Online Political Conference June 18th - 19th

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Online Political Conference June 18th - 19th

Post by JohnUbele » Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:20 pm

I put this post in this forum, because it seemed like the only one that would be applicable for this type of event.

"...In this year of 2022, the 100th anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s birth, it is time to finally recognize the accuracy of his warning over decades: That the continuation of the financial speculation and looting policies of the City of London and Wall Street’s free-trade and floating exchange rate system, enshrined after August 1971, would necessarily lead to war--and very possibly thermonuclear war--coupled with the drastic collapse of the world’s physical economy and resulting depopulation; the deaths of millions and even billions of human beings through famine and pandemics.

But it is also time to take recourse to the policy solutions provided by Lyndon LaRouche, to bring about the successful bankruptcy reorganization of that dying system, and replace it with a new international security and development architecture built on the same philosophical cornerstone of statecraft which gave rise to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648..."

https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder ... 0220618_19

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Will Williams
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Re: Online Political Conference June 18th - 19th

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:31 pm

We'll pass on the Shiller Institute meeting, John, thanks. ... -larouche/

Within a couple of days time here at WB we have non NA members recommending the radical feminest Jewess Naomi Wolf, and now the conspiracy nut Lyndon LaRouche. Neither of these adds anything toward Alliance-building and detract from our separatist world view. Please be thoughtful about posting whatever you may find of interest to you. Ask yourselves, does it advance the Alliance's cause? Find material that agrees with us rather than from folks who would definitely oppose us.

JohnUbele wrote:
Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:20 pm
I put this post in this forum, because it seemed like the only one that would be applicable for this type of event.

"...In this year of 2022, the 100th anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s birth, it is time to finally recognize the accuracy of his warning over decades: That the continuation of the financial speculation and looting policies of the City of London and Wall Street’s free-trade and floating exchange rate system...
https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder ... 0220618_19
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