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Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:53 pm
by Ray W
Soaking oaks spray sorrows over rock, root and rye;
lightning bloodshots rain-drunk sky.
Startled limbs teardrop leafy victims--
beading the wind-webbed scene with heart-throb rhythms--
due to an ebb-n-flow storm.

A wet-nosed cave paved smooth by mossy green
inhales wandering waves, exhales trickling streams.
Eager offspring slither through a murky maze of scaly soil
silently speeding toward a river rendezvous, to uncoil--
undoing in swirling swarm.

Gnat-nibbled hours like mauled flowers flood
on past scratchy minutes and seconds mired in mud
until yawning sun fires away coal-dust night
and diamonds wet and weary with uplifting light--
in dew uniform.