White women, honesty and fear

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White women, honesty and fear

Post by TaylorPeiper » Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:35 pm

This is something that I have often wondered about. Feminism has been a sour topic between men and women. The Pro's and No's of the movement immediately turn to insulting each other and come away with nothing.

Complaint with my bf

He is a Marine and is deployed often due to the classified nature of his position. If I tell him I need more encouragement or support he makes a feminazi joke about being self reliant on other things.

I am left still needing this from him. My father died when I was almost 12. The chores around the farm were much for me and my remaining only female family. I didn't know what it was like to have a man help me. I had to learn to be creative. No matter what a screw driver always feels "left handed" to me. There was no choice to cut men out there just were no men in sight.

I hate to say it but, when I am trimming trees or fence rows I don't feel much like a girl but, not a boy either. But, I know the pain of being to dirty too get in bed and too tired to shower. Things are hard on a small framed woman. It even feels unnatural to not pitch in and help with any task like moving boxes at the office. I feel men are insulted by this but, I just don't know how to stop.

Complaints with other men.

"Make me a sandwich or did you gain weight" statements make me feel almost unworthy or less than good enough. I can't even consume a meal in front of a man. I feel like he is judging me. I know that is just me but, the fake pride of feminism is a lonely island.

Like any other person I want someone to say that something I do is good enough but, the sword of feminism and abusive men have severed the ability to say that I have these feelings and intensify the pressure I feel to be something. But, what is that something? The pressure in college to be a vegan or some status of current or vacationing eating disorder/exercise disorder filled the female dorms. Someone was always "pushing the envelope". Clubs of ProAna and ProMia were everywhere. Men and women body shame. Other women can be especially brutal. I'm 29 and have never looked in a mirror at myself naked. A woman is supposed to to check for certain types of breast cancer. Between cosmetics like makeup, sunscreen and anti-aging potions I don't get to vacation every year. It's complete insanity.

I constantly ask myself what is a woman in modern culture? Who are our role models? What should we be? What should we believe? Identifying a white female role model is next to impossible. The word that describes me right now is FEAR.

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White Man 1
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Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Sep 23, 2017 5:44 pm

I constantly ask myself what is a woman in modern culture? Who are our role models? What should we be? What should we believe? Identifying a white female role model is next to impossible. The word that describes me right now is FEAR.
If you want to find your place in society and your role models, simply take a look at what nature has given you and what the female place in nature is. The distorted "body image" and "strong independent woman" lies peddled by the Jewish mass media sure aren't what we know nature has intended for us.

Working to the best of your ability to fulfill the Creator's plan is the best you can do. Is it "lady-like" to trim trees until you're too tired to stand? Well, if you can do it, and do it well, it can't be wrong.

There's nothing wrong with being a high drive person. Find your place in nature, and you'll feel a lot more fulfilled.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:13 pm

This is something that I have often wondered about. Feminism has been a sour topic between men and women. The Pro's and No's of the movement immediately turn to insulting each other and come away with nothing.
Feminism is yet more individualism taken to a very destructive extreme; it is a narrative that splits the men and women apart from each other. The results can easily be seen in destroyed families, confused and ill-led children, and other derivative social problems.

We can overcome this through our own educations in another White racial encompassing worldview done individually and then on a larger basis as we grow. It wouldn't hurt to get rid of the feminism-spouting channels from our view as well: things such as television, radio, paper, internet, college programs, etc. from our lives in any way that is effective. Turn the destroyers off from your mind and help others to do so as well.
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Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by TaylorPeiper » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:56 am

Statistically,as far as nature is concerned, I have a better chance of being hit by lightning. ;)

David Pringle

Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by David Pringle » Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:59 am

TaylorPeiper wrote:This is something that I have often wondered about. Feminism has been a sour topic between men and women. The Pro's and No's of the movement immediately turn to insulting each other and come away with nothing.

