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The Rape Of Germany (Video)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:33 pm
by Wade Hampton III
Thomas Goodrich’s book on one of the worst atrocities in human history,
the total devastation of National Socialist Germany that was carried
out at the end of and after the war, is being set to film by Renegade
productions. With Goodrich narrating, interspersed with audio from
survivors and actual footage of some of the horrific mutilations that
occurred, this preview gives a shocking taste of the full-length film
that is to follow: ... .com+-+The

Re: The Rape Of Germany (Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:21 pm
by Wade Hampton III
This Jew Ilya Ehrenburg.....

Rape. Weaponized rape. Rape of almost biblical proportions.
Mass rape of German women by Red Army soldiers.
Obeying The Jew
Obeying The Jew
65014.jpg (43.95 KiB) Viewed 8162 times
It was much feared of in anticipation. In the event, their
worst fears were realised. This Jew, Ilya Ehrenburg, a
Soviet author and war journalist, was blamed for what
took place because he is said to have written:

“Use force and break the racial pride of these German women.
Take them as your lawful [sic] booty.”
Guilty As A Jew
Guilty As A Jew
65015.jpg (42.17 KiB) Viewed 8162 times
In any case, he certainly did write the following:

“As for the German women, they evoke in us only one feeling:
disgust. We despise the German women for what they are —
mothers, wives and sisters of the executioners. We despise
the German women for what they wrote to their sons, husbands
and brothers, 'Send your honey a pretty fur coat.’ We despise
the German women for what they are: thieves and prostitutes.”

The relevant passage is from Ehrenburg's book Vojna (The war),
Moscow, 1942–43.

Wade says, "Only one solution...quarantine and eventual
extermination of Jewry everywhere."

Re: The Rape Of Germany (Video)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:07 am
by Jim Mathias
Wade Hampton III wrote:This Jew Ilya Ehrenburg.....

Rape. Weaponized rape. Rape of almost biblical proportions.
Mass rape of German women by Red Army soldiers.
It was much feared of in anticipation. In the event, their
worst fears were realised. This Jew, Ilya Ehrenburg, a
Soviet author and war journalist, was blamed for what
took place because he is said to have written:

“Use force and break the racial pride of these German women.
Take them as your lawful [sic] booty.”
In any case, he certainly did write the following:

“As for the German women, they evoke in us only one feeling:
disgust. We despise the German women for what they are —
mothers, wives and sisters of the executioners. We despise
the German women for what they wrote to their sons, husbands
and brothers, 'Send your honey a pretty fur coat.’ We despise
the German women for what they are: thieves and prostitutes.”

The relevant passage is from Ehrenburg's book Vojna (The war),
Moscow, 1942–43.

Wade says, "Only one solution...quarantine and eventual
extermination of Jewry everywhere
Why Wade, you make Mr. Hitler look like Mr. Nice Guy by comparison! AH only wanted to make Jews leave Germany, and then all of Europe because he was forced by the Jews into a war of their making. But then, if we interpose "White" for "Jewry" in your solution, we'd have their (Jewry's) millennia-old plan for us. They weren't nice from the start, and now look at what they've caused people to think and feel.