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Among Branches

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 2:29 pm
by Ray W
In company of real trees feel rediscovery, pure trust
found in truthful sights, smells, sounds--all three a crutch
in fear-clouded cities: crowded, eye-infected, audibly rotten,
seed thoughts bogged down in smog memory, even raw Sun

more insect than friend; and then evening's burgundy blush
spurs vine-mingled blood to twist and burn, blindly rush
away from gem clay, rock, petal, stem and leaf once believed
by souls severed from where they were more-than-once conceived

and need to be: beneath a vein-webbed roof of naked evergreen
rain-dyed without, moon-dried within, untamed limbs strong and lean
simply named maple, oak, ash, pine and cherry--there
where berries bury hunger, fragrant leaves balm disease,

roots calm cricket nerves, picked mushrooms magic the air--
natural, fresh, seasoned growth, free-flowing kin easy to find
if you ride, read and spiral-slide with the wind's fingerprint mind
and like winged pearls translate oracle fate ringing core earth and tree.