Words of Wolf Stoner

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:43 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:37 pm
Certainly, I don't take Cornel West seriously. He is a part of the establishment. But I like how he irritates Jews by his pro-Palestinian remarks. I enjoyed this episode on Fox News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svOc4Ki68_U
The Harvard Negro Theology professor versus the Harvard Jew Law professor, and FOJ (Friend Of Jeffery Epstein), going at it. It doesn't get much better than that. My favorite line: Corny tells the Jew, "You need to get off the crack pipe, buddy." :lol:
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:32 am

Yes, it is laughable when mice fight rats. At first it looks like a stupid joke but eventually it could evolve into something greater. Bolshevik history in Russia is the best example. The trifling disagreements at first had grown into bloody struggle for power in 1930es. Yes, they all hate White race and act together against it but, at some moment their own contradictions and hatreds would compel them to annihilate one another. I am sure, that, when USA crumbles, the non-Whites will start to kill each other in a much bloodier fashion than Jews and HAMAS do it at present between themselves. The White race is the only stabilizing factor in the world. The less its influence the greater the chaos. When Europe and USA finally lose their dominant positions, the rest of the world will be plunged into all against all bloodbath. The end result of which will be the restoration of the natural biological balance. The number of each ethnic group will be in strict accordance with its ability to sustain itself, as it must be.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:11 am

Chris Christie's warm reception in Florida. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDDAaEeMB8Q

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:02 am

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:11 am
Chris Christie's warm reception in Florida. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDDAaEeMB8Q
What a disgusting slob, yapping about "truth." :lol:

It's too bad the audience didn't have a supply of rotten eggs and tomatoes to hurl for effect.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:38 am

Two illustrious shabbos-goys compete with each other in war-mongering. In the last month the Fox News has become even more disgusting channel than Kremlin's propagandist shows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yglk5gTCeto

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:14 am

Plenty of video materials about black depredations. Nothing new for Americans but very revealing for those who live outside. The mainstream media never shows this side of America. https://odysee.com/@WildBlacks:c

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:23 am

Mark Levin enumerates the main points why honest people shouldn't vote for Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oFS76fRwCI

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:49 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:23 am
Mark Levin enumerates the main points why honest people shouldn't vote for Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oFS76fRwCI
The two main U.S. parties, Republican and Democrat, faithfully serve the Jewish interest in destroying our White race. I would rather write a vote for Hitler, even if it were wasted, than to give any willing support to our self-appointed enemies. I've cast my lot with the program of the National Alliance and its underlying Cosmotheist philosophy to seek other solutions to get our race back on the right track and then to break free of all Jewish genocidal schemes against us. All it takes is moral courage for others to step up, do what's right, and do likewise.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:14 am

National Vanguard site was blocked in Russia a few days ago. Blacklisting of NV by Russia is incomprehensible. The site that has no Russian-language content and that deals mostly with internal American affairs and opposes Biden administration is blocked by Putinist Russia. Yet one manifestation of insanity that is going on in this country.

Most probably it is the work of Jews inside Russian state security apparatus. They act on behest of their brethren throughout the world. Yet one example of power abuse in the interests of an alien tribal community. It is hardly possible that some Russian FSB analytic would study NV materials and find something that harms Russian interests. They simply don’t care about non-Russian content, especially if it has no relation to the events inside Russia.

In any case, it is yet one reminder of the nature of the Putinist system.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:21 am

The Chosen Nation

The very idea of a chosen nation isn’t particularly a good one. To ascribe to one group of people some special superior qualities and to deny them to all others contradicts the obvious reality. The real life is much more complicated. Positive and negative qualities are distributed more randomly than the idea of a chosen nation presupposes it.

But, in the same time it is an undeniable fact that people are different in all aspects; that some groups of people have greater abilities in particular occupations. For example, aboriginal Australians are undeniably superior at roaming in their lands, hunting animals and gathering edible plants. Any urban dweller from Europe put in this wild environment would have died in a few days’ time. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that aboriginal Australians are superior to Europeans. But superior only in this particular environment. All other racial groups are superior in their own sense. It would be a folly to claim some kind of absolute superiority to any particular group, especially to a small ethnic group that doesn’t even has its own fixed habitat.

But it doesn’t mean that such a group can’t possess some superior qualities that would allow it to achieve greater results in some activities. They surely have. Otherwise, they would not have survived and succeeded for centuries and millennia.

There are no absolute moral laws. Any moral system is relative to the social environment in which it was created. Good and evil are not some absolute qualities but evaluations in relation to a particular interest group. What is good for a cat isn’t good for a mouse.

Therefore, the only objective criterion of evaluation is the long-term success. Those groups that survive longer than others and preserve their qualities are more successful than those who die-out and melt-away in alien masses.

On the other hand, we should always remember that mites, fleas and leeches are much more adept at surviving in all kinds of environment and exist for much longer than higher mammals and birds. The simplicity of the primitive parasitical forms of life allows them to be more successful. But their success is possible only if there is someone to live upon.

