100 Years of American Weakness 08/26/23

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White Man 1
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100 Years of American Weakness 08/26/23

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:55 pm

THIS MONTH MARKS two anniversaries which the media are hyping in the area where I live, just north of Rust Belt central, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

The first anniversary is getting national attention, too — the 60th anniversary of the so-called “I Have a Dream” speech by Communist operative and rape-enabler “Martin Luther King, Jr.” whose sordid career of lying, fakery, abuse of women, and Jewish-supervised subversion of America I have covered extensively on this program. The establishment just can’t seem to let go of their Communist racemixing hero with feet of clay, and they keep pushing him in the classroom and in puff pieces in the media, even though his sordid and dishonorable acts are becoming more and more well known.

This gives us a great opportunity to get out on the streets this week with a few hundred copies of our hard-hitting “No King Over Us” flier and let the people in your community know 1) that King was a Jewish-controlled Communist nation-wrecker, and 2) that we are out there, that not every White man or woman is lying down and “taking it” as Jews and their collaborators work to destroy our race and nation.

We have a dream, too: We dream of a White America, where our streets are safe for our women and children; where no one is allowed on penalty of death to sexually pervert, abuse, or mutilate our children; where slimy aliens will not control our media or our classrooms and will not be within 1,000 miles of a White woman or child; where racemixing is not only a crime, but it is unheard of and in fact impossible because there will be zero non-Whites in our living space; where our young people will be able to find mates of their own race with healthy values, marry, and have children without usurious financial burdens or forced two-job households; where the birth of high-quality White children will be encouraged and fostered by all means possible. That’s our dream, and it can’t happen as long as our enemies and their fake “democracy” are in power.

Get out in your communities and spread the word about us and their false idol “Martin Luther King” during this superb opportunity.

The White Americans of 1963, softened up not only by Jewish media but by their Christian beliefs, were too weak to resist the “moral” blackmail that the Jewish and non-White architects of the “civil rights movement” set over them. That moral blackmail continues today. That weakness continues today too.

But the weakness goes back farther than those 60 years, still within the memories of some of my listeners today. It goes back to at least two generations before that, to 100 years ago. And that brings us to the additional anniversary I mentioned.

This additional anniversary is little known. It is the 100th anniversary of Johnstown, Pennsylvania’s expulsion order of 1923, under which all recently-arrived Blacks and Mestizos were expelled from the city. That may not sound like weakness, and I agree that things are even worse today, but bear with me. It was weak, and it did fail, and I’ll show you why.

Six Johnstown, Pennsylvania police officers were shot in a bloody confrontation with a crazed Black migrant from the South named Robert Young on 30 August 1923. Four of the officers died, and two were grievously wounded. The shootings and killings were totally senseless, as so many Black violent crimes are. Young reportedly had an argument with his wife, left her to go on a drinking and drugging spree, crashed his car, and then turned violent, shooting for no reason the officer who came to investigate the accident, and then shooting five more officers who came to the scene. Witnesses said Young was definitely “shooting to kill.” A seventh officer arrived, who cornered and then finally killed Young — and the incident was over.

Johnstown mayor Joseph Cauffiel, who could trace his western Pennsylvania roots to the 1600s, was born into a family of 11 children in Cambria County.
Shortly thereafter, Johnstown Mayor Joseph Cauffiel ordered “all Blacks and Mexicans” who had not lived in the city for at least seven years to be expelled. The 100th anniversary of that order has gotten all the usual suspects in the area milking the order for all the propaganda it’s worth in 2023.

I can’t find any documentary proof of this yet — we have no record I have found of the reasoning of the men who supported the order, who must have been numerous — but the shootings by Young were unlikely to have been the sole reason for the expulsion order. Blacks and Mestizos must have been violent and criminal to a frightening extent, just as they are today wherever they gather in significant numbers. The mass killing by Robert Young must have just been the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back — if not, why were Mestizos also included? After all, everyone quickly knew that Young had acted alone — one local newspaper described him as “Negro desperado” who was “frenzied by drink.” In overwhelmingly White Johnstown — it is still significantly majority-White today, and surrounding Cambria County is still 95 per cent. White — rising Mestizo and Black violence must have been seen as an emergency problem. Otherwise, there would have been insufficient support for the expulsion, and it would not have stood. But stand it did, at least for a while and at least to the extent that between 500 and 2,000 Blacks and an unknown number of other non-Whites were reported to have left the city by the time that wealthy Pennsylvania Republican governor and “rich man north of Richmond” Gifford Pinchot moved to prevent Cauffiel from further enforcing his order.

