Words of Wolf Stoner

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:49 pm

Thank you, Chairman Williams. Yes, I distinguish between true Whites and mainstream white cattle that obediently follow alien rulers. They don’t deserve any respect or even pity. A few of them, under certain circumstances, will find their roots and join their race. But the great majority is destined to perish; nothing unusual in it. The Nature is arranged in such a way that the majority always dies-out to give the way for the few. We can see this mechanism as among insects, so among animals. No living creature is excluded from this natural mechanism. Therefore, everything that is happening now in the West is a part of this process of natural selection.

Yes, the human dimension of suffering and humiliation of the ordinary White people is horrible and evokes strong emotions (for example a video where relatives of the murdered girl ask Keir Starmer when this multiculti hell would stop); but we must raise ourselves above it and see the overall picture. William Luther Pierce said that even Jews are the part of this process of natural selection. The nature itself put this obstacle before White race in order to overcome it, or die. But Jews themselves will never rule the world. They are good for nothing outside of their crooked trade. If civilization collapses, Jews will be literally eaten by their lovely black pets.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Angelicus » Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:28 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:03 am
The white traitors
The schwerpunkt of the Race War

The western ruling class has decided to eliminate White race as an independent geopolitical and cultural factor. It wants to replace White people with a mongrel crowd of stupid slaves whose mental abilities would be enough only for doing lowly work for the globalist master-class. For this end are directed all political transformations of the last decades.
Hello Wolf!

It has been a pleasure to read your comment about the white traitors. I fully agree with you. Perhaps the most harmful and despicable trait of Christianity is the idea of "compassion". It has spiritually castrated the best of our men at critical moments in our history by preventing them from acting as their ancestors in pre-Christian times would have done. The most glaring example of this was the Third Reich, at a time when the best elements of our race held practically absolute power over their enemies (Jews, Marxists, Liberals of all denominations, fanatic Christian preachers like Niemöller, etc) they did not exterminate them as they should have done.

I shall never forget this anecdote told by Ernst Jünger, a WW1 hero who became a kind of passive traitor, I mean he did not manifest his opposition to National-Socialism openly but made it fairly clear. In 1942 he was holding the rank of captain in the German Army and had a cushy job at its headquarters in Paris. He was famous among writers for his famous book "Storm of Steel" and eventually met, among others, Louis Ferdinand Céline, the implacable enemy of the Jews, who told him: "You Germans have not learned anything in Russia. You must exterminate your enemies!" Of course, Céline was right; the Germans, particularly those decadent aristocrats who, like Jünger, believed themselves superior to the "brutal Nazis" treated their enemies with an incredible, and unforgivable, kindness. These imbeciles believed that their "chivalrous" behaviour would be appreciated by their enemies but they did not know the kind of monsters they were dealing with.

In January 1976 Dr. William Pierce wrote a magnificent little article entitled "The Germans Werent Brutal Enough" (here is the link:https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/04/th ... -enough-2/ In there he addressed the same points you have made so eloquently. Like someone said: Next time, no more "Mr. Nice Guy"

Like you, I said several times that the Jews would not have achieved anything had not been for the countless Aryan traitors ready to sell their mothers or sons to achieve some money or power. These people are our worst enemies and deserve the worst fate possible. After all, the behaviour of the Jews is understandable; they have been designed to hate us and to destroy us, it is in their genes. But, what can we say about the white traitors? Where is their excuse?

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:02 am

Angelicus wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:28 pm
In January 1976 Dr. William Pierce wrote a magnificent little article entitled "The Germans Werent Brutal Enough" (here is the link:https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/04/th ... -enough-2/ In there he addressed the same points you have made so eloquently. Like someone said: Next time, no more "Mr. Nice Guy"
William Luther Pierce put it perfectly. Yes, the White race has become too mild and too accustomed to comfort and security. Germans were too mild. It is not so much the guilt of National-Socialist leadership as of the overall German population and the army. I have read plenty of memoirs of German Wehrmacht commanders and almost all of them said that they didn’t follow the orders about extermination of commissars and other hostile population groups. Therefore, it is not so much an omission of the NS leaders as the result of the overall German character that was spoiled by many centuries of Christian indoctrination. It is well known that there were thousands of cases when ethnic Germans helped Jews and communists to evade justice. Those stupid Germans imagined that they behaved honorably. But in reality, they betrayed their nation and their own posterity.

