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Angela Davis in the news

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:40 pm
by Will Williams
Angela Davis confirms all that conservatives
have been saying about Biden

By Monica Showalter

July 15, 2020o whodathunk Angela Davis, the Angela Davis, former Communist Party USA vice presidential candidate, former Black Panther, '60s relic, and Mother of Woke Academics, would be the one to confirm what conservatives have been saying all along?
Young Angela, who had supplied the gun that killed a judge.
Speaking on the Russian propaganda outlet RT News, in a post that has since been taken down by the chaos-sowing outlet:

Looks like someone pulled down the video of Communist Angela Davis endorsing @JoeBiden in Putin’s RT propaganda channel. I’m re-posting the video for those who missed it.

— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) July 14, 2020

This one didn't sow chaos; it created clarity, yasno kak bozhij dyen', as the Russkis say, meaning "clear as God's day," which explains why the Russians pulled it down.

"I don't see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be able to lead us in the right direction," she said. "It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement."

This is what conservatives have been saying all along, warning for months that Joe Biden is a weak, addle-pated, nearly senile vessel who will serve as a perfect mask for drawing in voters who imagine he's still a moderate Democrat and still sentient. Fact is, he's got a big extreme political machine behind him, snaking into the void to seize power and set the agenda to a level no witting American would elect if such a wild-eyed agenda were presented openly.

We know it. They know it. Now they've said it. And when would-be tyrants tell you who they are, believe them. Thanks for the confirmation, Angela.

It's absolutely clear as heck that the far left, the left that is so far-left that Angela Davis approves of it, sees Joe Biden as a perfect little malleable pawn, the palimpsest to graffiti their entire extreme agenda. He's their pet, he's their toy, just as Davis says.

That agenda includes all of Black Lives Matter's talking points — reparations, defunding the police, abolishing prisons (one of Angela's favorites), cancel culture, as well as destruction of the fossil fuels industry, open borders, government health care, government housing, government education, and taxing every business out of business for a government doesn't end until the real idea, full communism, is enacted. With Biden the weak, rickety vehicle, yet easily steered, the communists have got a fearsome running start.

It's often noted that the Black Lives Matter leadership have declared themselves "trained Marxists." With Davis onboard, well, speaking of Marxists...

Davis is the instructor.
More here: ... biden.html

Re: Angela Davis in the news

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:45 am
by Grimork
I missed the video. Guess it really doesn't matter what she said... The endorsement is strong enough. Should we even vote? I mean Trumpy bear seems better than Biden marginally, but it's clear to see he's a zionist and works for the same class. Is there even a point other than the local gov vote?

Re: Angela Davis in the news

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:50 pm
by Jim Mathias
Grimork wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:45 am
I missed the video. Guess it really doesn't matter what she said... The endorsement is strong enough. Should we even vote? I mean Trumpy bear seems better than Biden marginally, but it's clear to see he's a zionist and works for the same class. Is there even a point other than the local gov vote?
As has been the case for many decades, voting for the lesser of two evils is all the choices that are given when it comes to choosing political office holders. The system is visibly crumbling and heading for collapse. What will voting accomplish when that finally happens?

There is another choice: the program of the National Alliance and all that entails. Building local Cosmotheist communities of families to safeguard, educate, keep informed, and so on to gain independence from every aspect of the system is vital to our race's survival. We're in a marathon of sorts, and we must outlast the system no matter what or how long it takes.

Re: Angela Davis in the news

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:05 am
by Grimork
Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:50 pm
Grimork wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:45 am
I missed the video. Guess it really doesn't matter what she said... The endorsement is strong enough. Should we even vote? I mean Trumpy bear seems better than Biden marginally, but it's clear to see he's a zionist and works for the same class. Is there even a point other than the local gov vote?
As has been the case for many decades, voting for the lesser of two evils is all the choices that are given when it comes to choosing political office holders. The system is visibly crumbling and heading for collapse. What will voting accomplish when that finally happens?

There is another choice: the program of the National Alliance and all that entails. Building local Cosmotheist communities of families to safeguard, educate, keep informed, and so on to gain independence from every aspect of the system is vital to our race's survival. We're in a marathon of sorts, and we must outlast the system no matter what or how long it takes.
The latter choice is definitely ideal in my opinion, Jim. The sooner it can all come together the better. I don't think our current system can be fixed at all, and it failed to protect us from the greatest threats. So, it must be flawed; I think our people can do better.

In the mean time, lesser evil it is.