Instauration magazine archives

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Jim Mathias
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Instauration magazine archives

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:24 am

Download/printable files of this magazine from 1975-2000 are available at this website. I do not know if reproduction of this magazine is permitted/prohibited by fair use and copyright statutes. ... can%20Art/
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Will Williams
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Re: Instauration magazine archives

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:52 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:24 am
Download/printable files of this magazine from 1975-2000 are available at this website. I do not know if reproduction of this magazine is permitted/prohibited by fair use and copyright statutes. ... can%20Art/
The archiving of every issue of Wilmot Robinson's Instauration magazine each month for 25 years is a treasure for those interested in the pro-White cause during the last quarter of the 21st century.

Instauration is in the public domain now Jim, so no problem republishing articles from it today. I had difficulty accessing the link you provided, but here is another one, that, though cumbersome, at least works for the diligent researcher: ... -list.html
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Will Williams
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Re: Instauration magazine archives

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:01 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:52 pm
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:24 am
Download/printable files of this magazine from 1975-2000 are available at this website. I do not know if reproduction of this magazine is permitted/prohibited by fair use and copyright statutes. ... can%20Art/
The archiving of every issue of Wilmot Robinson's Instauration magazine each month for 25 years is a treasure for those interested in the pro-White cause during the last quarter of the 21st century.

Instauration is in the public domain now Jim, so no problem republishing articles from it today. I had difficulty accessing the link you provided, but here is another one, that, though cumbersome, at least works for the diligent researcher: ... -list.html
Being a diligent, if electronically-challenged, researcher, I was curious if I could find the Instauration issue from sometime around 1990 or '91. I started searching each year listed at that link above and BINGO! found this cover, one of several I'd painted for Mr. Robertson, during the time between my tours of duty as Executive Officer for Ben Klassen's COTC and then for William Pierce's National Alliance.

Once I found that issue, I then explored it to find the cover article about Marianne Faithful and how she had survived her tragic life in the 1960s of "drugs, sex and rock & roll" to continue her career as a vocalist. Note that this article is now 30-plus years old. Thanks to the Internet I was also able to find photos of Marianne, then and now.

Anybody with a little patience and determination can do this, if I could.

The cover
Marianne then

Marianne today

The Instauration article from November 1991:

Nordic Princess Sings the Blues

Notch up about 20 years in the very black hole of horror: drug addiction, alcoholism, promiscuity, miscarriage, living on the streets, desertion by "friends" and lovers, car crashes and various physical injuries caused by chemical self-abuse -- all to a chorus of implacable media persecution. Then sing the emotional residue. What is the result?
Classical blues? Not entirely. This is classical blues sung with a power and desolation that make those old black mamas of the 30s sound like truculent teenagers, delivered in an astonishing, jagged, smoke stained contralto, straight from the very heart of darkness.
And much, much more. Vituperative songs of sexual betrayal -- violent, aggressive, hate-filled, laced with deeply felt expletives spotlighting the flummery of country 'n' western, a genre that has had ample songs of white suburban angst, white suburban lack of fulfillment and white suburban death. Still others embodying the helpless self-hatred of the terminal addict --­ songs that constitute, as one reviewer called them, "Telegrams from hell."
The singer is Marianne Faithfull. She has just completed her first world tour, and the serious critics are ecstatic. They've compared her favorably to Marlene Dietrich and, more flatteringly, to Edith Piaf. Yet if this is a new Piaf, it is a Piaf from another world. The critics have sensed an extra dimension in her performance, but they can't explain it.
That's not surprising. While the death of Western civilization seems not to have been widely noticed, new artistic styles have already begun to evolve, to give form to the aesthetic needs of Nordics in a post-Western world. Edith Piaf, for all her personal problems, was a Western singer and sounded like one. Marianne Faithfull, with all her personal problems, is and sounds post-Western.
The daughter of an Austrian baroness, she was widely lauded as "an icon of the 60s," most years of which she can no longer remember due to the ravages of drugs and alcohol. Many recall her as a former companion of Mick Jagger and many of the other Rolling Stones. Somehow, she made it through the next decade." Another 70s victim," the press sneered, ignoring the lucid moments when she pulled herself together long enough to send another telegram from hell. Finally the 80s: more drugs and alcohol, another divorce, more degradation, and more harassment from the vilest elements of the British media.
For nearly three decades, Marianne was hot copy.
How so? If she had Just been some Third World frump, In mind or body, the media might have had the decency to leave her alone. But poor Marianne was never a Third World frump. She IS still an agonizingly beautiful, agonizingly talented Nordic artist. Her personal problems are just a microcosm of our general racial situation. Loss of direction, demoralization, alienation from one's own folk (" I think most people are slime" ), physical decay, a nightmarish life wheeling around the axle of one or another sterile form of material addiction. Marianne's habits could have killed her other addictions have been known to kill us spiritually. She is surviving. Most of us are Sinking. So, for now, at least, Marianne is back "clean as a whistle," she says. She hasn't touched drugs for four years. And she sings in a style that grows from her own experiences, but also mirrors the collective agony of our whole, benighted race. Marianne's back. Her people are not. She says she takes an Interest in political affairs, without getting involved. Wise choice, Marianne! Some things that are barely sayable in art can't even be hinted at in politics. Take, if you will, the chorus of her 1979 hit about the partition of the Heimat.
It's just an Old War
Not even a Cold War
Don't say it In Russian
Don't say it In German
Say it in broken English
Ponderable ... quite ponderable. -AUSTRALIAN SUBSCRIBER
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