Even now, when everything has become clear, there are plenty of white idiots who help alien invaders.
There is no easy way out. The whole rotten Christian-Marxist-Liberal society must perish. The mainstream crowd must enjoy in full measure the real taste of “multiculturalism”. For example, the cultural tastes of Negroes in preparing human flesh or Mexican Indians’ exquisite methods of ripping out hearts from still living bodies. It is their culture. It is part and parcel of accepting aliens into one’s own nation.

But it is all for good. The great majority of all those stupid whites will be eliminated by savages, sparing us much trouble. It is well known that non-whites, especially Negroes, tend to jump on the easiest prey. They will not hunt down armed White survivalists hiding in woods; instead, they would plunder and kill the white liberal trash, living side by side with them in big cities.

Our task is to disengage from the mainstream society before it finally crumbles; to gain as much independence from outside world as possible. It is preferable for all our people to resettle into countryside far from big cities. It is necessary for many reasons. It provides more security, healthy spiritual environment, sources of healthy food. But the most important fact is the control of the real land. The city property is an illusion – especially an apartment in a high-rising building. It is nothing more than a patch of empty air in the sky; it is nothing in real terms. On the contrary, the land in countryside is a reality. You can use it for your own advantage; you can prepare it for defense or make any other necessary security arrangements.

The White man needs to become hard. There must be no place for compassion and pity for aliens and even for the mainstream whites who don’t want to adhere to their racial identity. The Nature is created in this way that the different identities strive to displace all other competing identities. All those who don’t want to follow this basic natural law are doomed and must perish.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Nov 05, 2024 12:22 pm

Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden... –, sondern durch Eisen und Blut. ("Not by parliamentary speeches and majority votes are the great questions of the day determined... - but by iron and blood."). Otto von Bismarck.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:26 pm

The great shift

The right-wing and anti-immigration populist movements are on the rise throughout western world. This trend creates new dynamic that impacts the overall political landscape in White countries.

But in contrast to some White race activists I wouldn’t put too much hope in this trend. First of all, it is driven by mainstream crowds disaffected by worsening economic situation and rising crime level due to the ever increasing alien crowds. There is hardly any elevated motive or deep understanding of the problem that led to this situation.

Trump’s movement is the best symptom of this political trend. There is high emotional drive but little substance. People understand that something is wrong but can’t see the true dimension of the impending civilizational catastrophe and can hardly identify the main villains who pushed the White world into this abyss.

All those people voting for right-wing populists expect rapid fixing of all problems; these people are not ready for the long-term mortal struggle; they want to “make America great again” in a few days’ time and to continue watch football and drink beer.

The European voters are not much better. This human material, as yet, is hardly suitable for the White racial state that we need to establish in the future. The western mainstream crowd is too soft, too short-sighted and too risk-averse; there is yet too much comfort and wealth in the West. Therefore, I would not jump to the celebrating bandwagon as some people tend to do.

Hungary’s PM Orban and Slovakia’s Fico are emblematic figures representing this social shift. Both of them express some common sense ideas but continue to be in captivity of the same anti-White globalist thought patterns. Both of them were fully coopted into Jewish agenda. Therefore, there is no cause to be happy about ongoing “right-wing shift”. ADF in Germany and National Front in France are even more disgusting examples of vile compromise in order to become acceptable for Jewish elites. I can’t consider those movements as having anything to do with our racial interests. Yes, their emergence is a sure sign of impending change, but these movements and politicians themselves are not worthy to even care about them. They are transitory and useless; some kind of byproduct of the ongoing social transformation.

Look for example on this creature Fico. This man considers it to be politically shrewd to attend 80th anniversary celebration of Victory against Nazi Germany in Moscow. His country and nation for the first time in history had obtained independence exclusively due to Hitler’s Germany back in 1939. His countrymen fought against Bolsheviks on the Eastern Front. And now, this creature that claims to represent Slovak ethnic interests, is going to attend Putinist Victory Sabbath where neo-Bolshevik talking heads will curse Germany and threaten to annihilate anyone who thinks otherwise. It is a pity that the bullet missed a bit. All those scoundrels who celebrate destruction of Germany and humiliation of White race must die in the most ignominious way.

Yes, the ongoing political shift is significant and portents the inevitable collapse of the post-WW2 global system. It has become unsustainable and its own insolvable contradictions destroy this system. But so far the time hasn’t yet come for the real change.

