Voting our Way Out 10/01/22

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White Man 1
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Voting our Way Out 10/01/22

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:19 pm

THE ANTI-WHITES will be defeated — but not by voting.

First of all, how stupid do you have to be to believe that American federal elections are even real any more? After seeing endless testimony and video and photographic evidence of midnight ballot-box stuffing and sudden voting spikes and 180-degree reversals in the wee hours, you still believe that the 2020 election was real? I can’t stand Zionist and phony tough guy Trump, who is definitely not the solution to our problems — but after seeing his standing-room-only rallies with over 20,000 typically attending and an overflow crowd blocks in diameter, and seeing Alzy Joe “rallies” with a few dozen dozers sitting widely spaced on one SUV-load of lawn chairs, you still believe the 2020 election was real? After seeing a miles-long traffic jam of Trump supporters in Maricopa County, Arizona that shut down ordinary traffic for hours, and then being told that, days later, the county reversed its decades-long voting pattern overnight and went for a Democrat for the first time in living memory, you still believe that the 2020 election was real?

How stupid do you have to be to believe that after two years of unrestrained Jewish/communist control of the Executive Branch, that the 2022 and 2024 elections are going to be any more genuine?

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the billionaire Jewish oligarchs — who run the major media and who fund and therefore control both the Republican and Democratic parties, and who are the architects of all the anti-White policies that are killing us — will ever allow anyone to be nominated who opposes their interests?

How stupid do you have to be to believe that we can achieve a racial state — an ethnostate — by voting within the Jews’ rigged system which is designed to prevent exactly that?

How stupid do you have to be to believe that we can achieve a racial state by voting when our enemies are flooding our nation with millions upon millions of racial aliens and enemies every single year, and then making it a moral and legal imperative to insure that every single such enemy can vote, and when this invasion and replacement has been so successful that a majority of births in what used to be the United States of America are now non-White?

And, finally, how stupid do you have to be to believe in “democracy” and its “voting” in the first place? To believe that the dull majority is somehow able to solve problems that geniuses have trouble with? Do you also believe that a majority of passengers should vote on who should pilot the airliner they’re flying in at 20,000 feet? — or should vote to decide what his or her next move of the controls should be, based on what he promised to do with them last time? When Bulova makes a watch, do they have their workers, including secretaries and janitors and advertising men, vote on how the various components of the watch should be assembled? — or vote on what parts should be ordered to begin with?

Majority rule? Don’t make me laugh. Have you ever been to the DMV, or to Walmart, places where one can see the majority in real life, unfiltered by Madison Avenue or the media? Have you ever take a close, critical, look at that majority? Do you really believe that they can run a country at all, much less run it competently? Many of them look like they could never even properly run a taco stand, not in a million years. Such people run nothing, not even their own lives. They are pawns of the media men and advertising executives, who have near-total control over how these creatures vote.

I believe that Ibsen was only exaggerating very slightly when he said that the minority is only sometimes right, but the majority is always wrong.

Some people think we can get around the problems of democracy by requiring a supermajority to make certain laws. Nonsense! Remember: Not once in history has there been a majority qualified to render justice, practice statecraft, or even have coherent goals. That’s even more true of a supermajority. Tying their shoes is about the limit.

Therefore democracy equals rule by the media, who tell the rubes what to think.

And people keep conflating democracy with freedom, as if they were the same thing, or as if one leads to the other. No, and no: Freedom and democracy are not the same thing and are not cause and effect and are not harmonious companions. In fact, freedom and democracy are mutually exclusive. In a democracy, the majority can do anything it wants, make any law it wants to make; the majority can do anything to you — take your property, criminalize your occupation, criminalize your opinions, imprison you, take away your right to move from place to place, force you to inject poison, force you to accept bankers’ debt as money and pay interest on it for your entire life; force you to tolerate sex perversion and get you fired or jailed if you say word one about it; force you to live among alien invaders and terminate your employment or imprison you if you object. My friend, that is not freedom. I repeat: Freedom and democracy are mutually exclusive.

The most important freedom is the freedom to have your family and your family’s kindred — your race — continue to live into the infinite future, and to do that you and your children and your children’s children and all their loyal racial kindred need an exclusive territory of their own, where they will be governed under the principle just stated of racial survival, as a value that no tyrant, and no majority, and no interest group, and no clever alien subverters, can ever undermine — on pain of death. It needs to be a society in which the best rule, and the worst aren’t even around anymore. And there needs to be a mechanism to keep it that way; a mechanism which defeats the eternal problems of both monarchy and democracy; the problem of a corruptible or self-interested monarch, who sometimes wrecks everything and betrays his race and nation — and the even worse problem of “democracy,” which can almost never rule competently or with honor and which always wrecks everything unless the franchise is very selective, and unless voting is given an extremely limited role in society.

