'The Renaissance' and Baroque periods are special to me. Why? First of all, when the Jew states that he is superior over others, we know that's a LIE! The European is responsible for the iron/bronze age, the renaissance and baroque periods, the age of enlightenment, the industrial revolution and the space age. THERE CAN BE NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS. WE DID IT! WE ALONE BROUGHT CIVILIZATION TO THE WORLD, while the Jew brought usury, greed, power-grabbing, lies, deceit, war and assassination to mention a few. THAT IS EVIL, and certainly nothing to be proud of (the Jew however is proud of it).
The late Renaissance/early Baroque brought three giants to the forefront in music - Bach, Haendel and Scarlatti. Bach was the only great master to write 6 suites for the guitar/lute. I won't go into detail about the tragedies that struck this man, but eventual blindness and losing many of his family is only part of the story. All three giants of the music world were born in the year 1685. Some of the guitar/lutes greatest music was produced during the renaissance. POST NOTE: THESE THREE WERE NOT RENAISSANCE (DUH!) THEY WERE LATE RENAISSANCE, EARLY BAROQUE. They signaled the beginning of the BAROQUE PERIOD! When I think of baroque, I think BACH.