The Turner Diaries

Robert Burns
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Robert Burns » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:35 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:19 pm
californiasurviving wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:32 pm
I mean in that today's capabilities (mainly technology) to prevent inevitable revolution through sophisticated means...
Perhaps I'm too young in life or too 'urbanist' to comment on what is relevant or not, but hopefully you get it. Would be interested in hearing your perspective.
No, I don't get your reasoning. It sounds defeatist to me. You should listen to those of us who have been in the front lines of the racial struggle since before you were born. Learn to not fear the enemy or its technological spying advancements. You might get more from Pierce's other novel, Hunter, where he asks:

How should an honorable man confront evil?
Should he ignore it, with the excuse that it is not his responsibility?
Should he ally himself with the evil, because that’s where the “smart money” is?
Or should he take up arms against it and fight it with all his strength and without regard for the personal consequences, even though he must fight alone?

To hell with the crumbling regime's sophisticated surveillance, Chinese drones and such. Our people need the cold, hard truth and we will deliver it. Pierce's body of work has stood the test of time because it it grounded in reality while being revolutionary. Thankfully members of your generation agree with me and are joining the National Alliance.

I just bumped a comment I'd made under Andrew Hamilton's article about the January 6th so-called "insurrection," here: ... stan-coup/

It can't be emphasized enough the lengths the Jew will go to ban The Turner Diaries, rather than have it "inspire" a new generation of young Whites with its revolutionary ideas. Read this NY Times article published the very day after the demonstration by one of their anti-White authors and ask yourself if the article was not already "in the can" the previous day.


Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
28 March, 2021

Sally, I received a trashy book in the mail… by a very liberal “hate” expert in the mold of Heidi Beirich, Seyward Darby…

Keep your eyes on Ms. Darby. She is such a big rising star in the hate movement that she was published the very day after the 6 January Capitol “insurrection” in the New York Times. I said in the ADV interview yesterday “-building-a-white-future-part-2” that the Times and other MSM papers had associated the “insurrection” with Dr. Pierce’s 45-year old novel in a coordinated campaign on 8 January. Ms. Darby scooped them all a day earlier, quoting the SPLC no less:

“Hate” expert Seyward Darby
The Far Right Told Us What It Had Planned.
We Didn’t Listen.

Wednesday wasn’t Trumpism’s “last gasp.” It was the manifestation of a long-held fantasy. And most perpetrators walked away, uncuffed, to fight another day.
By Seyward Darby

Ms. Darby is the editor in chief of The Atavist Magazine and the author of “Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism.”
Jan. 7, 2021

They told us they were going to do it, and they did.

It’s useful to remember the story of Earl Turner. He is 35, white, unemployed, racist and angry. The world is changing too fast for him: The economy is in shambles, Jewish people wield more power than he thinks they should, Black Americans incite chaos, and the government is cracking down on civil liberties, including the right to bear arms. Turner refuses to sit by, so he joins a movement plotting to overthrow the government. He wants to install right-wing rule by any means necessary. He is frustrated by those he judges to be merely “conservative,” people who talk but don’t act. Turner and other zealots go to Washington to do their part, and violence ensues.
Earl Turner wasn’t one of the people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. He isn’t even real. He is the titular character of “The Turner Diaries,” a racist dystopian novel published by a white supremacist named William Luther Pierce in 1978, in which right-wing guerrilla operatives terrorize the streets of Washington, bomb the F.B.I. and commit atrocities against fellow citizens. Still, Turner was very much present on Wednesday. The plot, symbols and language of Mr. Pierce’s novel have seeped into the right-wing imagination, influencing generations of extremists. “The Turner Diaries” is so influential, in fact, that experts on white nationalism sometimes refer to the book as the movement’s bible.

