Words of Wolf Stoner

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:56 am

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:04 am

Actually, FBI Director Wray is saying something new. With 12 million-plus, or more, illegal non-White aliens swarming into the US in the past few years, including hundreds of thousands of Chinese, Wray made the absurd statement just five years ago and since, that the biggest threat to America is from a few hundred, so-called "White supremacists," (read: any Whites who criticized Jewry). https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fbi-chri ... a032fed83f

Yes, I know that Cristopher Wray is a remarkable scoundrel. It is easier to find who is not in the overall American political establishment. Even Rand Paul who frequently says truth, prefers to parrot the obligatory nonsense about race. Therefore, we can roughly divide all those people at the top into two categories: irredeemable scoundrels and cowards. The scoundrels are driven entirely by their self-interests and are ready to execute any criminal order; the cowards, although wanting to make some good for society, are too spineless to go against the current. Sometimes cowards are even more harmful for society than the outright scoundrels.

By the way, in this same speech the FBI director made a remarkable admission: he said that 20 years ago there were constant squabbles and arguments between different state security agencies. But now they act as one entity; that the decision-making process was greatly simplified and streamlined. Christopher Wray is a man of high intelligence. But it frequently happens that high IQ men are stupid. By saying this he in the most eloquent way acknowledged the fact that America has become a totalitarian state with unified command structure where any dissent is forbidden. The system of checks and balances was effectively dismantled. Now, all American state security agencies act in the interest of Jewish globalist agenda.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:02 am

The Soviet Empire, Jews and the rising Dragon

The phenomenon of Putin’s support among western conservative public is a well-known and widely discussed. The viral video where a Trump-supporting woman says that she would rather vote for Putin than for Biden is emblematic of this conservative mind-set.

First of all, it is needed to be noted that it has little to do with Russia and Putin. It is mostly the result of the internal American turmoil, where White mainstream people were so much alienated by the system that they are happy to believe in anything and anyone who could seem as an alternative to the insane anti-White system. It is mostly the old formula of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. I understand this mentality and don’t blame those people.

But we, the racially-aware realists, must have deeper understanding of everything. We can’t rely on oversimplified versions of history and politics. The childish world-view of Tucker Carlson is not acceptable to us.

The funny side of this conservative infatuation with Putin is the fact that these people (and their parents) were the bulwark of western anti-communism back in the period of Cold War. They supported the most stringent anti-communist measures, be it banning of American communist party or deployment of troops into foreign countries in order to fight Soviet-affiliated insurgents.

The undeniable fact is that the modern Russian government is not only a successor to the old Soviet system but its immediate continuation. Yes, the Soviet Union had collapsed, but the KGB-system had remained intact and in charge of all aspects of state governance. There was no cleansing of the state apparatus. The same people with the same mentality continued to run this country.

Yet one trait of the Soviet Russian political system is that it is even more closed for outsiders than any traditional aristocracy. They bring their own children into the highest governing positions. And it is all too obvious that this new generation of the former communist rulers continue the same policies and are guided by the same mindset.

Therefore, it is silly to believe that the Putinist system is something different from the old Soviet system. I call it a David Duke’s syndrome. It is when former ardent anti-communists start to worship the modern neo-communism and its leader comrade Putin. It is one of the most incongruous mental perversions of modern history.

Any claims to the contrary are simply non-factual. Any idea that Putin’s Russia is something different of the Soviet system contradict obvious reality.

I advise everyone to read Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago” and Robert Conquests’ books about Soviet terror state. Everything that was written in those books is fully applicable to the modern Putinist state. Therefore, any support of the current Kremlin leadership means support of the historical legacy of the Bolshevik state. There is no other way. You can’t be against Bolshevik ideology but support Putin’s state. Because Putin’s state is the product of the Bolshevik ideology; its modern mutation. Anyone claiming otherwise is either delusional or in Kremlin’s service. For tactical reasons Putin sometimes tries to distance his system from the Soviet state but Kremlin’s actions and consistent policies testify to the contrary.

