I was banned from Stormfront


Re: i was banned from Stormfront

Post by Cosmotheist » Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:41 am

Nicodemus wrote:Thanks for your clarifications, Cosmotheist. :)

The western mystical path is very scientific, it has it's roots in ancient Greece and Egypt. It involves also the use of dialectics.
I can explain why we affirm some things we affirm, its not like some kind of dogma that is not discussed like that that exists in religions.

Many of the things that mysticism has affirmed for many centuries or millenia have been proven scientifically or are close to being proven, by modern science. Like the existence of multiple universes, that matter is made of energy, the existance of the atom, etc. The book that introduced me to mysticism, and proved me deductively the existence of God is called Kybalion and is available on the internet for free.
Mysticism is a science like mundane science, but is not materialist, and does not study only the physical part of existance. One day though, spirituality and mundane science will be one.

The criticism i was talking about was this: " and not the separate spiritual and physical realms of the supernaturalists". I seen its not talking about spiritualists but "supernaturalists". But we recognize, as plato, the existence of metaphysical things, though they are integrated in the physical of course. Like Plato we believe in the existence of the soul after death (the mental and emotional bodies), though only a remote part of our soul survives after death and is the same after reincarnation.
Mundane science has studied reincarnation, but though there were some odd phenomenon, like children remembering past lifes of people that were then investigated, the scientists dismissed this through psychological theories.
However if we progress enough in the mystical path we will remember past lifes, so there is a method and a result, this is science.
Plato found out this things through deduction.
Here's an interesting explanation of Plato's theory of forms: http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/platform.htm

Not looking back more carefully this might not be a criticism of mysticism and more of new age crap, though it could be interpreted that way.

Here's my school, it has several articles explaining what this is and some introductory information:
You are most welcome! :D

Check out the following link to learn more about the historical roots of Cosmotheism:

The Greco-Roman "Subject-Object" dialectic that Whites of the West have inherited
from the heart of Western Civilization and that forms the basis for modern sciences
is at the root of a mis-understanding of both mysticism and of divine consciousness.

Robert M.Pirsig brilliantly addressed and corrected this issue with his "Metaphysics
of Quality"
but of which I would call instead for us true Cosmotheists as being now a
"Metaphysics of Arete'" and is of the White or Aryan Faustian Spirit.

"The race which is the bearer of this spirit must, therefore, be doubly careful that its genetic basis is preserved—that it does not become a race solely of lawyers, clerks, laborers, and merchants but remains a race also of philosophers, explorers, poets, and inventors: of seekers of ultimate knowledge, of strivers toward the perfection which is Godhood.

When we take the longest viewpoint, we can see that the Faustian spirit, tenuous though it may be, is European man’s entire justification for existence."
----Dr. WLP

As far as reincarnation goes, matter and energy all come originally at least from spirit,
and those two we now know are inter-dependent and change from one to the other and
are recycled and conserved. So, even if not "intact" as it was, individually, it is recycled,
even as it evolves over time.

Best regards,


PS--True Cosmotheists do understand that the true basis of Reality is "spiritual"
and it is "Divine Consciousness" of the Whole, within, but that it and this is not
at all "supernatural" but it is inherently "natural"

Benjamin Bice

Re: i was banned from Stormfront

Post by Benjamin Bice » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:49 am

I quit Stormfront voluntarily with no desire to return. They attract a lot of dimwits.

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