
User avatar
Will Williams
Posts: 5026
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: Woke?

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 06, 2023 7:17 pm


We are White. We say Politically Correct which means the same thing.

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:17 pm
I don't pretend to be an English grammar scholar, but I know bad English when I hear it and "woke" is bad English, like Negroidal Ebonics, or something. I refuse to use "woke" or even to acknowledge its use, thanks.

Seems I'm right. Found this: Despite the recent spike in its usage, ‘woke’ is not a new word. It was first used in the 1940s and was created as a political term by black Americans. It means to be awake to issues of social justice and racial justice.

I axe you, what self-respecting White person would talk like a street nigger?


I awaken
you awaken
he/she/it awakens
we awaken
you awaken
they awaken

Present continuous

I am awakening
you are awakening
he/she/it is awakening
we are awakening
you are awakening
they are awakening

Simple past
I awakened
you awakened
he/she/it awakened
we awakened
you awakened
they awakened

Past continuous
I was awakening
you were awakening
he/she/it was awakening
we were awakening
you were awakening
they were awakening

Present perfect
I have awakened
you have awakened
he/she/it has awakened
we have awakened
you have awakened
they have awakened

Present perfect continuous
I have been awakening
you have been awakening
he/she/it has been awakening
we have been awakening
you have been awakening
they have been awakening

Past perfect
I had awakened
you had awakened
he/she/it had awakened
we had awakened
you had awakened
they had awakened

Past perfect continuous
I had been awakening
you had been awakening
he/she/it had been awakening
we had been awakening
you had been awakening
they had been awakening

I will awaken
you will awaken
he/she/it will awaken
we will awaken
youwill awaken
they will awaken

Future continuous
I will be awakening
you will be awakening
he/she/it will be awakening
we will be awakening
you will be awakening
they will be awakening

Future perfect
I will have awakened
you will have awakened
he/she/it will have awakened
we will have awakened
you will have awakened
they will have awakened

Future perfect continuous
I will have been awakening
you will have been awakening
he/she/it will have been awakening
we will have been awakening
you will have been awakening
they will have been awakening

Conditional present
I would awaken
you would awaken
he/she/it would awaken
we would awaken
you would awaken
they would awaken

Conditional present progressive
I would be awakening
you would be awakening
he/she/it would be awakening
we would be awakening
you would be awakening
they would be awakening

Conditional perfect
I would have awakened
you would have awakened
he/she/it would have awakened
we would have awakened
you would have awakened
they would have awakened

Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been awakening
you would have been awakening
he/she/it would have been awakening
we would have been awakening
you would have been awakening
they would have been awakening

Present subjunctive

I awaken
you awaken
he/she/it awaken
we awaken
you awaken
they awaken

Past subjunctive
I awakened
you awakened
he/she/it awakened
we awakened
you awakened
they awakened

Past perfect subjunctive
I had awakened
you had awakened
he/she/it had awakened
we had awakened
you had awakened
they had awakened


you awaken
we awaken

Present participle


Past participle
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
Posts: 5026
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: Woke?

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:16 am

I now wish I had seen this piece by Douglas Mercer 15 months or so ago because it gives us the perfect definition of what it is to be <cough!> "woke." He points out that it has taken the Chinese to explain to America what I've been saying all along about those who adopt American nigger slang to describe themselves: https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/03/di ... ment-63395

...The Chinese call Western “woke” liberals baizuos. The Chinese words that make up this epithet could roughly be translated as “White mother whore.”

For the baizuo is exclusively White by definition. These are foul offscourings of our race, those who have gone to the other side out of fake “morality” and real ignorance, and have chosen to live their life on their knees.

Roughly speaking, a baizuo is defined this way:

Baizuos are mostly characterized by their heavy use of political correctness and double standards to covertly advance their own material or emotional interests at the expense of others, while claiming otherwise from a self-assumed superior moral position.

In their own minds, the baizuos are “free spirits” — but what they really are is social conformists [aka lemmings].

In addition to representing the soft underbelly of the White race, baizuos form a crucial component in the enterprise of “diversity”: the White defector. It is they you see at your local high-priced coffee shop, sometimes adorned with purple, green, or orange hair, some have have prominent tattoos, bones through their noses — and they almost all sport that inevitable sullen look in their eyes. They have surrendered totally to the contemporary mindset. Today that means that they are the oddest of things: a person who hates his own race. No other race than ours harbors within itself such traitors. Except for vanishingly small exceptions that prove the rule, no Asian hates the Asians, no Black hates the Blacks — of that you can be sure. But over the past half century, the White race has had nested within its confines a huge and pathological cohort of its own who are explicitly dedicated to the destruction of their own people.

These are the baizuos.

