Salvation Army

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Salvation Army

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:01 pm

I'm retired and really don't have all that much ALTHOUGH I do try to help organizations/foundations I truly believe in.
I support Stormfront, National Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Republicans, Judicial Watch, NRA, VFW, National Wildlife Foundation and maybe a couple/few others - obviously not every month for most of them but do try to help.
I just received a plea again from the Salvation Army today.
Open the envelope and there's this little Negro looking at me
Negro kid
Negro kid
0830171831.jpg (772.68 KiB) Viewed 21574 times
--- making me think of all those times over the years I worked in "brown town" or in "the projects" and "how much" of the (white) working man's and woman's taxes support these parasites --- and then on the last page is a blonde boy
White child
White child
0830171832.jpg (832.92 KiB) Viewed 21574 times
in their begging for my dollars.
I almost want to tell them that I'm pretty damn sure that Negroes aren't sending them their dollars, it's white people much like myself so they might want to consider reversing the pictures.
That's all, mini rant.[/i]
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Re: Salvation Army

Post by White Man 1 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:05 pm

Boy, you are quite the charitable fellow! Are there any charities focused just on White children, especially those in Appalachia? That's where I'd like my charity money to go!

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Re: Salvation Army

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:26 pm

White Man 1 wrote:Boy, you are quite the charitable fellow!
Not all that much - $15 here $20 there - what does it cost to fill your gas tank?
How much lighter is your wallet when you walk out of the supermarket?
Like I said, I don't have much but try to help out some those foundations that I believe in.
How many won't even give a buck yet will toss how many (much needed) dollars over a bar?
There was actually a thread on Stormfront on the brand of beer they drink - yeah, buy expensive imported brew to swill down but couldn't send five bucks a month to support the board and WN.

Are there any charities focused just on White children, especially those in Appalachia?
That's where I'd like my charity money to go!
I would like to think that the Salvation Army donations go locally and my county is only 3% black so hopefully 'most' of the twenty bucks or so every few months does some good.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.


Re: Salvation Army

Post by A_whytt_mann » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:33 am

PhuBai68 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:01 pm
I'm retired and really don't have all that much ALTHOUGH I do try to help organizations/foundations I truly believe in.
I support Stormfront, National Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Republicans, Judicial Watch, NRA, VFW, National Wildlife Foundation and maybe a couple/few others - obviously not every month for most of them but do try to help.
I just received a plea again from the Salvation Army today.
Open the envelope and there's this little Negro looking at me 0830171831.jpg --- making me think of all those times over the years I worked in "brown town" or in "the projects" and "how much" of the (white) working man's and woman's taxes support these parasites --- and then on the last page is a blonde boy 0830171832.jpg in their begging for my dollars.
I almost want to tell them that I'm pretty damn sure that Negroes aren't sending them their dollars, it's white people much like myself so they might want to consider reversing the pictures.
That's all, mini rant.
I may be a little late to the discussion, but it reminded me of an anecdote you give a pile of bricks to a white man he builds a city. You give a city to a negro and he builds a pile of bricks. Whites give and negros take. But I applaud being charitable. I quit smoking so I might have a little extra money to give back to fellow whites who may be struggling.

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Will Williams
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Re: Salvation Army

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:37 pm

A_whytt_mann wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:33 am
PhuBai68 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:01 pm
I'm retired and really don't have all that much ALTHOUGH I do try to help organizations/foundations I truly believe in.
I support Stormfront, National Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Republicans, Judicial Watch, NRA, VFW, National Wildlife Foundation and maybe a couple/few others - obviously not every month for most of them but do try to help.
I just received a plea again from the Salvation Army today.
Open the envelope and there's this little Negro looking at me 0830171831.jpg --- making me think of all those times over the years I worked in "brown town" or in "the projects" and "how much" of the (white) working man's and woman's taxes support these parasites --- and then on the last page is a blonde boy 0830171832.jpg in their begging for my dollars.
I almost want to tell them that I'm pretty damn sure that Negroes aren't sending them their dollars, it's white people much like myself so they might want to consider reversing the pictures.
That's all, mini rant.
I may be a little late to the discussion, but it reminded me of an anecdote you give a pile of bricks to a white man he builds a city. You give a city to a negro and he builds a pile of bricks. Whites give and negros take. But I applaud being charitable. I quit smoking so I might have a little extra money to give back to fellow whites who may be struggling.
I hadn't noticed PhuBai's topic thread before, either, but just caught this statement from him three-plus years ago:

