True North by Levi Savage

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Levi Savage
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True North by Levi Savage

Post by Levi Savage » Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:42 am

True North
By Levi Savage
When blazing your own trail through the wilderness there are a couple of essential items you should bring with you and a magnetic compass is one of those items. A compass is useful because it provides an objective sense of direction. While an explorer can observe his surroundings to get his bearings and recognize landmarks to find his way, these methods of judging direction are relative. Instruments like the magnetic compass and the sextant assisted our European ancestors long ago in exploring and discovering the farthest corners of the Earth. They had an objective view of where they were, where they came from, and where they are going both literally and spiritually. For our ancestors to find their way spiritually through life they used their collective moral compass.

The foundations of European morality come from our ancient ancestors when they became separated from the rest of the human species as they traveled North into modern day continental Europe and Scandinavia. In this new environment they were presented with many new challenges they would need to adapt to in order to survive. One of these challenges was a limited naturally occurring food supply. No more could our prehistoric European ancestors rely on foraging for food in order to thrive. They had to band together and hunt bigger prey when the weather turned cold and the forests became dormant. Additionally, the shorter growing period due to the limited sunlight in northern latitudes required our ancestors to form agrarian societies to plant, grow, and harvest crops before the frost set in.
In order to organize an agrarian society our European ancestors developed a code of conduct, a set of values, a moral compass in which everyone within that society were mandated to follow. Hierarchy became the system through which leaders were chosen to lead their clans through the harsh conditions of the ever changing seasons. With this came a sense of personal responsibility as each man, woman, and child were held responsible for contributing to the survival of the whole. Most importantly, our ancestors gained a collective consciousness which allowed them to live together, work together, and thrive together.
The concept of private ownership and theft is not universally understood throughout the human species. Our European ancestors championed these concepts which encouraged each member of society to excel beyond mere subsistence living and thrive among his peers. Additionally, those who thought it would be easier to steal from the more accomplished in society were harshly punished for breaking this code. We can see the disasters that the collectivization of property has caused among White Europeans throughout history. One such example was the Virginia colony of Jamestown in the New World.
Jamestown, Virginia was the first English colony in the Americas (established in 1607) and it experienced the worst drought there in 700 years between 1606 and 1612. The colonists' desperate situation was not just due to the climate however. Jamestown was also the subject of an experiment in the collective ownership of property. But by 1609, the mismanagement of the colony was so severe that 80% of the colony died of starvation and disease. A similar outcome was seen as collectivization was forced on many nations 300 years later. The colony rebounded only after private property was recognized in 1619.
It is values like the private ownership of property that allowed White Europeans to surpass the limitations that other races have experienced and build empires that stood for generations. It is important to understand what morals and values our ancestors evolved that made them distinct from any other race, however it is essential to understand how they preserved this collective consciousness and the character of the civilizations that they built. The primary way our ancestors evolved to pass down their morality to the rising generations was through spirituality and religion. Some of the earliest recorded spiritual traditions were simply a collection of stories that portrayed an ideal in a member of society. 
The story of Beowulf for example, depicts a strong and courageous hero who slays the monster plaguing his people and does not rest until he cuts off the head of the monster which spawned this great evil. Stories like Beowulf survive today as folk tales and fables which each contain important moral lessons that every child in a White society should learn. As our civilizations grew pagan storytelling grew into entire pantheons of heroes each exemplifying a different desirable quality or trait and myths of their legendary deeds. As the saying goes: “Kinsmen die and cattle die, and so must one die one’s self, but there is one thing I know which never dies and that is the fame of a dead man’s deeds.” 
Just as our societies grew so did the imaginations and creativity of our ancestors as well. Soon it became necessary to unite these myths and legends into a collective mythology which came to dominate the cultures of White Europeans. This inspired many of the great minds of antiquity to make these heroes real or imagined come to life through their art which came to symbolize an age of discovery, exploration, and enlightenment. And so European religion was born. Gods, titans, gods who walked among men, demigods all of these concepts and more captured the hearts, minds, and souls of our people and made them look towards the heavens to wonder what beings lived among the stars.