In regard to the Jewish influence in modern Russia it is enough to say that the overall distribution of social positions didn’t change since Soviet times. All those people who occupied the upper stratum of society back in 1980-es continue to occupy it. Nothing of substance has changed. Jews were the main beneficiaries of the Bolshevik revolution. Their percentage among Soviet leadership was highest of all other ethnic groups of Russia. This special position of Jewish diaspora was preserved throughout Soviet history and continued in the “post-Soviet” time. Actually, the very term “post-Soviet” is misleading because supposes that the Soviet time has ended.

The structure of Russia’s ruling class is diverse. It would be foolish to claim that it consists of only one ethnic group or serves the interests of any particular group. The Putin’s Russia is an empire. By its very nature it must balance between the different interests of its constituent parts. Jews, Caucasian tribes, Tartars traditionally (since Soviet times) occupy more privileged positions than other ethnic groups. These privileged groups have higher percentage among high state officials and economic elite.

Ethnic Russians were always considered by the Soviet rulers as a latent threat. Therefore, the main task of the state security organs since their inception in 1917 was to watchfully guard against any possible reemergence of Russian ethnic aspirations. It is why KGB and now FSB mercilessly persecute any nascent Russian nationalist organization. This policy is very similar to what goes on in USA. You have FBI and we have FSB. Both of these agencies are thoroughly anti-national and anti-racial. Their main purpose of existence is to suppress any dissent against the criminal ruling classes.

But having said this, I don’t want to claim that Jews run Russia. It would be an oversimplification. The share of Jews among Russian state officials is lower than the share of Jews in the American government. But there are enough of them to provide for their special tribal interests.

I don’t track biographies of the Putin’s state officials, therefore, can’t say definitely about ethnic origin of any specific minister. I don’t have any interest in Russian public politics. It is enough for me to know that there are a bunch of scoundrels, sycophants and thieves. The prime-minister Mishustin is a Jew; everyone knows it. Beside it, there are a bunch of Muslim ministers. The non-Russian share among Russian ruling class is constantly growing in accordance with changing ethnic composition of the overall population.

I suppose, that at present the main squabble in the Kremlin’s elite is going on between different non-Russian groups. The Muslim Tartars compete against Caucasus Muslims and Caucasus Christians (Armenians, Georgians, Osetians). Russians, especially those at the top, don’t perceive themselves as a distinct interest group, therefore, they are not even a factor in this power struggle. The Soviet system succeeded very well in destroying Russian ethnic consciousness. It is laughable when western media refers to Putin and some other Russian state officials as “nationalists”. It is not more true than to call comrades Lenin and Trotsky to be “Russian nationalists” on the basis of their expansionist imperialist policies. The western media, either because of stupidity or intentionally, confuse imperialism with nationalism.

The Jewish factor in Russian economy is far more pronounced. Even the mainstream crowd knows that the wealthiest people in Russia are Jews. It is enough to mention such Jewish billionaires like Abramovich, Fridman, Aven, Rotenberg brothers, Lisin, Vekselberg, Kantor, Mamut. Definitely, the share of wealthy Jews in Russia far exceeds the Jewish share in the overall population. Despite of being 1% minority, their share among Russia’s billionaires is about 50%. Evidently, because of their superior mental abilities; anyone thinking otherwise risks to be prosecuted for inflaming hatred.

Yet one fact that needs to be remembered about Russia is that economics here is strictly bound with politics. These are not separate spheres as in the West. It is impossible to be simply successful in business. You become successful in business only if you are a part of the overall ruling class. Therefore, the composition of the economic power reflects the overall power structure in Russia. The nominal figure-heads of specific ministries are not reliable indicators of the real balance of power. Therefore, the list of Russian billionaires gives more precise picture of the real balance of power in this empire.

If Thomas Dalton wants to write an article about Russia, the best place to start is to analyze this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_R ... llionaires
But even this is misleading. Some of the Russian faces are used only to cover the real shadow owners.

