Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

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White Man 1
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Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by White Man 1 » Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:08 am

DO YOU STILL THINK you have a country? When I said last week that our enemies had stolen our state from us, some listeners responded with derision. The letter-writers weren’t hostile Jews or Blacks or Mestizos. They were White Americans. In fact they were racially conscious White Americans.

One was a student who was hoping for a career with the ATF or the Border Patrol. He firmly believed that that with just a few more good conservative White men in the right “law enforcement” positions, we could straighten things out pretty quickly in this country. Another was a young man in the military, and he was sure that “whipping the asses” of those “Arab terrorists” would send a message that America wasn’t down and out but stronger than ever, and our “freedoms” would be secure.

These men, I think, are willfully blind. They don’t want to see the whole truth of how we’ve lost our country — how the state has been stolen from us — because it’s too painful; because they’d have to realize they are functionaries and literal slaves of those who want to exterminate them; because then they’d have to change their career plans, or at least become monkey-wrenchers and kiss all hopes of a cushy pension goodbye. Mainly I think they want to believe that America is still theirs because they are weak and emotionally dependent on the idea — their very identity is wrapped up in it, and they can’t face a world in which it isn’t true.

But it isn’t true.

These men remind me of the absurd characters in the old BBC comedy The Goon Show. Often, when someone told them an unpleasant but obvious fact, they would simply respond “I don’t wish to know that!” And that settled it. Since they didn’t like the truth, they simply refused to acknowledge it, as if that would make it go away. That kind of denial is a pretty common human characteristic. The degenerate Romans who kept on partying and engaging in orgies while the barbarians were advancing, street by street, through their city are another example.

But people, like those Romans, and like those letter writers, who deny reality can never be truly free. They can never be masters of their destiny. They can never really deal with the challenges life has to offer, because they don’t even know what those challenges are, much less know how to defeat them. Knowing what is really happening is a prerequisite for meaningful action. The only action those letter writers will ever know — unless they wake up — is obeying orders.

* * *

Do you still think you have a country? The Federal Reserve is the quasi-public, privately-owned central bank that has near-total control of the money supply, interest rates, the banking “industry,” and in fact the entire economy of the United States. Every single dollar that is added to the money supply — and every single dollar that the “Fed” lends to the regime — earns interest for the banking system of which the Fed is the center. Janet Yellen, the most recent chair of the Fed before Trump nominated Jerome Powell, is Jewish. And you can be sure that, as powerful as the Jews are in the Trump administration, that Powell is surrounded by Jews and neither would nor could do anything against the Jewish agenda.

And not only is Janet Yellen Jewish, so was her predecessor Ben Bernanke — and so was his predecessor, Alan Greenspan. In fact, every chairman of the Federal Reserve since 1987 — 31 years ago — has been a Jew until just a few months ago.

What are the chances that the Jewish minority — only about two per cent. of the US population — should hold such a near-monopoly on the Fed chairmanship? If they were represented in proportion to their percentage of the population, there should be 49 non-Jewish chairmen for every Jewish one. But since the Reagan administration it’s been nearly all Jews. Do you still think you have a country?

Even the Jewish writer Steven Weiss, writing in Tablet magazine, which bills itself as “a new read on Jewish life,” is crowing about Jewish supremacy at the Fed:

“Yellen’s ascent to the post will also guarantee that, by the end of her first term, Jews will have occupied the Fed’s top post for three decades straight – an unprecedented run of Jewish power and influence. The chairman’s seat hasn’t been occupied by a non-Jew since 1987, when Alan Greenspan was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to follow Paul Volcker. With the succession of Ben Bernanke in 2006, under President George W. Bush, and now the appointment of Yellen by President Barack Obama, it’s worth remembering that there is a concept in Jewish thought called chazakah: When something happens three times, it can be considered permanent. Applied to the Federal Reserve, it would suggest an impossibly firm grasp on a degree of power the likes of which the Jewish people have never known.”