These new developments in the thinking of our European ancestors also encouraged our people to investigate their origins, where they came from, what powers created this world, and where they were destined to go. This introduced reason into the European consciousness. Sorcery became understood as science, astrology gave way to astronomy, alchemy became chemistry, and so on. This higher consciousness also motivated European man to explore, discover, and colonize the four corners of this planet. Tapping into a higher level of consciousness ignited the inventive and creative spirit in European man allowing him to harness his creative potential to build empires one after another that spanned the globe. Our European ancestors built temples and great monuments to capture this new European spirituality and to worship the god-like beings they were trying to become.
At the height of European man's enlightenment came the invention of organized religion. As the old pagan mythos was put to the sword and replaced with Christian traditions the necessity arose for Christian religious practice to encompass more of the European population. In order for the common man to participate in the traditions and rituals of this new Christian faith, communal centers of religion were created. What once began as small chapels, churches, and meeting houses soon grew into massive Gothic cathedrals which stood as testaments to our European ancestors' ability to create structures fit for the throne of God. 
European men filled these centers of faith with art, music, and other works of culture unparalleled in modern times. Even though our ancestors' connection to their ancient pagan traditions had been severed, their European spirit continued as Christendom was adapted to its new environment. Put simply, organized religion before Christendom and after Christianity's domination made religion accessible to the masses and united them into a common faith community.
With this great uniting of the masses in faith and tradition also came a new danger. The unification of European man's spirit and his religious practices would become a weakness that degenerative forces would seek to exploit. The “Great Church” became the primary institution in European society responsible for the perpetuation of European man's identity and traditions. However, subversive forces would rise and attempt to take control of this estate in order to lead European man's consciousness away from it's natural roots.
Long held scientific knowledge like the evidence for the heliocentric model of the solar system which was understood by astronomers in ancient times was lost with the introduction of the cannon geocentric model. European men like Galileo Galilei were persecuted by the establishment in their day for challenging the dominant religious faith in proving the plain truth that heliocentrism was correct. In February 1616, an Inquisitorial commission declared heliocentrism to be "foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture''.
The idea of holding all scientific and spiritual thought to the interpretation of written scripture is inherently anti-European. Never before in the history of European man's consciousness had our ancestors been bound by one man's interpretation of scripture or the council or creeds of a group of men. This is proof that Christianity was created by an alien race soul meant to dominate and control the consciousness of mankind. The spirit of Christianity and its slave morality is alien to the European spirit and our master morality. This slave morality was the destructive and subversive influence which stifled European progress during the Middle Ages. Important scientific concepts like the spherical structure of the Earth which date back to Greek astronomy in the 3rd century BC would not reappear until the 15th century AD. 
This gap in the development of European man's consciousness stemmed from many sources; however the influence of Christianity certainly shares part of the blame. It was not until written scripture was made available in the common European tongues and made accessible to the everyman that European consciousness was able to ascend past this stumbling block. Again began the process of enlightenment all over Europe as each of the European tribes broke through the intellectual and spiritual roadblocks that had stifled progress for so long and European man was free to become the master of his own creation once again. This ascension in consciousness gave the Victorian Era it's distinct character with monumental advancements in culture, religion, science, and technology. European man's moral compass had become re-polarized which gave him the much needed direction to push the limits of his creative potential to new heights.
Along with these new advancements came industrialization and the beginning of automation. This gave the common European man more leisure time which encouraged education and entertainment. This did not just widen the collective European consciousness, but it also deepened it. Plays, musicals, operas, and theatrics like those of Richard Wagner made the myths and legends of European history come to life and made them more accessible to a wider audience. This led to the spread of classical European values all over the known world as Europeans brought these masterpieces of art and literature with them from the old world to the new.
We see the evidence of these classical European values in the roots of America. The United States of America began as a White nation. The White founding stock of this country brought with them the ideas of the freedom to live free of government tyranny, to have inalienable rights guaranteed by law, and the right to own property without the permission of the state. The US Constitution with its Bill of Rights were the products of centuries of White European thinking and development in nation building and statesmanship. The monuments that the first Americans built for their new nation borrowed from antiquity in their architectural and cultural elements.