Having said this, I don’t want to oversimplify this topic. It is very complicated and dynamic as in any other multi-ethnic empire.

The least known factor is the Chinese one. China is the most secretive world player. It spreads its tentacles throughout the world and grips everything of value. There is nothing that don’t interest it.

But in the same time, they are very cautious not to expose their growing influence. They buy property through fake owners. No one knows the real extent of Chinese infiltration into Russian economy and politics.

The fact that Russia ever more follows the favorable for China path indicates that this infiltration is much greater than anyone could imagine.

I suppose, that Chinese even were able to somehow outstrip Jews in influencing Russian political decision-making. It is why many Jews from among western elite are so worried about Putin’s Russia.

The traditional Jewish hatred of Russia too plays a significant role in the overall attitude of Jew-run western media. They continue to perceive Russia (in whatever form) as being their mortal enemy. But nothing new in this regard. They perceive Germany, Britain and the whole Europe in the same fashion. It goes beyond any logic; it is more a psychiatric phenomenon than a political one.

The overall global balance of power is rapidly changing. The Jewish dream about global dominance is slipping away together with diminishing western influence. Whatever their bluster and threats, the overall dynamic is markedly against them. Jews wanted Europe to fall and non-White masses to gain upper hand. Now it starts to happen. But non-Whites have no intentions to share their gains with Jews. Whites were the only community on this planet that was foolish enough to allow Jews to become their rule-setters and arbiters in all questions. No other tribe would give Jews such a special place. Even wild Negroes on the Chicago filthy streets will not allow Jews to rule them. Jews have outsmarted themselves and started the process of their own annihilation. We don’t even need to help this process. It accelerates on its own. Iran and its anti-Jewish hatred is only the beginning. The majority of non-Whites feel similarly about Jews, even if fear to express it openly.

The situation in Russia reflects this overall global dynamic. The Muslim and Chinese influence on Russian politics have outstripped the Jewish influence that dominated Russian life for the last 107 years. Jews hated ethnic Russians so much that allowed non-White ethnic groups to gain too much influence. There is no way back. Some Jews even started to cry openly about this danger. The most pronounced among them is Russian Zionist-Jew Michail Veller. He openly laments Muslim threat in Russia and criticizes Putin’s policies of mass immigration. This Jew has understood that the new brave world of Muslims and East Asians promises little good for the Jews. But even this understanding among the wider Jewish community is not widespread. The majority of Jews continue to perceive the world through the prism of outdated political patterns of early 20th century. They hardly noticed how much the world has changed. It is why American Jews see Russia in the same way their great grand-parents saw it back in tsarist time.

Whatever all those interconnections and squabbles between Jews, non-Whites and white traitors, we must always see our true racial interests and to avoid implicating ourselves with any dirty games of either of those groups. We must keenly observe what goes on but keep distance from it. And, certainly, not expressing support to any of them. There is nothing to gain from it.

We must never accept the established patterns and repeat imposed narratives. The main global players promote their versions of reality through all kinds of media. These prevalent narratives are repeated by mainstream crowds. There is too little really independent logical thinking on anything. It is too easy to be sucked into this propaganda war ant start to repeat someone’s narrative.

We must look at the events independently of all those established narratives. We must understand our interests and to formulate our own agenda. In essence, all major players of the ongoing global struggle are our enemies. It is good that they fight against each other; it will weaken them and, eventually, will create an opportunity for us to rise and regain our rightful place. But for now, we must keep quiet. And, certainly, we must never dance under someone’s tune.

When analyzing political events we need to start perceive ourselves not as Russian, German, British but as White. The racial identity is the main determining factor that trumps everything else. Therefore, when I analyze Russia and its role in current events, I judge it from the overall White racial perspective, not from narrow internal Russian position. I am neither pro-Russian, nor anti-Russian. I am objective in the common interests of our race.

The foundational mythology of the Putinist state is built entirely on the fairy-tale version of WW2, where the saint Russia defeated satanic Germans. “Nazis” or “fascists” are epitome of Evil according to this vision. It was so deeply engraved into Russian collective psyche that it is hardly possible to change in the existing social framework. As long as this political entity continues to exist, the well-established myth about WW2 will dominate Russian collective mind.

