Written On The Wind

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Wade Hampton III
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Location: Pontiac, SC

Written On The Wind

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:26 am

Writer Anonymous For Political Reasons:

There has never been a time when the Jew media has taken
such an aggressive position, not even after 9/11. It is more
than Ukraine and Syria. Other nations that were once afraid
of the US are now ready to hit back! The simplest way to go
after the US is to release classified intelligence showing the
US as an aggressor nation - a dupe, violent, dangerous, and

We forget what it was like - the carefully orchestrated orgy
of hate after the World Trade Center was nuked, along with
the missile attack on the Pentagon. This is one of many
shameful moments in American history, where a nation
abandoned common sense and backed a gang of traitors
whose common purpose, all can see now, was and is the
destruction of the US and "her freedoms."

We have, for the first time, national intelligence agencies
leaking aging but high-value material. It is clear why -
material is flooding out - for instance - American drug
dealing in Afghanistan; Mohammed Atta and the Saudis
in the US being trained by the CIA to fly drugs out of
Afghanistan, etc. They were there as patsies on 9/11,
ready to carry forward a childish narrative the American
public has been stoked and pruned to lap up.

Atta, now exposed as a Colonel with Egyptian intelligence,
was their liaison with Israel and the CIA, hardly "Al Qaeda,"
even if such an organization actually existed. Surveillance
logs show Atta and his fellow pilots living in New Jersey
less than 100 yards from a house filled with "Israeli art
students." All had been under FBI surveillance, watching
CIA handlers and "bag men" coming in and out, pizza
deliveries, call girls, embassy officials and lawyers, lots
of them, prime Washington law firms.

There is a danger of looking at the "little picture" and
ignoring the global narrative. When sitting in Paris,
Moscow, or Abuja - I could name a hundred cities -
it is easy to see the US as the "Evil Empire," and those
plotting to erase America as the one great superpower
may well be quite rational. Look at how America has
handled its leadership in the world since the fall of the
Soviet Union. Could there be a bigger disaster? As
Jim Dean (Vets Today) points out, what other nation
attacks so many, stages so many color revolutions,
kidnappings, imprisons and tortures without due process
on such a huge scale?

America cannot recognize Israel or perhaps its Likudist
leadership as a long-term enemy, despite overwhelming
evidence, simply because the idea of opposing America
seems unthinkable to American leaders who live in a
delusional "Pollyanna" fog. Who could hate America?
Thus the great, but not so public debate in Washington,
the cooling of relations with Israel as their powerful
lobby increasingly taking on an aggressive anti-American
stand, cannot be properly assessed unless Americans
are willing to accept full culpability for not just being
"unlovable." We must also face up to our being a clear
and present danger to a world seeking self-determination
and freedom, something Russia and China are offering
much more convincingly.

As self-appointed "policeman of the world," the grand
enforcer for the criminal oligarchs of the world, the US
has not gone unnoticed. America's Jewish community,
long the home of not only social reformers and liberals,
but also Marxists steeped in foreign allegiances as well,
honed into a tool to bring America to her knees.

The biggest story has been the Russian release of not
only their assessment of the use of nuclear weapons,
but their admission that they accessed the Sandia Labs
investigation of 9/11. According to documents received
and published by Veterans Today, the real 9/11 investigation
at "ground zero" involved gathering samples to identify
the origin of the nuclear weapons used.

The Sandia report found evidence, we are told only
through Russian sources - since the US has never
admitted this investigation - that American manufactured
nuclear devices were used in the demolition of the
World Trade Center towers. We are told that evidence
of weapons using plutonium, once part of W54 nuclear
warheads supposedly "scrapped" at the Pantex Plant
in Armarillo, were found.

We are also told that John O'Neill, the former FBI agent
killed on 9/11, knew about the theft of 350 warheads,
which are claimed to have been sent to Israel. The
narrative, published in rough translation on VT, tells
of Bush family involvement.

The Sandia report, according to the Russians, is 72
megabyte of documents, relatively huge. The Russians
also provided names of those involved in aiding Bush
41 & 43 in selling the weapons, the involvement of
certain British leaders currently under investigation,
and of the sale and use of these weapons involving 11
nations and several terror attacks around the world.

We are also told of blackmail, a plot against the Bush
family forcing them to aid in the attacks on 9/11 rather
than face a reckoning for sale of nuclear weapons to
all comers. Even without a public scandal or war crimes
trial, there are powerful parties in the world unwilling
to let such an act go unpunished.