However, there was a loophole in the founding structure of this nation that allowed a parasite to take root. The permissive nature that the leaders of early America took towards religion made it possible for Jews who were fleeing from their host countries all over the world to seek refuge in the United States of America. Using their tribal religion that was alien to any spirituality European man had conceived of, the Jews build up their networks and communities within and without our nation. With Jews deeply entrenched in the structure of American society, it was only a matter of time that the social parasite would begin to consume it's host.
It is this Jewish influence in America that began to destroy and dissolve the White European stock in America from the very beginning. Slowly and subtly at first the parasite took control of vital institutions and functions of our society and once they felt indispensable in their positions, they began to degrade society more overtly. The Jew attacked the European man's consciousness first.
With the advent of modernity and industrialization our people knew that progress was occurring faster than it had ever happened before and European man's urge to ascend ever upward towards a higher state of being was growing stronger. The desire for progress was the overwhelming drive that gave our people purpose into the turn of the 20th century. However, there had already been the signs of trouble on the horizon stemming from previous centuries with the abolition movement which had given freedom to the African slaves that were shortsightedly brought to America by early colonists, but gave no solution what to do with these Africans once they were freed.
It was this shortsightedness that led to the end of White rule on the American continent. With the African slaves in America freed, but still living along side of White civilization, the parasite in our midst began to agitate for a revolution. By the middle of the 20th century, egalitarianism and its activists was quickly growing into a nationwide insurrection. Championing the cause of the enfranchised but segregated minority populations in America, the Jew became the activist for social justice and the so-called civil rights movement. There were many battlegrounds across the country, some of them were contested, but much of the country had already acquiesced to the Jew's demands.
Without a conscious opposition from the majority White population in America, the political class was free to demolish the future of White America by forcing the integration of America's minority populations at gunpoint. White America was doomed. By the end of the Cultural Revolution the Jew had completed the long march through every vital political, economic, and cultural institution in America. We became foreigners in our own land.
Our White European heritage, our morals, our values, and our culture is directly opposed to the alien values that the Jew has imposed in America. Our ancient European spirit which built this country was replaced by the forced teaching of Jewish myths like the holocaust. And when the country's morality changed, so too did the demographics in America begin to radically change. The Jew threw open the flood gates to allow hordes of the third world to invade our land, our soil, our home. We see the results of this moral confusion today. Laws do not mean anything if they are not enforced. Laws which were on the books when America was a White country do not make sense in today's mongrelized society.
The American experiment has failed, but the death of America is not the end for European man. Wherever White Europeans exist, so too does European man's consciousness and with this collective consciousness the moral compass by which we can navigate the storms of hate, degeneration, and destruction is revealed. We must re-polarize our sense of morality, our sense of right vs wrong to be in line with our race soul, our life force and focus on what really matters. In order to survive, we must first understand ourselves, find our roots, remember where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. We must unite with our like minded brothers and companions to focus our consciousness on the True North of eternity.
We will never forget where we came from, we will never forget why we are here, and they will never take our vision of what we are destined to become. Stay the course brothers.

Additional reading:
The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds by Robert S. Griffin ... s-griffin/
Our Cause by Dr. William L. Pierce ... -l-pierce/
Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce ... am-pierce/

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Will Williams
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Re: True North by Levi Savage

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:32 pm

True North
By Levi Savage

Levi's "True North," being non-fiction, can stand alone here in Non-Fiction Books. I happen to know, however, that he wrote this while reading and being inspired by Dr. Pierce's biography, featured in this section also, here: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=989

Additional reading:
The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds by Robert S. Griffin ... s-griffin/
Our Cause by Dr. William L. Pierce ... -l-pierce/
Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce ... am-pierce/
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