Words of Wolf Stoner
- fluxmaster
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:00 pm
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
No one in the establishment is our savior. We all agree to that. I have never referred to Elon Musk as our savior or even as our ally. There are numerous things about him that I dislike and disapprove of, and I do not hesitate to state them when applicable.
That said, there are a significant number of people who will tear down anyone greater than themselves because they cannot stand to see someone so great or so successful. I'm not accusing anyone here of doing that, but I have seen it, and I believe that a large part of the hostility toward Elon Musk among some people stems from that. He is a man of extraordinary ability who is spectacularly successful at an endeavor which, in itself, is essential for our survival into the distant future and is motivated only by benevolence and not personal wealth or aggrandizement. But it is also true that the larger the man, the larger his flaws, and that applies to Elon Musk as much as to anyone else. No, his Mars colony will not be 100% White, no, Tesla cars are not 100% safe, and, no, he has not made Twitter/X 100% free. There is no one in the establishment who meets our standards today.
There are many White men throughout history who are generally considered heroes who would not only not meet our standards but, were they alive today, would almost certainly be our sworn enemies. I'll give two examples. Christopher Columbus was a fanatical Christian who wanted to sail east to establish a route for Crusaders to follow to liberate Jerusalem from the infields. He would be our enemy were he alive today. But I don't go around advocating tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus. Werner von Braun was an extreme leftist, even by today's standards, who wanted a one-world government run by the United Nations and wanted the United Nations to use atomic weapons against any country in the world that failed to submit to their will. Read his novel Project MARS: A Technical Tale if you don't believe me. He would almost certainly be our enemy were he alive today. Yet I don't have any problem considering him one of the great men of the twentieth century. It's easier to gloss over the faults of men who lived in the past than of those who live today. A century from now, Elon Musk's flaws will be largely forgotten, but his achievements will endure.
There is one highly unlikely scenario in which Elon Musk may turn out to be our savior, but it is one that I do not hope for and certainly hope that it can be avoided. In a doomsday scenario in which the elite have, say, released a deadly virus that ends up wiping out all human life on earth, Elon Musk's mostly-White colony on Mars could end up being the only hope for the White race. I do not wish for that scenario to happen, and I find it highly unlikely, but I would not discount it all together. Having all our eggs in one basket or on the same planet is something to be avoided whenever possible.
Y'all are probably aware that the British gave the Red Baron, their enemy, a hero's funeral, and that their military cemetery on the Falkland Islands honors the Argentines as well as the British who fell in that conflict. That was mighty White of them to do that.
That said, there are a significant number of people who will tear down anyone greater than themselves because they cannot stand to see someone so great or so successful. I'm not accusing anyone here of doing that, but I have seen it, and I believe that a large part of the hostility toward Elon Musk among some people stems from that. He is a man of extraordinary ability who is spectacularly successful at an endeavor which, in itself, is essential for our survival into the distant future and is motivated only by benevolence and not personal wealth or aggrandizement. But it is also true that the larger the man, the larger his flaws, and that applies to Elon Musk as much as to anyone else. No, his Mars colony will not be 100% White, no, Tesla cars are not 100% safe, and, no, he has not made Twitter/X 100% free. There is no one in the establishment who meets our standards today.
There are many White men throughout history who are generally considered heroes who would not only not meet our standards but, were they alive today, would almost certainly be our sworn enemies. I'll give two examples. Christopher Columbus was a fanatical Christian who wanted to sail east to establish a route for Crusaders to follow to liberate Jerusalem from the infields. He would be our enemy were he alive today. But I don't go around advocating tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus. Werner von Braun was an extreme leftist, even by today's standards, who wanted a one-world government run by the United Nations and wanted the United Nations to use atomic weapons against any country in the world that failed to submit to their will. Read his novel Project MARS: A Technical Tale if you don't believe me. He would almost certainly be our enemy were he alive today. Yet I don't have any problem considering him one of the great men of the twentieth century. It's easier to gloss over the faults of men who lived in the past than of those who live today. A century from now, Elon Musk's flaws will be largely forgotten, but his achievements will endure.
There is one highly unlikely scenario in which Elon Musk may turn out to be our savior, but it is one that I do not hope for and certainly hope that it can be avoided. In a doomsday scenario in which the elite have, say, released a deadly virus that ends up wiping out all human life on earth, Elon Musk's mostly-White colony on Mars could end up being the only hope for the White race. I do not wish for that scenario to happen, and I find it highly unlikely, but I would not discount it all together. Having all our eggs in one basket or on the same planet is something to be avoided whenever possible.