Do you still think you have a country?

And that’s not all. Stanley Fischer, a Jew who not only was not born in the United States but in Zambia, of all places, and who until recently was the governor of the Bank of Israel, is the Fed’s vice chairman. Do you still think you have a country?

* * *

The mass media of news and entertainment have a vast influence on society. Outside of what a person has experienced personally — what he or she has actually seen with his own eyes, learned in school, or heard from a friend or loved one — almost everything we think we know about the world, everything we think we know about current events, everything we think we know about our political leaders, comes to us carefully selected and filtered by the mass media.

The mass media set the fashion trends. They select which four or five stories are worthy of being mentioned during the evening news or put on the front page — and which stories are buried on page D7 or are never mentioned at all. They decide what “spin” to put on those stories. They decide who the “good guys” are in any conflict — and the “bad.” They tell the talking-head newscasters when to express outrage and disapproval — and against whom. They create heroes and superstars in their dramas and comedies, and they put words in their mouths for the public to follow. They decide which bands will get maximum airplay, which lyrics will get stuck in the head of your teenage son or daughter. They set the limits of public debate, and decide who is too “radical,” right or left, to be included. They maintain massive files on all public figures and activists in cooperation with ethnically-based private intelligence agencies like the SPLC and the ADL, and they have moles (which they call “sources”) in law enforcement and secret police agencies too, so that scandals can be manufactured almost at will anytime a politician or other official “gets out of line,” destroying his career almost overnight.

No power is our society is greater than that of the media. They have an absolute stranglehold on the political process in our mass democracy. And the media in the United States are almost entirely under the ownership and control of the two per cent. — of the Jewish minority.

The “big six” media corporations in America are CBS, NBC Universal, News Corporation (owner of Fox News), now 21st Century Fox, Time Warner, Viacom, and the Walt Disney Company (which owns ABC). Of the twelve senior executives of these corporations, if Jews were represented among them at the same percentage they are represented in the American population, one would expect that at most one of them would be Jewish. But such is not the case. Of these twelve senior executives, nine are Jews — a representation of 75 per cent. In calculating the 75 per cent. figure, I’m not even counting Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation (now 21st Century Fox) and Fox News, as Jewish, despite his appearance, despite the fact that his grandmother was undoubtedly Jewish and despite the fact that he fanatically supports Zionism and other Jewish causes.

The Executive Chairman of both CBS and Viacom is Sumner Redstone, a Jew whose MTV channel is one of the worst offenders in degrading our young people with filth and promotion of racial mixing. Replacing the elderly and ailing Redstone in many positions now, the CEO of CBS is Leslie Moonves, also Jewish — in fact, he’s the great-nephew of David ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel. The Chairman and CEO of Comcast, which owns NBC Universal is Brian L. Roberts, a Jew who has even participated in the international Jewish athletic event, the Maccabiah Games, in Israel. Philippe Dauman, a Jew, is the President and CEO of Viacom, and also sits on the board of a New York Jewish health system and is a United Jewish Appeal honoree. Robert Iger, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Disney/ABC, is a Jew who also was named “Ambassador for Humanity” by Steven Spielberg’s USC Shoah Foundation. Disney’s senior vice president is attorney Alan Braverman, also a Jew.

And that’s just the beginning — look at the presidents of other media companies: CNN — Jeffrey Zucker; MGM — Jonathan Glickman; MTV — Stephen Friedman; USA Today — Larry Kramer; Comedy Central — Doug Herzog; Reuters — Stephen Adler; Los Angeles Times — Eddy Hartenstein; Discovery Network — David Zaslav; Yahoo — Marissa Mayer; Marvel Comics — Isaac Perlmutter; Hulu — Andy Forsell; Touchstone Pictures — Alan Bergman; HBO — Eric Kessler. I could go on and on, and the list of CEOs and Chairmen is just as heavily Jewish.