But note this well: Cauffiel, when formulating his order, evidently did not feel he could count on getting enough support for a much more effective — and much simpler to enforce — edict simply expelling all Blacks and Browns from the city, regardless of how long they’d resided there. That’s evidence of weakness among the White establishment of the time.

As with Robert Young in 1923, so with Dirk Jones (above) in 2023. Jones was arrested a few weeks ago for killing a 21-year-old White man, Caleb Beppler, in a totally senseless shooting in the Johnstown, Pennsylvania area.
Today, in the area that used to be the Rosedale section of Johnstown, where Young’s murder spree took place, Blacks are filtering in more and more these days, many from Congoid-choked Philadelphia, actively encouraged by the churches and by the Section 8 housing czars in Harrisburg and Washington. More and more senseless shootings are taking place there — just a few weeks ago a 21-year-old White man with his whole future in front of him was having an unimportant argument with another White man in a Cambria City bar, just blocks from Johnstown, when an apelike Black drinking in the bar, who had no stake in the dispute whatsoever, just randomly shot and killed him, perhaps because the noise agitated some neurons deep within his primitive brain — we’ll never know. In the same area, as I documented on this program late last year, a Black gang killing took place right next to a children’s museum. The Black presence is growing and being purposefully imported into the city. The crime rate and murder rate are spiking. The anti-Whites got permission to paint “end racism now” in giant letters on one of the city’s main streets. And there is no meaningful resistance.

So I’d call the expulsion order of 1923 a failure. The order was too weak. It didn’t go nearly far enough. The leaders were too weak, even in 1923. And the people themselves were probably too weak to accept an appropriately strong order.

They were expelled — but did anything prevent them from coming back? Did Blacks and Mestizos stop coming to the area as the years rolled on? And the order did nothing about the existing Black and Mestizo population that had lived there for more than seven years. Blacks and Mestizos aren’t well-known for documentation and paperwork — so how could an officer prove or disprove a claim of long-term residence, anyway? And what the Hell difference does it make if it’s seven years or two years or twenty years or twenty days? Is there something magic in Johnstown drinking water that makes Blacks act just like White people if ingested for half a decade or so? I don’t think so.

You can see the weakness, too, in the 1924 immigration law that was passed by the US Congress the next year — and which was in effect until the Jews forced through the 1965 law that opened our borders and brought in the flood of non-Whites that is still engulfing us. The 1924 law is constantly attacked by Jews and leftists as being “racist.” And one can argue — and I myself have mentioned this — that this law, which limited the annual percentage of legal immigration from any country to the percentage of that nationality already present in the United States — not only kept America White, but caused her to become gradually Whiter and Whiter in the more than 40 years it was in effect. America was never Whiter than she was in 1965.

But the 1924 law, like the Johnstown expulsion order, was still too weak. It still allowed a huge non-White population to remain in the United States. It didn’t at all take intro account the declining birthrate of Whites, which created a differential birthrate situation in which the non-Whites would eventually outnumber Whites even if all immigration was totally halted. It ignored the Naturalization Act of 1790, which should have been referenced and invoked and enforced to restrict all immigration and naturalization to Whites only. The 1924 immigration law didn’t even mention race, in fact, and had to use mealy-mouthed non-racial “national origins” as a very flawed substitute so as not to offend Christian and Jewish and liberal sensitivities. That’s weak. Pathetically weak.

And, sensing this weakness, organized Jewry moved in for the kill. You know the rest.

Let’s not be weak any more. Let’s be strong. Let’s work to build a nation explicitly and eternally based on racial principles. Let’s make our motto — Toward a New Consiousness; a New Order; a New People — into a reality.

This coming month will mark the 90th birthday of National Alliance founder William Luther Pierce. We will be celebrating by working for the White cause, in the William Pierce Memorial Literature Distribution, centered around Dr. Pierce’s birthday on the 11th. Please print out some of Dr. Pierce’s works, available at natall.com/fliers, and distribute them in your White community; let other White people know they are not alone — let other White people know that there is hope — let other White people know that others feel in their hearts just as they do — let other White people know that there is a rising White community, a National Alliance community, a Cosmotheist community, forming in this country now; that consciously-White and racially committed marriages are being made; that new and consciously-White families are being founded; that White children are being born to them; that a new church is being built to bring conviction and strength and truth and hope — and a new sense of the sacred, and a new determination — to America in 2023. We hope you will join us today.

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