We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

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We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Grimork » Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:03 pm

https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/03/we ... -this-way/
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 March, 2021

by Kevin Alfred Strom

First, let me say that I am very aware that this ADV broadcast is late, and I don’t like that. But the production of several new books, including a new book by National Alliance Chairman William White Williams which will be out soon, and the moving of our studios to a new location, and the fast-growing baby in the Strom household, and the need to make ends meet, have slowed production of ADV. It will all be made up to you, dear listeners, soon — including a special interview with Chairman Williams in coming weeks. On to today’s show!

WE CAN’T LIVE this way. And I mean that literally. Whites in America — Whites everywhere, really — are being forced into conditions that are not conducive to our continued existence.

Major media outlets — CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, and all the rest of them — under Jewish leadership, transmit an endless drumbeat of self-hatred, discouragement, and death to our people, and incite the other races to hate us with passion and make war on us whenever they think they can get away with it. Here are just a few of the hate-and-and-guilt-inducing headlines from just one “mainstream” site over the last few weeks — and the headlines are enough; no need to read the articles for confirmation.

Why I Will Never, Ever Work on MLK Day

My Boyfriend’s Parents Were White Supremacists

Why Black Girls Need Black Stories (This one might not seem anti-White on its face, but we all know that stating the truth that White children need White stories, White heroes and heroines, would be decried and attacked as “racist.”)

The Racist History of your Homeowners’ Association

Congress Has Been Ignoring Racist Capitol Police for Years

An Anti-Racist Future: A Vision and Plan for the Transformation of Public Media

White Allies: You Don’t Get to Not Be White Right Now

What I Would Do If I Had White Privilege For A Day

There Are No ‘Mixed-Race’ People; Why it’s troublesome to believe otherwise

Now Is the Time for White People to Pick a Side (Hey, I even agree with this headline — but I’m pretty certain my conclusions are the opposite of what they’re pushing.)

Take Your Huckleberry Finn and Shove It! — English Lit is making Black kids miserable.

White Privilege Up Close and Personal

How “Well-Intended” White People Uphold Racism

The neuroscience of hate: What were the insurrectionists thinking?

How A White Woman’s Anger Makes Her Racism Spill Out

Does Period Fiction Have to Be Racially Accurate?

I Got A Great Job Offer, But It’s In A Racist City

White Women, Stop Using Racism as a Nonprofit Marketing Tool: Let’s talk about our role in upholding racism

Yes, This Was a Coup Attempt  —  Against Blackness

Why Reverse Racism Is A Myth: It doesn’t exist and it’s a lie.

Songs of White Privilege and White Supremacy

Hate groups have rebranded and your old tropes about them allow them to sneak past you undetected.

I Love Your Complexion! — and other micro-assaults on Black women

Message to White Allies from A Black Anti-Racism Expert: You’re Doing It Wrong

The Most Terrifying Three-Word Phrase Might Just Be ‘Whites-Only Church’

How the Racists Are Weaponizing the Classics: The Red Pill community has been using Greek and Roman antiquity to bolster their credibility

White People Make Life Harder For Black People

Dear White People, Please Stop Invading My Space

Can Black Women Have Safe Friendships With White Women?

This Is What it Feels Like to Be Black in White Spaces

Don’t Rush To Forgive White Folks, They Know Exactly What They Do

Six Dog Breeds White People Love More Than They Do Black People, Ranked

Often, headlines like these — and there are worse ones — are the majority in any given day on outlets like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Medium, Yahoo, and many others. Imagine the intensity of the propaganda day after day, hour after hour, year after year, multiplied many times by the same messages of guilt and hate being repeated in school curricula, pronouncements by governments and politicians, and messages subtly and not so subtly embedded in modern fiction and drama. The Jew has positioned himself to do this to our people nearly every hour of every day of our lives — and do it he does. It never stops.

What are the results of this stoking of guilt and hate by the media?

1) By the stoking of guilt, Whites are rendered psychologically incapable of protecting themselves from dangerous interactions with non-Whites, even when protecting themselves is as simple as avoiding contact with said non-Whites, since the media condition our folk to believe that such avoidance is “racist,” and therefore “bad” — and, once in the middle of such a dangerous interaction, such Whites often find themselves incapable of defending themselves for the same reason, making them easy victims;

2) by the stoking of hatred for Whites, non-Whites are rendered even more hostile to Whites than they would normally be. This factor needs to be thoroughly studied and investigated, and the effects of this media-fueled hatred publicly discussed in every single case of violence or crime against Whites by non-Whites. Additionally, those who stoke such hatred against Whites need to be held civilly and criminally responsible for these crimes and acts of violence, and they need to be prevented from causing further harm.

