Pocahontas Show Trial...

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Will Williams
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Re: Pocahontas Show Trial...

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 14, 2024 4:53 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:13 pm
When I learned that the "Special Prosecutor" who was selected to prosecute me, Patrick Via -- appointed by my judge who had worked under him for years as his assistant prosecutor -- is currently running for judge himself, I couldn't help but put up a review of him.

Will Williams 4 days ago
"Patrick Via is dedicated to ensuring justice and fair representation for those in need within his district," says the campaign for Patrick's bid to become a judge in WV's 29th Circuit Court (Greenbrier/Pocahontas Counties). As Greenbrier County Prosecutor for 15 years it's doubtful that Patrick cared much for the needs or the rights of those he prosecuted -- at least in my experience, when he was brought in from Greenbrier County to prosecute me in a bogus five-year misdemeanor case for battery. The Office of the Pocahontas County Prosecuting Attorney, in a bizarre move, had disqualified itself after being attacked by my certifiably crazy accuser in three illegal ex parte letters to Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Dent to influence her against me. All three unhinged letters were sealed by Dent behind my back in cooperation with Via and my double-crossing "defense" counsel when I wanted to use them as defense exhibits. Judge Dent, who used to work for Greenbrier County Prosecuting Attorney Via as his assistant for years prior to being elected judge herself, brought in her former boss as the Special Prosecutor of me, an obvious conflict of interest if ever there was one. If Via runs unopposed for the judgeship, he'll be elected, but for his and others' roles of a well-documented injustice in West Virginia's former 11th Judicial District see the book Pocahontas Show Trial -- banned in Pocahontas County but still available on Amazon.com.
The review might be removed because that is how things work when the truth about an officer of the court is exposed in Mr. Via's judicial district.

The entertaining exchanges between the defendant -- me -- and Via are in the Appendices of Pocahantas Show Trial in one of the three trial transcripts I purchased, because I could, and published much to the distress of the court officers.
I was talking to Fred Streed a couple of days ago and we enjoyed a good laugh about my 5-year ordeal, dealing with several lawsuits, coup attempts, and trials for allegedly "battering" the nutcase woman, "Garlic Decrazy" -- a fugitive since I was jailed as a result of her unfounded accusation. The entire story is in Show Trial.

Read Fred's sworn affidavit, also in the book's Appendices, now linked to here on WB, and wonder why the corrupt judge would not allow this exculpatory** defense exhibit to be presented during my trial:

**The legal term exculpatory describes evidence in a criminal matter that is favorable to, or tends to absolve, the defendant. This type of evidence may justify or excuse the defendant’s actions, or show that the defendant is not guilty at all.

https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/05/fr ... -williams/
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