Y'all are probably aware that the British gave the Red Baron, their enemy, a hero's funeral, and that their military cemetery on the Falkland Islands honors the Argentines as well as the British who fell in that conflict. That was mighty White of them to do that.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 191
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Australian national-socialists. Jacob Hersant. https://t.me/jacobhersant/66 https://t.me/jacobhersant/77
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 191
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
I would not put much hopes in any such projects like "Mars colony". It is much better to occupy ourselves with creating a real-world community here and now. Elon Musk is not a scientist; he is a money bag. Therefore, I don't think that he deserves all those adulations that you shower him with. I don't hate him but I simply dislike him. I dislike anyone whose ego is far above their actual abilities. Musk is precisely this kind of man. His main task in life is to create a cult of himself. There are many such people. All kinds of celebrities and populist politicians are of this kind. Sparkling emptiness. I don't discard an eventuality that, somehow, Musk's whimsical actions would help our cause. But it doesn't mean that we owe him any gratitude. At present Iran does more than any other force in the world to advance our interests. It really hurts our enemies. I am glad about it. But it doesn't mean that I should become Schiite Muslim. We must not confuse these totally different matters. There can be multitude of temporary allies but it doesn't mean that we must instantly adulate them and count as our friends. Musk's conflict with ADL must be considered on the same level with Hamas-Israel conflict or Iran-USA conflict. The only difference is that Musk's input is infinitesimal in comparison with what other anti-zionist forces do. To sum up: Musk is a usual wealthy man, as thousands of others of this kind. There is no point to hate them but neither to respect them. In all times merchants were considered with a tinge of contempt. They were never equal with aristocracy. They must never be. People whose main concern in life is to grab money don't deserve to be valued high. Elon Musk is an Economic Man that has his reward in life in the form of luxury and universal fame. But he did nothing for his own race to which alone he owes his achievements.fluxmaster wrote: ↑Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:13 am
There is one highly unlikely scenario in which Elon Musk may turn out to be our savior, but it is one that I do not hope for and certainly hope that it can be avoided. In a doomsday scenario in which the elite have, say, released a deadly virus that ends up wiping out all human life on earth, Elon Musk's mostly-White colony on Mars could end up being the only hope for the White race. I do not wish for that scenario to happen, and I find it highly unlikely, but I would not discount it all together. Having all our eggs in one basket or on the same planet is something to be avoided whenever possible.
- fluxmaster
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:00 pm
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
I don't want to prolong this discussion, and I'm not even trying to get you to like Elon Musk, but you keep repeating absurdities about Elon Musk.
Assuming that he succeeds in settling on Mars, his home on Mars will be even less "luxurious" than that.
I appreciate your expertise on Russia, and, on numerous occasions I have posted links to your articles on the Russia-Ukraine conflict on Stormfront in a futile attempt to enlighten the Putin worshippers there. But your expertise does not extend to Elon Musk or Boca Chica. As they say, you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Elon Musk doesn't live a life of luxury, unless you consider sleeping on the floor under his desk at the factory a luxury. He imposes extreme hardship on himself in order to accomplish his goals and set an example for his workers. Those are facts. When he does manage to get home from work, this is the house that he comes home to.Wolf Stoner wrote: ↑Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:23 amElon Musk is an Economic Man that has his reward in life in the form of luxury and universal fame.
I appreciate your expertise on Russia, and, on numerous occasions I have posted links to your articles on the Russia-Ukraine conflict on Stormfront in a futile attempt to enlighten the Putin worshippers there. But your expertise does not extend to Elon Musk or Boca Chica. As they say, you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
- Jim Mathias
- Posts: 3358
- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Then cease. You're being argumentative and uselessly so.
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- Will Williams
- Posts: 5101
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
That was the conclusion of Kevin's American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 December: "EM (Elon Musk Economic Man)". The jury is still out as to whether or not he'll ever be a truly spiritual man and put some of his enormous wealth toward the welfare and preservation of his own people. He had his chance nearly eight years ago when Kevin dedicated an ADV, appealing to him to help, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/th ... elon-musk/Wolf Stoner wrote: ↑Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:23 am[...]