Let’s look at the harm they cause.

Under the heading “Caring for wild animals can be fatal,” we see the following news story on White Biocentrism:

Stupid, selfless Colorado teen beaten to death in parking lot, Negro ex-boyfriend arrested

Danielle Hopton died of injuries after she was allegedly beaten, according to police. She was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

An 18-year-old animal shelter volunteer in Colorado was allegedly beaten to death in a parking lot by her ex-boyfriend, authorities said.

Danielle Hopton was found unconscious “with life-threatening injuries consistent with an assault” in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Fort Collins on Feb. 6, according to Fort Collins police.

She was taken to a local hospital, where she died of her injuries. Her death was ruled a homicide. Cops didn’t elaborate on what kind of injuries she sustained.

Police later arrested her ex-boyfriend Stephen McNeil, 20, for the slaying. Another suspect, Ian Rayas, 20, was also taken into custody in connection with the killing.
Danielle Hopton, who was beaten to death in Colorado

Wooly-headed McNeil is obviously of predominantly Negro ancestry; all the White mixture of centuries standing his line experienced made no practical difference in the outcome — in fact, perhaps it made it worse.
“Boyfriend” Stephen McNeil

A police investigation revealed Hopton was with the men the night of her death. The group drove to the parking of the apartment complex and parked there to hang out, cops said.

At some point, Hopton and McNeil got out of the car to talk and then the assault occurred. The ex fled, “and a member of the group called 911,” according to police.

McNeil is charged with first-degree murder, and Rayas is charged with attempt to influence a public servant and accessory to a crime.

Hopton was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

“Danielle loved spending her time volunteering at the animal shelter, and helping her dad raise guide dog puppies,” according to a GoFundMe page set up for her family.

“She was such a selfless and caring person.”

The harm they cause: There are no differences between the races. Bringing home Black friends shows what a “good person” you are. It’s “racist” to resist the overtures of a Black boy. White people need to stop being “racist”. We need to give our love to other races; only in that way can we prove how “good” we are.

And another example of the harm they cause:

Triple murder suspect accused of cutting out [White female] victim’s heart, cooking it, and trying to serve it as a meal before killing two family members

Oklahoma authorities said Lawrence Paul Anderson — after being released early from prison in January — killed a woman, cut out her heart, took it across the street to his aunt and uncle’s Chickasha home, cooked it with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” and then killed his uncle, badly injured his aunt, and killed their 4-year-old granddaughter, the Oklahoman reported.

Anderson, 42, faces three counts of first-degree murder, one count of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and one count of maiming in the Feb. 9 attacks, the paper said.

He’s accused of killing his uncle, Leon Pye, 67, attacking his aunt, Delsie Pye, and killing their granddaughter, Kaeos Yates, and the Pyes’ neighbor, 41-year-old Andrea Lynn Blankenship, the Oklahoman reported. Anderson was arrested at the Pye residence after police responded to a 911 call, the paper said.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents said Anderson confessed and said he killed the neighbor first and then cut out her heart before taking it to the Pye home to cook with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” an OSBI agent wrote in a request for a search of the home, the paper added.

Agents found a cooking pot containing residue and another cooking pot with food inside, the Oklahoman reported.

“Anderson … cooked the heart at the Pye home and tried to make Delsie and Leon Pye eat the heart before he attacked them,” another OSBI agent wrote in a search request of the neighbor’s home, the paper noted. Investigators said Anderson stabbed them, KFOR-TV reported, adding that Anderson’s aunt who survived was stabbed in the eye.

Blankenship’s cousin told the station she was a single mother of two who lived alone and worked from home.

The cousin added that her family is unaware of any relationship between Blankenship and Anderson, KFOR added.

Anderson was sentenced to prison in 2006 for attacking and pointing a gun at his girlfriend, the station said, adding that he was back behind bars in 2012 for selling crack cocaine near an elementary school. Anderson was sentenced again in 2017 for having a gun and sneaking drugs into jail, KFOR said.
Confessed cannibal Anderson
Victim Andrea Lynn Blankenship

Released early from prison by a Jew-Soros-approved “criminal justice reform” administration. Incensed and angered, driven to such madness against White people, driven to revert to his erectus side, so far that he even killed his own family when they would not partake of the cannibal feast.