Jews, being the most dexterous and morally unscrupulous tribe on the planet, noticed this shift as well and try to adapt to the new reality in the best possible way.

There is widespread misconception that Jews always tend to support left-wing political movements. Yes, in the 20th century Jews invested their political and financial capital mostly into left-wing movements. Not because Jews believe in universal equality but because those ideas were the most popular at the time.

Jews have no fixed political ideas. Their core idea is the racial/religious one. All other aspects serve to advance their tribal agenda. For this end they are ready to support any political movement, any state or terrorist organization.

There is nothing wrong in this approach. The main problem is that the white mainstream simpletons hardly notice this factor. But there is no sense of delving into politics without understanding the primacy of racial/ethnic motives and the role of Jews in European history. As long as those “right-wing” anti-immigration movements continue to ignore this main factor, they hardly deserve to be considered as our allies. At least, there is no sense to support them in any way.

There is distinct shift in Jewish political preferences. The election of Donald Trump is the main indicator of this. I am sure, that if Jews were dead set on preventing Trump gaining presidency, they would find a way to eliminate him as a political factor.

I suppose that at some point the Jewish influencers decided that Trump would be more useful for them than dangerous. They dislike Trump for his involuntary stirring of latent White racial identity, but they are ready to tolerate it for some time if in exchange they will be able to advance their more immediate practical deals (for example ethnic cleansing and annexation of Gaza and West Bank without dissenting voice from White House). In any way, the whole “fire and fury” of Trump’s campaign promises is sure to remain empty words. Therefore, as usual, Jews succeeded trading empty promises for real gains. It is their way both in finance and politics. There are always enough blockheads to yet again believe Jews. Actually, the secret of Jewish success in all times is their skillful play on human weaknesses and vices. Therefore, the only way of successful struggle against this plague is to be clean and upright in all matters, especially in everything that concerns race. The clean kitchen is hardly a suitable dwelling for cockroaches; they prefer the dirty one with plenty of unwashed dishes.

Most probably the similar political deals were made in European countries. The populist movements were successfully incorporated into the overall political scheme. The leaders were bought and the political programs were tuned to be more acceptable. In essence, the only attractive part that remains is the promise of stopping mass migration and some vague notions of “voluntary remigration”. But even this is sure to be modified in such a way as to allow “all those talented educated Indians to enter our country legally”. In essence, nothing will change. The whole right-wing political bubble is going to burst in a few years’ time in the same way as it was the case with the first Trump presidency.

But Jews understand that this will not be the end of story. The anti-establishment sentiments will continue to grow and there will be need to accommodate those future challenges as well.

There are some Jews who perceive the possibility of eventual breaking of America into a bunch of racial/ethnic states. Therefore, already now they started to prepare ground for incorporation of Jewish interests into any possible future White state.

Open participation of prominent Jewish figures in American Renaissance conference is the sure indication of this shift.

The post-WW2 Jewish global project of eliminating all racial and ethnic identities has completely failed. Now they need to rapidly adjust their activities to the new reality. Once again, we need to remember the fact that Jews don’t adhere to any particular ideology but to anything that promises to be successful. Jews were monarchists in the age of kings; Jews were liberals, socialists, conservatives or even nationalists when it promised them substantial gains. This time they are sure to follow along this proven path. The more widespread nationalist and racial sentiments become among White people the more Jewish “racists” and “nationalists” will emerge. As usual, Jews will exploit it both financially and politically (to make money from gullible crowd and to promote their own tribal interests under the guise of “common good”).

Let’s now turn to more immediate aspect of this problem. How this trick looks like in real life?

Jews are neither fools nor some invincible supermen. Both extremes of perception are counterproductive. Jews are the species with a particular set of characteristics. Their main strength is in our weaknesses; otherwise, they have hardly anything to put against the obvious advantages of the White people.

Now, Jews started to replay the same trick. They always act in the most impudent and audacious way, making any seemingly impossible move in a way as if it is something usual and normal; like they advanced the sexual revolution and LGBT agenda.

People had been perplexed with Jewish impudence to such an extent that were unable to muster any coherent response; and, before anyone could regain his senses, the grand social change was already achieved. It is the Jewish way; we need to know it in advance. They always take the bull by its horns, without hesitations and squeamishness.

Jewish foray into American Renaissance happens in this very fashion. They brazenly come and take the main stage; nothing less. They simply start to lecture White people on racial problem, as if it weren’t Jews who created this whole problem in the first place. But it is normal; it is the Jewish way.