To sum up: Musk is a usual wealthy man, as thousands of others of this kind. There is no point to hate them but neither to respect them. In all times merchants were considered with a tinge of contempt. They were never equal with aristocracy. They must never be. People whose main concern in life is to grab money don't deserve to be valued high. Elon Musk is an Economic Man that has his reward in life in the form of luxury and universal fame. But he did nothing for his own race to which alone he owes his achievements.
DEAR MR. Musk:
I recently watched the interview you gave to the World Post, and I was struck by your insights into the demographic decline of that part of the human population of this planet on which we absolutely depend for the continuance of our civilization. I was honestly amazed that you — unlike most men who have achieved eminence, and who hence have a great deal to lose — took on, without any apparent hesitation, an issue that is surrounded by a quasi-religious taboo even greater than the taboo the imams put on images of their prophet: the issue of human quality. As a man of the world, I am sure you know about that taboo. Yet, like both Crick and Watson, you nevertheless chose to violate it. This speaks well of you: It speaks of your concern for our looming demographic death, and it also speaks of courage — and passion. It is a passion I have shared for the last 33 years. I hope you will not think me arrogant when I say that I write you to expand your knowledge on this issue: There are vital aspects to it — aspects also subject to an equal or even greater taboo — that must be considered.
I will intersperse my comments between your answers, mostly from the section of your interview titled “What Challenges Lie Ahead?”
You were asked about the three greatest challenges to our civilization, and you answered:
I think demographics is a real issue. People are not having kids in a lot of countries. And very often people will say, “We’ll solve it with immigration.” But immigration from where? Many parts of Europe have an average birthrate of only 50 or 60 per cent. of what’s needed for replacement. Or China for that matter — they’re at 50 per cent. of the replacement rate. Where, exactly, are we going to find 600 million people to replace the ones that were never born?....
Of course we are still waiting for Elon to acknowledge receipt of our letter, much less responding to it.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5101
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Interesting, but we're venturing way off of the topic of "Wolf Stoner's Words".fluxmaster wrote: ↑Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:48 am
Elon Musk doesn't live a life of luxury, unless you consider sleeping on the floor under his desk at the factory a luxury. He imposes extreme hardship on himself in order to accomplish his goals and set an example for his workers. Those are facts. When he does manage to get home from work, this is the house that he comes home to.
There's not much room in that box for any of his 11 children, so we assume he's an "empty nester."
Elon Musk’s new home is a $50,000 box in Boca Chica, Texas, near SpaceX’s development and test site. The house is a mass-produced, 20 feet x 20 feet foldable, prefabricated home made by Boxabl, a startup making modular instant houses. The interior of the house is set up like a studio apartment, with one large room partitioned into a living room and bedroom area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a bathroom with a tub shower. The house is reportedly a casita model, which is priced at $50,000.
Sounds like a nice bachelor pad. No "hardship." I've lived in less. Here's just one of Elon's seven mansions that he left behind in California when he got the hell out of there for Texas:

Read about the other six, here: https://www.ibtimes.com/elon-musk-owns- ... es-2880715
Elon Musk Owns 7 Mansions:
Here’s A Look At All His Homes
By Dawn Geske
A portion of Elon Musk’s wealth seems to be invested in real estate as the Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX CEO has reportedly spent about $100 million on a series of homes in California since 2012.
According to the Wall Street Journal, six of the properties are located in close proximity to each other in the Bel-Air community of Los Angeles while the seventh is located close to Tesla’s corporate headquarters in Northern California.
The seven properties differ vastly as one is a $22.3 million colonial mansion complete with tennis court, five garages, and pool while another is a $7.8 million ranch home formally-owned by actor Gene Wilder, the news outlet said.
Other homes in the Musk collection reportedly include a $20 million six-bedroom house with eight bathrooms, a $4.9 million with four-bedrooms, a $27.3 million six-bedroom home made up of geometric shapes, and most recently a $4.2 million colonial house.
The property located near Tesla headquarters, is a 100-year-old mansion with a value of $27.2 million, which was previously owned for 150 years by the same family, featuring a ballroom, flower-arranging room, staff wing, and pavilion with 18th century Chinese wallpaper – all situated in a treelined estate with manicured gardens and large front driveway, the Journal said.
