Jews and the Black Slave Trade

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Re: Jews and the Black Slave Trade

Post by JohnUbele » Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:10 am

Letter from Jacob Rod Rivera and Aaron Lopez to Captain William English:

Newport, November, 1772

Capt. William English


When please Cod you arrive there safe convert your cargo into good slaves; on the best terms you can; You are not insensible that lying any considerable time on the Coast, is not only attended with a very heavy expense, but also great risk of the Slaves you may have on board. We therefore would recommend to you dispatch, even if you are obliged to give a few gallons more or less on each slave. We here enclose you David Mill Esq. of Cape Coast castle's receipt for twenty seven men and thirteen women Slaves, left in his hands by Capt. Briggs the last voyage on our accounts payable to his or our order, which we have made payable to you.

When you have finished the sales of your Cargo, apply to the said Mr. Mill and receive from him the above mentioned slaves, which from his universal character, we are confident he will not only immediately comply but will also deliver you slaves to your satisfaction; To these slaves we desire you'Il put some particular mark that may distinguish them from those of the Cargo, so that their sales in the West Indies may be kept by itself, for the insurance on these is not blended with the Cargo.

You are to be particularly careful, that as soon as you have got your slaves on board, and before you leave the Coast you are to fill up two Sets of bills of lading; The one mentioning the number of Slaves you have on board, bought with your Cargo, which are two-thirds on acct. of Aaron Lopez and the other third on account of Jacob Rod Rivera; and another set for the forty slaves you receive from Mr. Mill, those are one-half on each our acct., and remit us by two different oppts, one of each of these bills of lading, and the third carry with you; for in case of accident (which Cod forbid) we have no other way of proving our interest, than by a bill of lading.

When thus you have finished your trade on the Coast, you are to proceed directly to the Island of Jamaica when if you arrive in any time between the first of December and the first of July, you are to go directly to Savanah La Mar, and there deliver your whole quantity of slaves on our acct. to Capt. Benjamin Wright, in whose hands we shall lodge whatever future orders we may have occasion to give you; But if you arrive off of Jamaica in any time between the month of July and the first of December, then you are not to proceed to Savanah La Mar, but to Kingston in that Island, and there apply to Mr. Thomas Dolbeare merchant there.

To whom you are to deliver your slaves on our accts and in whose hands we shall also lodge, whatever orders we may find necessary further to give you, and if on inquiry you find when you arrive at Kingston, that Capt. Wright is in any part of the Island, you are desired to send him immediate intelligence of your arrival, but this is not to prevent the delivery of the slaves to Mr. Dolbeare as aforesaid, and should Capt. Wright not be at Savanah La Mar when you arrive there, nor in any part of Jamaica, in that case dispatch an express to Mr. Dolbeare at Kingston, and follow what orders you may receive from him. Either Capt. Wright or Mr. Dolbeare will have orders to load our Brig with the produce of the Island if the season of the year will permit it. Therefore as soon as you have delivered your slaves, and your vessel ready, proceed directly back to this port.

The experience you have in the Guinea trade and the raised opinion we have of your integrity and care render it unnecessary for us to give you any particular charge in respect to the sales, and purchase of your cargo, nor to remind you that you keep a watchful eye on the slaves during the time you may have them on board. We expect you to embrace every opportunity to let us hear from you at any of the ports you may be at, Not in the least doubting, but your conduct will fully answer all our expectations.

We conclude wishing you a pleasant prosperous voyage and safe retum to your family in health, we are your friends and owners.

Jacob Rod Rivera and Aaron Lopez

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 1, page 265 ... olume-one/

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Re: Jews and the Black Slave Trade

Post by JohnUbele » Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:50 am


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Will Williams
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Re: Jews and the Black Slave Trade

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:00 am

JohnUbele wrote:
Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:10 am
Letter from Jacob Rod Rivera and Aaron Lopez to Captain William English:
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 1, page 265 ... olume-one/
Thank you, John, for linking to our bookstore on 1 April where WB readers can purchase Volume 1 of the Nation of Islam's book about Jews largely being behind importation of African slaves into America. Unfortunately, when one hits that link he sees that title in our bookstore is "out of stock." We're sold out of both volumes 1 and 2, and have never carried volume 3.

But today, 5 April, I see you promote these books to be purchased on the Nation of Islam's bookstore. NOI must be pleased to learn that our National Alliance's forum is sending its readers to their bookstore. We cannot afford to stock these NOI titles in bulk so they will no longer be carried in our bookstore.

I believe you've sufficiently covered the subject of "Jews and the Black Slave Trade" here enough already, John, with 26 posts in five pages. Please find another interesting subject to cover in WB's History and Heritage section.
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