Tulsa Race Riot

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Tulsa Race Riot

Post by Grimork » Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:43 pm

What’s behind this latest moral panic? The source of the Nile is the same as always. With money and “steering” provided by our country’s moral conscience—Jewish speculator Michael Bloomberg, the Zarrow family of Jewish oil capitalists, and Jewish banker George Kaiser—a group calling itself the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission has emerged to spin up a historically dubious story of mass murder by White bigots jealous of Black success.

It’s true that Tulsa was the site of a racial battle 100 years ago, but it wasn’t as one-sided as the media and government of today would have you believe. The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics counted 37 dead at the time, and a 2001 review by the federal government confirmed 39 deaths, 26 of them Black and 13 White.

The conflict started when a Black man, “Diamond” Dick Rowland, was arrested by a Black police officer, Henry C. Pack, on suspicion that he had assaulted a young White woman named Sarah Page in an elevator. Word of the arrest spread, along with rumors and sensationalist newspaper headlines.

The deadly fighting broke out after a confrontation on the courthouse steps between a group of White World War I veterans infuriated by reports that a Black man had assaulted a White woman, and local Blacks who were incited by rumors that Rowland was about to be lynched. A group of Black men shot into the crowd of Whites, killing ten of them and setting off a night of racial gun battles and rioting.

The National Guard was called in to quell the violence and the Black section of Greenwood went up in flames. According to then Tulsa fire chief RC Adler, he and his men were unable to fight the fires in the Black district due to constant gunfire from the Black mobs.

Greenwood has been dubbed “Black Wall Street” in an effort to reframe the race riot that started when Black gunmen murdered ten Whites into a story of White jealously over Black wealth. But reporting from the time describes the neighborhood as a collection of “shacks” and photographs show a typical urban Black neighborhood from the period, not a site of extravagant wealth.
Greenwood before the 1921 riots.

With Jewish “philanthropy” and media support behind them, local hustlers and opportunists have attempted to turn the incident into a Holocaust-style legend to inspire contemporary anti-White hate, taking advantage of the time passed to make outlandish claims of hundreds or even thousands of Black casualties covered up by a White racist conspiracy.

More here: https://nationaljusticeparty.com/2021/0 ... cism-show/

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Will Williams
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Re: Tulsa Race Riot

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:59 am

Grimork wrote:
Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:43 pm
What’s behind this latest moral panic? The source of the Nile is the same as always. With money and “steering” provided by our country’s moral conscience—Jewish speculator Michael Bloomberg, the Zarrow family of Jewish oil capitalists, and Jewish banker George Kaiser—a group calling itself the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission has emerged to spin up a historically dubious story of mass murder by White bigots jealous of Black success.

It’s true that Tulsa was the site of a racial battle 100 years ago, but it wasn’t as one-sided as the media and government of today would have you believe. The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics counted 37 dead at the time, and a 2001 review by the federal government confirmed 39 deaths, 26 of them Black and 13 White.

The conflict started when a Black man, “Diamond” Dick Rowland, was arrested by a Black police officer, Henry C. Pack, on suspicion that he had assaulted a young White woman named Sarah Page in an elevator. Word of the arrest spread, along with rumors and sensationalist newspaper headlines.

The deadly fighting broke out after a confrontation on the courthouse steps between a group of White World War I veterans infuriated by reports that a Black man had assaulted a White woman, and local Blacks who were incited by rumors that Rowland was about to be lynched. A group of Black men shot into the crowd of Whites, killing ten of them and setting off a night of racial gun battles and rioting...
Thanks for this, Grimork. There has been a "Black History" lovefest lately about what amounted to a mutual intra-racial race riot -- now said to be a White on Black "massacre" -- 100 years ago in Tulsa. Congressional hearings featuring Black "survivors" of the 1921 riot; TV docudramas, even creepy Joe Biden giving a speech this week in Tulsa where he promised reparations to Blacks for the alleged White on Black "massacre."


William Pierce told of a real massacre in his 1997 "Lesson of Haiti," when in 1804 Blacks there murdered every White person -- man, woman and child! An excerpt:

Haiti started out as a prosperous colony of France. The Black slaves rebelled and killed all the Whites they could get their hands on....

I couldn't find "Lesson of Haiti" yet but found this NV text that describes the murderous Black uprising : https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/th ... lack-rule/

Eureka! found the text of "The Lesson of Haiti" but not the audio yet: https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/05/th ... -of-haiti/

Eureka again! Here's our Bitchute Video of Pierce's "The Lesson of Haiti": https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query= ... kind=video

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Tulsa Race Riot

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:50 pm

More about this Black history "Tulsa massacre" scam on our American Dissident Voices broadcast this week, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/06/a- ... massacres/

And it's not even February. :lol:





Some of the fake Black history books about fake Black history. These are required reading in Critical Race Theory (CRT) history curricula -- all the rage these days with the boobs -- to lay a guilt trip on impressionable young White students.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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