An insider's view of the illegal US bioweapons industry

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Jim Mathias
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An insider's view of the illegal US bioweapons industry

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:05 am

A comment ( ... ment-60400 ) came to my attention on National Vanguard recently that appeared knowledgeable, and I approved it despite its length and numerous links. One of the links provided some very interesting reading about COVID19 and the notorious vaccines (and I use that term loosely). I wasn't much surprised by the topic so much as I was by the mention of the characters involved at the NIAID, NIH, the bioweapons facility at Ft. Detrick, and other related institutions.

Here's the link to the interesting reading mentioned earlier: ... s-2432.pdf It's well annotated and surprisingly candid assessment of what's been going on with this topic and I felt it worthy of sharing here. Caution is advised, such things involving bioweapons, the US government, and Mossad involvement may be an attempt at disinformation. You'll have to judge for yourself.
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