To get that most important freedom — the freedom to live exclusively among one’s own kind, the freedom of White youth to mate and marry and bring forth endless new generations of White youth — we need a society which is totally dedicated to that freedom, that self-determination.

“Totalitarian” is used as a smear word today, and its meaning has been badly blurred since the 1930s. But a society totally devoted and totally mobilized to secure its freedom, its self-determination, its racial integrity, and its racial destiny would be a beautiful thing to behold. In fact, nothing less than such a total determination and mobilization to survive will do. Nothing less than a total dedication to making that happen is even within the realm of honor. Total dedication of the individual — that means you — to create a society totally mobilized for the welfare and progress of future generations of the race is what is needed. There is nothing “evil” about such a total mobilization of society. But there is much that is truly evil about the “democracy” which prevents that mobilization. Even the idea of democracy is evil, because it keeps us trapped in the box in which our race will die. Break free of those childish ideas that were inculcated in you since kindergarten! Sweep them aside!

Perhaps my words can help you clarify your thought, can help you break free of childhood programming. As I said in the first years of the Trump administration:

There’s a great graphic (that looks like a panel from a comic book) that’s been making the rounds of the intelligent part of the Internet. A man stares forward, his brow knitted in thought. Someone has asked him a question: “If a majority voted for you to jump off a bridge — would you?” And he answers, “Maybe — if it was a fair vote!”

Hilarious. In a single picture, it shows how foolish, foolish, foolish indeed is our faith in “democracy.” For we have been “voted” into jumping off a bridge.

And then there is the immorality of democracy, which is quite similar to the immorality of tyranny. (And really, isn’t mass democracy a particularly vile and deceitful form of tyranny?) It’s immoral because it prevents us from doing right.

We all know what should be done with “doctors” who push abortion of healthy White infants on young White women. But we are programmed and conditioned not to do that right thing unless we get permission from the media-addled majority.

We all know what should be done with teachers and guidance counselors and doctors who push young Whites into transsexualism and chemically or physically mutilating their genitals or castrating and sterilizing themselves. But we are programmed and conditioned not to do the right thing unless we get permission from the media-addled majority.

We all know what should be done to media executives who promote sex with Blacks and other non-Whites to our young people. But we are programmed and conditioned not to do the right thing unless we get permission from the media-addled majority.

We need to start thinking about solutions which do not include asking permission from the majority or from our enemies. That means totally giving up — for at least many, many years — on the idea of “awakening the majority.” Thinking that way is a symptom of the democracy mindset. Awakening the majority will happen after we have significant power over our own future again, not before. We need to build a new society which is itself based on doing the right thing, all the time, for our race and our sacred generations to come. We need to work for a future in which we will be able to do the right thing without asking permission of the deceivers and their dupes, permission that will never come. That is what the National Alliance is working toward as we build our intentional White community in eastern Tennessee.

When Trump was first running, I was criticized for saying this in a National Alliance flier — still available — titled “Incredibly Stupid”:

It is incredibly stupid for White people to think that we can vote ourselves out of the mess that we’re in. There was a time when we could have done that — when we were the overwhelming majority, when our borders meant something, when the Founding Fathers’ racial definition of citizenship was still in force — but that time has now passed. With the mass media and the government in the hands of people who hate our very existence — who are importing millions of Third Worlders every year to replace us; who steal our wealth to the tune of trillions to bail out the bankers and trillions more to buy the votes of the underclass; who promote racial mixing as a means of genocide—it is long past time for voting. It is time for organizing and planning so that our families, our culture, and our values can survive the dark times ahead. Together, we will build a new society and achieve a destiny greater than anything that has come before. Join us. We’re the men and women of the National Alliance

I think my words were amply justified.

The anti-Whites will be defeated — but not by voting.

* * *

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Voting our Way Out 10/01/22

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:22 pm

This message and the accompanying bumper sticker are strong and pertinent to the White situation on all continents we inhabit. The sham elections held even today are getting more brazen in the fraud they perpetrate, and Kevin laid this out at a good time.

That bumper sticker is something we all can make and display. If you want to drive around with one on your vehicle but want to remove and reuse it at will, obtain some magnetic sheeting, it's about 1/8" or 1/4" thick and apply your sticker to a sheet then trim off the excess. Attached to the rear of your vehicle it will not come off when you're traveling around.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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