Organized Jews Shape L.A. Politics

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Will Williams
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Organized Jews Shape L.A. Politics

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:30 am

Jewry likes to influence all candidates, like putting a little money on all the horses in a race.
--- ... l-a-jewry/

January 1, 2012

The race to replace Los Angeles’ termed-out Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa isn’t until March 2013, but already candidates are raising cash, taking meetings, and locking up supporters. I’ve run into City Controller Wendy Gruel at so many pro-Israel banquets, I figure she’s either seriously running for mayor, or she’s making aliyah. Turns out she’s running for mayor.

In fact, the race is shaping up to be like a verse of Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah song: full of familiar names you never knew were Jewish.

Here’s the lineup:
Wendy Gruel is not Jewish, but her husband is, and she is raising her child in the religion.
City Council President Eric Garcetti’s father, former District Attorney Gil Garcetti, is of Italian and Mexican heritage, but his mother is Jewish.
City Councilwoman Jan Perry is African-American and Jewish.
Investment banker Austin Beutner turns out to be Jewish, although even colleagues who’ve worked with him for years were unaware of that fact.
County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who has yet to declare, has been active in the Jewish community since he taught Hebrew school at Stephen S. Wise Temple many decades ago. I should know; I was one of his students.
Developer Rick Caruso and radio host Kevin James, the other two declared candidates, are not Jewish — yet.

In a city where the Jewish population is a scant 6 percent, it begins to feel as though there is a piñata called “The Jewish Bloc” that awaits the right candidate to strike it open and collect all the votes inside. I can understand the temptation: Although we’re 6 percent of the total population, we account for 20 percent of the municipal vote. More than that, we are a significant group of activists and volunteers, and an important source for fundraising dollars. Of the “100 Richest Angelinos” listed by the Los Angeles Business Journal, 52 are Jewish. As an integral and historic part of the city (the first Jews settled here in the 1850s), this minority has the same interest as the majority: better schools; better public safety; far better transportation; and a thriving economy in a clean, sustainable environment. Jewish organizations in L.A. speak in one voice only when addressing issues concerning antisemitic attacks or Israel in crisis. Jews share all these concerns, though their political approaches to solving them may differ.

But if it were ever true that there is a “Jewish vote” in L.A., that is no longer the case. The sense that politics was tribal collapsed when assimilation and acculturation lifted ideology and interest over ethnicity. And the cliché that all politics is local dimmed with the advent of mass media and the Internet.

The conventional wisdom here is that in order to win the mayoral race, a candidate must assemble a coalition that cuts across ethnic or geographic lines. Tom Bradley, the city’s first African-American mayor, reached office on the combined support of blacks and liberal westside Jews. Mayor Richard Riordan won by putting together Latinos and conservative San Fernando Valley Jews. Villaraigosa knitted together labor, westside Jews, and Latinos. But these examples point to a flaw in the conventional wisdom. Jews vote less as an ethnic bloc and more along ideological or even geographical lines. Riordan got more suburban Jews; his opponent at the time, Michael Woo, won the votes of more urban, westside Jews. Later, Villaraigosa won the westside Jews, not so much the Valley Jews.

A liberal westside Jew may vote less like a conservative Valley Jew and more like an eastside union member. Class and professional interests, political causes, and personal networks will matter more than tribal affiliation. The appeal to ethnic loyalty in and of itself no longer works.

In the upcoming race, we will see the fault lines even more clearly. So many “Jewish” candidates will necessarily split the Jewish vote. In the small town of city politics, the fact that a candidate is “Jewish” will matter less than how he or she handled a zoning battle or some other issue.

This fractured vote reflects the growing diversity of Jewish identity. Since the late 19th century through most of the post-World War II boom, the Jewish community of Los Angeles was white, Ashkenazi, liberal, and marginally religious. Since the 1970s, Israelis, Russians, Persians, newly Orthodox, converts, and adoptees have rendered L.A. Jewry almost as diverse as the city itself. No longer is there a monochromatic L.A. Jewry.

Likewise, they no longer vote a single ideology. Jews have a huge stake in the success of this city, home to the world’s third largest Jewish population. The mayoral candidates will fall over themselves to profess love for Israel, but municipal elections don’t swing on international relations. I suspect that what will sway the majority of Jewish voters is a track record for effective government and management, and good ideas for moving L.A. forward.

