narrative in order to legitimize itself and its actions. The mental scheme is very simple: “we saved the world from Nazism; we are good; we have the right to do anything we like; everything we do is good; anyone who is against us is bad, and a Nazi”. Seems oversimplification but it is used precisely in this way. The whole Kremlin’s propaganda perfectly fits into this formula.
After decades of Soviet social experiment, Russians as a distinct ethnic group ceased to exist. Russians were abolished. The crowd that claims to be Russians now in reality are Soviet. People with slave mentality. They are ready to serve any master, to worship anyone holding a whip. These creatures have lost their ethnic and racial identity. They have neither honor, nor ability to defend it. The only quality that dominates in them is the urge to survive by any means, even if it requires the most abject humiliation. It is the way how their ancestors survived in Soviet times and it is how they were taught to survive. Survival for them is something personal; the Soviet creature survives by betraying everyone around him, by denouncing his coworkers, friends and even relatives, if needed. This creature has lost all genuine social instincts; therefore, is unable to have any ethnic or racial loyalties. To understand what I am speaking about you need to read Solzhenitsyn’s “GULAG Archipelago”; he perfectly described in detail this process of dehumanization.

It would be unwise to suppose that now, after all those irreversible transformations, the modern Putinist society would be any different from what it was back in Soviet time. It is what it is and it can’t be something else. The David Duke’s idea that Russia has abandoned communism and returned to its traditional path is divorced from reality.

Does it mean that ethnic Russians are non-existent entity at present? In some sense yes. Russians as a distinct ethnic group in full meaning of this word don’t exist anymore. To be an ethnic entity, a group of people must have similar genetics, distinct culture and correspondent mentality; and they must live as an organized body of people on some contiguous territory. The modern Russian-speaking crowd doesn’t answer any of these criteria. There are scattered remnants of those who could be useful for the future ethnic state. Their share in the overall population is not greater than 5%. I mean those whose genetics and mentality are compatible with the task of creating an ethnic-racial state. Yes, the share of genetically acceptable population is greater, maybe 20-30%; but the bulk of them is spoiled beyond repair; they are mentally unfit; therefore, they are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

After considering all those aspects and weighing all circumstances, we must arrive to the only possible conclusion about the modern Russia. It is a rogue society that disrupts any attempts of other White nations to build their own orderly societies. Nowhere it is better to be seen than in Baltics, where Russian vociferous minority is a constant thorn in the side with their incessant complaints about supposed “rise of neonazism” and Russophobia. The Soviet-made Russians continue to play their role of being destroyers of Europe, and hating all those who are better than them, who reject their degenerate life-style.

The modern Russians are the immediate posterity of those who plundered and ethnically cleansed East Prussia; who killed or deported millions of people. The descendants of those perpetrators not only deny any responsibility for those actions but are proud of them. When faced with the question about those atrocities, the most frequent answers are “it is a lie” or “the pity is that our grandfathers didn’t kill them all; now we would have no problems”. “Them all” are all Europeans, especially Baltic people, Poles, Finns and Germans. According to the prevailing opinion of the Putinist Russians all of them deserve to be exterminated. The bulk of Russians know what their ancestors did in Europe. It is impossible not to know because almost every Russian household has items plundered from Germany; sawing machines, pianos, violins, watches, furniture, bicycles, utensils and so on. It was all here as testimony of those crimes; the objects taken from the houses of murdered people or even teared away from the hands of refugees. Now we can see in real live how it happened back then.

After thinking over all those facts, how anyone of ethnic, racial or conservative worldview can have anything good to say about the modern neo-Soviet Putinist state? The state that bases its actions and ideology entirely on the WW2 mythology; whose warped mentality presupposes necessity of mass killing of European people?

It could be funny if it was not tragic. This shallow upstart Nick Fuentes, who expressed his love for Putin. I doubt that he has read any book on Soviet Union; I doubt that he knows anything about the history of Eastern Europe beyond a few desultory facts. In itself it isn’t a problem if some dupe says stupid things. The problem is when someone who have an influence on the minds of others says such stupid things, thereby propagating his misunderstanding and stupidity among others. It is the problem. I must strongly assert that anyone who now praises Putin and his system, automatically loses any claim of being “ethnic nationalist” or even a traditionalist. Any support of Putinist state is tantamount to the support of Soviet actions in East Prussia in 1945. It is not an exaggeration but almost exact analogy because now the progeny of those WW2 heroes do exactly what those heroes did in East Prussia. And they would happily repeat it to the whole of Europe.

As it was already said, we must judge all things, events and people exclusively in relation to the White racial interests. It is the only reliable gage to measure all things. After evaluating the role of Russians in the last century we must come to the only possible conclusion that they were the most disruptive and harmful factor for the White race. Not all Russians but society as a whole. Those 5% mentioned above have no say in modern Russian society; they themselves are the victims of this society.