So 75 per cent. of the top executives of major media companies in America are Jews — controlling almost all that you and your family see and hear about the world. That is an over-representation of 3,650 per cent. Do you still think you have a country?

* * *

Jewish control of the media and the Fed is not the end of the story, though. Wall Street — that fantastic casino of ownership and speculation whose creation of derivatives has brought about a virtual private currency for the super-rich and whose death grip on the political process has infamously caused Washington to bail out brazen financial criminals to the tune of dozens of billions of dollars — is also a Jewish preserve.

According to Who Controls America? “Of the fifty-one senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies, thirty-seven are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 72%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies by a factor of 36 times (3,600 percent).”

Furthermore, according to the same source, “Of the forty senior executives of the major Wall Street mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, and brokerages, twenty-six are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Wall Street mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, and brokerages by a factor of 32.5 times (3,250 percent).”

Do you still think you have a country?

* * *

When you think about the degree of control that the tiny Jewish minority has over the United States, and the great danger that poses for the rest of us, you need not regard Jews in any kind of “demonic” light — though there is indeed something special, something hyper-ethnocentric, about them. No. You need only realize that with their unity, they have taken over the levers of power in our society, and that they are strongly conscious of themselves as a special, separate people, with interests that are not necessarily our interests. They are a foreign people who have, for all practical purposes, taken over the function of the ruling class in America, displacing the old White ruling class and forcing even elite Whites into a kind of secondary, managerial, or employee status. This foreign people, furthermore, sees the replacement of Whites worldwide with non-White immigrants as being in their best interest, and they are pursuing that policy with a vengeance — not only in the United States, where they are flooding us with Mestizos and Third Worlders of every description, but in Europe too, where a Muslim invasion of unprecedented proportions is taking place under Jewish supervision. It’s happening in Australia and New Zealand, too, where the Jewish leadership is solidly behind replacing Whites with Asians as fast as possible.

Do you still think you have a country?

Not only do we White Americans not have a country anymore, but most Europeans worldwide have lost theirs, too, and for the same reason. Only in Central and Eastern Europe are some leaders resisting White suicide, and these leaders are increasingly under pressure from Jewish-dominated “Western” intelligence agencies and diplomats, and phony revolutionary movements funded by Jewish money.

It’s time for White people to start thinking racially. It’s time for a new kind of nationalism — racial nationalism. It’s time for a new kind of community in which helping your fellow White man and White woman comes before private profit and advantage. It’s time to realize that our spiritual heritage has nothing to do with worshipping a Semitic tribal god and everything to do with our people’s evolution to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. It’s time for the National Alliance.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance membership organization, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: “Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.”


Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Sturmvogel_792 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:46 pm

Don't worry, all White majority countries are in that situation... If I'm not mistaken, Hungary is trying to keep some national sovereignty, and that's why it's under strong criticism by all of the EU's "modern, democratic" government. This, and the fact they don't want semitic migrants on their streets...

By the way, what is you guys' stance on who "counts" as White and who doesn't? I'm particularily curious about the case of the Slavs (in their different groups, West, East and South Slavs), Italians, Greeks... I'm not trying to trick anyone, I know it's kind of a grey zone, I've heard people calling them white and some calling them mixed race, or calling them lower white-ish races.

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White Man 1
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:00 pm

Dr. William Pierce had this to say about the matter:

Who can say that he has no non-Aryan ancestry at all in his family tree? Not I. Most people can say who their parents and grandparents are. Only a few Americans can go back as far as four generations, however. I doubt that as many as one percent of Americans can go back six generations with any degree of certainty. Jews and liberals seize this fact to confuse people with the claim that we're all mongrels, that there is no such thing as a "pure" race, etc. -- therefore, it doesn't do any good to try to preserve the White race, because it really doesn't exist.

