Real Revolution

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John Flynn

Real Revolution

Post by John Flynn » Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:42 pm

Real Revolution


CURRENT TALK OF REVOLUTION — armed revolution — is likely to get the gonads going and the juices flowing. But before getting too sanguine about the prospects, it might be well to step back a notch and give some thought to what we are actually talking about?
Revolution — REAL revolution — is more than huffing and puffing, blowing off steam and firing off one’s mouth.

It’s more than assault rifles, IEDs and bumping off a few deserving political crooks. And it’s something which should only be undertaken with one’s head screwed on tightly and both feet planted firmly on the ground. It is not something one should dabble in lightly.
But, let’s start at the beginning. What is it that one is revolting against? What is one revolting for? Are America's would-be revolutionaries even on the same page? These are basic questions; and without addressing them, everything else becomes moot.

Are we ready?

Even if one were to succeed in overthrowing the existing regime tomorrow, what would one replace it with? Would those who believe the time for armed insurrection has arrived be capable of running a government, let alone administering competently so much as a single governmental department? What positive changes would they bring about? Are they really ready for revolution?

Here it is necessary, once again, to consider the bigger picture of Western decline. America, of course, is No. 1 here, leading the way and spreading its germs of cultural decadence around the globe. Like those other erstwhile superpower anachronisms of World War II — the British Empire and the Soviet Union — the Yankee Doodle empire will, of course, also disappear. So what we do or don’t do doesn’t matter. Even if we didn’t exist, this genocidal, anti-white, anti-life monstrosity would still be fated for collapse.

What is revolution?

But what is revolution, in the first place? Is it merely the violent overthrow of an existing political regime? That is nothing more than insurgency. Or, is it something more fundamental?

The answer is that revolution is more than method or process; it is an outcome. It is the radical transformation of society, in which the ideals and values of a new order replace those of an old one. As such, it can be accomplished either violently or through nonviolence. The operative term here is radical change. Revolution is about ends, not means.

Over the past several hundred years, there have been a number of significant revolutions, most notably the English Revolution of 1640, the American Revolution of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, the Jewish-led Russian Revolution of 1917, and finally the German Revolution of 1933. Unlike earlier revolutions, the revolution in Germany — which was virtually bloodless — demonstrated that radical change need not necessarily be achieved through violence.

Prerequisites for Revolution

What would one set as the purpose of a second revolution in America? What is the basic issue around which it would be fought? Would it be about restoring the Constitution or some twaddle about individual rights and everyone — regardless of race, color or creed — doing his own thing? Would it involve some reactionary, right-wing agenda? Or would it be about something more basic and relevant?

The issue, ladies and gentlemen, is RACE — or more specifically, the existence of the white race here on the North American continent. This is the real issue, beside which everything else — all tangential talk about tyranny, civil liberties, the Constitution, etc., etc. — is irrelevant and a meaningless distraction.

The Enemy

And who is the enemy to be overthrown? Would it be the one now protected by a great TABOO in our society; or would we be obliged to select some less dangerous foe? Could we name that special ethnic group which exercises inordinate influence as well as ultimate control over every aspect of the U.S. government, not to mention its sway over the American mass media, popular entertainment, public education, banking and finance? As our implacable foe and as the source of our misfortune, would we choose to ignore the obscene, stand-out profile of organized Jewry and its world Zionist cabal?
Beyond these game-piece selections, there is one other: To focus popular attention on the issue and provide insight and guidance in the revolutionary struggle, there must also be a knowledgeable and dedicated revolutionary cadré — something well understood by Jewish Bolsheviks from the Lower East Side of New York before the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, which they instigated!

Popular Ferment

Determining what one is fighting for and who one is fighting against, however, does not by itself mean that one is ready for revolution. Before there can be revolutionary change of any kind, there must first be a popular ferment for such change. There is grumbling, complaint and increased polarization within the populace these days, of course. But does that mean that an actual ferment for change exists in America today?
During the decline of the Roman Empire, the masses of Rome had their panem et circenses —“bread and circuses” to keep them sated and entertained—and manageable. Today, the three Bs — Beer, Ballgame & Boob tube — fulfill the same function for America’s denizens and their rulers.

