Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by White_Vengeance » Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:12 pm

Sigmund Freud was a complete fraud; he was nothing more than an impostor and a charlatan operating under the irrational belief among jews of "jewish superiority." In the worlds of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, Freud is most noteworthy for his doctrine of the "famous" Oedipus complex, a theory long since disproven in medical science.

Freud was in effect the scion of a traditional Hasidic Jewish environment. His invention of psychoanalysis can be viewed as originating from Jewish traditions and complexes. For example, Freud never had the courage to reveal to the world that his famous Oedipus complex was in reality a Jewish complex. As a "good" Jew, Freud projected the neurosis of Judaism onto the rest of humanity, using a Greek legend to facilitate acceptance by the Goyim of his "discovery."

The basic criticism against the doctrine of the Oedipus complex is that it is modeled along the lines of the particular type of family constellation to be found in Freud's immediate culture. Freud committed the fallacy of ethnocentrism, in that he overgeneralized on the basis of a particular culture, the falsified "jewish superiority." Freud's Oedipus complex is in reality a Jewish specificity.

It has now been proven that psychoanalysis is largely derived from the methods of the Jewish Kabbalah and the Talmud. The fundamental principles of dream interpretation used by Freud are already present in the Talmud. Freud virtually said that in psychoanalysis, he was analyzing a human being just as the Jews had analyzed the Torah for centuries.

Freud held membership in the Masonic sect of B'nai B'rith, a branch of Freemasonry reserved exclusively for Jews. From 1900 to 1902, Freud participated as a founder in the creation of the second Lodge of B'nai B'rith of Vienna, the Harmony Lodge.

Factually, Freud's psychoanalysis was a Jewish science. History made psychoanalysis a "Jewish science." It continued to be attacked as such. It was completely destroyed in Germany, Italy, and Austria, and exiled to the four winds, as such. It continues even now to be perceived as such by enemies and friends alike. Of course there are by now distinguished analysts who are not Jews; but the vanguard of the movement over the last 50 years has remained predominately Jewish, as it was from the beginning.

The obvious racialism and the clear statement of Jewish ethical, spiritual, and intellectual superiority contained in Freud's last work, Moses and Monotheism, must be seen not as an aberration of Freud's thinking but as central to his attitudes--that prior to the rise of Nazism in Germany, an important set of Jewish intellectuals had a strong racial sense of Jewish peoplehood and felt racial estrangement from Gentiles; they also made statements that can only be interpreted as indicating a sense of Jewish racial superiority. The psychoanalytic movement was an important example of these tendencies. It was characterized by ideas of Jewish intellectual superiority, racial consciousness, national pride, and Jewish solidarity.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

Dan Miller
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Dan Miller » Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:52 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:10 am
Every reader here at WB should also have read Andrew Hamilton's essay as well as his other contributions that won't be found on Faceberg and other Jewish platforms.

Dan, since you read my comment about psychiatry/Pound/Rockwell you saw I made a distinction between psychology (think Nietzsche) and psychiatry (Freud). That is a simplistic comparison, but a way we goyim can look at the two industries.
Nietzsche was a philosopher and I agree with his philosophy which rejects compassion and empathy and is Darwinist because it supports the idea that might is right which is true because it is an accurate observation of evolution and human history.

The empires of Europe and Asia conquered so much territory and maintained their hold on the world because they had superior intelligence, technology, and numbers which was only possible because of their mass production of goods using mills. There were 13 colonial empires ruling the world: the UK, the USA, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Russia, the Islamic Caliphate, India, China, Japan and Thailand until the 1800s when Jews promoted their revolutionary ideas that led to the collapse of European and Asian colonialism.

The religions of these empires promoted the idea of gaining the power to perform miracles from God and achieving a rebirth in the afterlife, becoming an immortal and superhuman spirit.

They also promoted abstinence, frugality, modesty, and politeness to help people maintain their power by avoiding unnecessary risks.

Even the superstitious Africans and Native Americans believed that might is right, that is why their superstitions revolved around performing rituals or wearing lucky charms to attain good luck which would enable them to gain wealth and power.