The report did not indicate which home is Musk’s primary residence. Musk is reported to have a net worth of $26.4 billion, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
Note that this report was in 2019, well before he could spend $44 billion to purchase Twitter.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 191
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Thank you for supporting my vision on East European affairs. For me it is much more important than any arguments about celebrities. They don't deserve to be the subject of strife among racially-aware people. I adhere to the very simple but effective rule: I divide all people in three category: 1)racially conscious Whites, 2)mainstream Whites, 3)all others. Only those belonging to the first category deserve to be taken into account. All others are simply irrelevant. The mainstream whites who disregard racial identity at some point will have to choose: either to become racially aware or to disappear into the brown bio mass.fluxmaster wrote: ↑Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:48 am
I appreciate your expertise on Russia, and, on numerous occasions I have posted links to your articles on the Russia-Ukraine conflict on Stormfront in a futile attempt to enlighten the Putin worshippers there. But your expertise does not extend to Elon Musk or Boca Chica. As they say, you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
We should not attach too much value to those who don't share our vision. It doesn't mean that we should isolate ourselves from outside world. On the contrary, we must be keenly tuned to everything that happens. For example, I with great interest listen generals Philip Breedlove, Ben Hodges and Wesley Clark; they share professional observations on the war in Ukraine; but otherwise, they are systemic scoundrels who are happy to bow before any traitor in the White House; you rightly pointed out this complexity about historical figures.
But we must develop very strong sense about in-group, out-group. We should never ascribe too much value for anyone from out-group; regardless of any real or supposed deserts of this person. Even if it is the supreme genius that ever walked on Earth, it doesn't add a cent to his value in our eyes if he is not of our own. As simple as this. It works. Jews survived this way for millennia. There is no other way. We not only must shun those who don't share our vision but hate them (in quiet fashion; it must never be exposed publicly). Because everyone who don't share our worldview is an obstacle for our advance. And obstacles must be removed. A White man must learn to hate. So far he was too good-natured and too kind. Hitler was too kind; confederate statesmen were excessively kind. It was their main fault. We must learn this lesson. Our enemies call us "haters". So far it was a lie. But the time has come to become haters. Hate works. Jews and Muslims carved good portions of Earth exclusively because of their exceptional ability to hate out-group. It is their main quality. They have little else. If a White man learns to hate and to uncompromisingly exclude out-group, he will rapidly become the sole master on this Earth. It is what our enemies fear most. They try to act preventively. In any way, everything depends on us. If we act the right way, no one will be able to stop us.
Returning to the issue in question I must agree that I, certainly, have no right to lecture Americans about other Americans. You, definitely, are more aware about your local issues. But I never meant to put this issue as something relevant. As I said, any out-group member doesn't deserve to be the cause of strife among in-group people.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 191
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Yes, all those antics like sleeping in a cabin is usual publicity stunt with these people. Some kind of Greta Thunberg syndrome. Acute desire to seem "like simple people". Trump serving pizza, Biden ordering smoothie, Putin joking with children. In Soviet army there was a ritual for visiting general to taste food from a soldier pot. It works for mainstream simpletons, but, certainly, must not dupe us.Will Williams wrote: ↑Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:01 pmA portion of Elon Musk’s wealth seems to be invested in real estate as the Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX CEO has reportedly spent about $100 million on a series of homes in California since 2012.
According to the Wall Street Journal, six of the properties are located in close proximity to each other in the Bel-Air community of Los Angeles while the seventh is located close to Tesla’s corporate headquarters in Northern California.
The seven properties differ vastly as one is a $22.3 million colonial mansion complete with tennis court, five garages, and pool while another is a $7.8 million ranch home formally-owned by actor Gene Wilder, the news outlet said.
Other homes in the Musk collection reportedly include a $20 million six-bedroom house with eight bathrooms, a $4.9 million with four-bedrooms, a $27.3 million six-bedroom home made up of geometric shapes, and most recently a $4.2 million colonial house.
The property located near Tesla headquarters, is a 100-year-old mansion with a value of $27.2 million, which was previously owned for 150 years by the same family, featuring a ballroom, flower-arranging room, staff wing, and pavilion with 18th century Chinese wallpaper – all situated in a treelined estate with manicured gardens and large front driveway, the Journal said.
The report did not indicate which home is Musk’s primary residence. Musk is reported to have a net worth of $26.4 billion, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 191
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Mark Weber, Frodi Midjord and Henrik Palmgren about Russia and connected issues. Henrik Palmgren starts to discuss this issue since 36th minute of his program.
https://odysee.com/@redicetv:1/perfect- ... ff-ep246:a
https://odysee.com/@redicetv:1/perfect- ... ff-ep246:a