Racial Chauvinism versus Racial Separatism

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Racial Chauvinism versus Racial Separatism

Post by Trenton » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:32 pm


The attached video is a series of man on the street interviews conducted by Tyler Oliveira and a rapper named Noon Orleanz, who is native to the city of New Orleans, where the interviews are conducted. The video on its own is interesting enough, as we see how the city once known as the Paris of America has become a lot more analogous to Mogadishu.

The reason for me titling this post as I did is because of an interesting thought that occurred to me as I watched. As we know, Negroes and other non-Whites are catered to ad nauseam by American society in the 21st century, such that the decreasing portion of the population who keep the lights on are becoming second-class citizens. This is of course the natural conclusion of the liberal mindset that seeks to ‘civilize’ and ‘uplift’ the darker peoples of the world. You can’t make them our equals, so you have to make us their meal tickets.

The thought I had, however, goes beyond this. My line of thinking, however irrelevant it may be to the actual situation at hand, is that this state of affairs doesn’t even benefit the colored people. So not only are we carrying them on our backs, at great cost to ourselves and our race, we aren’t even doing them a favor!

So in honor of Marching Looters and Coons day, go out there and ask people, “Are blacks really better off than they were during segregation? You know, when there weren’t getting murdered at a rate of almost 7 thousand a year, as between 1999 and 2013?” (Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5849457/)

Maybe throw in one of those ANP boat tickets to Africa while you’re at it!

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Re: Racial Chauvinism versus Racial Separatism

Post by Trenton » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:42 pm

And just as a clarifying note, I’m not defending blacks or the destruction they collectively wreak against White America, I just found that thought interesting. Even if giving up our homes in favor of Africans was actually beneficial to them, it still wouldn’t be our responsibility.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Racial Chauvinism versus Racial Separatism

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:14 am

Interesting thoughts here, Trenton. As for asking about how Congoids benefit or not does not occur to me, that's their business and is a business that's one that has meant trouble for Whites in past times and still remains so today. We're separatists, and are in such a situation where thinking about them is a luxury, in my opinion.

Incidentally, I've visited New Orleans for about a week a bit over 10 years ago. My impression of the people in the area at that time was that they were either crazy, malicious, extremely stupid, or a combination of the above based on personal encounters I had while there. There's no doubt in my mind that the appellation of The Big Sleazy as being the murder capital of the U.S. is deserved. While there's still quite a number of Whites there, many aren't among us as being White in spirit and certainly not of the forward looking kind that we Cosmotheists are. They simply exist, which isn't saying much. The entire area will have to be reconquered someday by our descendants, it's now lost territory.
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