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Power Of Political Correctness

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:51 am
by Wade Hampton III
If you have tried this you probably already know — you can’t ever argue with a Jew because their minds have been made up since birth of the necessity to seek vengeance on a world that has done them wrong throughout history, even though those indignities were essentially self-inflicted. A non Jew may never have a serious argument with a Jew because all Jews are programmed from the time they are eight days old to hate the whole world and everything in it simply because they refuse to embrace the hope that everybody else possesses. Throughout history Jews have sabotaged every nation they have infected and today they continue to work for the destruction of all the other races on Earth, after they steal all the possessions their victims once owned.
Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies
65344.JPG (75.73 KiB) Viewed 4877 times ... to-wake-up

Re: Power Of Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:01 am
by Jim Mathias
My take on Kaminski's tract was that Jews have succeeded in setting up the conditions for collapse throughout America and that it's just a matter of time and someone "lighting the match" to set it all off. Isn't it safe to say that, more or less, those of us around here on WB think the same thing?

As for arguing with Jews, I agree that doing so is a waste of time and effort.

Re: Power Of Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:35 am
by Wade Hampton III
Jim Mathias wrote:As for arguing with Jews, I agree that doing so is a waste of time and effort.
Especially among their Christian offspring. At least the Jews do not
go around proselytizing....those who wonder....are they a race, a religion,
or a nationality? Christians debate this as if they were debating how many
angels on a pinhead a few centuries ago....

They are all three! They ARE a race...they ARE a religion...and they
ARE a nationality. This concept seems to be beyond the grasp of the
Christian mental midgets....!

Re: Power Of Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:37 pm
by PhuBai68
I've found there's no sense even having a discussion with a liberal, you'd be better off explaining facts to a tree stump.
As a guy I worked with said about the anti-gun people, "I don't even try to change their minds anymore because I can't. If someone doesn't like broccoli no matter how much you tell them it's good for them they still won't like broccoli."

Re: Power Of Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:17 pm
by Jim Mathias
PhuBai68 wrote:I've found there's no sense even having a discussion with a liberal, you'd be better off explaining facts to a tree stump.
As a guy I worked with said about the anti-gun people, "I don't even try to change their minds anymore because I can't. If someone doesn't like broccoli no matter how much you tell them it's good for them they still won't like broccoli."
Generally speaking, you and Wade are correct. We should not give up on all of them as a rule though.

Whether they're Christians or liberals, there's always a chance a few of them can have their allegiances won. For that to happen, exposure to our message is critical. Couple that with a good dose of reality finally reaching their prefrontal cortex, and things can happen. It is up to each of us to continue outreach and propaganda-creation and -dissemination activities so as to bring those few in who finally obey their racial instincts and are ready for more of our life-philosophy.