Quite a few baizuos are educated and well-off. A baizuo can be a professor or a suburban mother “deeply committed to anti-racism.” A baizuo be a corporation executive who never stops drooling about “helping the underserved.”

What all baizuos have in common is that they are traitors. They are the weak links without whom no Jew could function in his role as subverter, and no Black could run amok in our cities without facing the most extreme of penalties.

are the ones who open the door to “diversity.”

And as such they are fatal.
Will Williams wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 7:17 pm

We are White. We say Politically Correct which means the same thing.

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:17 pm
I don't pretend to be an English grammar scholar, but I know bad English when I hear it and "woke" is bad English, like Negroidal Ebonics, or something. I refuse to use "woke" or even to acknowledge its use, thanks.

Seems I'm right. Found this: Despite the recent spike in its usage, ‘woke’ is not a new word. It was first used in the 1940s and was created as a political term by black Americans. It means to be awake to issues of social justice and racial justice.

I axe you, what self-respecting White person would talk like a street nigger?


I awaken
you awaken
he/she/it awakens
we awaken
you awaken
they awaken

Present continuous

I am awakening
you are awakening
he/she/it is awakening
we are awakening
you are awakening
they are awakening

Simple past
I awakened
you awakened
he/she/it awakened
we awakened
you awakened
they awakened

Past continuous
I was awakening
you were awakening
he/she/it was awakening
we were awakening
you were awakening
they were awakening

Present perfect
I have awakened
you have awakened
he/she/it has awakened
we have awakened
you have awakened
they have awakened

Present perfect continuous
I have been awakening
you have been awakening
he/she/it has been awakening
we have been awakening
you have been awakening
they have been awakening

Past perfect
I had awakened
you had awakened
he/she/it had awakened
we had awakened
you had awakened
they had awakened

Past perfect continuous
I had been awakening
you had been awakening
he/she/it had been awakening
we had been awakening
you had been awakening
they had been awakening

I will awaken
you will awaken
he/she/it will awaken
we will awaken
youwill awaken
they will awaken

Future continuous
I will be awakening
you will be awakening
he/she/it will be awakening
we will be awakening
you will be awakening
they will be awakening

Future perfect
I will have awakened
you will have awakened
he/she/it will have awakened
we will have awakened
you will have awakened
they will have awakened

Future perfect continuous
I will have been awakening
you will have been awakening
he/she/it will have been awakening
we will have been awakening
you will have been awakening
they will have been awakening

Conditional present
I would awaken
you would awaken
he/she/it would awaken
we would awaken
you would awaken
they would awaken

Conditional present progressive
I would be awakening
you would be awakening
he/she/it would be awakening
we would be awakening
you would be awakening
they would be awakening

Conditional perfect
I would have awakened
you would have awakened
he/she/it would have awakened
we would have awakened
you would have awakened
they would have awakened

Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been awakening
you would have been awakening
he/she/it would have been awakening
we would have been awakening
you would have been awakening
they would have been awakening

Present subjunctive

I awaken
you awaken
he/she/it awaken
we awaken
you awaken
they awaken

Past subjunctive
I awakened
you awakened
he/she/it awakened
we awakened
you awakened
they awakened

Past perfect subjunctive
I had awakened
you had awakened
he/she/it had awakened
we had awakened
you had awakened
they had awakened


you awaken
we awaken

Present participle


Past participle
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: Woke?

Post by WodenWidukind » Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:21 pm

I have had to correct so many pro whites on Gab who use ebonics, use rap in their pro white videos, speak ebonics. I have pointed out an Asatru Folk Assembly member for wearing a t shirt that had black gang slang on it...

We're not Gab. and we're not "Nazis," so consider that as you introduce yourself before posting to WhiteBiocentrism further. WB is the forum of the National Alliance. You can familiarize yourself with NA here: https://www.natall.com/about/what-is-th ... -alliance/

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Will Williams
Posts: 5026
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: Woke?

Post by Will Williams » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:44 pm

WodenWidukind wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:21 pm
I have had to correct so many pro whites on Gab who use ebonics, use rap in their pro white videos, speak ebonics. I have pointed out an Asatru Folk Assembly member for wearing a t shirt that had black gang slang on it...

We're not Gab. and we're not "Nazis," so consider that as you introduce yourself before posting to WhiteBiocentrism further. WB is the forum of the National Alliance. You can familiarize yourself with NA here: https://www.natall.com/about/what-is-th ... -alliance/
So much For the Gabbers.