Everyone must understand that the modern Russian identity is based exclusively on Soviet narratives, on Soviet mythology, especially on mythology about WW2. There is nothing else in Putinist Russia. There are no imaginary Russian people with traditional lifestyle. Only those contemptible Soviet slaves ready to do any crime on behest of their rulers. The words “Russian” and “Soviet” are synonymous now; it wasn’t so in the past but it is now. There is no other Russia but the one embodied by this ugly Putinist regime. It is why being “anti-Russian” is a duty of all people who consider themselves pro-European and pro-White. You can’t support haters of Europe and being pro-White in the same time.

Some people like to point out to the globalist nature of the current Ukrainian government and to the fact that globalists support Ukraine. It is partly true. Yes, they support Ukraine; but this support is conditional and limited; there is nothing on the scale of lend-lease for Stalin. If American rulers were in honest supporting the idea of defeating Putinist Russia, they would provide all necessary weapons at once, instead of procrastinating for months. The position of American ruling class is that Russia must be preserved; they don’t want it to collapse; they didn’t want USSR to collapse. They see this eastern empire as part of their global post-WW2 system. They are reluctant to support any moves that could potentially lead to collapse of the remaining Soviet rump.

Only the hard pressure of circumstances compels them to oppose insane Putininst conquest drive. USA tries to balance its actions; neither to allow Russia to win nor Ukraine to strike too strongly. Because in both cases the globalist equilibrium would be shaken to its core.

In any case, the ongoing events show the signs of coming collapse of this totalitarian post-WW2 system; the system whose main aim was to abolish Europe and White race. The Soviet Russia was the corner stone of this system, the main executor of the will of the chosen tribe; the trustworthy golem that could be used anytime the tribe needs to punish any nation in Europe.

It is a tragedy for Russians that they were reduced to this contemptible role – the obedient servants of ethnic aliens. Maybe, this time this golem lost its way or its masters are in disagreement. But in any case, it is what it is; a dangerous monster devoid of its own reason and purpose.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Dan » Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:09 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:01 pm
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:19 am
Some time ago I did a little research on Mike Peinovich, Warren Balogh and the rest of the National Justice Party gang and posted some very interesting facts about them here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5030&p=20551&hilit= ... ich#p20551

I highly recommend you become familiar with these people too, they're anything but the kind of people we would consider Alliance material.
Good WB link, Jim. Podcast personality and NJP leader Michael Peinovich alias Mike Enoch is not the White leader he pretends to be. The racially compromising NJP platform is so revealing.
Hello, on page 6 and 7 of the bulletin, I got a dumb question. I don't think I'm picking up on. :D For example this guy:

He struck me as gay. Reminds me of the way Douglas Murray and Dave Rubin act. It's his body language. That's what I picked up on. As a disclaimer, I'll retract this if he's friends with anybody here.
https://odysee.com/@AmericanRenaissance ... Ren_2022:6

struck me as very boring. that guy is in a little tiny window and he's wearing a Santa Claus hat. Ha! I couldn't listen to more than a few seconds :)
Nordic Frontier https://odysee.com/@nordicfrontier:3/ep249:d

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:06 pm

Dan wrote:
Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:09 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:01 pm
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:19 am
Some time ago I did a little research on Mike Peinovich, Warren Balogh and the rest of the National Justice Party gang and posted some very interesting facts about them here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5030&p=20551&hilit= ... ich#p20551

I highly recommend you become familiar with these people too, they're anything but the kind of people we would consider Alliance material.
Good WB link, Jim. Podcast personality and NJP leader Michael Peinovich alias Mike Enoch is not the White leader he pretends to be. The racially compromising NJP platform is so revealing.
Hello, on page 6 and 7 of the bulletin, I got a dumb question. I don't think I'm picking up on. :D For example this guy:

He struck me as gay. Reminds me of the way Douglas Murray and Dave Rubin act...
Never heard of them and have no interest in what they have to say.

Dan, again, if you'll spend less time on social media and promoting American Renaissance, National Justice Party, et.al., and more time studing NA Material, you'll be a lot better off. You should have read the valuable information Jim linked to above.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:01 pm

The Latvian police against drunken Russian paratroopers.

Here is the video that helps to understand the cultural differences that aggravate Baltic-Russian relationships. The unruly and rude behavior predominant among Russians is considered unacceptable among Baltic people.
There is a noticeable parallel between behavioral patterns of African Americans and some Russians. There is the same provocative and aggressive attitude when it seems for them safe but whimpering and playing victim, when met with strong response.
It must be noted that this mentality is mostly the result of the Soviet negative selection. Russians of pre-Soviet era were much more cultured and refined, even among the low classes. This kind of loose behavior wasn’t typical for Russians. The combined influence of Soviet system and post-Soviet collapse of moral barriers had resulted in this collective transformation in Russian society.

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