From the very beginning in 2013, when Kremlin started to prepare ground for possible invasion of Ukraine, the propaganda narrative was shaped around “Ukrainian Nazi threat”. The official justification of the great invasion of 2022 was entirely based on this WW2 anti-Nazi mythology. The whole society was soaked with this propaganda; everyone, down to the drunken homeless vagabond knows this narrative by heart and will readily repeat that “Ukrainians, bitches, are all fascists; they need to be thoroughly thrashed”.

Every day, all TV channels inundate society with propaganda images from WW2 era tied with Ukraine war reporting. This war has become inseparable from WW2 in Russian public mind. Sometimes Russian soldiers that were captured by Ukrainians say that they seriously believe that they fight Nazi Germans. So, for modern Russia it is a continuation of its unfinished war against Europe. “We didn’t finish the job back in 1945, so, now it is time to complete what our grandfathers started”. It is an exact quote of Kremlin’s propagandist Solovyov (who happens to be a Jew). This notion has become a holy writ of Russian society (certainly, far from everyone accept it; but no one dares to openly oppose it).

Any kind of victory for Putin’s Russia will strengthen this narrative. But this narrative is anti-White by its nature. Therefore, the more traction it gains the more harm for our race and our ideology.

If Putin loses in Ukraine, this whole narrative will be discredited. The greater Russian defeat would be the sooner and more complete will unravel this false narrative. There will be no one wanting to associate himself with this nonsense if Russian leadership was put into jail somewhere in Netherlands.

Therefore, proceeding from these purely logical practical considerations we must wish Russia to fail; to fail as thoroughly and painfully as possible.

The Russian neo-Bolshevik society made a wrong choice of opposing its identity to the wider European identity. The only way to rectify this mistake is to derail the whole enterprise.

There is yet one very important consideration that must be remembered. Russia is a multi-ethnic country with rapidly growing non-White component.

Even in the best-case scenario for ethnic Russians, they would never be able to regain control above the whole territory. The dissolution of the empire is inevitable at some point. The sooner it happens the greater will be the share of the White people.

Therefore, we can see, that continuation of existence of the Kremlin’s empire is contrary to the White racial interests. There is no point whatsoever for any rational racially-aware White person to wish anything good for the Bolshevik empire. The sooner it ceases to exist the better for all. It is the main argument against any pro-Putin notions among western conservatives and nationalists. And it needs to be formulated from inside Russian society in order to reject any possible accusation of bias or injustice. This position is founded not on hatred but on logical analysis of facts.

The same mental homework must do White Americans in order to understand total irrelevance and pernicious role of their country. The modern USA is not a white country. It is a virulently anti-White entity. But this topic must be elaborated by Americans themselves, not by some Russians or anyone else. If I say this, anyone could rejoinder that I do it because of malice or envy or misunderstanding. Therefore, it is better when everyone analyses and criticizes something that he knows best. It is more appropriate and more relevant.

By the way, saying that Kremlin’s empire must fall, I don’t call for any actions against it or any material support of its enemies. I simply state the fact that the downfall of this empire would be beneficial for our long-term interests. Otherwise, we must be truly neutral. We don’t need to take sides in this war. It is a silly habit among many people to think that they necessarily must side with someone in order to be relevant. Not at all. Sometimes, the best option is to remain aloof.

Yet one mistake when judging the ongoing war is to seek how many Jews work in Ukrainian government and on the basis of this to proclaim Ukraine to be a Zionist puppet. There are Jews on both sides. They gain both political and economic profit from this war. Nothing new. There were Jews in Confederacy. Does it mean that the whole Confederacy project was a Jewish clandestine operation in order to harm White people? It is a flawed logic. The fact that fleas comfortably live in dog’s fur and suck dog’s blood doesn’t mean that they completely control this dog and the dog itself is irrelevant. The real life is more complicated than this. Underestimating Jewish factor is a dangerous omission but ascribing to Jews too much power and universal influence is even more harmful. It beclouds the ability of logical analysis. Even in USA where Jews really control the central government their ability to manipulate the social events is limited. The life goes on according to its own logic.

