Tennesseeans not going along with Obama's edict

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Will Williams
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Tennesseeans not going along with Obama's edict

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:49 pm

http://politicaloutcast.com/2014/07/fed ... mandatory/
Feds to Tennessee on Obamacare: Obedience is Mandatory
Posted on July 9, 2014 by Bob Allen — 5 Comments ↓
From the Tennessean: “Feds give Tennessee 10 days to address ACA failures.”

The federal director of Medicaid programs has put Tennessee on notice that it has failed to provide services for people as required by the Affordable Care Act and is giving the state 10 days to submit a correction plan.

The crux of the problem is delays with bringing a $35 million computer system online. However, Tennessee is also criticized for not providing people with face-to-face help in applying and for not setting up a program that allows hospitals to temporarily enroll people in Medicaid if they are presumed eligible.

With this year’s full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Tennessee stopped providing state personnel to help people sign up for Medicaid and, instead, began directing them to use healthcare.gov, the federal health exchange.

Cindy Mann, the federal director of Medicaid, said this arrangement “was approved as a short-term measure, not a long-term solution,” in a letter dated June 27 to TennCare Director Darin Gordon. She said her agency had expressed concerns for the past nine months about continued delays and the “downstream impact” on the state’s ability to enroll Medicaid-eligible people.

Obama's Medicaid girl, Cindy Mann

Gordon, in an interview with The Tennessean, said he would have liked to have seen better performance from Northrop Grumman, the company that got the bid to build the $35 million computer system.


Dear Governor Haslam,

Please send the Administration a nice note informing them we would be happy to comply with their edicts when:

1. The IRS produces Lois Lerner’s emails,

2. Eric Holder verifies that every automatic weapon he trafficked to Mexican drug cartels has been located and seized,

3. DHS seals the southern border, stopping the influx of illegal immigrants,

4. Barack Obama stops using his pen and phone to violate the Constitution,

5. The Department of State lifts all gag orders on those with first-hand knowledge of what really happened in Benghazi on 9-11-2012, and

6. Hell freezes over.

Until then, let them know they can pound sand.


A Tennessean who’s had enough
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