Charles Darwin created the term Apex Predator to refer to the most powerful species on the planet: humans, who are the smartest species and are also gifted with speech, hands with a high level of dexterity, enabling the manipulation of objects, endurance, longevity and the ability to live in any ecosystem.

The Jews created the egalitarian ideologies of communism, socialism, liberalism, psychiatry, psychology and empathy to weaken the minds of people in these empires by eliminating Darwinist and Fascist thought.

But they are hypocrites because the new empires they created such as the USSR, and communist China, Vietnam and Cuba had superior technology and numbers which enabled them to crush their enemies using their military and industrial might.

For example, during World War 2, the Soviets used flying airplane aircraft carriers, tanks w/ sloping armor, air-to-air and air-to-ground rockets, self-propelled multiple rocket launchers and fighter planes with rocket launchers such as the Polikarpov I-16 to defeat Germany. The Soviets also had toxic waste bombs that they dropped on Ukrainian farms to destroy crops and livestock and pollute the soil that that it cannot be reused to plant more crops or serve as grazing zones for livestock.

Even Ayn Rand who created the philosophy of Objectivism believed that the person should be individualistic and free from the collective so that he can realize his full potential and become as powerful as possible, she called this type of man the Randian Hero. This philosophy is similar to Nietzsche's concept of the Overman or Ubermensch.

While the racialists such as the National Socialists wanted to create the Master Race using eugenics and selective human breeding, the Soviets themselves came up with their equivalent to our Master Race which they called the New Soviet Man who is selfless, learned, healthy, muscular, and enthusiastic in spreading the Communist Revolution. The racialists also believe in enhancing a person's mental and physical abilities using supplements, healthy organic foods, healthy organic beverages, and dieting.

But all of these philosophies are just observations of what really happens in reality, because in reality, the most powerful always wins.

Even the liberals who believe in free trade, social welfare, civil rights and the abolition of mandatory conscription, just want to be safe from unnecessary risk so that they can accumulate wealth and power.

These liberals for example believe in New Age spirituality and the idea of gaining supernatural powers using superstitious rituals and drugs to attain altered states of consciousness and the powers that come with it.

Even the environmentalists who promote environment friendly technologies to save on energy, materials, labor and money believe in the higher ideal of sustainability, which, although is smart, is not considered a superpower, unless superintelligence is classified as a superpower.

All of these concepts:

The Lucky
The Immortal Spirit
The Miracle Worker
The Apex Predator
The Ubermensch
The New Soviet Man
The Master Race
The Randian Hero
The Higher Consciousness

Are all equivalent

The only ones who oppose these ideals are the addictive libtards who abuse substances, gamble, are romantic, exhibitionistic, promiscuous and sexually perverted, because doing all of these things weakens a person's intelligence, health and finances. Another group of people who oppose these ideals of being superhuman are the SJWs in our modern times who believe in being weak and using the weakness to place themselves at the bottom of the privilege hierarchy so that they can constantly exploit people who they label as powerful oppressors such as White Men. They do this using diversity, affirmative action, political correctness, censorship and gun control.


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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:26 am

Dan Miller wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:52 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:10 am
Every reader here at WB should also have read Andrew Hamilton's essay as well as his other contributions that won't be found on Faceberg and other Jewish platforms.

Dan, since you read my comment about psychiatry/Pound/Rockwell you saw I made a distinction between psychology (think Nietzsche) and psychiatry (Freud). That is a simplistic comparison, but a way we goyim can look at the two industries.
Nietzsche was a philosopher and I agree with his philosophy which rejects compassion and empathy and is Darwinist because it supports the idea that might is right which is true because it is an accurate observation of evolution and human history.

The empires of Europe and Asia conquered so much territory and maintained their hold on the world because they had superior intelligence, technology, and numbers which was only possible because of their mass production of goods using mills. There were 13 colonial empires ruling the world: the UK, the USA, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Russia, the Islamic Caliphate, India, China, Japan and Thailand until the 1800s when Jews promoted their revolutionary ideas that led to the collapse of European and Asian colonialism.