In any case, the greater share of guilt for the fact that Jews have become too powerful in the White societies must be ascribed to Whites themselves; especially to the old White aristocracy. They bear the main burden of responsibility for what happened. I think that this is the only productive approach. Whatever the harmful influence of any aliens, the ultimate victory or failure will depend entirely on our own qualities and ability to overcome all obstacles and our own internal weaknesses.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:38 pm

In any case, the greater share of guilt for the fact that Jews have become too powerful in the White societies must be ascribed to Whites themselves; especially to the old White aristocracy. They bear the main burden of responsibility for what happened. I think that this is the only productive approach. Whatever the harmful influence of any aliens, the ultimate victory or failure will depend entirely on our own qualities and ability to overcome all obstacles and our own internal weaknesses.
That White aristocrats of times past acted irresponsibly is a lesson we can learn from so as to prevent future repetition. Going forward, rejecting all non-White influences as we build our community (both locally and generally on this planet) should continued to be emphasized as newcomers arrive and need to be taught. I agree that addressing any and all internal weakness that we may now have or begin to develop require all of us know our program and its values and be eternally watchful. Our Alliance should be thought of as each of ours responsibility. A strong core within provides strength and resiliency going forward in time and enhances our chances of survival.
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:49 am

The death of a deranged white man

Russell Bentley was an American communist who moved into Russian-occupied Donetsk back in 2014 where he joined separatist forces. He tried his best to please his new masters and to be as “antifascist” as possible. On many occasions he asserted his rejection of any notion of racial and ethnic identity and affirmed his communist views. But, after some time, he started to notice inconsistencies and abuses. In the last two years he even dared to criticize local officials for their corruption and negligence. Most probably, it was the main cause of his eventual death. On 8th of April 2024 he was abducted by unknown men and afterward killed. No reason or explanation were given. Only some rumors were spread that he was a CIA spy.
A good example for all western Putinists.

I have listened some of Russell’s interviews. He was an amicable good-natured man; the kind that anyone would like to have as a neighbor. Personally, I have nothing against him. But his deranged views have led him to this end.

Back in Soviet times there were some enthusiastic westerners who believed in communist paradise and migrated into USSR. Very soon they became disillusioned but it was too late. Russell Bentley is the latest example of this stupidity. The white man who rejected his identity and joined the neo-Bolshevik monster. The result is predictable and just.

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Re: The death of a deranged White man

Post by Angelicus » Thu May 09, 2024 1:45 pm

This story is a very eloquent example of the stupidity prevalent among Western nationalists who foolishly believe Putin is "a good guy" to put it in a simplistic American way. As Wolf Stoner has said, and proved, many times, this kind of mental disease is fairly widespread across the Western world. Having a rather good understanding of French and Italian I noticed (many years ago) a common pattern in nationalist or even NS groups in those countries; the basic idea was: "Putin is a good man, a true patriot" As proof of that they would point out at his "War against the Oligarchs", something which was quite understandable since 9 out of 10 oligarchs were Jews. Nearly eight years ago I was also a believer in the myth of "Putin the Patriot"; however I began to notice serious cracks in the picture. Pictures of a smiling Putin surrounded by Jews and statements by Putin praising the "heroic Red Army" and its role in the "liberation of Europe" told me that the man was a liar and a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

As annoying and harmful as this foolish belief of Putin as a defender of the White race is we must understand that is a logical phenomenon. Most people prefer beautiful lies to ugly truths; I am not excusing such people, I merely point out a common feature of human nature. The problem arises when we let our wishes overrule our critical thinking or common sense and start to look at things not as they are but as we want them to be.

