Fighting for the Future, Pt. 3 04/22/23

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White Man 1
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Fighting for the Future, Pt. 3 04/22/23

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:55 pm

TODAY WE PRESENT the third and final section of my recent interview with host Sonny Thomas on the Resolution Radio Network. As I mentioned, the audio was alightly marred by a technical glitch, but after a bit of digital audio magic and editing I got it to sound quite listenable. Perhaps the rough edges will make it, as Chairman Will Williams likes to say, sound more revolutionary. So let’s listen to that interview now.

* * *

Here are some of the topics we discussed on today’s program.

According to today’s fake “left,” anything they don’t like is “fascism.”
What is the fate of a people without its own exclusive territory?
What is the fate of a people without its own government?
What’s wrong with totalitarianism?
Is anything more important than the projection of our gene-patterns into the future?
What would the proper name be for an Establishment totally dedicated to preventing such a projection of our genetic heritage into the future?
What is the meaning of freedom? — the “freedom” to abuse your body or be a degenerate whenever the whim strikes you? — or the freedom to do what is right for the future of your race?
Social “freedoms” and “rights” that will result in the degradation or extinction of our race are in reality not freedom at all — they are death.
A worthy goal: Gather all the White people who are instinctively loyal to their race, and who are appalled at the war on our people, and begin to organize them to multiply our power.
Without that gathering and organization, all the clever, ironic “meming” on the Internet won’t amount to much.
We need a community also to provide purpose, true education, economic opportunities, and marriage opportunities to our young people — all within that community.
We need to admit that the US government was captured nearly a century ago by our deadliest enemies. Unless we face this reality, nothing can be done.
and much much more!
* * *

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Fighting for the Future, Pt. 3 04/22/23

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:09 am

I found the question of totalitarianism was an interesting topic to address as it is compared to what seems to be its opposite: extreme individualism. One exists for the group of people; the other only for itself. Since a healthy society is to be built and ran for the good of all, a measure of the former is necessary so as to develop and keep all on our progressive path as defined by our Cosmotheist purpose for generations. A certain measure of individualism seems necessary also to challenge and improve upon the path of society and our people as nothing already built is perfect. Striking the right measure of both comes from within our racial soul naturally as in the past it appears we've exhibited measures of both 'isms.'

It matters as to where its all going; in the Soviet system, Jews set up a totalitarian system with very little individualism to benefit themselves by enslaving the White and other populations within its control. It was brutally genocidal towards Whites as the Jews decapitated the best of the Russians and others who would challenge their rule. In the National Socialist German order, it was by and for Germans at first and evolved into being somewhat pan-Aryan in outlook and managed to establish an order based on the Germanic spirit that suited themselves quite well. The plan was to remove the genocidally-inclined Jews out of White territories to somewhere else so as to prevent harm to Whites from Jews. The answer to the Jewish question for Cosmotheists remains to be worked out after we have grown strong enough to establish ourselves on our own territory although it must be absolutely Jew-free.
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