The religions of these empires promoted the idea of gaining the power to perform miracles from God and achieving a rebirth in the afterlife, becoming an immortal and superhuman spirit.

They also promoted abstinence, frugality, modesty, and politeness to help people maintain their power by avoiding unnecessary risks.

Even the superstitious Africans and Native Americans believed that might is right, that is why their superstitions revolved around performing rituals or wearing lucky charms to attain good luck which would enable them to gain wealth and power.

Charles Darwin created the term Apex Predator to refer to the most powerful species on the planet: humans, who are the smartest species and are also gifted with speech, hands with a high level of dexterity, enabling the manipulation of objects, endurance, longevity and the ability to live in any ecosystem.

The Jews created the egalitarian ideologies of communism, socialism, liberalism, psychiatry, psychology and empathy to weaken the minds of people in these empires by eliminating Darwinist and Fascist thought.

But they are hypocrites because the new empires they created such as the USSR, and communist China, Vietnam and Cuba had superior technology and numbers which enabled them to crush their enemies using their military and industrial might.

For example, during World War 2, the Soviets used flying airplane aircraft carriers, tanks w/ sloping armor, air-to-air and air-to-ground rockets, self-propelled multiple rocket launchers and fighter planes with rocket launchers such as the Polikarpov I-16 to defeat Germany. The Soviets also had toxic waste bombs that they dropped on Ukrainian farms to destroy crops and livestock and pollute the soil that that it cannot be reused to plant more crops or serve as grazing zones for livestock.

Even Ayn Rand who created the philosophy of Objectivism believed that the person should be individualistic and free from the collective so that he can realize his full potential and become as powerful as possible, she called this type of man the Randian Hero. This philosophy is similar to Nietzsche's concept of the Overman or Ubermensch.

While the racialists such as the National Socialists wanted to create the master race using eugenics and selective human breeding, the Soviets themselves came up with their equivalent to our Master Race which they called the New Soviet Man who is selfless, learned, healthy, muscular, and enthusiastic in spreading the Communist Revolution.

But all of these philosophies are just observations of what really happens in reality, because in reality, the most powerful always wins.

Even the liberals who believe in free trade, social welfare, civil rights and the abolition of mandatory conscription, just want to be safe from unnecessary risk so that they can accumulate wealth and power.

These liberals for example believe in New Age spirituality and the idea of gaining supernatural powers using superstitious rituals and drugs to attain altered states of consciousness and the powers that come with it. They also believe in enhancing mental and physical abilities using supplements, healthy organic foods, healthy organic beverages, and dieting.

Even the environmentalists who promote environment friendly technologies to save on energy, materials, labor and money believe in the higher ideal of sustainability, which, although is smart, is not considered a superpower, unless superintelligence is classified as a superpower.

All of these concepts:

The Lucky
The Immortal Spirit
The Apex Predator
The Ubermensch
The New Soviet Man
The Master Race
The Randian Hero
The Higher Consciousness

Are all equivalent

The only ones who oppose these ideals are the addictive libtards who abuse substances, gamble, are romantic, exhibitionistic, promiscuous and sexually perverted, because doing all of these things weakens a person's intelligence, health and finances. Another group of people who oppose these ideals of being superhuman are the SJWs in our modern times who believe in being weak and using the weakness to place themselves at the bottom of the privilege hierarchy so that they can constantly exploit people who they label as powerful oppressors such as White Men. They do this using diversity, affirmative action, political correctness, censorship and gun control.

That's all interesting, Mr. Miller. I thought to myself as I was reading it that it's pretty much little more than your opinion and found myself disagreeing with much of the broad overview. It wasn't until I got to the end and see that it is all -- every bit of it -- sourced from Wikipedia which is Jewish.

I've been rereading William Pierce's Who We Are lately, that focuses on the history of man and particularly of our race. Compared to what you've laid out by the WikiJews it is like comparing night to day -- darkness to light, with light being what our race can be as explained here: ... -alliance/

The National Alliance, founded by Pierce gives hope to our people for the future. Your WikiJew overview leaves the reader hopeless. What do WikiJews say about our Alliance? See here: ... ed_States)
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Dan Miller
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Dan Miller » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:36 am

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:26 am
That's all interesting, Mr. Miller. I thought to myself as I was reading it that it's pretty much little more than your opinion and found myself disagreeing with much of the broad overview. It wasn't until I got to the end and see that it is all -- every bit of it -- sourced from Wikipedia which is Jewish.

