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Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:00 pm
by Richard_G_603
Am I just more aware of this tripe, are they rapidly becoming more brazen than ever?
To mark the first day of Black History Month, 170 leading Black and Jewish members of the entertainment industry have signed a unity statement to form the Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance.

“Jewish and Black artists, musicians and entertainers in some ways share a parallel history in their respective communities,” says Propagate Content chairman and CEO Ben Silverman, one of the signatories alongside Billy Porter, Sherry Lansing, Tiffany Haddish and at least 165 more. Before he died, Larry King also signed the unity statement. “After having been blocked from entering other industries, both independently turned to different aspects of show business as a refuge and outlet, and became pioneers and partners driving evolution and transformation in the creative fields.”

Added Antoine Fuqua in a statement, “As two communities that have long been targeted simply for who they are, the Black and Jewish communities are stronger when we stand together. It is thus incumbent on us, as members of the entertainment community, to continue to be united in the face of hateful discrimination and be a positive voice for change.”

Silverman says the Alliance came together naturally through the network of professional and personal relationships people have with one another in the industry and was motivated in part by the desire to heal from the chaos and laments during the Trump era. “The intertwined Confederate and Nazi imagery at the Capitol on Jan. 6 put a spotlight on racial disparities—how little has changed over time,” he says. “Our generation that stands on tall shoulders of the past can continue to shelter in our separate igloos of privilege with our own stories echoing back to us, or we can unite.”

The Alliance will hold programming events designed to foster understanding and fellowship between the two communities. The coming month will see a panel about being both Black and Jewish (featuring musician/activist Autumn Rowe, social justice artist Bourn Rich and former pro basketball player David Blu), a discussion of historical Black and Jewish musical collaborations (led by Gene Simmons and Sharon Osbourne) and a conversation with the CEO and president of Nashville’s newly opened National Museum of African American Music, H. Beecher Hicks III. Future plans include both virtual events like Clubhouse talks and, health permitting, in-person trips such as pilgrimages to destinations that are historically and/or culturally significant to each community.

“This Alliance will elevate voices in the entertainment community that can help the public to better understand the causes, manifestations and effects of racism and antisemitism, ensuring that our industry is doing its part to be a voice for hope, unity and healing in our country,” said Warner Records co-chair and CEO Aaron Bay-Schuck in a statement.

“The impact of the Alliance is to reignite and realign the power that exists in the connection between the Black and Jewish communities,” says Silverman, who notes that Jewish Americans were allies of the civil rights movement and that his own commitment to the cause stems from his grandfather Max Delson, an attorney who represented the first all-Black union (the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters) as well as Actors’ Equity under its first Black president, Frederick O’Neal. “The purpose is to grow and build a civil rights movement for the next generation, to complete the work left undone and to write a new chapter for the future.”

Read the full unity statement below and see the list of signatories so far.


We acknowledge that the Black and Jewish communities have a shared history of subjugation and persecution.

We recognize that the Black community in America has faced a history of racism that continues to this day, while the Jewish community is currently encountering record levels of antisemitism, which affects both groups’ sense of fear, vulnerability, and self-worth.

As members of the entertainment community, we stand against all forms of hate, and pledge to work to bring our two communities together in solidarity, to support one another in our struggles, and to better understand each other’s plight and narratives.

The Jewish community must continue to speak out against racial injustice and work to effect change, while the Black community must continue to speak out against all forms of antisemitism.

In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., Rabbi Abraham Heschel, and the many Blacks and Jews who stood together in the fight for civil rights, we come together to support each other in the struggle against hatred and bigotry.

In the words of the late John Lewis, “We are one people, one family, the human family, and what affects one of us affects us all.” ... t-alliance

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:34 am
by Will Williams
Richard_G_603 wrote:
Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:00 pm
Am I just more aware of this tripe, are they rapidly becoming more brazen than ever?
To mark the first day of Black History Month, 170 leading Black and Jewish members of the entertainment industry have signed a unity statement to form the Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance...

“The impact of the Alliance is to reignite and realign the power that exists in the connection between the Black and Jewish communities...[against White Americans]"

It's good that you are more aware today of the alliance among Blacks, Jews and other minorities against White America, Richard. That alliance has been going on for more than a century, at least, for example when Jews founded the NAACP back in 1909:
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded in New York City. Some of the members of the Niagara Movement contribute to the founding of the NAACP. The board of directors of the NAACP includes several white progressives. (Brown and Stentiford, xxv) Ref: ... 1900-1960/

It's important for those in our National Alliance, as we brace to suffer another month of Black History heaped on us, to grasp the history of this organized Black/Jewish alliance against White Americans. Who were those "white progressives" who organized Blacks for their own interests?:

A Brief History of the Black-Jewish Alliance

Jewish activities in support of blacks involved litigation, legislation, fund-raising, political organizing, and academic movements opposed to the concept of biologically based racial differences.

