Review of Eric Hunt's 'The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax'

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J.P. Smith

Review of Eric Hunt's 'The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax'

Post by J.P. Smith » Tue May 20, 2014 3:03 am

Karl Radl

Having viewed Caroline Sturdy Colls' much trumpeted documentary about her 'findings' about Treblinka; that was produced and edited by the representatives of the jewish-owned Viacom Corporation and aired on Britain's Channel 5, shortly after it originally came out: I am pleased to see Eric Hunt's video dissection of it has come out. This supplements and reinforces the points already made by Thomas Kues in relation to Sturdy Colls' 'work'.

Hunt's video dissection is a superb bit of common sense skeptical analysis of the weird and often outright stupid claims made by Sturdy Colls in the documentary. It demonstrates; using just a few basic tools from the genre of critical thinking (which incidentally Sturdy Colls would have had to demonstrate in order to be academically accredited in the way she is, but doesn't appear to use in her work), that all of Sturdy Colls' claims about 'gas chambers' are flat out wrong.

For instance Hunt rightly points out that Study Colls uncritically gets samples of building materials from what was been accepted as an actual shower room in Madjanek and then seems to think this will 'assist her' in finding 'gas chambers' at Treblinka.

The simple fact that she isn't comparing actual gas chamber building materials from a known 'Nazi gas chamber' (which she can't do as no uncontested ones exist and the best ones from an orthodox holocaustian perspective would be the collapsed 'purpose-built' ones at Auschwitz not a shower room at Madjanek) should be ringing alarm bells for anyone with even a slight knowledge of forensics.

This is because if she doesn't compare like-for-like in terms of the building materials and construction used then she cannot offer that as evidence for a building being or not being a gas chamber, because she hasn't established what a gas chamber was constructed of or built like in the first place: so how can she draw any positive or negative conclusions based on this?

The scene; of 'collecting samples' at Madjanek, is simply an attempt to associate Treblinka with the appearance of Madjanek in the minds of the viewers: in other works to convince them that it would have looked like it (when they clearly; from other parts of the documentary, state they simply don't know). When Treblinka and Madjanek were purpose-built to serve very different purposes: the former a supposed 'pure death camp', while the latter was a work camp.

Another example is beautifully demonstrated by Hunt in relation to the supposed 'human bones on the surface of the Treblinka memorial' that Sturdy Colls picks up and claims as 'evidence' for the 'death camp' theory. Sturdy Colls jumps to the conclusion (which Hunt unfortunately doesn't criticize thoroughly in my view); completely against the principles of critical inquiry let alone forensic archaeology, of who the bones were from (a jew), when they dated from (mid-Second World War), how the person concerned died (gassed) and who that person was killed by (the SS) without any testing or checking for actual evidence connecting them to the site.

Hunt does make the very good point however that human ashes are (illegally) scattered by jews at the Treblinka memorial and provide a far more likely origin for the human ashes and bone matter rather than 'gassed jews'. The only point I'd make there is that it would have been nice to find another example other than the one he cites since that would conclusively confirm the impression, but one instance will; I believe, be enough for most viewers to appreciate the sheer mendacity of Sturdy Colls' claims.

Perhaps my favourite moment came however when the 'gas chamber' tiles were 'discovered' and Sturdy Colls and her team see what looks; at first glance, like a Star of David on them and proceed to claim this is 'proof positive' that the 'survivor accounts' are 'accurate' because some of them claim there were Stars of David on buildings at Treblinka (not in the shower rooms though, which demolishes Sturdy Colls' claim again).

Hunt points out in a delightfully vicious way that Sturdy Colls has been just a bit of a moron here. Given that she is claiming the Star of David is on the front of the tiles: when it is clearly on the back.

Further as Hunt conclusively demonstrates: this 'Star of David' is not actually that at all, but rather it is a makers mark used by at least one major polish pottery firm (i.e. who would have made tiles like the ones Sturdy Colls found) at the time, which looks a bit like a Star of David.

That completely implodes Sturdy Colls' claims and not only that: it makes her look like the overly emotional (forensic archaeologists overwrought with emotion: come on Caroline pull the other one!) incompetent hireling who can't even find evidence for the 'best documented atrocity in history'.

The factual case presented by Hunt is generally excellent: my only real quibble is with some of the aspects of the video itself, which initially were really good (I especially like the modified Warner Brother's logo) but about mid-way through they got rather lax and it wasn't pulled together very well. This; as I have mentioned before, was a bit of a let down really as with a bit more time in the video editing suite; 'The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax' could have fitted really well together and it would have been an hallmark demolition of orthodox holocaustian claims in the field of video presentation.

Unfortunately the various bits of film are crudely put together at times and it lets the presentation down significantly in my view. However other than that: it is an excellent piece of work and covers a lot of ground in an interesting and engaging way.

Watch it. ... linka.html

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