For some reason I received this notice about the ebonic word, "woke," by Jew-owned Merrium-Webster (See: https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/06/wi ... ritannica/)

I SUSPECT THAT EVEN most National Vanguard readers are unaware that the venerable Chicago-based Encyclopædia Britannica has been owned by Jewish billionaire Jacob E. “Jacqui” Safra, a member of the wealthy Safra banking family, since 1996. Its longtime CEO was an Israeli, Ilan Yeshua, replaced upon his departure in May 2021 by a Mexican of unknown ethnicity. Safra, who also owns Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Note: no mention here of the word woke's Negro ebonic origins
Dictionaries have always expressed the tension between the ancient and the current in our vocabulary. There are old words, new meanings of existing words, and new additions that are found side by side. New words that are frequently heard and debated get lots of attention, partly for clarification of their meaning, and possibly because some people check to see whether they are entered at all. We trace the use of woke to mean “attentive to important societal facts about social justice” back more than fifty years, but its recent use as a disapproving way of saying “extremely liberal” was added just recently.

1 of 2
woker; wokest
Synonyms of woke
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
But we will only succeed if we reject the growing pressure to retreat into cynicism and hopelessness. … We have a moral obligation to "stay woke," take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises.
—[Negress]Barbara Lee

… argued that … Brad Pitt is not only woke, but the wokest man in Hollywood … because he uses his status—and his production company Plan B—to create space for artists of color, with such films as 12 Years a Slave, Selma, and the upcoming film Moonlight.
—Giselle Defares
Being woke to gender discrimination is difficult; it ruins things you love. Entire canons of art are rotten to the core with it.
—Rachel Edelstein
—often used in contexts that suggest someone's expressed beliefs about such matters are not backed with genuine concern or action
There is never really a moment where a person of color doesn't have to deal with discrimination, whether it be veiled and passive or as blunt as possible. So, woke white people, why can't you step in?
—Lauren Sanchez
Enter the age of the performatively woke brand. Politics has become a kind of fashion accessory for corporate America these days, a way to profit from protest.
—Jon Gingerich
"Fake woke" behavior arises. We put the hashtags on our social media. #Sayhername, #icantbreathe, #blacklivesmatter. And repeat. The problem is that the level of concern we express online doesn't match the everyday behavior we exhibit.
—Surayya Walters
: reflecting the attitudes of woke people
woke values/language
In our newly woke times, there has been increased scrutiny of old films dealing with sensitive subjects.
—Hannah Jane Parkinson
He wants to make The Wombles more "woke" so the characters are gender-fluid or of different races.
—Liz Perkins
disapproving : politically liberal or progressive (as in matters of racial and social justice) especially in a way that is considered unreasonable or extreme
The national conservatives view today's liberals as woke cultural warriors who pose an existential threat to the nation and its traditions.
—Shadi Hamid
He's built a social media brand on the right railing against "woke liberals" and supporting former President Donald Trump.
—Marissa Martinez
The military is struggling to find new recruits to fill its ranks. … While the official reasons given by the military—including fewer face-to-face recruitments during the pandemic, and fewer young people who meet the physical standards required—likely play a role, some say it's because the military is too "woke," turning off its normal constituency of young, conservative recruits.
—Suzanne Bates
If there is any hope, it's that voters are rejecting woke green goals. Already this has occurred in Sweden and Italy, where voters threw out left-wing governments …
—Michael Shellenberger
'Woke capitalism' tends to be a term that critics use to refer to … portfolios that are built around environmental, social and governance issues like climate change or diversity.
—Victor Reklaitis

2 of 2
past tense and past participle of WAKE

Examples of woke in a Sentence
Recent Examples on the Web
Even Disney executives are learning the limits of their woke activism.
—Chris Roemer, Baltimore Sun, 6 Jan. 2024
The New Right coalesced as part of a backlash against the woke excesses of the recent past—but railing against wokeness is always faintly embarrassing.
—Michelle Orange, Harper's Magazine, 3 Nov. 2023
This combative, defiant spirit—refusing to be canceled, never backing down, standing up to the woke mob—animates Average Joe.
—Charles McCrary, The New Republic, 3 Nov. 2023
With recruitment rates to the U.S. military falling, attention is turning to the rise of woke politics, which is undermining public confidence in America's military leaders.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 2 Nov. 2023
Kendi’s stark provocation that one is either a racist or an anti-racist epitomized the morality play that the right has come to describe as the essence of woke politics.
—Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker, 21 Oct. 2023
Antonioni lesson learned, Davies transcends the shoe-gazing self-pity shown by so many of the world’s woke filmmakers who suffer sick Eros and sick Morality.
—Armond White, National Review, 4 Oct. 2023
But what if said employer has contracted the woke mind virus?
—Kate Aronoff, The New Republic, 14 Sep. 2023
Find out how to incite moral panic over otherwise inconsequential morsels of pop culture, such as which movie characters are Black and which brands are too woke.
—Skyler Higley, The New Yorker, 13 Aug. 2023
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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