The question is: Are white Americans still capable of putting down their beer and mustering the strength to turn off the TV set long enough to rally for their race? Are they willing to stop listening to all the disinformation and garbage poured out daily into their brains, showing them how to think and act? Are wives and girlfriends more concerned about their next trip to the beauty parlor or the mall than about their menfolk becoming involved in doing something about the current state of affairs? That is the acid test for revolutionary readiness. Has this essential objective condition been met?

If not, then there is presently not yet a ferment for radical change — in which case moaning-and-groaning whites will have to endure a bit more suffering under the current System — something which will, indeed, be provided by events in the months and years just ahead. Meanwhile and apart from this, it would serve them well to acquire smaller mouths and slightly bigger brains.

A Racial Team

For the moment, all talk about Second Amendment rights will remain just that: empty bluster. Without the WILL — if and when the time comes — to exercise that right as intended by the Founding Fathers, all the weapons in the world are quite useless. And without a cohesive body politic, the primary ingredient for successful revolutionary struggle is missing.

The Communist revolutionary Mao Zedong once said that revolutionaries must be able to "swim" among the people like fish in the sea — i.e., they must be an organic part of the people. The problem is that unlike in China — or in Germany, for that matter — American individualism has prevented formation of such a viable, cohesive FOLK in Hallelujah Land: that is, a people capable of operating on the same wave length, sharing a common outlook, ideals and values, and acting in concert as a racial team. Without such a team, however, the game cannot be played, let alone won.

Winning Hearts and Minds

Before amassing guns and engaging in precipitous cathartic action, our task must therefore be to win the hearts and minds of those sound Aryan racial elements still remaining on the North American continent, building a bond of community with them, and forging this community into a folk-body capable of meeting the existential challenge we now face. For without these racial brothers and sisters on our side, we cannot begin to approach that better world we all seek.

There will be a collapse; there will be change. Our task is to make sure that it is the right kind of change, and that the revolutionary wave is not co-opted by the Enemy. For there will, indeed, be other players.

We would prefer, of course — like earlier National Socialists in their assumption of power in Germany — that any revolutionary change in America be accomplished peacefully. Whatever fate may hold in store let us, meanwhile, keep our powder dry and not lose sight of the bigger picture, always remembering what it is that we are fighting for, ever thinking of those Aryan generations yet unborn, who are now counting on us.

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White Man 1
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Re: Real Revolution

Post by White Man 1 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:50 am

Vintage67 wrote:
Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:36 am
We must establish a Homeland and start from there.
A homeland is a long term goal of ours. The more achievable building blocks we need to place to get to that goal are things such as our own media, our own networks, and a consistent, positive message that can be adopted by the best of our people.

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Re: Real Revolution

Post by Grimork » Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:42 am

Homeland is the endgame Vin, however we can start our own communities and organizing right now.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Real Revolution

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:49 am

Matt Koehl writes so clearly and well. His points are put together coherently and are excellently in support of his main thesis. What I liked best was what I'd call the essentials of Alliance building, or its "definition" if you will as follows:
Before amassing guns and engaging in precipitous cathartic action, our task must therefore be to win the hearts and minds of those sound Aryan racial elements still remaining on the North American continent, building a bond of community with them, and forging this community into a folk-body capable of meeting the existential challenge we now face...
This is where revolutions are won or lost.
Last edited by Jim Mathias on Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Error in grammar
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Re: Real Revolution

Post by Scott » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:32 am

I'm new to this forum and, as I said in my introduction, not very used to talking about National Socialism. I'm very impressed by these words. I used to watch a lot of Jordan Peterson and I was associated with the John Birch Society for a while. None of them have thought through this problem very clearly. In fact, Peterson in his big public debate, the Marxist Zizek commented that very few of them have thought through the problem of what happens the day after the revolution. It's important to me to read Mr. Koehl talking directly about this problem. Right now, I am reading Siege. I'm about half way through. My feeling is that Mr. Mason has a very clear idea of the mechanics of revolution, but has not really thought through the problem of the aftermath. I'll have to read more about the thought of Mr. Koehl to better understand this. Any reflections on this, are greatly appreciated.
"What remains to be done by those who live now? On a worldwide scale, or even national, absolutely nothing. It is too late. The “twenty-fifth hour” has sounded for too long a time."
-- Savatri Devi