The harm they cause: White people are the enemy. Whiteness must be abolished. White people are “racist.” All and I repeat all White people are racist. White people have oppressed you for hundreds of years. The only reason you don’t have what you want is because racist White people stole it from you.

Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch CNN? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch videos on “Critical Race Theory” or “abolishing Whiteness”? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson attend an anti-White church? Was anti-White literature, or “anti-racist” literature produced by Jewish-owned publishers found in his home? Did his friends and neighbors hear him speak negatively about White people? Was material produced by the ADL or SPLC or NAACP found in his home or in his browsing history? Was he “linked” in any way to any anti-White organizations? What led him to ending the life of this innocent White woman in this sick, gruesome way? We call for an investigation into the background of this crime. We call for such a background investigation into all crimes against White people. And we call for measures that will put an end to all non-White crimes against our people, forever.

In order for us to be successful in this, we need more members, we need more full-time employees working every day for our cause — and, to do that, we need your regular and generous support.


Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Stephen » Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:52 am

All miscegenatist deserve for their animals to turn on them. I know you folk don't believe in the word of Jesus Christ, His word is coming to fruition before our very eyes. Go read Deuteronomy chapter 28.
Forget the nigger, we must focus on the demon spawn whom fund and organize their cannon fodder. We all know who these people are, so...

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Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Grimork » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:06 pm

Stephen wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:52 am
All miscegenatist deserve for their animals to turn on them. I know you folk don't believe in the word of Jesus Christ, His word is coming to fruition before our very eyes. Go read Deuteronomy chapter 28.
Forget the nigger, we must focus on the demon spawn whom fund and organize their cannon fodder. We all know who these people are, so...
Stephen it's a form of cowardice that you are unable to call the Jew out. Yet you're peddling their spiritual trash on the forum. Is it too hard to believe that the Jews would follow their own holy book and try to bring about it's "revelations"? Get real or get lost.


Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Stephen » Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:29 pm

Dear sir, it is not only the jew, it is the people who finagle their way into the school boards, city council, county commissioner, and other little bureaucratic positions. It is not cowardice that I use parlor room language. I'm writing to people who know what's what. I feel that the corruption of our volk must be first rooted out of the cellar before the jew shall be thoroughly dealt with.

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Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Grimork » Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:15 pm

Stephen wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:29 pm
Dear sir, it is not only the jew, it is the people who finagle their way into the school boards, city council, county commissioner, and other little bureaucratic positions. It is not cowardice that I use parlor room language. I'm writing to people who know what's what. I feel that the corruption of our volk must be first rooted out of the cellar before the jew shall be thoroughly dealt with.
Those corrupted White people who you are implying here are bought and used by the Jews. Solve the Jew problem and you can solve the problem of sick Whites. I am well aware that Jews are not the only problem, but they are the MAIN problem which is empowering all the other problems.


Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Stephen » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:15 am


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Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Richard_G_603 » Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:38 pm

I would add to Grimork's response this imagery: Jews are the sickness, nearly all else is the symptoms.
A runny nose, fever, couching, sneezing, and body ache are all symptoms of the flu, but the issues is the virus attacking your body, and ultimately unless you treat that, attacking the symptoms won't do anything.

Miscegination, immigration, lgbtq, crime, and so on are all very really symptoms, but the reason they are the forces they are is because they are symptoms of the illness that is having Jews present among our racial body.

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Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Old Aardvark » Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:31 pm

Here is another story of a beautiful young white woman on "spring break" in Miami who is drugged, raped and murdered by two young black men from Greensboro, NC. Pictures aplenty here. Also notice the general level of Negro wild debauchery that is taking place in Miami. Is this really what whites want to be a part of? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... Miami.html


Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Stephen » Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:49 pm

The, dare i say, wonder thing about all the vile going ons around the land is that the couch conservative, and judeo-christian are all being labeled white supremacists. Therefore, they will either concede that they are white, and axiomatically supreme, or, they will grovel at the alter of racial suicide. The line has always been there, but now it's blatant.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: We Can’t Live This Way 3/13/21

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:54 pm

Stephen wrote:
Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:49 pm
The, dare i say, wonder thing about all the vile going ons around the land is that the couch conservative, and judeo-christian are all being labeled white supremacists. Therefore, they will either concede that they are white, and axiomatically supreme, or, they will grovel at the alter of racial suicide. The line has always been there, but now it's blatant.
No Whites will be allowed to sit on the fence, a good development in my opinion.
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