"I support Stormfront, National Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Republicans, Judicial Watch, NRA, VFW, National Wildlife Foundation and maybe a couple/few others..."

PhuBai has been a friend and generous supporter of NA for several years now and has watched our back over at Stormfront where he has been a moderator for over two decades. I knew he is charitable but had no idea he supported so many other different organizations. Not to criticize PhuBai for spreading oneself thin like that, but Dr. Pierce sort of addressed this nearly 20 years ago in our monthly BULLETIN, here, in "The Movement": ... yist#p4753
Despite the commentary in the Membership Handbook and periodically in the BULLETIN, there are members who still have a fixation on something called the “movement” rather than on the Alliance. These “movement”-oriented members see the Alliance not as unique and irreplaceable, but merely as one organization among many, all working toward the same goal. “How much stronger our movement will be” they think; “when all these organizations are united. Now we are weak because we are divided, but if we all work together we will be stronger and more successful.” These members also tend to regard anyone who sticks his arm out and shouts “White power,” as a “comrade” much like a fellow Alliance member...

In evaluating prospects for recruitment [to become National Alliance members], we do not disqualify a prospect simply because he belongs to or has belonged to another organization, but we usually will regard his membership or former membership in another organization negatively rather than positively and will be especially alert for signs of hobbyist tendencies.

In general, the Alliance is not competing with “movement” organizations for members. A person should join the organization for which he is best suited, and if he is at all tempted to join a “movement” group, then he probably lacks the seriousness, maturity, and good judgment expected of an Alliance member.
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Re: Salvation Army

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:06 pm

Well Chairman Will, you can scratch a bunch off that list now.
I support Stormfront, National Alliance, the Salvation Army, the Republicans, Judicial Watch, NRA, VFW, National Wildlife Foundation and maybe a couple/few others

I probably will toss in my pocket change or a couple/few bucks in the Salvation Army kettle at Christmas when they have someone standing outside.
I have been reading in various firearm publications about the abuse of donated funds in the NRA; lavish trips, high ranking officials using their NRA issued credit cards as personal slush funds, scheduling "meetings" in high end hunting resorts so scratch them.
Like you Will, got fed up of looking at Negroes in the VFW magazines so another that doesn't receive anything.
Stopped with the National Wildlife Federation, too - basically because money is tight and their stance on introducing the larger Canadian sub-species of wolves into the United States which have nearly wiped out elk and moose in certain areas plus raised hell with livestock and pets.
After the way the Republican party backstabbed President Trump in this fraudulent and dishonest election not a dime! I am beyond pissed!
Now with this buffoon in the White House everything will cost more - anything that is moved by truck or rail - since we will now get our oil from OPEC again.
Already where I live since the election the price of gas has continuously risen, I'd say a good 40¢ to 50¢ per gallon.
When will this clown impose a (Andrew Cuomo) New York state "SAFE Act" type law on the nation?
Stopping the border wall, making 20-35,000,000 brown skinned illegals citizens.
War on "white supremacists" - how long before the fuds are shutting down Stormfront or this site?
How long before they're doing a Ruby Ridge or Wacko on us?

I haven't been on this board in awhile.
Moderating and this "election" has kind of put me in a sour mood.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: Salvation Army

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:45 pm

Thanks for the update on your charitable contributions, PB. Everyone should follow your example if our Alliance is to succeed. Our people are spread too thin as it is.
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