Think I’m overstating? A gallows was erected in front of the Capitol on Wednesday. As Hannah Gais, a senior researcher for the Southern Poverty Law Center, noted on Twitter, some of the more than 5,000 viewers of a livestream of the siege proclaimed “hang all the congressmen” and “give them the rope.” These were allusions to an event in “The Turner Diaries” known as the “day of the rope,” when the terrorists lynch their enemies: “the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the ‘civic leaders,’ the bureaucrats, the preachers.” And, yes, “the politicians.”… ... -riot.html

Imagine that. Americans wanting to hang those who are responsible for their nation’s demise.
I think what californiasurvival is saying is not that the book has little cultural relevance or importance or that our situation is hopeless due to government surveillance, but simply that the book was written in 1978 and takes place in the 90s, which at the time was obviously in the future, not the past as it is now. As such, the idea of the whole story coming true would have been far more believable to the folks who read it back in 1978, whereas it is obvious now in the year 2022 that there was no Day of the Rope in 1999, and our situation has now quite clearly diverged from what was depicted in the book.

I wouldn't say that makes it outdated, though. It's a novel which continues to inspire White folk to action today like very few works do (which of course is why the Jews hate it so much and want it gone), and it will surely be remembered forever as one of the greatest and most important works of literature ever to be written, and rightly so. It's one of those books that should become required reading in schools. Nevertheless, I would bet that reading it in 1978 must have been a pretty different experience from reading it 2022, and that is an experience that us Gen Z boys will never get to have.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 25, 2022 6:25 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:19 pm

It can't be emphasized enough the lengths the Jew will go to ban The Turner Diaries, rather than have it "inspire" a new generation of young Whites with its revolutionary ideas...[/size]
Jew-owned and managed Youtube will ban anything that smacks of White "racism" or so-called anti-Semitism, or of anything that is pro-White for that matter. I've just been sent the following Youtube video featuring some smarmy Jew who has decided to review The Turner Diaries:

I can't get back the 25 minutes I spent watching and listening to this Jew, but recommend that fellow thought criminals watch it to see what we are up against. After the Jews claimed TTD "inspired" the 1/6/20 Capitol "insurrection," it was quickly banned, yet, even when interested folks can no longer purchase it through and decide for themselves what it's all about, these Yids go on and on about how it is the most hateful book ever. :lol:
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Benjamin Bice

Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed May 25, 2022 10:20 pm

californiasurviving wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:27 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:19 pm
californiasurviving wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:32 pm
I mean in that today's capabilities (mainly technology) to prevent inevitable revolution through sophisticated means...
Perhaps I'm too young in life or too 'urbanist' to comment on what is relevant or not, but hopefully you get it. Would be interested in hearing your perspective.
No, I don't get your reasoning. It sounds defeatist to me. You should listen to those of us who have been in the front lines of the racial struggle since before you were born. Learn to not fear the enemy or its technological spying advancements. You might get more from Pierce's other novel, Hunter, where he asks:

How should an honorable man confront evil?
Should he ignore it, with the excuse that it is not his responsibility?
Should he ally himself with the evil, because that’s where the “smart money” is?
Or should he take up arms against it and fight it with all his strength and without regard for the personal consequences, even though he must fight alone?

To hell with the crumbling regime's sophisticated surveillance, Chinese drones and such. Our people need the cold, hard truth and we will deliver it. Pierce's body of work has stood the test of time because it it grounded in reality while being revolutionary. Thankfully members of your generation agree with me and are joining the National Alliance.

I just bumped a comment I'd made under Andrew Hamilton's article about the January 6th so-called "insurrection," here: ... stan-coup/

It can't be emphasized enough the lengths the Jew will go to ban The Turner Diaries, rather than have it "inspire" a new generation of young Whites with its revolutionary ideas. Read this NY Times article published the very day after the demonstration by one of their anti-White authors and ask yourself if the article was not already "in the can" the previous day.


Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
28 March, 2021

Sally, I received a trashy book in the mail… by a very liberal “hate” expert in the mold of Heidi Beirich, Seyward Darby…

Keep your eyes on Ms. Darby. She is such a big rising star in the hate movement that she was published the very day after the 6 January Capitol “insurrection” in the New York Times. I said in the ADV interview yesterday “-building-a-white-future-part-2” that the Times and other MSM papers had associated the “insurrection” with Dr. Pierce’s 45-year old novel in a coordinated campaign on 8 January. Ms. Darby scooped them all a day earlier, quoting the SPLC no less:

“Hate” expert Seyward Darby
The Far Right Told Us What It Had Planned.
We Didn’t Listen.

Wednesday wasn’t Trumpism’s “last gasp.” It was the manifestation of a long-held fantasy. And most perpetrators walked away, uncuffed, to fight another day.
By Seyward Darby

Ms. Darby is the editor in chief of The Atavist Magazine and the author of “Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism.”
Jan. 7, 2021

They told us they were going to do it, and they did.

It’s useful to remember the story of Earl Turner. He is 35, white, unemployed, racist and angry. The world is changing too fast for him: The economy is in shambles, Jewish people wield more power than he thinks they should, Black Americans incite chaos, and the government is cracking down on civil liberties, including the right to bear arms. Turner refuses to sit by, so he joins a movement plotting to overthrow the government. He wants to install right-wing rule by any means necessary. He is frustrated by those he judges to be merely “conservative,” people who talk but don’t act. Turner and other zealots go to Washington to do their part, and violence ensues.
Earl Turner wasn’t one of the people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. He isn’t even real. He is the titular character of “The Turner Diaries,” a racist dystopian novel published by a white supremacist named William Luther Pierce in 1978, in which right-wing guerrilla operatives terrorize the streets of Washington, bomb the F.B.I. and commit atrocities against fellow citizens. Still, Turner was very much present on Wednesday. The plot, symbols and language of Mr. Pierce’s novel have seeped into the right-wing imagination, influencing generations of extremists. “The Turner Diaries” is so influential, in fact, that experts on white nationalism sometimes refer to the book as the movement’s bible.

Think I’m overstating? A gallows was erected in front of the Capitol on Wednesday. As Hannah Gais, a senior researcher for the Southern Poverty Law Center, noted on Twitter, some of the more than 5,000 viewers of a livestream of the siege proclaimed “hang all the congressmen” and “give them the rope.” These were allusions to an event in “The Turner Diaries” known as the “day of the rope,” when the terrorists lynch their enemies: “the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the ‘civic leaders,’ the bureaucrats, the preachers.” And, yes, “the politicians.”… ... -riot.html

Imagine that. Americans wanting to hang those who are responsible for their nation’s demise.
It is beyond me how any normal, sane person would fall for what these typical feminist Female twits are writing. Then again, most Americans are brainwashed beyond repair, including most Males - the lemmings only care about their cheap beer and TV ball games as William Pierce puts it, their 'comfort' and 'security'. At the same time, their commentary is a great compliment to me as I know I am on the right side of history with brave folks like you, Chairman Williams.

Regarding your reply, perhaps I might have a shade of defeatism but I most certainly am not throwing in the towel. Intimidated a bit? Perhaps a little, but William Pierce's works are doing the job in slowly breaking myself free from the illusion of my once blind patriotism to the Washington regime, I still cannot thank you folks enough for giving all this free content of this extraordinary, God-like patriot that I only discovered close to 2 years ago.

I must emphasize, I am not saying it is impossible to overcome these new considerations in the calculus of our eventual revolution, but rather it is a challenge that history has never seen before. This makes the reward that much more important to our future generations, to show that the will of man to overcome the sophisticated American-Jewish police with its private collaborators and black/mestizo/yellow/self-hating Whites/dumbshit "patriot" foot soldiers ready to jump along the long fight of our supreme and highly intelligent people. They are weak, and they know it, it's why they stick together as a coalition, like what Dr. Pierce said - the hate campaign would not be so intense and so well planned to seem 'not so' if they knew of our supreme thinking abilities and understanding of the truth that they cannot stomach.

