New Year’s Dawn Traditional Message, part 1 01/04/25

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White Man 1
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New Year’s Dawn Traditional Message, part 1 01/04/25

Post by White Man 1 » Mon Jan 06, 2025 2:55 pm

THE NEW YEAR is upon us. It inspires thoughts of where we’ve been, how we got there, and where we’re going.

1800 years ago, the Roman Emperor Aurelian first declared 25 December to be a state holiday, commemorating the Solstice — the rebirth of what he called Sol Invictus or “the Unconquerable Sun.” This is something that had long been sacred to Aryan peoples of many nations; Aurelian chose a specific date and made it official. He did this in hopes of establishing a new religious unity among Roman citizens.

If you’ve been reading National Vanguard for more than a few years, you already know that the three holidays we have this time of year — 1) the Solstice; 2) the day that the modern world calls “Christmas” and I call by the much more ancient name of Yuletide; and 3) New Year’s Day — are all really the same ancient holiday. The dates have been spread apart by a little more than a week because of calendar drift, the fact that ancient measurements suggested the “Sun stood still” for several days, cultural amalgamation, and the simple human desire for separate or distinctive holidays for various and usually temporary purposes. Nevertheless, they are all essentially the same holiday, all ultimately deriving from the return of the Sun to Europe and environs, as it begins its upward arc toward the ancient Aryan homelands of the Northern Hemisphere. We are a sky-focused and horizon-focused people.

Poor Aurelian! He and his holiday are seldom remembered now, even by residents of Orleans, France and New Orleans, Louisiana, cities that bear his name. He was trying to renew religion within a society that had become culturally chaotic and less Roman with the coming of the years of Empire, a society where Middle Eastern cults and superstitions were gaining a foothold, a society where it seemed that just yesterday the timeless myths of Europe still inspired, and had evolved into a poetic framework undergirding the greatest philosophical systems the world had ever seen. But within a single century, one Middle Eastern cult, a certain sect of the Jewish-derived cult of Christianity, would come to dominate Rome and all Europe, exterminate all the competing Christian cults, and even gain state, and eventually super-state, power. It closed the Aryan philosophic schools, banned our people’s indigenous religions, and wiped out many centuries’ worth of science, culture, literature, and art. The cult even hijacked December 25th, and “Easter” too — which originally had zero to do with Rabbi Jesus.

When our people chose — or, in many cases, were forced into — Christianity, that was a stumbling off the Path. For 1,700 years we’ve been going down the wrong path, a path far worse than a blind alley — a path that leads to death for our people.

But what is the Path, which Dr. William Pierce graced with a capital “P” — the right path, the Upward Path?

No one denies that Christianity as it exists today — after it was somewhat Aryanized by being the dominant religion of Europe, and (more or less) only Europe for many centuries — does teach some healthy values. It teaches responsibility and honesty. It opposes self-indulgence and degeneracy. It teaches kindness (though this requires ignoring large parts of the Bible). It teaches reverence for the family union (again, they have to ignore some Bible teachings to do that, but they are masters at selective reading and doublespeak). Like all religions, it teaches that there is a higher purpose to our lives than mere material advantage. At times, it has even campaigned against the worst excesses of the Jews, our race’s implacable enemies.

But let’s examine these good things more closely.

Now teaching responsibility and honesty is undoubtedly a good thing. But young people, especially the brightest young people, want to know why they are being asked to behave and believe in a certain way. All that Christianity can say is be responsible and honest “because Rabbi Jesus says so.” This is merely a way of avoiding the question, and the best and brightest people can see that, so such an answer is the beginning of disenchantment and possibly even depression for them. The correct Cosmotheist answer is: “Be responsible because our people are depending on you to more than pull your own weight so we can advance the next generation 1) to survival itself and 2) further along the Upward Path of understanding and upward evolution. You are a link in a sacred evolutionary chain that reaches the beginning of Life at one end and Life’s great destiny at the other. You must be responsible so that our kind will reach that destiny. Your role is profoundly important. You must be honest — to all but our race’s enemies — so that your leaders, and your fellow members of our Cosmotheist and racial communities, will be better able to apprehend reality as it truly is and not be diverted by lies away from their sacred mission, which is also your mission.”

When teaching young people to be kind, the Christian church makes no distinction whatever between 1) helping those of our own Folk who, through no fault (or forgivable faults) of their own, have fallen on difficult times, and 2) helping aliens who want more resources to better facilitate the invasion and replacement of our own people. The correct Cosmotheist teaching would very definitely make such a distinction! — and see helping hostile aliens as, not kindness, but a sin against Life and the Creator, a horrible evil, to help in any way those who seek to harm us and thereby also depriving the deserving among our own Folk. Young people would be stirred and inspired by such a teaching and would respect such truthful answers!