I've been rereading William Pierce's Who We Are lately, that focuses on the history of man and particularly of our race. Compared to what you've laid out by the WikiJews it is like comparing night to day -- darkness to light, with light being what our race can be as explained here: ... -alliance/

The National Alliance, founded by Pierce gives hope to our people for the future. Your WikiJew overview leaves the reader hopeless. What do WikiJews say about our Alliance? See here: ... ed_States)
I do not agree with the insults and labels assigned to us by wikiJew, but I do agree with the concept that might is right which is Nietzsche's philosophy and I also agree that we are the greatest race on this whole planet.

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:58 am

Dan Miller wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:36 am
Will Williams wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:26 am
That's all interesting, Mr. Miller. I thought to myself as I was reading it that it's pretty much little more than your opinion and found myself disagreeing with much of the broad overview. It wasn't until I got to the end and see that it is all -- every bit of it -- sourced from Wikipedia which is Jewish.

I've been rereading William Pierce's Who We Are lately, that focuses on the history of man and particularly of our race. Compared to what you've laid out by the WikiJews it is like comparing night to day -- darkness to light, with light being what our race can be as explained here: ... -alliance/

The National Alliance, founded by Pierce gives hope to our people for the future. Your WikiJew overview leaves the reader hopeless. What do WikiJews say about our Alliance? See here: ... ed_States)
I do not agree with the insults and labels assigned to us by wikiJew, but I do agree with the concept that might is right which is Nietzsche's philosophy and I also agree that we are the greatest race on this whole planet.
That's all well and good, but you are not "one of us," Dan, for reasons I'm explaining. You were quick to respond to what I wrote before I could put up the rest of my response. Since I put up your entire response so that it could not disappear, I had to break my followup into two parts. Here's the rest of it:

...continued ... -alliance/

The National Alliance, founded by Pierce gives hope to our people for the future. Your WikiJew overview leaves the reader hopeless. What do WikiJews say about our Alliance? See here: ... ed_States)

The National Alliance is a white supremacist[3][4][5][6] and neo-Nazi[3] political organization founded by William Luther Pierce in 1974 and based in Hillsboro, West Virginia. Membership in 2002 was estimated at 2,500 with an annual income of $1 million.[7] Membership declined after Pierce's death in 2002, and after a split in its ranks in 2005, became largely defunct.[3][8]
In 2014, Will Williams became head of an organization calling itself the National Alliance (NA).[24] However, a rival faction disputes whether this group maintains continuity with the original Alliance founded by Pierce.[25] The Williams led NA has since been embroiled in several legal issues.

In 2015, an accountant was hired by Williams to audit the NA's books. According to a lawsuit filed by a former Baltimore attorney against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there was a confrontation between the accountant and Williams. The lawsuit further claims that after the accountant left the NA headquarters he released documents that he had scanned to the SPLC.[26]

In December 2015, Williams was arrested and charged with battery after allegedly hitting and strangling a female employee on the grounds of the Mill Point compound.[27] He was convicted, briefly incarcerated, and placed on probation. He appealed the sentence and the appellate court affirmed the conviction.[28]

Williams was banned from the NA compound in West Virginia pursuant to a court order stemming from his 2015 arrest.[29] Williams claims that the National Alliance “(is) back. We are definitely back”.[30] He also said in a letter to a newspaper sent from Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee (allegedly the NA's headquarters) that "(The National Alliance does) not appreciate being called “haters” or being associated with some “hate movement”.[31]
Does that characterization of our organization have you feeling that anything from WikiJews is reliable information? It is mostly lies, half-truths and distortions supplied by their fellow Jews at the SPLC, ADL and others who have been determined to destroy our Alliance, and I can prove it. However Wikipedia will not allow editing/correcting of what they spread about NA. It is clear that your WikiJews want people who search for NA to be scared away from by the awful things they say as "facts" about our organization. What would a psychiatrist say about that?