The case in question is Amy Wax and her splendid speech on American Renaissance 2024.

I have nothing personally against this smart educated woman. She presented common sense view of the racial problem but, somehow, failed to notice the origins of the overall American trend. As if the whole situation, somehow, happened by itself, as some kind of natural evolution.

At the American Renaissance conference 2023 yet another Jewish woman gave speech; Laura Loomer. Much younger and substantially less intelligent than Amy Wax. By the way, the process of mental decadence among Jews is not less pronounced than among general population. Seems that they fall victim of the same downward trend that they were instrumental to put in motion. The younger Jews are much less bright and intelligent than their predecessors. But it is only a side note.

The Jewish infiltration of the nationalist and racial movements is apparent in all countries. In Russia some prominent Jews at some point, suddenly, started to advocate race realism; started to raise the obvious issues.

The most prominent among Russian “racist” Jews are Mikhail Veller (Михаил Веллер) and Eugene Ponasenkov (Евгений Понасенков).

Veller deserves especial notice. At the last years of Soviet Union he was the prominent Zionist activist who facilitated migration of Soviet Jews into Israel. In 1990es he actively participated in the work of various Jewish organizations in Russia. But, at some point, about a decade ago, he started to whine about “plight of Russian people” and that “alien migrants destroy Russian ethnic culture”. At first it produced a jaw-drop effect among many Russians. But after some time Veller has successfully established for himself a role of the most widely known advocate of White racial interests in Russia. You can’t understand this trick without knowing the fundamental qualities of this tribe. You can expect absolutely anything from a Jew, except honesty and honor. Anything that a Jew does is made with a far-seeing intent of gaining material and social advantage.

Veller, as a true pedigree Jew, has a perfect sense of impending change in public mood. He senses the emotional undercurrents and instead of opposing them, tries to saddle them and redirect into more suitable channel.

Certainly, Veller has no intentions of addressing this problem in good faith. He even has audacity to proclaim Jews to be the victims of the left-wing internationalism. He always tries to present Jews as the main victims of Stalinist terror. Now Veller, in full accordance with his true believes, portrays Israel as the main bastion of the Western civilization. According to his inverted version of reality all White people must defend Israel against savage Asian hordes because Jews are the original source of the overall western civilization. He makes his case excellently, using flourishing language and striking hyperbole; masterfully playing with voice cadence in order to influence listener’s emotions. He is a good writer and speaker with decades of experience.

Very basic tricks, after all, but absolutely effective when used against mainstream crowd.

The best depiction of this Jewish mentality is in the Soviet movie “The Twelve Chairs” (based on the book with the same title). Ostap Bender is a typical Jewish trickster that earns his bread by duping people around him. The actor playing Bender is Jew as well; therefore, the movie is very authentic.

Jews have enough public people to cover the whole political spectrum. For mainstream conservatives they have Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro; for “alt-right” some Milo Yiannopoulos kind of people. For those wanting something more radical they can present a young political star Laura Loomer and so on. The Eternal Jew, the skillful peddler, has always something to put on the counter in his shop; he has any goods for any customer with any imaginably preferences. But anything that he presents is sure to be a fake.

Yet one distinct feature of Jewish tactic is their drive to the very top. If a White man enters any area of activity new to him, he is content to be an apprentice for a long time. Modesty and restraint are the basic features of the White mind. The true White people tend more to underestimate themselves than to overestimate.

With Jews it is opposite. They are never tormented with pangs of consciousness. They are always the best and always the first. They must always be at the top in anything. If a Jew enters a room he must take a chairman’s seat; or at least at the right hand from chairman with a prospect of pushing him aside. It is the Jewish way everywhere and at any time.

Jews started infiltration of the White movements not from below but from the very top. It grants them obvious advantage but at the same time produces opposite effect from what they want. Jews tend to overplay their hand. They are too presumptuous and to contemptuous to non-Jews. They imagine us as if we were the same peasants and workers of 1917.

The Jewish attempts to push their way into White organizations and into the overall racial public discourse are sure to increase. The more this issue becomes relevant the more energetic will be those inroads.