If we can win, which we will, there will be nothing of outside forces that will stop us with the big red button at our disposal. I most certainly look forward to that day, when our European and European-descended kinsmen from Australia, to Southern Africa and South America and elsewhere stand up and feel empowered with the backing of us. Perhaps it might (in my theory) start with our European brothers and sisters in South Africa and the growing discussions in Western Cape seceding from the Communist gangsters running the country, they are on the frontlines of what will happen to us if demographic trends keep getting worse.

Appreciate the involvement and the guidance from you, Chairman Williams. Keep up the work.
What you're saying is all well and good, son, BUT, when the time comes - do you have what it takes to just knock someone's head off of their shoulders? Because, it probably is going to take a lot of physical action before we can win this struggle.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 26, 2022 12:38 am

Will wrote:
Jew-owned and managed Youtube will ban anything that smacks of White "racism" or so-called anti-Semitism, or of anything that is pro-White for that matter. I've just been sent the following Youtube video featuring some smarmy Jew who has decided to review The Turner Diaries:

I can't get back the 25 minutes I spent watching and listening to this Jew, but recommend that fellow thought criminals watch it to see what we are up against.
1.2 million people that viewed the slimy Jew's rant can't get that time back either, but the exposure he gave TTD is priceless. 8-)
The more they talk about us more interest is built
The more they talk about us more interest is built
TTD hostile review by Slimy Jew.png (789.52 KiB) Viewed 4668 times
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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Thu May 26, 2022 9:27 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Thu May 26, 2022 12:38 am
Will wrote:
Jew-owned and managed Youtube will ban anything that smacks of White "racism" or so-called anti-Semitism, or of anything that is pro-White for that matter. I've just been sent the following Youtube video featuring some smarmy Jew who has decided to review The Turner Diaries:

I can't get back the 25 minutes I spent watching and listening to this Jew, but recommend that fellow thought criminals watch it to see what we are up against.
1.2 million people that viewed the slimy Jew's rant can't get that time back either, but the exposure he gave TTD is priceless. 8-)
TTD hostile review by Slimy Jew.png
1.2 million! That's a lot. My point, though, is that since our book is banned and our bookstore site is blocked by Jew software bundled on millions of computers (along with all of our other sites), how will these 1.2 million followers of Slimy get the "other side" for balance? They'll not find this positive review of TD on our blocked site: ... d-edition/

Thomas Cole
June 3, 2021
When I ordered the infamous Diaries I expected some over the top right wing dystopian novel. However I was truly shocked when I found that the America Pierce was picturing when he wrote this book in the late 70s came to be in every horrific detail. What might have been a rather extreme outlook into our future has now truly manifested itself. This book literally anticipated our troubled times.
Pierce is more than a philosopher. He is a prophet.
The Turner Diaries is a must read for everyone who dares to look into the abyss of our dying civilization.


Even if customers happen to find our online bookstore, they can't use their credit cards or PayPal to make a purchase -- only by mailing cash, checks, money orders, or cryptocurrency. We expect to be disadvantaged like this by the slimy but powerful tribe. If we aren't, disadvantaged, if we're not constantly under attack by them and their collaborators, we are not doing our job as truth-tellers.

Cosmotheist Books used to sell hundreds of copies of TD from our online bookstore each month, but since it has been banned and our store's site blocked we're now lucky to sell three or four copies in a month. Jewry's stated goal is to destroy the National Alliance, and one of its strategies is to make sure we have little or no funds to expose their treachery against racially responsible Whites.
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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Sun May 29, 2022 11:11 am

Benjamin Bice wrote:
Wed May 25, 2022 10:20 pm
What you're saying is all well and good, son, BUT, when the time comes - do you have what it takes to just knock someone's head off of their shoulders? Because, it probably is going to take a lot of physical action before we can win this struggle.
This is getting way off the topic of The Turner Diaries and how the Jew and his collaborators have been treating the banned book that the National Alliance publishes. Let's stick to this topic here.