Nearly 90 years ago, hundreds of stupid, delusional Americans, went to Spain in 1936, to fight against the "fascist" forces led by Franco (a hypocrite who was as "fascist" as Churchill) in defence of the "democratic" Spanish republican government. Russell Bentley was the spiritual heir of those fools who believed in something that did not exist. May this be a lesson to all Western admirers of Putin.

Thank you very much for this illuminating story Mr. Stoner


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Re: The death of a deranged White man

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri May 10, 2024 7:24 pm

Angelicus wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 1:45 pm

As annoying and harmful as this foolish belief of Putin as a defender of the White race is we must understand that is a logical phenomenon. Most people prefer beautiful lies to ugly truths; I am not excusing such people, I merely point out a common feature of human nature. The problem arises when we let our wishes overrule our critical thinking or common sense and start to look at things not as they are but as we want them to be.
Fully agree with you. I don't blame those simple conservative people in the West who are deceived by this Putin legend. It is always such an attractive dream to believe in a wonderful faraway hero who is going to save you from your local villains. But the reality is always much more harsh and less glamorous. We must save ourselves, not to wait for any magical heroes, be it Trump, Putin or any other populist blabber who are now emerging in everywhere. I especially warn against supporting any of those semi-nationalist "respectable" politicians who try to play on our field but in the same time to remain in the existing political framework. We must not allow those people to reap the harvest that isn't theirs. We must never support any kind of mainstream "nationalist" politicians. Our task is to tear away their auditory to us, not to push our followers to them.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri May 10, 2024 7:27 pm

Very interesting remarks by admiral Rob Bauer. https://odysee.com/@wolfstoner:9/Rob-Bauer_2:6

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Re: Admiral Rob Bauer

Post by Angelicus » Mon May 20, 2024 8:25 pm

An interesting video. What Admiral Rob Bauer is saying is quite obvious to us, who value and appreciate a hierarchical society where the welfare of the community is the highest priority. That was the main tenet of the National Socialist German Workers Party. I remember a slogan in a Party´s brochure that said: "I am nothing, my people is everything!"

However, towards the end of the clip, we can see how he deviously twists the argument to speak in favour of supporting Ukraine. The purpose of his speech is to make people aware that supporting Zelensky is the right thing to do. Of course, I am not making an argument in favour of Putin, who is a loathsome character and an enemy of everything we cherish. This war is nothing but a conflict between two evil powers, or, if you prefer, two criminal organisations. We must not take sides. Unfortunately, I have seen many idiots from what we can loosely call "our side" fighting (on the Internet, of course) on behalf of Putin or Zelensky. The former usually say (and believe) "Putin is a patriot" / "Zelensky is a Jew and represents Western degeneracy" (this is true). The latter say "Putin is a neo-Bolshevik, therefore we must fight against him"

Leaving aside the ridiculous idea that "Putin is a good guy", the other concepts are true; however, only an idiot would take sides in this fight where both powers involved are equally evil and hateful. This war is a modern version of the supposedly inevitable conflict between the Western Allies and Stalin in 1946.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Admiral Rob Bauer

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue May 21, 2024 1:28 am

Angelicus wrote:
Mon May 20, 2024 8:25 pm
An interesting video. What Admiral Rob Bauer is saying is quite obvious to us, who value and appreciate a hierarchical society where the welfare of the community is the highest priority. That was the main tenet of the National Socialist German Workers Party. I remember a slogan in a Party´s brochure that said: "I am nothing, my people is everything!"

However, towards the end of the clip, we can see how he deviously twists the argument to speak in favour of supporting Ukraine. The purpose of his speech is to make people aware that supporting Zelensky is the right thing to do. Of course, I am not making an argument in favour of Putin, who is a loathsome character and an enemy of everything we cherish. This war is nothing but a conflict between two evil powers, or, if you prefer, two criminal organisations. We must not take sides. Unfortunately, I have seen many idiots from what we can loosely call "our side" fighting (on the Internet, of course) on behalf of Putin or Zelensky. The former usually say (and believe) "Putin is a patriot" / "Zelensky is a Jew and represents Western degeneracy" (this is true). The latter say "Putin is a neo-Bolshevik, therefore we must fight against him"