Jews played a prominent role in organizing blacks beginning with the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 and, despite increasing black anti-Semitism, continuing into the present. The NAACP was founded by wealthy German Jews, non-Jewish whites, and blacks led by W. E. B. DuBois.7 The Jewish role was predominant:

By mid-decade [c. 1915], the NAACP had something of the aspect of an adjunct of B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish Committee, with the brothers Joel and Arthur Spingarn serving as board chairman and chief legal counsel, respectively; Herbert Lehman on the executive committee; Lillian Wald and Walter Sachs on the board (though not simultaneously); and Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg as financial angels. By 1920, Herbert Seligman was director of public relations, and Martha Gruening served as his assistant. . . . Small wonder that a bewildered Marcus Garvey stormed out of NAACP headquarters in 1917, muttering that it was a white organization.8
Until after World War II, the Jewish-Black alliance essentially involved wealthy German Jews aiding black organizations financially and via their organizational abilities; Jewish lawyers also played a prominent role in staffing the legal departments of black activist organizations. Thus the Springarn brothers were part of the German-Jewish aristocracy. Except for brief periods when he resigned to protest the attitudes of the board, Joel Springarn was chairman of the NAACP from 1914 to 1934 when the first black assumed the position.

Wealthy Jews were important contributors to the National Urban League as well, most notably Jacob Schiff, the premier Jewish activist of the first two decades of the 20th century, and Julius Rosenwald, whose wealth derived from the Sears, Roebuck Company. 9 Louis Marshall, the most prominent Jewish activist of the 1920s and leader of the AJCommittee, was on the Board of Directors of the NAACP and was a principal NAACP attorney. Other prominent Jewish attorneys who participated in NAACP lawsuits included Supreme Court Justices Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, the latter playing a major role in the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Another Jewish attorney prominent in NAACP affairs was Nathan Margold, described as having “a burning social conscience;”10 Margold developed the legal plan for the successful assault on the legal basis of segregation. Jack Greenberg, Chairman of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in the 1960s, was also instrumental in the origins of MALDEF, bringing together Mexican activist Pete Tijerina with the Ford Foundation.11

Blacks played little role in these efforts until the late 1930s: For example, until 1933 there were no black lawyers in the NAACP legal department; and through the 1930s around half of the NAACP’s legal department were Jews.12 At the height of the black-Jewish alliance in the 1960s, more than half of the lawyers defending students and other participants in the protest movement in the South were Jews.13 Heavily Jewish organizations like the National Lawyers Guild, which had ties to the Communist Party,14 and the American Civil Liberties Union also provided legal talent for these endeavors.

In the post–World War II period the entire gamut of Jewish civil service organizations were involved in black issues, including the AJCommittee, the AJCongress, and the ADL: “With professionally trained personnel, fully equipped offices, and public relations know-how, they had the resources to make a difference.”15

By the end of the 1940s the ADL had designated the South as particularly in need of change; the ADL monitored instances of racial tension and violence and increasingly sought intervention by the federal government in the affairs of the region, including racial segregation.16

Jews contributed from two thirds to three quarters of the money for civil rights groups during the 1960s.17 The AJCongress, the AJCommittee, and the ADL worked closely with the NAACP to write legal briefs and raise money in the effort to end segregation. Jewish groups, particularly the AJCongress, played a leading role in drafting civil rights legislation and pursuing legal challenges related to civil rights issues mainly benefiting blacks.18 “Jewish support, legal and monetary, afforded the civil rights movement a string of legal victories. . . . There is little exaggeration in an American Jewish Congress lawyer’s claim that ‘many of these laws were actually written in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters.’ ”19...

More of Sam Francis's thoroughly documented history of the Black/Jewish alliance against White Americans, here: ... -and-race/

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:28 pm
by Grimork
I think it appropriate to make this week's bitchute video selection about blacks in regard to black history month. We have a lot we can learn from black history.

The Lesson of Africa

Black History Month

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:21 am
by Grimork
Bumping this thread to add the link to a brand new National Alliance playlist in honor of Black History Month which everyone can watch here:

More to come, stay tuned!