In order to identify those attempts and to effectively oppose them, we need to remember the simple time-tested truth:
Don’t believe a Jew; whoever he is and whatever he speaks. Jew never speaks his mind; there is always some covered intent. The very Jewish mentality is based on hatred of European identity. There can’t be any “common interests” between us and them. Any Jewish connection is a death sentence for a racial organization.
Jew always lies. Even if he speaks truth about something, he does it with an intent of deceiving on some other, more relevant for him, issue. The ultimate goal of a Jew is our destruction; therefore, any cooperation with him is suicide.
No Jews must ever be allowed into true White organization.

The more racial awakening spreads in society and the more numerous becomes the White racial movement the more frequent will be cases when people with partial Jewish ancestry would like to join. If such people want to adhere to their White identity, they must start with full rejection of their Jewishness in order to be acceptable as simple members of White community. It would be utterly impudent on their part to claim any leadership role.

The Jewish question is the most important factor in the modern world. For simple reason that in the past Jews were able to impose their religious and ideological views on European society. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the bulk of European populace is mentally Jewinized. It is the main problem. It is why the real influence of Jews goes far beyond their population share.

Almost all mass media, culture, TV and substantial part of political scene are dominated by Jews. Non-Jews have adopted Jewish attitudes and behavioral patterns as their own. To some extent the new hybrid community has emerged that is rightfully designated as “Judeo-Christian civilization”. Actually, not a civilization but anti-civilization; the society based on destructive insane ideas.

We must function in this sick environment. Therefore, any interactions in the wider world are sure to involve Jews. Jews are everywhere; they hold key social positions in all White countries. Therefore, any claims on the part of some silly nationalists that Ukraine is bad because “there are Jews at the top” are nonsensical; we can express the same assertion about any other White country.

But it doesn’t mean that we must refrain from participating in mainstream political activities.

On the one hand we must strictly guard our ranks (the internal core) from being infiltrated by Jews or any other aliens) but on the other hand we must accept reality on the ground and act according to the given circumstances. There must be no immediate cooperation with Jewish politicians but it would be unwise not to use opportunities created by their internal squabbles. We can publicly cheer for any Jew that can bring most harm to the system. I like Netanyahu for his excellent achievement of destroying the universal image of Jewish victimhood. Due to his leadership Jews are now seen for who they really are. Netanyahu, playing Joshua, has turned against Jews the greater part of non-White world. Excellent job!

In some sense we, the White people, are in a position of persecuted minority that must use all imaginable methods and tools in order to survive and advance our common interests. This position necessitates adaptation of Jewish tactics that they successfully used in the past centuries against European civilization. Now Jews are in charge and it is our duty to undermine their governing structure.

Veller’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MWeller
Ponasenkov’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SENSUSCOMMUNE
“The Twelve Chairs” movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5GSQY4Lt-E

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:23 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:26 pm
The great shift

The right-wing and anti-immigration populist movements are on the rise throughout western world. This trend creates new dynamic that impacts the overall political landscape in White countries.

But in contrast to some White race activists I wouldn’t put too much hope in this trend. First of all, it is driven by mainstream crowds disaffected by worsening economic situation and rising crime level due to the ever increasing alien crowds. There is hardly any elevated motive or deep understanding of the problem that led to this situation...
In some sense we, the White people, are in a position of persecuted minority that must use all imaginable methods and tools in order to survive and advance our common interests. This position necessitates adaptation of Jewish tactics that they successfully used in the past centuries against European civilization. Now Jews are in charge and it is our duty to undermine their governing structure.

Veller’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MWeller
Ponasenkov’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SENSUSCOMMUNE
“The Twelve Chairs” movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5GSQY4Lt-E
A powerful analysis and conclusion for our half-asleep people, Wolf. Thank you.

I started looking at "The Twelve Chairs" movie. It has English subtitles, but is more than 2.5 hours long and I will need more time to finish it. I rarely watch YouTube videos, but am glad that you do and recommend useful ones.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:25 am

There is English-language version of this movie that was filmed by Italians but it lacks the original spirit. Therefore, it is better to watch this original Russian/Jewish movie; it perfectly depicts the inner workings of Jewish mentality. Some kind of Jewish involuntary confession.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:31 am

The State of Chaos

Everything that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago comes true. The world that rejected Natural Law and decided to live according to insane dreams comes apart. Nothing ever could save it. “The bad people” were right. “The good people” turn out to be either scoundrels or dumbasses.

There is no such thing as “universal morality” or “human rights” without connection to reality. Every value and every judgement make sense only in relation to something tangible and real. Any evaluation expresses the coordinate system of the person who makes this evaluation; it is always so; it can’t be otherwise.

