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Roy James punches Martin Luther King in the face

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:12 pm
by John Flynn
This article from the Rockwell Report, November, 1962 tells of the time in which Stormtroop Lieutenant Roy James repeatedly punched Martin Luther King in the face and body, at a public meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, attended by some 500 Blacks. Lt. James subsequently pled guilty to simple assault, and served 30 days in jail and paid a $25.00 fine. Rockwell awarded James the Order of Adolf Hitler Silver Medal for punching King in the face.

How I Bashed Nigger King

The American Nazi Party's Lt. Roy James, the Nazi who bashed Martin Luther King in Birmingham, Alabama, has just returned for serving a 30-day sentence for the "crime." Although what he did was actually a violation of Party regulations, which forbid law-breaking, the sensational nature of Roy's deed prompts us to give our readers a blow by blow account.

This is in response to hundreds of letters, wires, calls and other inquiries from people all over the world. Here, then, is a blow by blow account of the bashing, in question and answer form, as Roy told it to us.

Q: How did it feel to bash Martin Luther King?
A: Well, although I lost my temper, mentally it felt like striking out against everything that was evil and vile. Physically, it felt like smashing your fist through the crust of a pumpkin.

Q: What brought you to Birmingham?
A: I was passing through on Party business. I had some time to kill, heard King was in town, so I went to hear the rat speak.

Q: Did you plan on beating the daylights out of King?
A: No. Actually, I violated Party regulations. It was a spontaneous reaction -- the kind of thing you'd get if you saw a savage Black ape, drunk on Jew booze, attacking a young White girl.

Q: What did King say that so enraged you?
A: He began exalting Sammy Davis, Jr., and holding him up as an example of "Americanism." I couldn't stand it any more.

Q: How far away were you?
A: I was in the sixth row, but in a flash I was up on the stage, stalking the Black beast.

Q: What was the look on King's face?
A: It was pure horror, like he knew that the moment of truth had arrived, like he knew that he was going to pay for all his race-mixing and communism.

Q: Did he say anything?
A: There wasn't time. His white eyes opened and his lips seemed to be forming the word "No," but then my fist was pummeling his face.

Q: What were your thoughts as you struck the first blow?
A: Of administering justice to a vile communist race-mixing nigger agitator.

Q: Did he bleed much?
A: Yes, quite a bit. There was blood gushing out all over the place. I think I busted a vein. His face was all cuts, and it began puffing.

Q: Did you knock King out?
A: Yes, cold. But several coons caught him as he fell.

Q: What happened next?
A: All the coons in the audience (there were 500 of them) began yelling and surging forward. I was really mad. I tore off my coat and shouted for them to come on, that I'd take on the whole mob.

Q: Then what happened?
A: They seemed stunned and stopped in their tracks. Then the coon ministers restored order. If they ever charged they would have torn me to pieces. But I was not afraid of it at the time.

Q: Did you see King again?
A: Yes. They tried to get a photo of him talking with me but I warned King to stay away from me.

Q: What did King do then?
A: He stayed away.

Q: Why were you tried so quickly?
A: The coons and Jews wanted to hush the whole thing up. I pled guilty so that it would not look like I was trying to deny it. After the trial they took King to the hospital.

Q: How were you treated in jail?
A: Like a conquering hero. All the White prisoners wanted to shake my hand. The guards all congratulated me and gave me cigarettes and candy. I don't smoke so I gave the cigarettes to White prisoners.

Q: Were there any close shaves with Negro prisoners?
A: Well, the jail was segregated, but one time through a mix-up, I ended up in the coon section at chow time. They all stopped eating and stared at me. You could hear a pin drop. I knew if I showed fear I was a goner. So I defiantly stomped up to the coon dishing out chow and demanded a heaping portion.

Q: What happened next?
A: He seemed awed. But he gave me a heaping portion. The other coons were stunned. I ate and left when the gate opened.

Q: Did NSRP [National States Rights Party] picket King at all?
A: No. I guess they were home thinking up more lies about us.

Q; What were your thoughts that first night in jail after the trial?
A: I felt good and proud all over. You do, you know, when you belong to the greatest fighting outfit in the world.

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Re: Roy James punches Martin Luther King in the face

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:53 am
by C.E. Whiteoak
Thanks for posting that. Great story, and this is the first time I knew of it.

I love this line:
Physically, it felt like smashing your fist through the crust of a pumpkin.
:lol: :lol: