Words of Wolf Stoner

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Will Williams
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Re: Admiral Rob Bauer

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 25, 2024 7:44 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Thu May 23, 2024 4:00 am
Angelicus wrote:
Mon May 20, 2024 8:25 pm
This war is nothing but a conflict between two evil powers, or, if you prefer, two criminal organisations. We must not take sides.
Yes, I agree. Our task is to destroy the whole post-WW2 globalist system. Putin’s Russia, USA and NATO are the constituent parts of this system.

We must mentally separate ourselves from affiliation with any existing state structures. They are all, in some way or another, alien and hostile to our cause. It means that we must never tie ourselves to any state bandwagon. Our vision and our task is much more important.

It doesn’t mean that we should withdraw from the ongoing events. Far from it. We must take part in them without proclaiming our true affiliation and purposes.

My position on Ukrainian war is simple: I am neutral. I support neither of the states. In the same time, we must be fully aware that there are many people of our views who fight for Ukraine. On the contrary, the Russian armed forces almost entirely consist of people brainwashed with Bolshevik propaganda. There are hardly anyone among them who would share our ideas; more than this: if any of us happened to be caught on the occupied territories, we would be killed on the spot or thrown into prison. Ethnic nationalism, especially its racial aspect, is anathema for Russians. It is similar of being a witch in Medieval Spain. This peculiarity of the situation must be always remembered when evaluating this war.

Otherwise, for sure, this war has nor relation to our interests. Russia, Ukraine, EU, USA are controlled by competing gangs. Their interests are incompatible with our interests.

The ongoing war in Europe is a proxy war between the collective West and China. China started it by using Russia. The more it goes on the more obvious becomes the extent of Chinese influence in Russia. Putin’s gang is not an independent player. The Ukrainian government is steered by the West. The situation is similar with a Korean war of 1950-53. But I suppose that this conflict will not be contained. Chinese drive for world domination shows no signs of abating or desire for compromise. China is ready to fight to the last Russian; USA and EU, similarly, are ready to defend their sphere of influence to the last Ukrainian, Pole or anyone else in the Eastern Europe.
China has successfully tied up its main enemies in this war and can now more freely act in other parts of the world.

Yet one point that we must remember is the great racial difference between White people and East Asians. Chinese mind operates very differently from our mind. They have no morality or compassion as we understand it. They calculate the ratio of gains and losses. If gains promise to be greater than losses, they would act, regardless of any other considerations. Even if it means death of billions of people. I don’t think that Chinese leadership sees the nuclear war with the same fear as European leaders do. For them it is yet another tool.

Proceeding from this assumption, I suppose that, at some point, China will urge Russia to use nuclear weapons; at least for the purpose of testing western reaction. Even if the all-out nuclear exchange happens between Russia and USA, China will remain intact. It would mean that after the nuclear dust settles, China would remain the only superpower on the planet.

There are many aspects of this conflict. It can’t be defined by any simplistic formula. We must closely monitor the situation in order to exploit it in our favor when opportunities arise.
Excellent commentary, Wolf and Angelicus, that closely expresses the Alliance postion on the Ukraine border dispute. I almost didn't catch it since it had already scrolled off WB's first page.
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