All those pretending to be impartial and unaffected by their own interests are either self-deluded fools or malicious tricksters.

Everything in this world is tinged by self-interest, by assertion of the will to life, will to power. All living creatures are thrown into eternal circle of constant competition. No one can jump out of this circle. Those who have tired – must cease to exist and free living space for others, more capable creatures.

Everything that goes on now fully justifies our worldview.

The decadent world is in a downward death-spiral.

Trump’s wild utterances about “all hell loose” against Israel’s enemies, annexation of Greenland, Canada and Panama are the surest signs of acceleration. Trump isn’t insane saying those things. The western public, for decades nurtured on pseudo-liberal nonsense about “rules-based order”, “human rights” and “peaceful solutions” can’t understand the new reality.

Yes, the real world requires tough decisions. Trump was allowed to become US president in order to save American global dominance. The Jewish-American ruling class was kicked out of their narcotic slumber and spasmodically tries to rectify situation.

Since 1990es this “elite” lived under illusion of total victory. They imagined that the world was conquered once and for all; the only things that remained were local operations against remaining diehards who didn’t want to accept the new world of universal happiness.

The first jolt happened in 2001. Regardless of who organized the event, it was the beginning of downfall.

The Global Islamic movement, Chinese rise, reemergence of Bolshevik empire, uncontrollable population growth in Africa and Asia – all these factors undermined American hegemony that was achieved immediately after Soviet collapse.

Chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan back in 2021 triggered Putin’s invasion of Ukraine (most probably, goaded by China).

Chinese military preparations entered a stage where they can’t be reversed. Acceleration of military production there can be explained only by decision to go to war in the immediate future. Russia, the Chinese vassal, has already put its economy on the war footing.

Chinese allies in the Middle East become ever more restive. The temporary defeat of Hezbollah doesn’t change the overall trend.

Successful use of long-range rockets by Houthi rebels is a sure sign of active Iranian and Chinese participation in this project. It would be impossible for wild tribesmen to master such complicated systems. The way they use those rockets testifies of the intent to influence the situation on global scale.

The two opposing blocks were formed. The anti-White alliance under China on the one side and the Judeo-Western “free world” on the other. Both sides are equally alien and hostile to White race. But, the majority of White people, living physically on the territories controlled by the Western block, are inevitably sucked into this struggle.

Trump ran his election campaign as a peacemaker and non-interventionist; the same as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

It is very probable that a loose cannon Trump will be used by the ruling elite to implement radical steps in order to save the situation. It is too late but they will try. The time to strangle China was back in 1990-95; but back then dirty Bill was too much preoccupied with more important issues with Monica. Now the poisonous snake has grown too big.

European countries, even under this impending danger, continue to entertain futile hopes about return of “business as usual”. Only Poland, Finland and Baltic states are preparing their militaries for inevitable war. Social decadence in other European countries has progressed so much that their societies are hardly capable of sustained military effort. The alarm bells were already struck in Britain at highest level of military authorities. British army isn’t capable to fight even a month under conditions of war that goes on in Ukraine.

The price of illusions is very high. Society that was raised on the idea of coming paradise isn’t capable to come to its senses.

The natural state of things returns to the world. “Hitler was right” is the phrase that will be uttered ever more frequently by those who see the reality.

The poisonous historiography of WW2 asserted the insane idea about some “bad people” who plunged the whole world into war. This childish view of history was bound to produce many problems. The new generations of political leadership in the West were nurtured on these stupid notions. No wonder that now, when the hard reality demands actions, they behave like scared small children, seeking cower under table or behind mother’s skirt. They were not brought up to become true leaders, to make difficult decision and to accept full responsibility. They always try to avoid personal responsibility and prefer to engage into prolonged fruitless debates. “Our democracy” at its best.

But the Jewish dominated American elite has finally noticed that their world comes down. It is why they need Trump, Panama and Greenland. Preparations for the world war come into final stage.

Whatever decisions were taken, the situation is bound to worsen.

The Bolshevik entity will continue to push further into Europe; even if given the whole of Ukraine, it will demand more. The inner nature of this state didn’t change since Lenin’s time.

China will eventually capture Taiwan. But it isn’t the issue. China plays for much more. They need the whole world. Taiwan is only a pretext to initiate hostilities at any suitable moment.