Complaint with my bf

He is a Marine and is deployed often due to the classified nature of his position. If I tell him I need more encouragement or support he makes a feminazi joke about being self reliant on other things.
He serves in the modernized Marine Corps. Women and men serve together in most Occupational Specialties. The Marine Corps is a masculine culture based on the concept of killing people on a large scale and not getting killed in the process. The women Marines are masculine in may ways because that is the culture. He's giving you the same advice he would give a female Marine.
TaylorPeiper wrote:I am left still needing this from him. My father died when I was almost 12. The chores around the farm were much for me and my remaining only female family. I didn't know what it was like to have a man help me. I had to learn to be creative. No matter what a screw driver always feels "left handed" to me. There was no choice to cut men out there just were no men in sight.
That's the pioneer spirit!
TaylorPeiper wrote:I hate to say it but, when I am trimming trees or fence rows I don't feel much like a girl but, not a boy either. But, I know the pain of being to dirty too get in bed and too tired to shower. Things are hard on a small framed woman. It even feels unnatural to not pitch in and help with any task like moving boxes at the office. I feel men are insulted by this but, I just don't know how to stop.

Complaints with other men.

"Make me a sandwich or did you gain weight" statements make me feel almost unworthy or less than good enough. I can't even consume a meal in front of a man. I feel like he is judging me. I know that is just me but, the fake pride of feminism is a lonely island.
You have projected on men Hollywood's and Park Avenue's ideal of women. That said, the McCulture most Whites live in causes obesity. I've been heavy before and lost it so I know why I gained weight and I knew that if I wanted to be healthier I needed to loose it. If you have body image issues, until you work out what is really bothering you having a body like Christy Brinkley won't make a difference. The Jewish world view creates this kind of self doubt and loathing.
TaylorPeiper wrote:Like any other person I want someone to say that something I do is good enough but, the sword of feminism and abusive men have severed the ability to say that I have these feelings and intensify the pressure I feel to be something. But, what is that something? The pressure in college to be a vegan or some status of current or vacationing eating disorder/exercise disorder filled the female dorms. Someone was always "pushing the envelope". Clubs of ProAna and ProMia were everywhere. Men and women body shame. Other women can be especially brutal. I'm 29 and have never looked in a mirror at myself naked. A woman is supposed to to check for certain types of breast cancer. Between cosmetics like makeup, sunscreen and anti-aging potions I don't get to vacation every year. It's complete insanity.

I constantly ask myself what is a woman in modern culture? Who are our role models? What should we be? What should we believe? Identifying a white female role model is next to impossible. The word that describes me right now is FEAR.
Everyone (in most cases) wants approval from the people they care about or their in group. That's natural.

Your body image issues are something you'll have to work out on your own. But until you are comfortable in your own skin and stop relying on Jewish media and academic versions of what you should be you won't be happy. I'm not sure why sandwich making requests (as long as they have a sincere please and thank you) are so bad. And shouldn't the person closest to you be the one who cares enough to let you know when you've gained too many pounds? if it is done in a loving and caring way...what is the issue?

You seem very ready to be offended by men which is unhealthy.


Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by WNNana » Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:24 am

Bottom line is you "should be" whatever it is that makes YOU comfortable and happy. Stop worrying about "impressing" other people who mean nothing to you in the grand scheme of things. If YOU like you, and your significant other likes you, it makes no difference what other people think. Now, that's not to say it acceptable to weight 400lbs and wear spandex and crop tops to Walmart- people are comfortable in their own skins still conform to basic standards,

Consider this- when I go to work, I shower, brush my teeth, put on my uniform, and that's it. No make up, no fussing, no worrying about it. My only jewelry is my wedding rings. I'm not there to impress other people, I'm there to do my job- which consists of 12 hours of most likely sweating at some point, a high probability of ending up in contact with random body fluids, unseen pathogens of every stripe, and may very well end up either loved or cussed out. I really am not concerned about what I look like as long as I start out clean, and don't have random skin or body parts showing.

On the other hand, I often wear makeup and simple jewelry and my husbands favorite perfume at home- and more makeup if we're going somewhere. Why? Because HE likes it.

Stop worrying about what the world thinks.

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White Man 1
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Re: White women, honesty and fear

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:40 pm

WNNana wrote:Bottom line is you "should be" whatever it is that makes YOU comfortable and happy.
Stop worrying about what the world thinks.
Great advice for both men and women

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