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:54 pm
by Will Williams
Good idea, Grimork.

Some Blacks have whined that Black History Month is racist because it is during February, the shortest, coldest month of the year. :o

Here's a little history about BHM from a Black man in a "progressive" periodical:


What’s Wrong with Black History Month?
Black History Month shouldn’t be an excuse to ignore African American history for the other eleven months of the year.
by Akilah Monifa
February 16, 2018

For ten years, I produced ethnic heritage month celebrations for the television station I worked at in San Francisco, starting each February with Black History Month. I remember that many white folks at the station (I’m African American) questioned the need. Some even asked why there wasn’t a “White History Month.” I would reply that every day is “White History Day.”

The precursor to Black History Month, Negro History Week, was launched in 1926 by the historian and educator Carter G. Woodson. Woodson selected the second week in February, so that the celebration straddled the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln.

In 1976, Negro History Week became Black History Month.

But Woodson’s goal was never for it to become an annual event. According to historian John Hope Franklin, Woodson “fervently hoped that soon the history of African Americans would become an integral part of American history and would be observed throughout the year. In succeeding years down to his death in 1950, he continued to express the hope that Negro History Week would outlive its usefulness.’’

Perhaps it has—but for reasons other than those he imagined.

Among those celebrating Black History Month this year were members of the Trump White House, which issued a proclamation tied to this year’s theme: “African Americans in Times of War,” an acknowledgment of the contributions made by black men and women in uniform.

“Because of their love of country, these heroes insisted on serving and defending America despite racial prejudice, unequal treatment, diminished opportunities, and segregation,” the White House statement read.

Statements like these are hard to reconcile with other things Trump has said, like calling nations dominated by people of color “s---hole countries.” It’s almost as though Black History Month is an occasion for posturing, not sincerity.

Some people do make good use of Black History Month, like San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich. In comments to reporters in mid-February, Popovich, who is white, observed, “we live in a racist country that hasn’t figured it out yet. And it’s always important to bring attention to it, even if it angers some people.”

Many in the media do publish articles about African Americans in February, and air special programs, public service announcements, and movies. Museums and libraries hold special exhibits, lectures and events.
Significant contributions to civilization by Blacks:
the invention of the door knob and the curtain rod **
Source: "Brainwashing Our Children"

But too often, Black History Month has become a ready-made excuse to ignore African American history and contributions for the other eleven months of the year.

We kid ourselves if we think that by designating February as Black History Month we’re really doing anything to honor African Americans or to combat racial prejudice in this country.

As coach Popovich put it, “you have to keep it in front of everybody’s nose, so that they understand that it still hasn't been taken care of, and we have a lot of work to do.”...

It's more like you have to rub White's noses in it, coach.

More of this article here: ... th-monifa/

** The Black inventors had to wait to invent the door knob and curtain rod until the White man invented the door and the window.

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:32 pm
by Grimork
They're never happy, Will. My son just went through a similar scenario to what WLP mentioned in "Brainwashing Our Children", when he had to do a report on black inventors for social studies. I was laughing my head off when he showed me the list of what blacks supposedly invented. I'll attach a picture of the paper given him by his teacher below, there are even more inventions blacks are supposedly responsible for than back in that video!!

We can call it the black washing of history I suppose. I asked my son if he'd let me go through each invention and tell him who REALLY invented it, but he politely declined because he doesn't care. Why should he care when he has to write lies for grades?

I told my mamaw that a black person "invented" peanut butter. She laughed and said.. yeah right. :lol:
Black inventors? Yeah....right.
Black inventors? Yeah....right.
Screenshot_20210203-132754.png (428.84 KiB) Viewed 7149 times

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:17 am
by White Man 1
So the spooks invented civilization and shoes... news to me.

Re: Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:58 am
by Grimork
White Man 1 wrote:
Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:17 am
So the spooks invented civilization and shoes... news to me.

Complete rubbish. They didn't have the gall to write this slop for kids in Pierce's day. I was always taught (although not sure if true). That paper was invented by the Chinese and the phoenicians invented the alphabet. My generation were also the ones who were taught that gasoline and other fuels were made from "dinosaur remains" LOL. No mention of blacks anywhere as inventors. Although there was the old throwaway of Carver "inventing" peanut butter. Hell an ape can crush a nut with a rock and make a paste of it, maybe one did. My grandma says no though.

It is interesting to see how bad it's gotten.