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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:45 am
by Wolf Stoner
Yet one sign of the approaching global war. The mainstream media speaks about it ever more openly.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:19 am
by Jim Mathias
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:45 am
Yet one sign of the approaching global war. The mainstream media speaks about it ever more openly.
The Senator spoke of "dictators, facing unrest at home, look to invade foreign lands" (or something to that effect) while maintaining the U.S. in a constant state of war in a variety lands we have invaded for 20+ years continuously. That these continual wars are for the Jews' benefit in all cases is no accident either. The point? We're already in a global war. It just hasn't heated up to the point of we civilians breathing in nuclear fallout yet. So far, that's for the enemies of the Jews to deal with in their lands. Here I'm speaking of depleted uranium enriched munitions used.

Vigilance is to take note of when our own crooked politicians turn their war-like attention on us White separatists and other dissidents so as to be forewarned of domestic government-on-civilian population military actions. This was attempted in the past where the Branch Covidian religious sect at Waco, Texas was assaulted by government using military equipment, some of it heavy battle equipment. The public outcry was strong at the time, and "shamed" the government not to press further attacks. The continued Alliance building of a strong media power to inform the world we may be attacked must be continued.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:11 am
by Wolf Stoner
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:19 am
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:45 am
Yet one sign of the approaching global war. The mainstream media speaks about it ever more openly.
The Senator spoke of "dictators, facing unrest at home, look to invade foreign lands" (or something to that effect) while maintaining the U.S. in a constant state of war in a variety lands we have invaded for 20+ years continuously. That these continual wars are for the Jews' benefit in all cases is no accident either. The point? We're already in a global war.
Yes, the ongoing events exclude any possibility of pacification. The situation has spinned out of control. It is the matter of time when the all-out fighting starts. China is dead set on gaining global supremacy. It has no intention of bowing to Jews or any other "master" of the world. Maybe, the China will inflict the mortal blow to the Jewish post-WW2 system. But, certainly, I have no illusions about Chinese. They are extremely cruel and would not hesitate a moment to kill-off all Whites if opportunity arises. But we have no choice. It is the situation when in a desperate moment of battle you call artillery on your own position. Jews are by far the worst enemy. Any alternative to them is more preferable. The problem is that White mainstream crowd in Europe and America was successfully coopted to support Jews. Yet again Jews have found a bunch of useful idiots to make their bidding.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:41 am
by Wolf Stoner
The main practical lesson from Dr Robert McCorckill story is that no one should bequeath any property to any organization. Preferably, no serious money transactions should be done through an organization. This rule is well known in Russia. Here everyone knows that the state can easily confiscate any property belonging to an organization, be it NGO, political party or commercial enterprise. Therefore, all property and money are channeled through trusted people. It is much more problematic for the state to challenge private property rights of an individual, especially, if it is lawfully gained property and no crime was committed.

Americans still need to adapt to this new environment of lawlessness, abuse of power and arbitrariness of state security apparatus. All those ideas expressed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are de-facto void now. The only law of the land is the Jewish will. And when rats rule the state and dominate society the only way to survive is to adopt rat's methods.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:35 am
by Wolf Stoner
Excellent German military marches:

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:10 am
by Wolf Stoner
I have encountered youtube channel with plenty of German songs. The creator of the channel seems to be of deep ethnic convictions. ... bOlEh9beX9

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:48 pm
by Will Williams
Bump as a reminder of where we stood with the National Justice Party two years ago, and still stand unless NJP has come out of its big tent.
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:45 pm
RCavallius wrote:
Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:45 am
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:12 pm
The last Nordic Resistance podcast was with Alan and Warren Balogh from NJP. Back in 1990es Alan was a member of National Alliance. Andreas discuss with Alan and Warren all kinds of topics.
That video is trash. After seeing the "Nordic Resistance Movement" use hip hop music in their video, I can no longer take them seriously.
I always have thought that NRM is the closest group in Europe, ideologically speaking, to our Alliance, but I don't listen to Internet shows like this because there is always too much else to do. But since I'm snowed in today and have had time to post to this forum and now have been working on our December BULLETIN, I've been listening in the background to this three-hour show that Wolf recommended.

Once I got past the awful rap music at the beginning it became pretty much the host Andreas interviewing Warren Balogh extemporaneously about everything under the sun -- first about Christmas trees, then Black Friday; their favorite Hollywood movies, etc. They discussed a lot about social media for what seemed like forever -- a topic I care little for. The arrogant billionaire Negro, alleged "Nazi" Kanye West, was discussed way too long for my tastes. Then American electoral politics, including some Jewess I'd never heard of and can do without hearing anything more about: Laura Loomer. Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, and that Jew queer Yanopolis (?)... on and on. :roll:

A couple of things were said about William Pierce and our Alliance in the "old days," but I feel the Baloghs' NJP (National Justice Party) sees us today as some sort of rival to their "party." We are not. We aren't trying to be the biggest group like they are, only the best.

