It's doubtful that Sanders will be washing the feet of his white football players. I recalled Dr. Pierce's ADV show back in 1997 about a truly sick former Colorado football coach, a self-hating white Christian fanatic:
This is not the 1950s. It's time for serious White racial nationalists/separatists to cease pulling for their favorite racially-mixed sports teams.The founder of the [Promise Keepers] group, Bill McCartney, used to be a football coach at the University of Colorado, where I got my doctorate, and his daughter used to love the Black players on his team. He seems to be proud of the fact that he now has two non-White grandchildren sired by different members of the team. Although there are very few Blacks among the rank and file membership of Promise Keepers, it’s not from lack of trying on McCartney’s part. He has an affirmative action hiring program for his organization which has resulted in his office staff being fully a third non-White. He has vigorously recruited non-White directors for the governing board of the group. At Promise Keepers rallies held anywhere near the Mexican border, he literally buses in thousands of mestizos to add “racial diversity” to the audiences. He talks about the meaninglessness of borders. His meetings often feature Jewish, Black and other non-White preachers, and he uses posters and banners picturing Whites and non-Whites together.
And he always plays the White racial guilt card. At a meeting of 30,000 men, nearly all of them White, held in the New Orleans Superdome last summer, McCartney complained about the lack of non-Whites in the audience. “Where are the men of color?” he asked. And then he continued, “I want to tell you why they’re not here. There’s a spirit of White racial superiority that exists in this nation. It’s an insensitivity to the pain of men of color. We have not been washing their feet. We have not been feeling their pain.” Whenever the opportunity presents itself, McCartney will get down on his knees, pull off the shoes of any Black within reach, and give a personal demonstration of foot-washing.