I'm sure that you are not fooled by that sophistry. We must be practical. We know that there is a White race, and that it is easy to select individuals from that race who constitute a relatively "pure" sub-group. I'm not an expert on Amerindian ethnology, but I do know that the Indians consisted of many tribes which were racially distinct, ranging from essentially Caucasoid to essentially Mongoloid. So if one has Indian admixture, it depends a lot on what tribe. As a very rough rule, if a person looks White and thinks of himself as White and is the kind of person our other members wouldn't mind their sisters marrying-and if we know that he's no more than one-sixteenth non-White, we consider him White.

As I said, that's a rough rule. A person may believe that one of his grandparents was an Indian, because that grandparent lived on a reservation. But the fact is that many people who consider themselves Indians today and live on reservations are more White than Indian, due to earlier racial mixture between Whites and Indians.
End quote.

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White Man 1
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:01 pm ... -ancestry/
Due to the generally deplorable understanding of race, it is necessary for us to emphasize that White people are the descendants of all historically European peoples, including the Irish, Slavs, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, as well as the Germanic, Scandinavian, and Anglo-Saxon peoples, etc., so long as there is no discernible trace of non-White admixture. National Vanguard celebrates the cultural diversity of the White race. Our beautiful languages, traditions, and cultures are a strength. We are pan-European in our views and stand unconditionally opposed to conflicts between White peoples. Outside forces often exploit one White ethnicity against another. We do not excuse anti-White hatreds or historical "scores," and will consistently work towards reconciliation and unity in places such as the Balkans and Northern Ireland. Our watchword is no more brothers' wars.

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Will Williams
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:01 pm

White Man 1 wrote:...And that’s just the beginning — look at the presidents of other media companies: CNN — Jeffrey Zucker; MGM — Jonathan Glickman; MTV — Stephen Friedman; USA Today — Larry Kramer; Comedy Central — Doug Herzog; Reuters — Stephen Adler; Los Angeles Times — Eddy Hartenstein; Discovery Network — David Zaslav; Yahoo — Marissa Mayer; Marvel Comics — Isaac Perlmutter; Hulu — Andy Forsell; Touchstone Pictures — Alan Bergman; HBO — Eric Kessler. I could go on and on, and the list of CEOs and Chairmen is just as heavily Jewish...
Yitzhak Perlmutter
Marvel To Welcome Its First ‘Openly Trans Actor’ In ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ :roll:
Marvel Studios will be making one small step for trans with the inclusion of actor Zach Barack in "Spider-Man:
Far From Home" — a biological woman who identifies as a man.

Speaking with Variety, Barack said that her role as Peter Parker's classmate in the upcoming film will be her first major movie role and a dream come true for trans representation on the big screen. In fact, she says that the superhero stories themselves have something "inherently trans" about them.
"I’m not by any means an expert on comics, but I read them growing up, you know, and they were important. And there’s something very inherently trans about those stories, especially ones where identity and hidden identity is part of them," she told the outlet. "For example, Peter Parker’s journey [in Spider-Man: Homecoming] is a lot about balancing being a teenager and having this other part of your life."
"And that is just so trans, it’s something that I absolutely think I’ve felt on a daily basis sometimes – especially being a transmasculine person because sometimes there’s a pressure to be a different way than I feel naturally inclined to do because I want to fit in, and I have to actively fight that instinct," she continued. "But the fact of the matter is, being in this movie is so beyond incredibly meaningful and I hope that it means something to other people."
Barack said she did not see many trans characters — much less actors — on screen growing up and began to feel represented when Laverne Cox starred on Netflix's "Orange is the New Black."