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Will Williams
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Re: Real Revolution

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:10 pm

Scott wrote:
Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:32 am
I'm new to this forum and, as I said in my introduction, not very used to talking about National Socialism. I'm very impressed by these words. I used to watch a lot of Jordan Peterson and I was associated with the John Birch Society for a while. None of them have thought through this problem very clearly. In fact, Peterson in his big public debate, the Marxist Zizek commented that very few of them have thought through the problem of what happens the day after the revolution. It's important to me to read Mr. Koehl talking directly about this problem. Right now, I am reading Siege. I'm about half way through. My feeling is that Mr. Mason has a very clear idea of the mechanics of revolution, but has not really thought through the problem of the aftermath. I'll have to read more about the thought of Mr. Koehl to better understand this. Any reflections on this, are greatly appreciated.
Good topic and good inquiry, Scott. I'm pretty busy now, catching up on work after getting our monthly BULLETIN in the mail, but I'll hit a couple of things you bring up, not so much about revolution but about National Socialism (NS, not "Nazism"). Anything by Martin Kerr, Koehl's nominal successor at New Order, is good, like here: ... socialism/
Put the subject you're interested in at the little search box at, like"revolution" , and you'll get plenty of articles on the subject -- this one by Dr. Pierce: ... necessary/

I've heard Jordan Peterson's name but know nothing about him. I just searched his name and found this YouTube video: The title, "The Pathology And Dangers Of National Socialism," tells me all I need to know about Mr. Peterson's expertise on the subject of NS and I won't spend time watching his talk.

You figured out the JBS was phony "opposed opposition," as others have, probably when you saw they those anti-communists will not address the Jew or the primacy of race.

As for James Mason, he's been around the fringe of NS for decades. We never carried his book, Siege, because it's far out there with his admiration for Charles Manson and other things. Dr. Pierce was embarrassed that Mason included a photo of him posing side by side with him in Siege. That photo reminds me of the one of Rosalyn Carter posing beside John Wayne Gacey. Mason has influenced, rather misguided some young people like those in AtomWaffen, many of whom landed l in prison for following him. Steer clear of Mr. Mason.

NS has been so thoroughly demonized and stigmatized in America that William Pierce took the positive aspects and "Americanized" when he founded NA. We do not shy away from NS in the Alliance, but our symbol is the Life Rune, not the Swastika; we do not wear uniforms, or march to German music, and avoid other trappings of the Third Reich. Our enemies still describe our Alliance as "Nazi." So be it. Smart people see through our enemies' anti-White propaganda.

Keep studying, Scott. You are smart. ;)
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Re: Real Revolution

Post by Scott » Sun Apr 10, 2022 9:09 am

Thank you very much for the information and the links. I agree with you about Jordan Peterson. I have never been very impressed by him. He's a liberal pretender who talks about Hitler and The Third Reich but clearly doesn't know anything beyond what he was taught in high school. The JBS began with the best intentions of being anti-communist. That's great. I can support that completely. But as soon as I joined them, I realized it was just a bunch of Republicans unwilling to take their arguments to their logical conclusions. To me now, they're just boring.

After looking at your link about James Mason and reading the article by Martin Kerr, I can understand your feelings about his work. Mason is committed to the idea of violent revolution. It's an idea he has invested his life into, rather than exploring what is really need to bring about revolutionary change. That's an interesting idea, and one I had never thought about before. It certainly makes the idea of what happens the day after the revolution into something very different, especially for a vanguard organization. It seems to imply that being able to survive with better ideas is more important than battle readiness.

Thanks again.
"What remains to be done by those who live now? On a worldwide scale, or even national, absolutely nothing. It is too late. The “twenty-fifth hour” has sounded for too long a time."
-- Savatri Devi

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