Let's talk about Palestine honestly

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Will Williams
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Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Will Williams » Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:19 pm

Dr. Pierce told the truth about Palestine 21 years ago, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/03/the-big-lie/

It's not Hamas, the so-called "terrorist organization," that has been attacking Israel with massive missile strikes today -- "Israel's Pearl Harbor," according to Jew-controlled media and American politicians -- but it is Palestinian freedom fighters resisting the Jewish occupiers of their homeland, Palestine, 50 years after the infamous Yom Kippur war.

Dr. Pierce:

...Let’s get back again to the subject of lying to the American people. It’s something that is continuous and massive. But as I said earlier, there’s usually a certain degree of ambiguity to it, so that it’s difficult to prove that any particular lie is a conscious and deliberate lie. And so when I encounter a lie that’s easy to prove is a lie, I like to use it as an example. There’s a Jewish outfit that calls itself “FLAME.” That’s an acronym for “Facts and Logic about the Middle East.” FLAME buys full-page ads in various print media and instead of facts and logic publishes pretty outrageous lies about the Middle East that are proved fairly easily to be lies. I have one of FLAME’s full-page ads in front of me now. It’s titled “Arabian Fables,” and the copy I have appeared in the February 11 issue of [Jew-owned] U.S. News & World Report.

According to the FLAME ad, “the fundamental myth” about the Middle East, is that there are any such people as “Palestinians.” Before 1948, according to FLAME, the Palestinians were Jews, and now they are Israelis. But in 1948 Arabs who wanted to take the Jews’ land away from them began calling themselves “Palestinians.” The clear implication of the FLAME ad is that the people of Palestine always were Jews, and that the people calling themselves “Palestinians” today are Arab interlopers. That is the opposite of the truth.

Actually, there are hundreds of books available that were written before the current conflict between Jews and Palestinians began that provide demographic data on Palestine. Just before the First World War, in 1914, Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire. In that year the Turkish government took an official census. Of a total population of 689,000, just 84,660, or 12.3 per cent, were Jews, and many of those were recent immigrants who had come to Palestine as part of the Zionist movement.

During the First World War, Britain took Palestine away from Turkey and after the war permitted large numbers of additional Jews to immigrate. According to the official British census of 1931, the Jewish population of Palestine had risen to 16.9 per cent: that’s 174,606 Jews in a total population of 1,033,314. The influx of Jews into Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s was a source of continual provocation to the native Palestinians, and there were a number of riots and other disorders. Jewish pressure on the British government, however, prevented the British from making any permanent or effective halt to the immigration of Jews into Palestine.

After the Second World War, shortly before the United Nations partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and non-Jewish areas, Jews still made up less than one-third of the population of Palestine. The 1946 British census counted 608,000 Jews out of a total population of 1,845,000. The great majority of these Jews were recent immigrants, whereas nearly all of the Arabs were natives who had roots in Palestine going back many generations. What the Jews had that the Palestinians didn’t have, however, was a very substantial degree of control of the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, and these two countries exerted a decisive influence on the policies of the United Nations. The result of this influence was the partition of Palestine in 1948 into separate Jewish and non-Jewish areas, with the one-third of the population that was Jewish being awarded two-thirds of the land, including the most valuable areas.

The Jews immediately set about ethnically cleansing their areas, carrying out a number of horrifying massacres of non-Jewish Palestinians and terrorizing tens of thousands of others into fleeing from their homes, which immediately were seized and occupied by the Jews. In a series of wars since 1948, the Jews, backed by the United States, seized even more Palestinian land. The Palestinians who were driven from their land — the real Palestinians, whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents had owned the land — were forced into crowded and dirty refugee camps, where they still live. And whenever one of these dispossessed Palestinians strikes back at the Jews who stole his country from him, everyone in the Bush government, from the chief liar on down, and everyone in the controlled media here denounces the Palestinian as a “terrorist” — and all of the Sally Soccermoms and Joe Sixpacks nod in agreement.

I’ll tell you about one of these Palestinian “terrorists” you’ve certainly heard mentioned by the media if you pay any attention at all to what’s happening in the world. He’s called Abu Nidal: the most feared Palestinian “terrorist” of them all. The name the man called Abu Nidal was born with is Sabri al-Banna. He was born in 1937 in the Palestinian coastal city of Jaffa. His family was one of the wealthiest and most distinguished families in Palestine and owned, among other things, more than 6,000 acres of orange orchards, which were the major source of income for the family. When Sabri al-Banna was an 11-year-old schoolboy, the Jews seized all of his family’s orchards and other lands, all of their houses, and everything else his family owned, and he and his family ended up living in a tent in a refugee camp in the Gaza strip. Quite a shock for a quiet, introverted little boy.

The shock led him to dedicate his life to evening the score, to gaining justice for his people, to striking back at the Jews who had stolen all of his family’s property and driven them into a refugee camp. He built what was probably the most highly disciplined and ruthless fighting organization on the Palestinian side. He struck not only at Jews but also at Palestinians who collaborated or compromised with the Jews. Whenever Abu Nidal’s troops would strike, machine-gunning Israeli tourists at an airport or bombing some Jewish facility in another country, the politicians and the media here always would go into hysterics about Arab “terrorism.” I always cheered. Abu Nidal is not some crazed murderer who likes to kill people. He is a Palestinian patriot fighting for his people and for his country in the only way he can fight under the circumstances...