"I don’t think I actually saw like a person that I consciously knew was actually trans in any form of media until was like maybe 17, 18," she said. "Before that the only thing I’d seen was ‘Boys Don’t Cry,’ which not only doesn’t have a trans person in it, but is a really brutal story and the prospect of coming out wasn’t super exciting after seeing that. When I saw these messages of other people sort of being like, ‘it’s really meaningful’…I remember I cried the first time I saw one of those, because I remember wanting to write those."
The Marvel universe has faced criticism recently for not including enough LGBTQ characters or superheroes, though producers Kevin Feige and Victoria Alonso have promised they will come to fruition. Barack hopes that her inclusion in the "Spider-Man" series will be the spark that causes that revolution.
"I also want intersectionality," she said. "I’m also hoping that these characters can exist in a nuanced way. ... I do want to see myself represented on screen, so I do want to see a trans superhero or a queer superhero. And I want it to be hopefully someone who can draw from their experience in real life in that way – [to show] queer people are getting work too. But at the same time, I’m just happy these stories are being told."
DC has largely beaten Marvel to the punch in the representation of LGBT superheroes. The upcoming "Batwoman" at the CW will be openly lesbian on the show. Prior to that, CW's "Supergirl" featured the character Nia Nal, the first transgender hero in television history, played by transgender actor Nicole Maines (a man presenting himself as a woman) and based on the DC Comics character Nura Nal. ... penly.html
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:14 am

The sexuality of Jews? Is this really an issue? The Jewnited States
Of America is a reality. The Jews even openly proclaim it. Any doubt,
follow the link below:

Of course, the Christianized Goyim will blindly follow. Just my humble
opinion, but there are more pressing issues, than concern over whether
or not ancient artifacts constitute "porn." When you visit this site,
the first item you are treated with is the skyline of New York City.
President Ronald Reagan called it "the shining city on the hill."
Really? Are Jews really that shiny? Jessie Jackson had good reason
to call it "hymietown," and no...I absolutely have no idea as to his
views on the sexuality of the inhabitants of ancient Rome. Does it
really matter? I think not.

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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:42 am

Wade wrote:
President Ronald Reagan called it "the shining city on the hill."
I wonder if Saint Ron of Reagan actually meant to say "the sheeny city on the hill." :lol: :lol:

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:35 am

C.E. Whiteoak wrote:Wade wrote:
President Ronald Reagan called it "the shining city on the hill."
I wonder if Saint Ron of Reagan actually meant to say "the sheeny city on the hill." :lol: :lol:
Probably the biggest let-down of my modern life was the realization that the great cities of Chicago and
NYC was that they were not uniquely "American" anymore - in the sense that they were constructed
by people of Caucasian descent. This may in fact have been so, up to a few decades ago. I think
the destruction of the Twin Towers and their replacement by that megalithic structure - which strongly
resembles a tombstone - was the demarcation point - at least in my mind's eye. True - The Twins
were designed by an Asian - but their conception and construction were all done by Caucasians.

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Will Williams
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:59 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:The sexuality of Jews? Is this really an issue?...
Yes, Wade, to normal, healthy-minded gentiles it is. If you'd like to read up on it here's an article a correspondent sent to me a while back that I don't have much interest in. You might find it interesting, however:

Hypersexual Behavior in Hasidic Jewish Inpatients
By Nancy J. Needell, John C Markowitz
Published in The Journal of nervous and mental disease 2004 ... ad13861989

Just my humble opinion, but there are more pressing issues, than concern over whether
or not ancient artifacts constitute "porn."...I absolutely have no idea as to [Ronald Reagan's]
views on the sexuality of the inhabitants of ancient Rome. Does it really matter? I think not.
Good. You're right to not care about that, Wade. What's important today is the way Whites are being thoroughly propagandized by the Jew to hate themselves, like is explained quite well here in this recent example: ... tionalism/ Read about CNN's likely Jewish change agent Richard Galant.
Richard Galant - Managing Editor, Opinion, CNN
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Do You Still Think You Have A Country? 9/1/18

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:07 pm

Will Williams wrote: Yes, Wade, to normal, healthy-minded gentiles it is. If you'd like to read up on it here's an article a correspondent sent to me a while back that I don't have much interest in. You might find it interesting, however
Thanks for the "heads up," but there was not anything there that I did not already know. Of course, the thought
is what really counts, right Captain?

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