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What Oprah and the media won't tell you about Emmett Till

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:29 am
by Mike Sullivan
Due to their desperation for an iconic poster child for white racism, cultural Marxists laud Emmett as a quintessential example of brutal white racism. There is no evidence, however, that Emmett suffered the brutal consequences of his actions because he was black. Had a white teen assaulted Mrs. Bryant, he may have well suffered identical consequences.

Emmett Till has become a household name, thanks to the diatribes of Oprah Winfrey.

Few Americans, however, are familiar with Louis Till.

What is Oprah hiding?

Louis Till was a black soldier.
He was executed by the United States Army after being convicted of rape and murder.

Oprah apparently doesn't want you to know that. Nor does the mainstream Marxist media (mMm).

There is a reason.

They also don't bother to tell you that Louis was an amateur boxer in the 1930s.Among his female conquests was Mamie Carthan. Her parents objected to the affair, but the young and personable Louis persisted. The couple was married on October 14, 1940. Both Louis and Mamie were 18.

Mamie soon left her husband because he was unfaithful. Her parents' ability to look beyond the charm of the angel-faced teen was vindicated when the enraged boxer choked his young bride unconscious. The violence escalated when Mamie threw scalding water at Louis. She obtained a restraining order against her husband, which he ignored. A judge gave Louis an option: Enlist in the army or serve prison time. Louis opted for the military.

Free of her abusive husband, Mamie was left with their infant son, Emmett Till.

Emmett's father enlisted in the army and served in the Italian campaign. He was arrested by the military police for the murder of a white Italian woman and the rape of two others. He was investigated, court martialed, convicted of murder, and sentenced to death by hanging. Emmett Till's father was hanged for murder and rape in Pisa, Italy on July 2, 1945.

The media doesn't want you to know that.

Emmett Till was murdered after he sexually assaulted a 21-year-old white woman in Mississippi by grabbing her around the waist and using profane language.
No self-respecting feminist would trivialize Emmett's assault on Mrs. Bryant as "mere flirting."
The exceptions would be (a) ignorance or (b) agenda conflict.
In the latter, the conflict is between sexism and racism.
Racism trumped sexism.

The younger Till, Emmett, has been compared to Trayvon Martin.
Oprah was correct in comparing Trayvon to Emmett. That, however, is to implicate Emmett, not to extricate Trayvon.
There are similarities. Like Trayvon, Emmett was raised by a single mother who apparently had difficulty with her son. Trayvon was sent from his home in Miami to visit his father in Sanford, Florida where he met his untimely death. Emmett, who lived in Chicago, was sent to live with a great uncle in Mississippi where he had the misfortune of following his father's footsteps with aggression towards white women, including 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant. Emmett's misbehavior managed to enrage the husband of the white woman whom he assaulted. The man and his half-brother allegedly kidnapped Emmett, beat him, gouged his eye, shot him in the head, and chucked him into the Tallahatchie River.

Evidence failed to convict either man.

The media also doesn't want you to know about Emmett's earlier childhood; that his mother described her young son as a "distracted" youth, according to one biographer, "who didn't know his limits." They won't tell you that Mamie Till remarried and moved to Detroit with her new husband, Pink Bradley.

The "distracted" Emmett was sent back to Chicago to live with his grandmother. Emmett's mother joined them when her second marriage ended.

When Pink Bradley showed up in Chicago to reignite their romance, Emmett, "who didn't know his limits," confronted him with a butcher knife and threatened to kill him. He was eleven years old at the time.

Store in Money, Mississippi where Emmett Till amused his companions
by sexually assaulting a 21-year-old white woman.
The media wants you to believe the assault was merely "flirting."
In reality, Emmett proved to be both a racist and sexist in his arrogant assault of a white woman.

It was 1955 that his mother sent him to Money, Mississippi to stay with her 64-year-old uncle, a preacher and share cropper named Mose Wright. Emmett was 14 years old, weighed 150 pounds, and stood 5 feet 4 inches tall. He was often mistaken for an adult.

The media doesn't want you to know nor will Oprah likely tell you that on August 21, 1955 Emmett skipped church and joined a gang of black 'teens' to visit Bryant's Grocery.
The fact that Emmett felt secure in skipping out of his great uncle's church service (where Rev. Wright was preaching) strongly suggests that (a) the boy was incorrigible or (b) that his caretakers didn't care to take responsibility for him. If the latter is true, their child neglect is partially responsible for his brutal murder.

Emmett and his crew entered Bryant's Grocery on Sunday. Given the blue laws that were prevalent in the Deep South in the 1950s and the area's prevailing fundamentalist Christian views, it is likely that the store was not open for business. If true, one has to wonder what prompted Emmett and his gang to enter the store other than an intent on rascality. Then, again, maybe the apologists are correct. It could be the gang was honestly shopping for candy.

Like Trayvon, Emmett's motive was said to "buy candy." Emmett bragged to his companions of his conquests of white girls in Chicago, showing them a photograph of one of the girls. He was challenged to approach the only white person seen in the store, 21-year-old proprietor Carolyn Bryant. After whistling at her Emmett sexually assaulted her by grabbing her around the waist, pressed himself against her, and used obscene language. He demanded the two go on a date. No doubt the gang of black teens enjoyed the spectacle of a large black boy abusing a young, lone white woman.

The 21-year-old victim of Emmett's aggression determined to defend herself against potential rape. Having been terrorized by Emmett and his gang, she retrieved a pistol from her car at the first opportunity. The gang of black teens fled the scene and Carolyn Bryant, unlike the Italian woman raped and murdered by Louis Till, lived to tell of her horrific ordeal with Emmett and his mob of black thugs.

It was shortly thereafter that Emmett was murdered.

The media will only tell you the Emmett 'flirted' with the woman.

Now you know what the media doesn't want you to know. ... 5UXRE.dpuf