Leaving aside the ridiculous idea that "Putin is a good guy", the other concepts are true; however, only an idiot would take sides in this fight where both powers involved are equally evil and hateful. This war is a modern version of the supposedly inevitable conflict between the Western Allies and Stalin in 1946.
"Our side" is that of the National Alliance, and we consider White Ukrainians and White Russians to be our kinsmen. However, many of these Whites have been duped into believing their Jew-controlled "leaders" Zelenskyy and Putin to their often-fatal detriment. It is our task to reach out to these Ukrainian, Russian, and all Whites wherever we are to bring them around to an upwardly progressive path for Whites. Our program, guided by our Cosmotheist life-philosophy, that all of us in the Alliance have agreed to encourages this systematically and with foresight towards a future where we Whites will rule our destiny.

It is with an eye towards the best Whites that we must concentrate on influencing at this time, the idiots (if they survive) come later. The idea here is that the best are to be gathered and will be much more effective at working organizationally to build up the Alliance's strength to where we can influence the rest.
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Admiral Rob Bauer

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu May 23, 2024 4:00 am

Angelicus wrote:
Mon May 20, 2024 8:25 pm
This war is nothing but a conflict between two evil powers, or, if you prefer, two criminal organisations. We must not take sides.
Yes, I agree. Our task is to destroy the whole post-WW2 globalist system. Putin’s Russia, USA and NATO are the constituent parts of this system.

We must mentally separate ourselves from affiliation with any existing state structures. They are all, in some way or another, alien and hostile to our cause. It means that we must never tie ourselves to any state bandwagon. Our vision and our task is much more important.

It doesn’t mean that we should withdraw from the ongoing events. Far from it. We must take part in them without proclaiming our true affiliation and purposes.

My position on Ukrainian war is simple: I am neutral. I support neither of the states. In the same time, we must be fully aware that there are many people of our views who fight for Ukraine. On the contrary, the Russian armed forces almost entirely consist of people brainwashed with Bolshevik propaganda. There are hardly anyone among them who would share our ideas; more than this: if any of us happened to be caught on the occupied territories, we would be killed on the spot or thrown into prison. Ethnic nationalism, especially its racial aspect, is anathema for Russians. It is similar of being a witch in Medieval Spain. This peculiarity of the situation must be always remembered when evaluating this war.

Otherwise, for sure, this war has nor relation to our interests. Russia, Ukraine, EU, USA are controlled by competing gangs. Their interests are incompatible with our interests.

The ongoing war in Europe is a proxy war between the collective West and China. China started it by using Russia. The more it goes on the more obvious becomes the extent of Chinese influence in Russia. Putin’s gang is not an independent player. The Ukrainian government is steered by the West. The situation is similar with a Korean war of 1950-53. But I suppose that this conflict will not be contained. Chinese drive for world domination shows no signs of abating or desire for compromise. China is ready to fight to the last Russian; USA and EU, similarly, are ready to defend their sphere of influence to the last Ukrainian, Pole or anyone else in the Eastern Europe.
China has successfully tied up its main enemies in this war and can now more freely act in other parts of the world.

Yet one point that we must remember is the great racial difference between White people and East Asians. Chinese mind operates very differently from our mind. They have no morality or compassion as we understand it. They calculate the ratio of gains and losses. If gains promise to be greater than losses, they would act, regardless of any other considerations. Even if it means death of billions of people. I don’t think that Chinese leadership sees the nuclear war with the same fear as European leaders do. For them it is yet another tool.

Proceeding from this assumption, I suppose that, at some point, China will urge Russia to use nuclear weapons; at least for the purpose of testing western reaction. Even if the all-out nuclear exchange happens between Russia and USA, China will remain intact. It would mean that after the nuclear dust settles, China would remain the only superpower on the planet.

There are many aspects of this conflict. It can’t be defined by any simplistic formula. We must closely monitor the situation in order to exploit it in our favor when opportunities arise.

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