Ben there's no call for you to be addressing Mr. 'californaissurviving as "son," simply because he is young. You are not his daddy.
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Benjamin Bice

Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Benjamin Bice » Mon May 30, 2022 12:21 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 11:11 am
Benjamin Bice wrote:
Wed May 25, 2022 10:20 pm
What you're saying is all well and good, son, BUT, when the time comes - do you have what it takes to just knock someone's head off of their shoulders? Because, it probably is going to take a lot of physical action before we can win this struggle.
This is getting way off the topic of The Turner Diaries and how the Jew and his collaborators have been treating the banned book that the National Alliance publishes. Let's stick to this topic here.

Ben there's no call for you to be addressing Mr. 'californaissurviving as "son," simply because he is young. You are not his daddy.
Yes, I realize what the topic is, Mr. Chairman. I did start the thread myself. I think I made a valid point. I think that the young man must realize that there will eventually be a physical struggle - that it's not always going to be words and sharing thoughts. I know that both of us have what it takes for the physical part of the struggle. Unfortunately with you being older, and me rapidly getting there, we may not be around long enough to participate in that part of the struggle. Therefore, I think that it is of utmost importance that the younger members know what they are up against and what they may very well end up having to do.

Understand that I mean this very respectfully. You are our Chairman, and and I would never try to "one up" you. I am merely attempting to explain where I was coming from with that post. I suppose that I shouldn't call other National Alliance members "son". I will refrain from doing so henceforth.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:08 pm

It would be comical were it not so transparently outrageous that our enemies claim the banned 1975 novel, The Turner Diaries, has inspired everything from the OKC bombing to the "J6 Capitol insurrection," and more. One of my favorite claims about TTD was by The Washington Post's house nigger, Carl Rowan. Dr. Pierce explains:

Black Supremacist Carl Rowan 1925 - 2000

[C]onsider this bit of rabid commentary by Washington Post columnist Carl Rowan. It was in the June 13 [1996] edition of the Post and was titled “Church Bombers and The Turner Diaries.” Mr. Rowan wrote:

I think that there is a grotesque conspiracy to “save the white race” afoot in America, and that the church bombings [sic] are part of a plot to provoke blacks to react violently, thus giving all the hate groups in the land an excuse to uncover their caches of weapons and use them against blacks and against whites who sympathize with blacks.

I have turned anew to The Turner Diaries, the revolutionary “bible” of the Montana Freemen, the Aryan Supremacists, and the militiamen and others who threaten to “solve the race problem” by killing blacks, Jews, and liberals. This little 210-page book written by West Virginia professor William Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald is the most diabolically violent plan for solving America’s racial and social problems that I have ever read.

Mr. Rowan follows with a long extract from The Turner Diaries — a book I wrote, incidentally — to prove his point, and then he concludes:

The bigots who seek to destroy “the system” clearly believe that even if they burned 10,000 black churches, most of “the white race” would side with them if outraged blacks or their Federal protectors took up arms against the arsonists. Federal authorities know this; thus their caution, even timidity, in cracking down on the Freemen, or the rash of new hate groups, or the weird souls who are stockpiling weapons they expect to use against their state and Federal governments.

The church bombings reflect a race madness that is far worse than we want to think it is. A lot more people are in grave danger than those who worship in black churches.

Pierce goes on to disprove Rowen's claim of the rash of church "bombings" here: ... nderstand/
Will Williams wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:45 pm
The Turner Diaries has been in the news a lot lately as Jew-controlled media are blaming the demonstration at the Capitol last week on that 45-year-old novel. See here some about that, posted to (for proper formatting): ... ht-police/

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman 
17 January, 2021

Usually, whenever Jew-controlled media feature The Turner Diaries in sensationalistic pieces like this one in the LA Times a few days ago we enjoy a spike in sales of TD, but no longer. Perhaps this is what finally convinced Amazon to put its anti-White ideology ahead of profits: ... 5069cb6bd4