Therefore, we can’t compare these different forms of life on equal basis.

It is obvious that the more complicated and highly developed forms of life are more vulnerable and fragile. It applies to all aspects. Any complicated mechanical device is more fragile than a hammer. And it would be inappropriate to declare a hammer to be the best instrument because it is the strongest one.

Obviously that a Bedouin or Mongol nomadic communities are less vulnerable than any European city. If Mongolia and Britain were struck by a hundred of nuclear bombs each, the negative effect to Mongolian society would be negligible; when for British society it could be fatal.

So, we can see, that, although survivability is a very important factor, it can’t be taken as the only gauge of quality of any community.

Any evaluations and judgements about social matters must be made with reservations. There are too many variables that prevent forming any fixed precise picture.

In some way or another all tribes imagined themselves to be the best in the whole world. It is normal. In the same way as any man reckons himself as the center of the universe. This view is natural. It becomes unnatural and harmful when such a highly subjective view is imposed on wider society. When a relatively small community imposes its perception of its own exclusivity as a supreme law on many other communities. The greater the disparity between the community that imposed its view of the world and the larger society that was subjected to this alien influence the greater the distortion of reality. Obviously, it is very harmful when a larger community is compelled to see the world through the prism of interests of the smaller community. It automatically puts it in a slave status. It becomes an adjunct of the master group.

If the smaller community is far superior in spiritual and intellectual qualities than the greater community, then, such symbiotic relationship could be mutually advantageous. It happened in history when a ruling elite consisting of an alien ethnic group with superior qualities had ruled above numerically greater nation. Although such a rule could seem harsh, in the long run it elevates the inferior mass to somewhat higher level. The Indian and Iranian societies are the most prominent examples. The lasting influence of the ancient Arian invasion of those lands allows these nations now to have an elevated position among neighboring countries. Their ruling elites have substantial proportion of genetic inheritance of those superior alien invaders.

But there is an example when an inferior small community had imposed its influence on a greater and better community. It is hardly needed to describe this case. Everyone can notice it by looking around.

The very concept of a chosen nation is normal when applied narrowly within the framework of a particular tribe. Each tribe reckons itself to be special and the best one. It becomes abnormality only when spread onto other tribes. It is the same as if to compel all mammals to live according to the mice’s worldview; to hate and persecute all predators who threaten mice and to transform the whole world for it to suit best for mice’s interests. And, certainly, to worship a holy Savior Mouse who was eaten by an evil cat but was raised from the dead by Mouse-god and rules the whole Universe from the Mouse heavenly kingdom. I repeat, such a worldview would be very natural for mice but absolute insanity for wolves or cows.

But it doesn’t mean that the concept of a chosen nation is totally useless as a wider ideal. For a nation to be considered a “chosen one” it must conform to some criteria. First of all, let’s frame this question rightly. If someone or something is to be ascribed universal positive value, it must have it first. It must be the source of something useful for all those who agree to accept it in this role. For example, all nations can easily agree that wheat and rice are the most useful plants on Earth. This evaluation is right for all humans; it is not necessarily right for other mammals, let alone other plants.

The same rule applies when evaluating inputs of various nations. What nation was the most productive and creative? The nation that gave more thinkers, scientists and artists that, essentially, created the whole civilization as we know it? If we can identify such a nation, then, we must ascribe to it this very status of being the “chosen nation”. But it would not be an arbitrarily self-ascribed status but justly won and objectively true one.

If judged according to these criteria, the obvious winner in this contest of being the “chosen nation” on this Earth are Germans. It is the nation that gave the world the greater part of those men who created technological civilization. Even those great men who are nominally not German, were in some way influenced by German society. For example, Copernicus is a Pole but he lived his whole life among Germans, spoke German and probably was of partly German ancestry. The population of Northern Italy and France, from where many scientists and artists originated, is descended from Germanic tribes that conquered those lands in late Roman period. Englishmen too to great extent sprang from the same German roots.

Germany proper, England, France, Italy are the countries that responsible for 90% of all scientific and cultural achievements of the world. But, as we have seen, populations of England, France and Italy have Germanic roots. Even Spain and Portugal owe their best qualities to the genetic input of Germanic tribes that invaded Iberian Peninsula in 5th century.

The origin of ancient Rus is Baltic-Scandinavian. If you compare the pictures of ancient Rus fighters with Vikings, they are almost indistinguishable from one another.
Even in later times the Imperial Russia was heavily influenced by Germans. Substantial part of the Russian aristocracy had German roots. Even those great Russian men who were not of immediate German ancestry, were greatly influenced by German culture and overall mentality. For example, composer Tchaikovsky studied in Europe, lived in Italy and his music has German-Italian taste. To put it shortly, if we remove the Germanic element from Russian scientific-cultural life, there would remain almost nothing else. The same with all other Slavic nations.

