"Honest Abe" Lincoln was Queer
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5072
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
"Honest Abe" Lincoln was Queer
In a new documentary, more than a dozen scholars come together to argue that Lincoln had sexual relationships with multiple men. As one puts it, “We’re taking a scholarly interpretation that has been bubbling up for generations—and that, finally in 2024, has found its moment to be expressed.” https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/st ... -exclusive
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- C.E. Whiteoak
- Posts: 377
- Joined: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:45 pm
Re: "Honest Abe" Lincoln was Queer
Too bad this information was not spread far and wide decades ago, before degeneracy became a fashion statement. That might have thrown the old devil's reputation into the sewer where it belongs. Maybe Lincoln's admirers and worshipers would have toned down their praise-singing somewhat. Not today, unfortunately. The average brainwashed idiot will just make a show of how tolerant he is.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: "Honest Abe" Lincoln was Queer
It explains much. I remeber the fact that Lincoln slept with men in one bed. I have read it in the book "Team of rivals" back in 2009. It was claimed there that it was due to lack of living space. But all the same I was suspicious of this fact. Lincoln corresponded with Marx, yet one suspected homosexual. The whole Marxist/leftist movement is permeated with perversions of all kinds.
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5072
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: "Honest Abe" Lincoln was Queer
Some insight into what the queer "Honest Abe" did for his race by Douglas Mercer, here: viewtopic.php?p=33581#p33581. What he could have done for LQBT community had they been out of the closet in his time?
Well, here we have it. The so-called Great Emancipator, who could better be described as the Great Fool, once famously opined that if every drop of blood drawn by the lash be paid for by one drawn by the sword then so be it. That is a reprehensible statement, given that the blood drawn by the sword was White blood and that drawn by the lash was not worth anything anyway, being debased nigger blood. He seemed to think that the judgments of the “Lord” were always righteous, that is the Christian God approve of his sickly moralizing. That anyone so bereft of sense ever was at the helm of this country beggars belief. That gangly freak with the just folks and aw-shuck and the down-home manner inflicted more damage on us of any our leaders, and by a far piece. That is he freed the niggers which is like freeing a deadly virus on the world, or freeing poisonous snakes in a kindergarten classroom. And in the century and a half since then we have seen the results, though the evil is even now picking up speed. And you don’t have to be a seer to know that unless this nigger problem is solved it will be our lives and our wealth that is sunk into nothingness. If anyone believes it not they should go to Oakland late on any night and they will see it sinking right before their eyes, and they don’t even have to go down any dark alleys to know it’s true.
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