Dan, I have no idea who you are or why you've hiked up here on WB. You are not a member of our Alliance and I don't feel you have the right stuff to ever become "one of us," Please take your Wikifacts and view of history somewhere else where it may be appreciated, thanks.
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Robert Burns
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Robert Burns » Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:03 am

The distinction between psychology and psychiatry is simple: Psychiatrists are licensed medical doctors, whereas psychologists are not medically licensed, they cannot write prescriptions, and they are more likely to be involved on the research side than the clinical side. That's it.

In other words, the main difference is in the practical application of their knowledge. There are no noteworthy differences in their understanding of the subject matter in general. They all promote the same kinds of evidence-based treatments that amount to a combination of therapy and often (not always) medication.

They usually specialize in some area, but they all learn about multiple types of therapy, like CBT, DBT, Family Systems, EMDR, etc. There are quite a few methods, but there aren't really any radical differences of thought between them, they just have different applications, so most practitioners will use a combination of methods. Some are better for trauma, some are better for relationship troubles, some are good all around. It just depends, but a good psychiatrist has a diverse set of tools and tailors their approach to the individual.

Just to be clear, Freud played no part in the development of any of the modern methods of therapy, and I really want to emphasize, nobody in the field today cites Freud's work. If anyone here can find one peer-reviewed document from recent times that does, I will eat my shoe. His theories and methods are completely rejected by all professionals who care about their reputation (yes, even the Jewish ones). At most, he is viewed as an important historical figure who nonetheless had a lot of wacky ideas.

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:52 am

Riley wrote:
Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:03 am
The distinction between psychology and psychiatry is simple: Psychiatrists are licensed medical doctors, whereas psychologists are not medically licensed, they cannot write prescriptions, and they are more likely to be involved on the research side than the clinical side. That's it.

In other words, the main difference is in the practical application of their knowledge. There are no noteworthy differences in their understanding of the subject matter in general. They all promote the same kinds of evidence-based treatments that amount to a combination of therapy and often (not always) medication.

They usually specialize in some area, but they all learn about multiple types of therapy, like CBT, DBT, Family Systems, EMDR, etc. There are quite a few methods, but there aren't really any radical differences of thought between them, they just have different applications, so most practitioners will use a combination of methods. Some are better for trauma, some are better for relationship troubles, some are good all around. It just depends, but a good psychiatrist has a diverse set of tools and tailors their approach to the individual.

Just to be clear, Freud played no part in the development of any of the modern methods of therapy, and I really want to emphasize, nobody in the field today cites Freud's work. If anyone here can find one peer-reviewed document from recent times that does, I will eat my shoe. His theories and methods are completely rejected by all professionals who care about their reputation (yes, even the Jewish ones). At most, he is viewed as an important historical figure who nonetheless had a lot of wacky ideas.
This subject, Psychiatry is a Jewish scam, has been discussed enough. The individual who introduced it is gone. Riley, you won't have to eat your shoe, and nobody else needs to accept your challenge to hunt for a peer-reviewed document countering your conclusion that the wacky Jew Freud played any part in the development of modern psychiatric methods.

Some say Benjamin Rush is the father of modern psychiatry, others say Freud is the father. Who cares? It's not our job to argue or debate the merits of shrinks, Jewish or Gentile. But consider this other WB topic: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=509 that gives the current anti-White psychobabble coming out of the Jew-led, anti-White APA (American Psychiatric Association):

Jeffrey Geller, President of the ABA last year.

The other 11 members' names and mug shots are found here: ... task-force

They look to me to be two more Jews, so 1/4 of the Task Force; six Negroes, fully 1/2 of the Task Force. Add the one Indian. That's 5/6 of the Task Force that are non-White. Throw in two self-hating Whites to represent America's White majority and there you are. I won't cut and paste their faces here. Just go to the linked APA page and see them for yourself.

Let's close this discussion, and go to the other thread, linked above, to discuss whether modern psychiatry is pro-White, or not -- which is what we should be looking for, right?.
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