The Scandinavian people are so closely related to Germans that I would not even expand on it. The Baltic peoples were for centuries an adjunct of German cultural-civilizational space.

So, we can see that after demise of Ancient Greece and Rome, the Germanic tribes had become the main dominant spiritual force in Europe. The whole immeasurable civilizational legacy of Europe is, in essence, the Germanic legacy.

But even if we leave only the legacy of Germany proper, it would all the same outweigh the input of all other nations taken together.

Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Kant, Schopenhauer, Leibnitz, Kepler, Gauss are the great men for whom it is hardly possible to find counterparts among other nations. They are the pinnacles of human greatness of their own. And these giants were born by German nation. German society, beside its special genetic legacy, was able to create the social environment that was conducive for development of such great minds. If born in Russia or Serbia, for example, those men would have very slim chances to succeed and develop their abilities to full extent.

This analysis shows us that German input into human civilization is superb both on genetic level and in terms of social organization. The German social and state patterns were so efficient that were eventually copied by all other European countries and later by the whole world. Japanese and Chinese success to great extent is due to heavy borrowing from this original German source; both in terms of technology and social organization.

The problem is that many of those borrowers happened to be of the kind described in the old Russian saying: “they have eaten porridge and shitted in the bowl”. Instead of being grateful and appreciative of the original source, many nations preferred to spit in this spring. It is especially applying to Russians who made it their national vocation to revile Germans. Obviously, it makes no good for Russian themselves. By severing this spiritual bond with their ancestral origin, they sentence themselves to assured racial death among Asian mass. At least the greater part of modern Russians. There are some who adhere to their European Germanic legacy and will never agree to this mental drift toward Asia.

Something similar happens in America where reviling Germany is too an indispensable part of any political speech and social studies. There is hardly a day passes without mentioning of “Nazi Germany crimes” in media. But there is no mentioning at all about huge German input into science and culture.

To the same extent as America has become superbly apt in inventing African achievements, it is apt to not notice the immeasurable German scientific and cultural legacy. It has become a national tradition of not saying anything good about Germans. This German-hate maybe not so viral and pronounced as in Russia but has the same all-pervasive nature. It is simply not appropriate to praise Germans for anything. But to revile them is obligatory for all; from primary school to university and political office.

Judging by all objective criteria the Germans are the only nation on Earth that has legitimate right to call themselves “the chosen nation”. Chosen not by an invented tribal god but by Nature that endowed this nation with superb qualities that no other people had.

But it was hardly a random gift. It was the result of long arduous evolution in a hostile environment. This natural selection cauldron that brew for millennia among the subarctic wilderness and thick impenetrable forests, had eventually produced this special breed of people. The people that became later known as Germans.

To notice this special stamp of Nature you need only to look at the portraits of the best among Germans. They bear this imprint of perfection. Something indescribable that inspires awe and devotion. The kind of beauty that has no relation to the meaning of this word as it is used now. The beauty of natural perfection. The strong-willed serious people; the people whose mind is always at work and always creates something new and useful. Such people are usually selfless, generous and unpretentious. But their other side is fierce determination to destroy any obstacle. They feel their special nature and are obliged to enforce it into the world. Anyone who dares to stay in their path is destined for destruction. These are the only people whose fighting spirit originates not so much in selfish motives but in the deeper natural urge to spread the higher form of life; to replace ugliness by beauty and inefficient with efficient. The German military-political expansionism, which is so much reviled by modern historiography, wasn’t driven by narrow tribal interests but by higher civilizational purpose. It was the burden imposed on Germans by Nature itself. And it will be the Nature that will dispense deathly punishment for all those who dare to revile this truly Chosen Nation.

Germany was destroyed. The occupational administration was imposed in its place. Its main purpose is to finally annihilate German identity.

Now the Germany itself can’t execute its noble mission. Germans are enslaved and spiritually annihilated to great extent.

In this situation the German identity and its great mission were dispersed throughout other White nations. Any White person who understands racial nature of history, who sees the real causes of the ongoing events, can accept this great noble mission and become a part of this Germanic identity. It is the unique opportunity to access a higher evolutionary level by supporting the right cause at the most critical moment. Now is the time when destiny of nations and individuals is decided. Everyone can choose the side where he belongs. Those from among modern Germans who voluntarily reject their original mission, will be cast aside and vanish. But those who accept the noble Germanic mission, will inherit this natural high status that Germans had.

Now is the unique time of great opportunities and abysmal failures. Many will die-out and vanish miserably. In their place will come those who deserve to inherit this earth. The rise of the new Germanic identity will yet again transform this planet. No trace of the present dirt and moral rot will remain. The greatest ideals and aspirations that were espoused by Germans will sweep aside everything lowly and vile. The material Germany was destroyed. But the spiritual Germany can’t be destroyed. It lives in our souls and minds. It is the essence of our identity. It will come back and avenge. There is no alternative to it. If the higher life is to continue on this planet, it must have the Germanic identity. Nothing else would do.

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