The Rape Of Germany (Video)
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:33 pm
Thomas Goodrich’s book on one of the worst atrocities in human history,
the total devastation of National Socialist Germany that was carried
out at the end of and after the war, is being set to film by Renegade
productions. With Goodrich narrating, interspersed with audio from
survivors and actual footage of some of the horrific mutilations that
occurred, this preview gives a shocking taste of the full-length film
that is to follow: ... .com+-+The
the total devastation of National Socialist Germany that was carried
out at the end of and after the war, is being set to film by Renegade
productions. With Goodrich narrating, interspersed with audio from
survivors and actual footage of some of the horrific mutilations that
occurred, this preview gives a shocking taste of the full-length film
that is to follow: ... .com+-+The