In the “happy decades” when decadent mainstream creatures enjoyed peaceful life, China infiltrated and brought under its control the bulk of Africa, many states in Asia and Latin America. Even more than this. Chinese agents were successfully planted in all western countries. Their students are now present in all universities and scientific laboratories. This factor alone is enough to destroy western countries from inside. It will be much more difficult now to deal with these “Chinese minorities” than to put all Japanese migrants into concentration camps back in WW2.

China is hell bent on destroying the West. They hate White people; they will try to annihilate every White man on Earth, if given opportunity. But in some sense this enmity is more preferable than the more insidious Jewish war on Whites. White people were always able to better cope with an obvious enemy.

Those who seek simple solutions will be greatly disappointed. There are none. The real life presents ever more convoluted and difficult tasks. There will be no replay of the past events. The coming struggle is sure to be much more brutal and complicated. It will test all human qualities to their limits.

The ongoing transformation in western governments is very indicative of the overall change. Their actions become more realistic and less driven by insane unnatural ideologies (some speeches of the senior NATO generals is the best testament of this).

It doesn’t mean that they become more friendly toward Whites but more rational in terms of international competition. The senseless drivel about benefits of unbounded free trade and blessings of globalization is replaced by calls to restore heavy industry, increase military spending and reestablish conscription.

Trump’s call to take Greenland and Panama under control isn’t a publicity stunt but an expression of more realistic understanding of the situation. It is enough to have a globe on your desk in order to understand why those steps are necessary in the situation of the unraveling global war. The Arctic Ocean will be one of the principal theaters of this war. It is why Greenland, Iceland and Spitsbergen will be even more important than in Cold War.

The main difference of this coming war is that this time we have no dog in this fight. There are no states that represent our racial interests. This understanding must be the basis of all our evaluations and decision-making.

In the same time we must not fall into delusion about preference of Chinese-Bolshevik victory. If China takes control above the whole world, it will try to annihilate White race. It is normal biological reaction. Because the White race is the only real competitor for East Asians in this struggle for world dominance. The Neo-Bolshevik empire, the Chinese junior partner in this undertaking, will itself be incorporated into overall Chinese state with remaining white component either being absorbed or annihilated by the new master-race.

The full victory of Chinese-Bolshevik block would be a disaster for Whites.

In the same time the full victory of Judeo-American western block would bring eventual destruction of Whites as well. Maybe, not in such a violent way as under Chinese rule but the overall long-term result would be hardly better.

Therefore, the preferable outcome is if this global struggle ends up in destruction of both sides; or in destruction of one side and weakening of the other to the state of impotence (something similar to British and French empires of 1945).

This situation will allow other independent actors to assert their own interests and to push away the former dominant players.

In either case, the unmitigated bloodbath and total destruction is inevitable.

The White racial groups must act independently of any states and prepare ground for eventual taking over the remnants of dysfunctional society. There must be no compromises on this question. No AFD-like prostitute behavior.

For now we must prepare for the global war and make all necessary provisions in order to evade draft into any military (even in the countries that we consider more amenable to our vision; there are enough mainstream people to man the trenches; we have other work to do; our war is yet to come).

We must be prepared to survive for a long time outside of population centers. It is needed either in case of evading authorities or in case of nuclear war and ensuing social chaos. The worst case is to find ourselves in a governmental-run refugee camp.

The widespread mistake of many people is to think that the great undertakings must be started with great trappings and fanfares (Trump-Musk style). It is not so.

The real greatness needs not public gaze. It starts in quiet places with few people present. The mighty oak sprouts from a tiny acorn.

The White racial state starts with us, here and now. We don’t need any governmental licenses or police permissions for this. The White state is inside our mind; the White state is we.

The quality of our preparations now will decide the long-term success of the overall undertaking. We are the rulers of ourselves and our future state. It is the time to become Founding Fathers of our own state.

The initial work in this direction isn’t clean and glorious. On the contrary, any endeavor in this field was always dirty, heavy and bloody. Hacking through impenetrable woods, digging trenches, killing enemies, burying the best friends and relatives; no luxuries, no holiday-making on French Riviera, no fancy clothes and cars; only hard work, suffering and ardent believe in higher ideals. It is the painful way of nation creation. There are no shortcuts.

The time of great change has come.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10140
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 11, 2025 12:46 pm

Let no one say we were not warned:

“Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives."--Joseph Goebbels

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10140
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:15 pm

Here is Jordan Peterson ranting and peddling Jewish approved nonsense about Hitler's evil, saying he has the spirit of Cain.

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