I cheer for the Palestinians today after they have reportedly killed more than 200 Israelis and wounded 1,700 more in the alleged "Pearl Harbor." Terrorist Bibi Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, has declared war against the Palestinians whose homeland his Tribe stole with the help of the U.S and Britain... to be honest. ;)
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Supremely White
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Re: Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Supremely White » Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:29 pm

How much you want to wager that Bibi the Terrorist will very soon hit up the American government for foreign aid? It worked for that Ukraine leader. Notice these guys never have any assassination attempts hurled their way.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 08, 2023 6:18 am

Watch: Bibi will now do his best Ariel Sharon act and butcher whole communities of Palestinian men, women, and children just as the latter did at Sabra and Shatila. And will use weapons provided the Jews by you, the American taxpayer. If you're wondering if there will be a backlash at Whites in America (and others squatting here who also give financial resources to the present regime on the Potomac) because of the present and future blood on our hands, I wouldn't bet against it. Consider that those who may act as agents of that retribution could have easily come across our porous southern border already.
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Re: Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Supremely White » Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:32 pm

Just before this, more jewtube comments were anti-jew. But when I read the comments about Israel getting bombed, the comments looked like they came from a bunch of rabbis. Most were along the lines of, “…we must stand with Israel, because it is a blessed land, and Jesus was there, and we should bless Israel, because to curse Israel is to be cursed…”
No, I wouldn’t cheer for Palestine either, because I’m anti semitic; both anti jew and Islamophobic. The muzzies would be otherwise flooding the American border with other undesirables and raping White children if they didn’t already have their hands full with Israel. I view the whole thing as semite vs semite, and has there ever been peace in the Middle East, at least in our lifetimes? No, but I’m enjoying the fact that someone, even if it’s anyone I’m not a fan of, is scaring Israel. And of course, American Air Force is already being dragged into playing captain save a ho for Israel.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Will Williams » Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:28 pm

Supremely White wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:32 pm
Just before this, more jewtube comments were anti-jew. But when I read the comments about Israel getting bombed, the comments looked like they came from a bunch of rabbis....

So, why do you hang out at Jew-owned Youtube?
I wouldn’t cheer for Palestine either, because I’m anti semitic; both anti jew and Islamophobic...
That's your opinion, SW. It counters Pierce's points above that Palestinians are fighting the Jew for stealing and occupying their homeland, an honorable pursuit, whether they are Semites or Muslims, or not.

I'm neither anti-Semitic nor Islamophobic (fear of Islam). I'm anti-Jew and cheer for those of like mind.

I'm pulling for the Palestinians who, as the present conflict escalates, may well inspire their neighboring states to side with them against their Jew enemy, "Little Satan," as well as against the hated and Jew-controlled "Big Satan" that keeps Little Satan alive against all the so-called "Nazis" like Hamas and Hezbollah. Who are you cheering for? Do you cheer for Judaized Big Satan? That is an indefensible position. Pick a side.

My understanding is that Iranians, though anti-Jew, are not Semites.
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Will Williams
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Re: Let's talk about Palestine honestly

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:56 am

Supremely White wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:32 pm
Just before this, more jewtube comments were anti-jew. But when I read the comments about Israel getting bombed, the comments looked like they came from a bunch of rabbis. Most were along the lines of, “…we must stand with Israel, because it is a blessed land, and Jesus was there, and we should bless Israel, because to curse Israel is to be cursed…”
No, I wouldn’t cheer for Palestine either, because I’m anti semitic; both anti jew and Islamophobic. The muzzies would be otherwise flooding the American border with other undesirables and raping White children if they didn’t already have their hands full with Israel. I view the whole thing as semite vs semite, and has there ever been peace in the Middle East, at least in our lifetimes? No, but I’m enjoying the fact that someone, even if it’s anyone I’m not a fan of, is scaring Israel. And of course, American Air Force is already being dragged into playing captain save a ho for Israel.


That is the headline streaming across the screen that Americans wake up to this morning on the Fox & Friends cheering section for Israel while Fox News' rabid Jew commentator Mark Levin is screaming into the camera that all of the Palestinian terrorists are "Nazis" and that "the murdering of the occupiers is the worst day for Jewry since the Holocaust."

Is that talking about the conflict in Palestine honestly? Hardly.

War is hell. Those that die in war are Killed In Action (KIA) not Murdered In Action (MIA) unless, of course, it's Yahweh's pets that are killed. :roll: It's pointed out by the helmeted Jew correspondent on the ground, however, that all Israelis are required to serve in that shitty little nation's military, so it's not like they are innocent civilians. Former American Ambassador to Israel and buddy of Mike Pompeo, David Friedman, just came on to repeat that "this is the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust." https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/05/pi ... hillsdale/

I've seen enough from the "conservative news channel."
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