When teaching young people to revere and respect the family union, once again the Christian religion can only justify said teaching by saying that Jesus said so, so don’t be unfaithful, don’t neglect your spouse or your children, and do your duty with respect to them. We Cosmotheists say to young folks: “The family is sacred, as it is the institution upon which our community is built — through the family new generations are born and raised — without it we could not even possibly exist — without it, no upward evolution is possible; the future of our community — and, in part, of all Life — literally depends upon you and your future spouse and your children. Your joy of love is sacred because it leads us to our future. Do not fail in this. You must not fail!” And the Christian makes no distinction between a marriage between a White man and White woman (which has the potential to create part of the next generation of our Folk), and a “marriage” between a brown Filipina or Mestiza and a White man; or the “marriage” of a White woman and her subsequent coupling with a non-White male. The Christian churches even bless and hold “sacred” such unnatural unions, which produce no White children and further blur the distinctions which Nature’s God has made — and is still making — between the races.

Likewise also with admonitions against degeneracy. The Christians, having no real overarching reason to condemn, say, homosexuality except “the Bible says we mustn’t!” are increasingly abandoning their opposition to sexual perversion, much to the happiness of Jews, who not only viscerally delight in all that is perverse and profanes the sacred, but who also see it as a most excellent way to prevent White births. Cosmotheism, on the other hand, teaches our young folks that their natural sexual instincts are good, even holy, and that they have deep purposes — the creation of new White souls, the bond of a man and woman to face life together and be part of our community together, and all the joys that that brings — and are not to be trifled with, not to be commercialized, not to be cheapened, and not to be perverted into other channels.

Furthermore, all such teachings of the Christian churches depend on the authority of a Jewish rabbi who gets his authority from the Jewish tribal god, who, we are told, is also the one true god of the Universe to the exclusion of all others. Thus, even the increasingly rare Christian churches who dare to question the policies of our Jewish misrulers always hold back to some extent. They dare not openly declare Jehovah’s people to be our enemies, though such a statement is 100 per cent. true, because they also consider themselves to be Jehovah’s people. With microscopically small exceptions, they see Jews as somehow especially “holy” and special and deeply connected to their shared “holy book.” This spiritual and mental slavery really is a huge impediment — probably the greatest impediment — to our people properly taking up the fight against those who are trying to kill us as a race.

And, along with all of these other deficits, Christianity also requires us to believe in things that are palpably not true, like 90 per cent. of the tales in the Hebrew Bible on which it is based. This leads to a stunting of mental growth among millions of our folk, who have become hopelessly superstitious Jew-worshippers largely due to childhood inculcation with Bible teachings. Among some even some quite intelligent folk, the contradictions between “Bible truth” and observed reality can lead to actual mental derangement. Among millions more, it leads to institutionalized hypocrisy on a gigantic scale, with decent citizens feeling they must pretend to believe in nonsense just to avoid the horrific anarchy, crime, and terminal social instability that might accompany disbelief among the masses.

Like hundreds of millions of European-descended people born after the Renaissance, I too realized as I became a man and became familiar with the discoveries of science that the Bible, in the light of what we knew about history and about the Universe, could not possibly be true. This hard and difficult truth desperately needs to be known by our people so they can find a better way. Thus the organized atheists and agnostics and skeptics do us all a good service when they show us how ridiculous the Abrahamic religions are.

But the atheists and agnostics and skeptics do us — on average, there are exceptions — a disservice when they give us as a substitute for the Abrahamic creeds either nothing — which leads to such dead ends for our people as libertarianism, the Jewess Ayn Rand’s “Objectivism,” anarcho-capitalism, and the like — or give us just a vague faith in “doing good,” or “helping others,” or a confused “humanism,” or an even more confused Communism, all of which are essentially just Christianity without miracles and without Rabbi Jesus — and none of the futures to which they lead us are ones in which White people survive.

And that is the key to everything.

Cosmotheism gives truthful answers to frank questions from the questing souls of young White men and young White women. We give answers that deserve — and receive — respect. We offer purpose for their lives. Purpose that inspires for a lifetime. Purpose that banishes despair. And we help them cast off the mental blinders and spiritual chains of doctrines that preach “equality” — doctrines that teach them that there is nothing special about them — that they in fact are the most evil and worthless people that ever lived, or are at the very least “wretches” who need to be saved by a Jewish “messiah.” We teach them the opposite of that. We teach them that they are indeed very special, the most precious people on this planet, people who are especially needed if the Creator’s Purpose is to be fulfilled, people without whom there would be nothing. And that is not only the exact truth, but it is also the message that young Whites need to hear. Start telling it every chance you get!

I will be continuing this important message next week, right here on American Dissident Voices.

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