Memorial Day: a Constant Reminder

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Memorial Day: a Constant Reminder

Post by Franco » Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:50 am

Memorial Day: a Constant Reminder

This Memorial Day, let's remember all of the wars that America didn't have to fight. For example, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan (we fought in Afghanistan for 20 years! And yet we lost the war! Why? Also, at that time, we were fighting two wars at once! Afghanistan and Iraq! Insanity! America fled Afghanistan very quickly, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment for the enemy to use. Someone asked Joe Biden why he fled Afghanistan in a big hurry and he said, "I like pizza but sometimes it tricks me!" Ahh, that explains it).

And of course, every time America fights a war, it in some way involves the Jews. Either it involves protecting Israel (e.g., the 2003 Iraq War), or it involves Jewish bankers getting scared (e.g., NATO attacking Libya in 2011 because Qaddafi was going to start an African banking network, i.e., he was going to create an all-African currency and an all-African bank. That's not "allowed," you see) [1].


[1] "He (Clark) was privy to information contained in a classified memo: US plans to attack and remove governments in seven countries over five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." ( ... licy-coup/). "Attacking Iran" means "America attacking Israel's number one enemy." But America has not done that yet, for several logistical reasons. Those seven states are "Russian client states." So early on, America was maneuvering against Russia. That explains a lot: who fears Russia the most? In fact, who invented Russophobia? Jews and Jews. (Note: Libya under Qaddafi was a marvel to behold and all countries should copy its domestic policies: Qaddafi offered free healthcare, interest-free loans, citizens received a percentage of all oil profits, and more importantly, mothers received $5,000 upon the birth of a child. Great idea! Why don't we do that? Because it would make sense!! Gasoline was also dirt cheap [14 cents per gallon]. No wonder Qaddafi had to be removed from power: he was doing everything right). (Russia has two military bases in Syria, hence why Jews hate Russia).


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