One statement was found in a rambling narrative:
"....any idiot knows there are not real terrorists, they
are all 'hired guns' working for intelligence agencies."
Most global "watchers" had figured that one out for

This "intelligence dump" from Russia came only a few
short weeks after the New York Daily News published a
"sleeper" article outing 70,000 nuclear cancer victims.
What the NYDN did not list however, was the dead.

What our own investigation told us, something war vets
who have seen the Gulf War Syndrome and Agent
Orange scams up close, is that medical professionals
treating those with radiation exposure were coerced
into giving wrong diagnoses. We have seen this so
many times, "medicine," when bowing to their masters,
always turn to "toxic soup" or simply let their patients
die, rather than risk losing that sailboat and vacation
home. May they roast in the Bull!

We were also referred, by our Russian friends, to
look into FBI Special Agent Mike Dick. This is a
man reviled for leaking Israeli involvement in 9/11.
He was also involved in a major investigation of
Israeli/AIPAC/ADL spying, also suppressed.

A key area the Russians are talking about is the
Jew spy Pollard. To understand Pollard, you have
to understand who and what the Mossad really is.
This is the narrative and not my own. You can
take it or leave it.

The Mossad was set up by James Angleton and
Kim Philby, two top counter-intelligence experts
of both the CIA and MI 6. Angleton had a long
career hunting "moles" within the CIA. He resigned
in 1974.

Philby was Britain's top spymaster. However in
1963, he moved to Moscow. It turns out he had
others running British intelligence as a KGB/NKVD
"franchise" since before WWII. Angleton believed
he had helped create the Mossad as a "backdoor"
into Russian intelligence. Israel was established by
communists/bolshevists. It is still a communist/
bolshevist country with broad government of private
industry, government health care, and as long as
you are "Jewish," a classic Marxist paternalistic
state. Israel is making it work, backed by endless
US aid and having virtually "liquidated" the indigenous
Semitic population they choose to call "Palestinians."
This can be debated elsewhere ad infinitum and, in
fact, it is.

What was clear to the US is that Israel was in fact,
a communist state not just strategically placed
in the Middle East, but one with very close ties to
Stalinist Russia and one filled with Bolshevist
"true believers" willing to "infect" the West, using
the broad influence of the world-wide Zionist
community to carry on a Marxist war, particularly
against the US.

Angleton believed he could use this to his advantage
and "turn" the Mossad into a "double" organization,
one secretly tied to the CIA while overtly pure KGB.
History proves that Angleton was wrong. In the end
Philby won out, having created the Mossad as a
communist "pure believer" organization that would in
fact, survive Russian communism itself. Philby built
the Mossad with one purpose, to penetrate every
level of the US government and military, penetrate
the FBI and CIA, and provide an operational capability
to support the systematic destruction of the American
financial system.

Aiding the Mossad were communist front groups, AIPAC,
SPLC, ADL along with others. The Bolshevist "true
believer" philosophy morphed into what is now known as
"Neoconservatism," a virtual minefield of totalitarianism,
self-destructive economic voodoo and a "psyop" designed
to push the US into Civil War II.

The Pollard case, one continually in the news as both
Israeli and US officials continually push for his release
from his life sentence of spying "for Israel," is very much
at the crux of this. The Russian report was very clear...
..Pollard was "theirs," working as a KGB "franchise. The
KGB would provide a list of stuff that they wanted and
Pollard would give it to them through Mossad. If he got
caught, only Mossad would be blamed. The Pollard
material was "devastating," President George H.W. Bush
is quoted as having said, "Because of Pollard, if we had
gone to war the Soviets, we would have lost."

Those who believe that the Cold War is over never
understood it in the first place. To a generation of
Americans, the Cold War was couched in rhetoric about
"Godless communism" and peddling the dream of the
"every-man" millionaire, the "land of opportunity" and
individual freedom. America, as she exists today, is a
surveillance state...a police state where 400 or so of
The Chosen hold 70 percent of America's wealth. It
is the world's largest prison system, overcrowded, a
real gulag yet unspoken and unseen, standards of living
plunging, press controlled, courts politicized, defending
"the land of the free and the home of the brave" requiring
more than a small amount of "looking the other way"
for any but the totally blind.

The conjecture, that Israel may somehow be engaged
in an effort to destabilize the US through propelling an
already dying animal to a well-deserved demise carries
some validity. The question lingers..."Is the end result
a world freer, or one enslaved even more, and by whom?
Who else but "God's Holy People" have a history of wanting
to control everyone and everybody?