How ‘The Turner Diaries’ Inspires White Supremacists
Alexandra Alter
Wed, January 13, 2021

In “The Turner Diaries,” a group of white supremacists attacks the Capitol in an effort to overthrow the U.S. government. Dozens are killed in the assault, including members of Congress and their staffers. But in the insurrectionists’ view, the greater victory is symbolic.“The real value of all our attacks today lies in the psychological impact, not the immediate casualties,” the 1978 novel’s narrator, Earl Turner, writes in his diary. “They learned this afternoon that not one of them is beyond our reach.”Since its publication by neo-Nazi leader William Luther Pierce, “The Turner Diaries” has become one of the most influential texts among white nationalists and right-wing extremists. It has inspired dozens of acts of violence, and has been held up as a blueprint for how to enact a violent insurrection…“Many of the ideas that are central to ‘The Turner Diaries’ have turned into memes and proliferated online in right-wing media,” said Cassie Miller, a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center…On Monday, Amazon removed the novel from its website. It had previously been available for purchase with a disclaimer identifying it as “a racist, white supremacist fantasy” that had inspired domestic terrorists.

“As a bookseller, we think it is important to offer this infamous work because of its historical significance and educational role in the understanding and prevention of racism and acts of terrorism,” the note said. The book also disappeared from Abe Books, a used and rare books site owned by Amazon… ... sts.htmlIt is no longer important for Amazon to offer our book, The Turner Diaries. Think about that, race fans.

* * * * *

Figuring there must be a nexus between hate expert Kathleen Balew and the hate experts at SPLC I searched for that connection, and sure enough: ... ement 

Insurgent violence has always played a role in the modern white power movement, though its appeal has ebbed and flowed. According to historian Kathleen Belew, the movement first underwent a “revolutionary turn” in 1983, when white power leaders met at the Aryan Nations World Congress and reportedly declared war on the federal government…Requisite weasel word, “reportedly.”

‘There Is No Political Solution’: Accelerationism in the White Power Movement
by Cassie Miller
June 23, 2020
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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:51 pm

The Jew-owned Washington Post's Negro "journalist" and hate expert, Carl Rowan, tried to blame a rash of church "bombings" on The Turner Diaries, just as the Jew-owned New York Times "journalist" and hate expert, Seyward Darby, tried to say that it was The Turner Diaries that inspired the January 6 Capitol "insurrection." What crocks of baloney from Jew-owned media!

Speaking of Jew-owned media, read this about The Turner Diaries from the disgraced SPLC's so-called Intelligence Report: ... t-violence

Few works of fiction have moved readers to action quite like The Turner Diaries. Written under a pseudonym by William Pierce, late founder of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, the bloody race-war novel has been dubbed the "bible of the racist right" by the FBI.

Published in 1978, The Turner Diaries has fueled some of the last two decades' most infamous outbreaks of extremist violence, including Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Although The Turner Diaries may be the most famous such novel, it is neither the first nor the last novelized version of dire conspiracies and drastic solutions.

Then Jews at the SPLC hate group go on to describe the other novel that has inspired the "extremist violence" by non-White invaders that are currently flooding into France today:

French novelist Jean Raspail tapped into a similar set of stereotypes and fears with his anti-immigration novel, The Camp of the Saints. Written in the early 1970s during a wave of Algerian immigration into France, The Camp of the Saints also took a while to catch on in the U.S. But when it did, two decades later, it had a major influence on the American anti-immigration movement.

Far more fluidly written than most extremist novels, The Camp of the Saints is infused with apocalyptic foreboding. The plot concerns a famine-induced pilgrimage to the shores of the French Riviera by Hindu refugees described as "kinky-haired, swarthy-skinned, long-despised phantoms."

Neither popular, prophetic The Turner Diaries nor prophetic The Camp of the Saints are available on the world's largest book-selling site, However Camp is available to French readers in a Kindle edition for $16. The Turner Diaries is available from its publisher, as both a printed book or as an audio book, read by its author, here: ... d-edition/
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