I was waiting to hear some discussion about Christianity, and finally heard Warren say, "though me and my dad (Alan) aren't Christian, NJP is very positive about Christianity... We have many Christian members." later, one of them wished everyone a merry Christmas, saying "Christmas is instinctively European." That's where I part company with these big tent fellows who want a Christian-friendly, broader outreach, though party leaders, the Baloghs, are not Christian. So, unlike our Alliance, NJP does not have the necessary, sound spiritual foundation that Dr. Pierce gave to our organization.

One claim that I found to be insincere was that NJP is a real world organization that "doesn't exist in social media." This after a couple of hours of talking about all their participation on various social media. Another statement made near the end, I believe by the host Andreas, was that "30% of his podcast's listeners play a game called Minecraft. I've never played a video game, so, curious, looked up what that is:

Created in 2009 by Mojang, a Swedish video game development studio, and later acquired by Microsoft, Minecraft at its most basic level is a world made of blocks. In the three-dimensional Minecraft world, players have the freedom to build whatever they want by breaking and placing those blocks... ... minecraft/

I don't know what is more useless for Our Cause, video games, social media or Christianity.

I met Alan and Warren around 30 years ago when they lived in Hillsboro, WV, and Alan had been an Alliance member and actually had lived in the same farmhouse that I occupied for the two years I was up there. Warren was 12 years old then. I remember being impressed with his interest in art. He liked to draw. Now, he's a very good communicator, but his outfit NJP was attacking our Alliance, supporting the NARRG losers who had vowed to destroy the organization using the courts. How did that work out? Read my book, Pocahontas Show Trial to find out. Where are those NARRGsters and the other coup plotters now

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:22 pm
by White Man 1
Will Williams wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:48 pm
Bump as a reminder of where we stood with the National Justice Party two years ago, and still stand unless NJP has come out of its big tent.

As I understand it the NJP fell apart a couple weeks ago, so I guess their stance on anything is pretty irrelevant now :?

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:10 am
by Will Williams
White Man 1 wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:22 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:48 pm
Bump as a reminder of where we stood with the National Justice Party two years ago, and still stand unless NJP has come out of its big tent.
As I understand it the NJP fell apart a couple weeks ago, so I guess their stance on anything is pretty irrelevant now:?
That's too bad, but having been driven on social media like Telegram, was predictable. I found this but can't make heads nor tails of the squabbling among NJP members:

What will those people do now without their "party?" It looks like some will go back to podcasting, for whatever that's worth. Perhaps some will forget trying to build something on social media and come over to the Alliance, or in the case of Alan Balogh, come back.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:06 am
by Wolf Stoner
Kevin Alfred Strom perfectly defined the essence of Elon Musk and millions of others like him. An economic man is a lowly rat whose only care is to provide for its material needs.

The dominant political systems of the last century created the most favorable environment precisely for this kind of bipedal rats. All higher spiritual qualities were driven out from public circulation. A successful businessman, a moneybag, was put on a golden piedestal for all to worship. It is why the most revered men in the world now are such persons like Trump and Musk. Yes, they are clever and charismatic (especially Trump) but they lack the most essential quality that is needed for being a leader. They are rats whose main concern is their own wellbeing. They lack higher purpose; they were never guided by non-material ideals. Anything that doesn't promises material gain is automatically discarded by them as useless. They consider people exclusively on the basis of wealth.

Actually, the Jewish power as such is based on such people. This kind of materialism is the main prerequisite for Jewish dominance in society. A society built on spiritual foundation, where honor, ethnic identity and military prowess are valued highest of everything else would be the most hostile environment for Jews. They would hardly be able to even survive there. Even without intentional extermination they would quietly die-out in such a society. But as long as an "economic man" is the dominant type, nothing threatens Jews. It is their most favorable environment. They can always find common language with any Musk or Trump. They are of identical mindset. Therefore, the main task is to destroy this very breeding soil for such creatures; to destroy a society based on materialistic worldview.

The task is greatly simplified by the fact that these creatures themselves destroy everything around them. We don't even need to be part of this process. They are most proficient in this. Their squabbles destroy America and other western countries. Let's not hamper them. Trump with his followers on the one hand and Democrats on the other hand will destroy this Western Evil Empire much more efficiently and thoroughly than any nuclear strike. The "economic man" himself drives his own society into abyss. It can't be otherwise. Any society that refused to follow higher spiritual purposes is doomed. Neither an individual man nor a society can exist without higher purpose. Such existence is meaningless and unnatural. The material existence for its own purpose is the most disgusting perversion and insanity. The only justification for a man to live is to advance the most elevated ideals; to ascend along the evolutionary spiral. If he refuses to go along this path, he becomes a liability for the Nature, a dead weight, a parasite that hampers advance of the Natural Design.

The whole modern Western world has become such a dead weight. It is why it is doomed. It will be destroyed by savages. There is no need to try to save it. We need to prepare the ground for what is to come afterward. The new White civilization where Trumps and Musks will have no place at all. Where the higher type of man will have favorable environment. The great changes are coming. No one will be able to stop this process. The global war will destroy the habitat of the "economic man" and reinstate the true values to those who survive.