A Press TV reporter and commentator based in Madison,
Wisconsin, Dr. Kevin Barrett, recently discussed a
recently declassified 500-page CIA report on 9/11 with
pages about "Saudi Arabia's involvement" deliberately
left blank. We are talking about 28 pages which seem to
hold a secret, so toxic and so "dangerous" to various villians
involved in the 9/11 plot, it is still off-limits to all but a
few. Just imagine if those 28 pages were made available to
an already angry and highly suspicious public about who
the real terrorists are that brought the Towers down!

From Press TV:

The American scholar in Wisconsin says a serious investigation
into the background of the alleged Saudi 9/11 hijackers, who
were were falsely blamed for "the 9/11 inside job" could lead
may of them straight into the Brazen Bull! This missing
document, these 28 pages, allegedly contain evidence of
Saudi involvement in financing and backing the alleged 9/11
hijackers," said Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of
the Scientific Panel For The Investigation Of 9/11. Those
who have seen these pages, including former Florida Senator
Bob Graham and other people in the Congress have said it
completely transforms one's viewpoint of 9/11. Dr. Barrett
made the remarks a day after Republican Senator Rand
Paul joined a group of bipartisan House lawmakers to force
the disclosure of pages extracted from a 2002 Congressional
inquiry into the September 11th, 2001 attacks. He said the
reason that the classified pages are still hidden from the
American public and the world is that an investigation into
"the links revealed between the Saudi government and these
patsies" will reveal that the hijackers were actually trained
by the CIA in the US. The political commentator and
activist said the document "utterly annihilates the official
version and reveals that 9/11 was not an attack by a rogue
group of terrorists, but was actually a state-sponsored
operation. So the real reason that this document is such a
hot potato is that if an investigation genuinely tried to
find out why these 19 young men, were falsely blamed for
the crime of the century, were being supported by the
Saudi government, then that would lead to a detailed
investigation of their backgrounds. And we would learn
that these people were actually US intelligence agents; they
were not merely supported by the Saudi government...
..they were also supported by the FBI," he noted.

"They were living with an FBI informant at the time they
were getting money from the Saudis. And they were
also in the US on CIA snitch visas. These are the visas
that the CIA issues to people who spy for it in Saudi
Arabia. It is part of the reward...you get paid if you're
Saudis and spy for the CIA, and you get a free trip to
America on a snitch visa," Dr. Barrett revealed. "So,
the CIA brought the Saudi hijackers to America - the
alleged hijackers I should say - on these visas that prove
that these Saudis were actually CIA agents. That is
just one of the facts that will emerge if there is a serious
investigation of this," he added. "We will also learn that
these alleged hijackers were trained in secure US military
facilities during the run-up to 9/11, including
Pensacola Naval Air Station and others." Dr. Barrett
offered the example that "Mohamed Atta, or the person
who posed as Mohamed Atta - who spoke fluent Hebrew,
by the way - was a regular at the officers club at the Florida
military base. So looking at the backgrounds of the patsies,
who were falsely blamed for the 9/11 inside job, the
coup d' etat by Zionist neo-conservatives with the help
of Israeli intelligence and treasonous elements within
the US military and political system, will reveal this
huge can of worms," the American scholar underlined.
"It will be the scandal of the century; it will completely
destabilize the US, by revealing that the top leaders of
the US are the worst sort of liars and traitors," he said.
"And frankly, many people in positions of power here in
the US, even those who are not at all complicit in the
9/11 coup d' etat, don't want to destabilize the country
that much. And that is why there has been so much
resistance to declassifying these critically important
28 pages," Dr. Barnett concluded.

The September 11th, 2001 attacks, also known as the
9/11 attacks, were a series of strikes in the US which
killed nearly 3,000 people and caused about $10B worth
of property damage. US officials maintain that the attacks
were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but many
experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US
government orchestrated or at least encouraged the
9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine
and advance the Zionist agenda. Senator Rand Paul
revealed that he has submitted an official request to
the appropriate parties in the Senate and Congress as
well as President Obama directly to declassify this highly
significant document in order for the American people
to find out who really was behind the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. Of course, many in the so-called "Radical
Right" have surmised for a long time who the "Chosen
Ones" really might be who stand not just behind the
so-called airplane hijackers but even behind the Saudi
government. It was the Saudi government who allegedly
supplied the funds out of their oil-rich coffers - but
who made them do it, and for what ultimate purpose?
The answer is still written on the wind.
For Jews & Turncoats
For Jews & Turncoats
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