So there is no single “Jewish vote” to win and no candidate on the horizon who could possibly please the entire Jewish community. A smart candidate will resist the temptation to think there is one way to the heart of Jewish L.A., or just one mayoral candidate who can win it.

I mean, besides Michael Bloomberg.

Los Angeles Economic Development – YJ Draiman

It is time to remake Los Angeles in the image of our boldest vision – a city of healthy communities with good schools and quality education, innovative companies in new and emerging sectors, quality open space, improved public transportation, a range of mobility and housing options; and above all, a prosperous and productive middle class equipped with the skills and education to create a better future.

It is time to get serious about designing a real economic development program linked to investments in healthy communities. I recently proposed to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy, Energy and Water Efficiency. We have the climate, the manpower, the resources and technology. We must promote energy and water efficiency in all sectors of LA’s economy. This by itself can save the city billions and bring many jobs and economic growth into Los Angeles. We should promote real estate gentrification, affordable housing, urban infill building, economic development and clean tech sorted through the parts of redevelopment worth retaining and retooling combined with some newer elements of economic development necessary to realize this vision of healthy communities.

In the past five years many businesses in LA have closed down or moved out. There are many vacant properties (commercial and residential). Many people have moved out of LA. They can not afford the cost of living, the high taxation, the stifling bureaucracy and varied rules and regulations that choke business development.

We have a dysfunctional leadership in Los Angeles, an inefficient workforce, a demand for entitlement, and crippling budget deficits that are creating an environment of uncertainty for many companies who want to hire people, but are afraid to do so. Capital is stagnant and unattainable, frozen by an over swing of regulation and bureaucracy. We want to get Los Angeles working again, yet many of our wounds are self inflicted, as LA bureaucrats go to work every day piling more regulations and taxes onto the very businesses we ask to grow and create more jobs. This situation must change, or we are doomed.

It is imperative that we reverse this trend.

YJ Draiman
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

David York

Re: Organized Jews Shape L.A. Politics

Post by David York » Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:17 pm

The current mayor of New York City is Bill De Blasio. De Blasio is of mixed German and Italian ethnicity, but he is married to a black woman and has 2 mixed race children. He is a democrat and won the recent election in a landslide vote against the republican candiate Joe Lhota (part Jewish). Mayor De Blasio's key campaign issue was his promise to end the NYPD's Stop and Frisk Policy. Blacks and Hispanics complained that they were being discriminated against. It is quite Ironic that Blacks and Hispanics overwhelmingly condemned Stop and Frisk, which was effective in taking guns out of the hands of criminals(mostly Black and Hispanic Gangstas and Thugs), yet whenever a black person(usually a teenager or child) gets hit with a stray bullet somewhere in the ghettos of Brooklyn or the Bronx, black community leaders come on television and criticize the police for not doing enough to take guns of the streets. This sounds like the ultimate hypocrisy, blacks are unwilling to have the gangsta segment(the majority of black teens and young adults) of their community be inconvenienced by the occasional stop and frisk by cops, but they want safer neighborhoods and fewer guns in black neighborhoods. Not to mention the fact that a good percentage of NYPD officers are Black or Hispanic themselves, so I don't get how they call being stopped by their fellow brothers racism. Black people can't get it both ways and I chuckle every time a innocent black child gets hit by a stray bullet, which happens almost on a weekly basis here in New York. Anyway getting back to Mayor De Blasio, it seems he was elected solely for having an Interracial family, and his position on Stop and Frisk. I hope he doesn't bring back the days of Dinkins, but he is a real piece of work. When he was appointing the new officers to his administration, the vast majority of his appointees where black or hispanic people. De Blasio also tries to speak in Spanish whenever he has a press conference,but doesn't even speak Spanish fluently. It seems like he is trying to pander to the illegal aliens. Why doesn't he deliver his speech in Chinese?, after all there are a lot of Chinese people in New York who don't speak English. It seems that the Jews have De Blasio on a tight leash already. He was already involved in a minor scandal in which reporters (Jews) filmed his 2 car suv-convoy running stop signs and exceeding the speed limit, just a day after he vowed to crackdown on traffic violators to try to lower the number of pedestrians who are killed or hurt in cars. :lol:

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